Whole Nation

: 2006 Cut off the clouds and sky (35)

"Since everyone has no opinion, just withdraw tonight, and everyone should go back and prepare immediately!" Inside the grassland army camp, Yelvuda fell heavily on the table, and the wolf-like eyes swept the other tribal leaders. There was a sober chill on his face, he made a decisive decision in his mouth and said coldly \\\'And I believe that even if the emperor knows our whereabouts, under such a mutation, he will never be able to gather Gather enough troops to intercept us, as long as the evacuation is fast enough, you can escape to the northwest before the imperial cavalry is covered! "

"No, young patriarch"

The tribal leaders saw that Yeluguda was really about to leave everyone and ran away, and immediately it was like a frying pan. Yeluguda was such a bad thing. If it weren’t for Yeluguda’s efforts to go west, why would everyone fall into this situation? The dilemma, now Yeluguda is going to run, but there are no candidates even behind the palace. This is to throw away the small and medium-sized tribes with tired horsepower and weak combat strength. There are 40,000 powerful Yelu family guards on the side. , Even if Yelvuda is blocked, you can break through. What should you do with this small and medium tribe!

"Hundreds of thousands of troops marched west, just said to withdraw and withdrew?" A patriarch shook his body with anger. At this time, he did not care about the rules of any tribe. Even if he was offended, he had to say "Whoever breaks, who The flanks of the cover were not fixed, and although the war horses of our tribal soldiers are all good horses on the grassland, they can’t be compared with the war horses of the guards of the young patriarch. Once the emperor began to intercept, he took the brunt. It’s the decision of our small and medium tribes and the chief of the minorities to push all of our small and medium tribes to the road of death.

"Who said no, the swarms of bees so retreated, and those who stayed behind were bitten by imperial cavalry, it was a disaster."

"Seeing the patriarchs whispering, Yeluguda's face was gloomy. The worry for the patriarchs was just a heavy muffled nostril. He put his hands down heavily and saw a patriarch want to speak. It was just a wave of hands. Think about it, the emperor is not a longevity, how can we know that our army will evacuate tonight? "

Yeluguda's voice paused and said viciously. "And this time it involved the life and death of hundreds of thousands of grassland army. Any hesitation is taking the life and death of the army to take risks. Since you already know the ambush of the emperor, you should immediately Withdraw, follow this order, all consequences, after returning to the northwest, I will naturally go to my father's guilt'

Seeing Yeluguda so determined, the other tribal leaders only received sound

"That’s it, let’s go back and prepare. The next time we meet, maybe it’s northwest.’ Yeluguda waved his hands to the tribal chiefs, and the guards on both sides stepped forward, and the tribal chiefs looked angry. , But dare not say anything, what to say! Yeluguda does not give you any opportunity to oppose. Although Yeluguda seems to have a loss of power to God, it is also a battleman killed by thousands of troops. , Defeated the master of the future Yelu family in the new capital of Linhang, Central Asia, and killed hundreds of thousands of Linhang people. This murderous and courageous body is not the only small and medium-sized children who need to rely on the breath of the Yelu family. The tribe can afford

Staring at these tribal leaders who left indignantly, a subordinate of Yeluguda retracted his gaze, took a step forward to Yeluguda, took a deep breath, and whispered, "Young Patriarch, I saw Luo Shanbu, The hands of Bai Kebu's collar were all caught on the knife. Such a person should not let go!"

"They are still needed now, and it is not the right time to dispose of them at this time!"

Yeluguda's eyes narrowed into a thin line, and the corner of his mouth smiled coldly. "I finally understand why my father wants me to come to the northwest, because the northwest are all small tribes. For my Yelu family, they are all irrelevant. , Even if something really goes wrong, you can use it as a cushion if necessary. If there is a clan here, I would not dare to do it in Yeluguda, after all, if my Yelu family wants to establish a grassland dynasty, I can’t leave it. Open the support of these big tribes, but these northwest tribes, what counts for my Yelu family!

"My father granted me the military and political power to sit in the northwest of the country. For these small and medium tribes, I can kill them in one word. What if it offends me! On the grassland, it is still the fist that is the big deal, as long as I can keep this time. The forty thousand Yelv guards, the other small tribal forces, it’s not a pity even if they are all left in this wilderness! Yeluguda’s gaze looked out of the tent, and his intention to evacuate had already been decided. Therefore, in addition to announcing the order, the chiefs of the various tribes were called to a meeting.

Yelvuda turned to his long table, picked up the map of the wilderness placed on it, and asked in a condensed voice, "How are you doing?"

"It's ready, as long as the young patriarch orders, the army can pull out," the abdomen nodded and replied.

"Okay! Go down the order, eat and drink, and after 30 minutes, the whole army will pull out of the camp, and take out the determination that when he went south to Centralbia, three days and three nights, he broke through the six cities outside Hangzhou." Yeluguda face The upper corner of his mouth showed a stubborn, he had not been very sure, but now, he has seven or eight points of assurance that he can safely withdraw to the northwest,

‘Yes’, his subordinates startled and walked away

The tribal chiefs left the discussion tent with angry faces, and suddenly the first one stood still

"what happened?"

Soon, the tribal chiefs felt wrong. The camp of the Yelu Guards outside the tent was different from the rest of the camp, but it was brightly lit and the scene was full of horses. Many battles were already carried on immediately. After the material package, the armored cavalry has removed the armor and piled it on another idle horse, one person and two horses, scouting the cavalry and even one person and three horses. Seeing this scene, a tribal leader seemed to think of something. His body shook, and his mouth was a spit of blood.

"The despicable villain, Yeluguda, you yo! You have a young patriarch like you at Yelu's house, so blind

The other tribal leaders also had a pale face, and looked away. Teana novel ⒉ How can you put a bet on such a person, this kind of benefit is accounted for, and someone who is thrown to others in danger, how can you become the master of the Yelv family! If you really become the master of the Yelu family, it will be a disaster for the whole prairie people,

"The ancient capital, you are drunk! This is the big camp of the Yelu family, not the ancient capital you can freely arbitrarily." A companion next to him pulled the blood-spitting patriarch, and the gloomy Yelu Army looked around The soldiers gave a glance, surrounded by the personal soldiers of the Yelu family, and heard the cries of the tribal leaders, and the eyes of the murderous split were swept together.

The cold sweat on the forehead of the tribal leader who scolded Yeluguda came down. He quickly lowered his head and dared not say anything. An older tribal chief stepped on the warhorse and waved to the two, saying, "Ancient capital, what else?" Alcoholic, go back immediately, it is better to run a few more steps at this time"

"Yeah, what are you scolding? With this strength, run a few more steps." The other tribal chiefs mounted their horses, their expressions relaxed. In fact, as soon as they stepped on the horses, they ran towards the camp where they belonged. The behavior of the guards is obviously that the result is known in advance and ready to escape from Qingqi,

Everyone can see that the personal guards of the Yelv family are only a matter of order

Other tribes can only rush back to prepare now. Even if all the tribes are fully prepared, it will take more than an hour, plus the delay of the previous meeting. Yeluguda has made it clear that other tribes can only be opened in the early morning hours. This time difference alone is enough to decide life and death! Not to mention, after dawn, the chance of being bitten by the emperor increased greatly. This is obviously to take the small and medium tribes to death, and want to use the small and medium tribes as cannon fodder to delay the pursuit of the emperor. Now it is really a little more delay, that is to reduce Whoever dares to delay the possibility of returning to the northwest alive!

Above the earth slope, watching the grassland camp in the distance, a rolling dragon composed of countless torches rushed out of the camp and rushed towards the east. The number is as large as three or four long fire dragons crossing the earth. Above, the hooves of tens of thousands of war horses running violently, even through the long road of the gorge

Yeluguda ran away!

The fat man sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the princess Mingyue next to him looked even ashamed. What's the situation? Yeluguda really ran away! If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, the princess Mingyue who thought that the Yelu Army was just a little bit of fur wouldn’t believe it. Yelvuda, who was holding the hundreds of thousands of grassland troops into the imperial wilderness, just ran wild with her tail, she The delicate white face, at the moment, feels that the high mountain wind is blowing on the face like a knife cut, this strong character of the Central Princess has begun to doubt life

Is it true that you are born an idiot of military command, why did you not understand this war from beginning to end!

"Paper, Yeluguda’s guards have all opened the camp and headed towards the east." Quick ride horse brought news of the grassland army below

"Submit the order along the way, don't have to worry about the forty thousand Yelv guards of Yeluguda, there is no need to waste energy on him. This prairie wolf who has scared the courage, let him go back to the northwest!" With a stunned look, he waved his hand to the imperial knight, and said coldly

"The army began to gather, and none of these northwest tribes were allowed to go away!" The fat man raised his hand, a golden falcon army flag began to be raised, and there was a popping sound in the wind. The two behind him Qianheiqi guards the left and right, like a curved arc protruding forward in the night, bringing a chill to kill

"Why not stop Yeluguda, you don’t know that compared with these small and medium tribes, the weight of Yeluguda is obviously more important." When Princess Mingyue heard that the fat man ordered not to intercept Yeluguda, a pretty face seemed to be covered with a layer Frosty, cold and arrogant, people looked at the fat man with anger

Yeluguda attacked and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in Linhang, from the royal family of Central Biya to the noble mendi. I don’t know how many people died in Yeluguda. Princess Mingyue dreamed of killing this butcher. Watching Yeluguda slip away safely, how could it be reconciled!

"What good is the empire for the 40,000 elite guards who destroy Yeluguda? As for the enmity between him and China, what does it do with our empire!"

Under the angry eyes of Princess Mingyue, the fat man dismissed the look with ease. His eyes only looked at the grassland military camp in the distance like the Milky Way across the earth. At this moment, the fire has increased several times compared with the previous one. It is obviously that Yeluguda has fled. It touched the entire prairie army's escape, the voice of human voices and horses in the distance, and even a jittery dog ​​jumped with a panic and endless breath, breaking the tranquility of the whole night

There are some things that fat people don’t want to say. No matter how Yeluguda is the only son of Yelu Hongtai, killing Yeluguda is not difficult, but the revenge that the empire has to bear is also quite terrible~www.wuxiaspot.com~The empire is in Yelu's influence There are various fixed industries within the scope, and together there are more than three or four million gold coins. Although the Yelu family has broken the agreement, it is only to embarrass the empire's commercial trade within the Yelu family's power. For these industries, The Yelv family is still relatively restrained, but if the empire beheaded Yelvuda in the wild, that is another matter. Even if Yelv Hongtai is afraid of the empire, it will be related to the empire under the pain of bereavement. Anyone or thing will give a blow to destruction. By comparison, it is a safe way to put Yeluguda back to the northwest. As long as Yeluguda dies in the northwest, it is not the fault of the empire

The empire’s lore against Yeluguda has actually already begun,

Yeluguda, who had been in the wilderness for nearly half a month, did not know that, just five days ago, the 100,000 army of the Southwest Longjia, who had originally drawn toward the middle of the Yelu family, had learned that Yeluguda was deeply plunged into the imperial wilderness. Bingfeng turned around and directly rushed to Luya Mountain, the gateway to the southwest and northwest

Two days after the **** battle of the 100,000 Southwest Longjia Army, Yeluguda left the largest Yelu Army guarding the northwest of the 15,000 people in the Luya Mountain, the gateway to the northwest, and then broke the northwestern town in a breath. Baihe, now towards the core house in the northwest region,

In the northwest of the northwest, the 20,000 cavalry of the northern royal court who had been eyeing in the direction of Yanzhou, also rushed into the northwest in one breath after the imperial defender defended the army and deliberately gave way to the northwest. At the moment of the northwest, all the troops were exhausted. , Under the attack of both the North and the South, it is already on the verge of a full-scale collapse,

Even if Yeluguda returns to the northwest, can he survive under the attack of both the north and the south, then only God knows, no matter whether Yeluguda is still alive, the dream of the Yelu family to establish a country will also be cut because of the loss of the northwest. Break (to be continued)

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