Whole Nation

: Three thousand seventy-seven Dream painting Jiangshan

The main force of the Yelv Army left early, leaving the whole grassland army in a state of chaos

"Fast, pack up as quickly as possible, and immediately pull out the camp." The prairie people in each department saw that the patriarchs who had returned from their home in Yelu's home were all like crazy, and they screamed loudly after rushing into their camp. Waving his whip and stunned his subordinates

This is also the place where tribal leaders hate Yeluguda's gritted teeth. Your Yelu family is going to go, quietly get rid of it, but all the camps that you want to engage in are known. Not only will the entire battle situation deteriorate completely, but also wait In a moment, the thoughts of nearly one hundred thousand grassland troops of other tribes were completely removed. In this case, who still wants to fight the emperor team. Once they are attacked by the emperor, they do not even want to fight, which is a situation of direct collapse. Yeluguda made it clear that he would use the entire northwest tribe as the backing for his evacuation, and made it clear that he would pit everyone into the dead.

"What are you still doing, haven't you seen it?" A patriarch pointed his cavalry cavalry pouring out of the barracks with a whip, and shouted exhaustedly. "Yeru Jun ran away! We were thrown here, and we would do it immediately if we did not want to die! "Yellow Guda ran away anyway, there was nothing to worry about at this time, and the withdrawal of the main force of the Yelu army, even if you wanted to hide it, you could not hide it.

"What, the Yelv army ran away!" This news made the prairie people around explode at once, watching the tens of thousands of Yelu family guard cavalry pouring out of the camp like tide, all the prairie people felt at once The back is cold, and the Yelu Army has run away. Will he stay here and wait to die?

Whoever falls to the end is unlucky! This is to make it clear who will leave the end in the end

There were people running back and forth everywhere, and some small tribes simply brought food for a few days, and even left all the supplies of the tent lights, and ran directly on the horse. It is at most seven or eight days away from the northwest. It is not impossible to run back in one breath. The efficiency of the prairie people is still very high. After all, they are nomads on the grassland. In order to avoid enemy attacks and bad weather on the grassland, the swift camp is a necessary means of survival, with the least supplies The small tribe is undoubtedly the fastest at the moment. Seeing that there are constantly tribes coming out of the camp, the other tribes who are still scorching their heads are more anxious to cry without tears. I have known that I will not bring so many supplies, but let them It is not reconciling to give up in this way. September is already late autumn. At most two or three months later, it will enter the winter season. If you give up these materials, what should the tribe do?

"Lost, everything is lost, life can't be saved, and what else to do with it!"

The patriarchs were all in tears and shouted loudly to the clan they were carrying, but everything was too late. They suddenly saw the tribes in front of the camp who ran back again. Behind them, the iron hoof clang exploded. In the night, the red line formed by a torch gradually stopped. It was countless torches coming from all over the mountains. The front of the fire was blood red, first to the east, then to the west, and to the south, only the five thousand light cavalry killed There is no torch in the direction of the canyon walkway. Soon, the torches spread out in all directions, and finally encircled the entire camp.

On the night of September 30, the 60,000 cavalry of the empire plus 80,000 infantry of the empire, like a sharp cold blade coming from the dark,

Rows of imperial black guard cavalry swept down the gentle hilly slopes, the horses put down their masks, and the cavalry lances had been leveled, like a huge imperial war knife, cutting off the invasion together The retreat of nearly one hundred thousand grassland troops in the imperial wilderness

Dense queues of cavalry continually emerged from the heights of the hills. From a distance, it looked like a block suddenly appeared in the black wall of the hills. The sound of horseshoes shattered the tranquility of the mountains. , Occasionally mixed with the hissing of the war horse and the collision and friction of the metal vest. In front of the long black line of black armor, the breath of the war horse brought a burst of white smoke in the cold wind, almost a tsunami-like cry at the same time Sounds, huge black lines hit, "Woo" heavy horn sound tearing the sky above the head, the earth began to tremble under the sound of the tumbling horseshoe, the encircling line of war horses like thunder was like a huge hug to break up The snow-like power of the mountain surged violently. Under the fire, the black armor of the imperial guard cavalry wearing black armor showed a fierce red blood under the fire of the prairie.

"Vertical gun!" The uniform slogan sounded, the cavalry infantry's row of chilly spears were densely packed, as if a forest had been erected at night, and the heavy metal imperial infantry shield of pure metal began to quickly act as a barrier. The array was erected, and the thick long guns dedicated to restraining the cavalry extended from the gaps of these shields, with a length of five meters, like the fangs of the fierce beast of the emperor, staggered,

The cold wind came, the prairie people were completely silly, the emperor came too fast,

"Yelüguda, you traitor!" Some people couldn't help but spit on the ground

"Don't see it yet, we were deceived by Yeluguda and sold by Yelu's family!" More people were defeated in face. Yelu's family had just left, and they all came together at once. If there is no understanding between the two, who believes ! Reminiscent of the original relationship between the Yelu family and the empire, the first thought of the grassland tribes is that from the capital to the end, the Yelu family and the empire are performing double reeds, and the goal is to bring everyone here and send them alive. Into the mouth of the imperial team

They saw countless imperial crossbowmen lined up behind the shield. What made the prairiemen feel most collapsed was that they saw the imperial thunder gods dragged by the war horses begin to line up in front, and the dark muzzle slowed down under the fire. Lift it slowly, as if opening a blood red mouth,

"God, it is the Empire Thor!"

"How to do?"

This almost completely defeated the confidence of the prairie people who still wanted to resist. Who does not know that the reason why the Yelu family can rise so fast is that the Yelu family obtained the siege of the empire Thor, which was a siege of the city. The wolf and sharp army of the eight troops of the East Court, charged at the Emperor Array in Onna, was also defeated by the Empire Thor in one fell swoop. Tian Lai Xiao said, ⒉ On the combat power, they are totally unable to compare with the wolf and sharp army of Anningen, let alone to the extent that the military heart is low to the extreme, striking the imperial thunder god, is looking for death, This has been recognized by all the prairie people, and the prairie people who were thinking about how to rush their thoughts at the moment are deadly still.


An imperial cavalry held a divine flag embroidered with a golden falcon under the gaze of a hundred thousand prairie men, just like a lonely knight, who came out of the queue alone under the public attention. In the place, the cavalry stopped the horse and pulled a crossbow to shoot a cluster of arrows towards the sky,

"Shoot" saw a cold light traverse a beautiful arc, and fell with a roaring sound in front of the prairie army at a place of 50 or 60 meters, the arrow clusters landed steadily, and the tail feathers were still trembling "brush" to see this scene The prairie man's face was whiter, and he knew that the range of the imperial crossbow had crossed the prairie bow, but he did not expect to reach 150 meters. Even the best prairie shooter is about 120 meters. Distance, that is to say, if the empire is willing, it can shoot all the nearly 100,000 prairie cavalrymen here with a crossbow and arrows. This huge gap makes all prairie people feel cold and can’t charge. Remote suppression is not as good, how to fight this battle!

The imperial cavalry glanced across the prairie man in front of him, shouting in skilled prairie language, "This place has been trapped by the 100,000 army of our empire. Within a hundred breath, put down the weapon, jump off the war horse, surrender, or die , Make a decision!"

In the silence of more than 200,000 people on both sides, the voice of this imperial cavalry appeared so clear. Since the imperial conquest of Ang and the wrong press, it is not very strange to the prairie language, and this imperial cavalry is obviously from Onna The border soldiers in the wrong direction heard the cry of the imperial cavalry, and the trapped tribes suddenly rioted, "surrender, how is it possible, we are the warriors on the grassland!" Some people shouted loudly, but all the companions around Look at him like a fool, Prairie Warrior? The guards of the Yelu family who ran faster than the rabbits did not say so, let alone everyone was just some small and medium-sized tribes who could not go down on the grassland and ran to the south to eat, what warrior, you have the ability to run to the front of the emperor and say You are a grassland warrior, don't surrender!

"Let's lose your weapons! Yelv's family has turned our backs on us, do we still have to lose our lives for the Yelu's family!" A patriarch of a small tribe's face mournfully, and a cold voice spreads across the wilderness, his tribes bow their heads, Wow, the crash of metal falling to the ground, coming down from the battle,

"Lost! Hold on, just let Yelvuda go further"

The heads of the tribes around saw this scene and looked at him. After hesitating for a while, they shook their heads and dropped their weapons on the ground. More and more prairie people abandoned their weapons, and their mouths were still there. Loudly cursing the Yelv home, if it was not Yelvuda who insisted on attacking the imperial wilderness, everyone would definitely not fall into this field,

"Wow" Soon, the sound of throwing away weapons began to roll like a wave. A large-scale surrender of the level of 100,000 people has never been seen in the history of the grassland. The prairie people who have always been brave tend to die rather than fight. Will surrender, and at this moment, this history is broken, they are already chilling towards the Yelv family,

Half an hour later, in the colder morning wind, an imperial guard cavalry flew from a distance to the flying imperial eagle flag, dismounted in front of the fat man, and hurriedly ran a few steps forward, Hong Liang said "Yuan Bao Your majesty, under the persecution of our army, the prairie army did not resist, and all of them fell!"

"Okay! Hard work"

The fat man waved his hand to the imperial guard cavalry,

"How does your majesty know that these prairie people will give up the courage of the last battle?" Princess Mingyue asked with a stunned face. She was different from other people. The Central Biya and the prairie people fought for nearly a thousand years. Who doesn't know who! It is said that the prairie people chose to surrender in the case of hard work and no results. This kind of thing is not unprecedented in the history of Centralbia, but it has never been recorded in history. The surrender of hundreds of thousands of moves is simply unthinkable. The empire had already created the miracle of annihilating the grassland army group at Onna wrong.

However, compared with the fact that the 100,000 grassland army is only to rely on siege and let the 100,000 grassland army fall without a battle, it is simply a little witch, and the error is only 50,000 wolves and sharp troops. Here is a full hundred thousand grassland army cluster. In the face of some small and medium-sized countries, the existence of ruining the country and destroying the country, such as the Yelu army crossing the river south, broke Linhang in one breath, and the force driven was between 100,000, but the result was that hundreds of thousands of Central African troops were beaten. The wolf dog collapsed as miserable, and finally lost Linhang, so that the situation in Centralbia, which had just stabilized, was once again caught in a mountain and river shake

The fat man nodded freely, turned around, and glanced at Princess Mingyue next to him, and laughed.

"The most hated thing about the prairie people is that they are betrayed. Yeluguda ignored the overall situation of evacuation. They have put these people in a betrayal situation. The most hope these people have now is to allow the empire to immediately chase the Yelv army. Kudah delayed and continued to fight"

"It's also funny to say, I have to thank Yeluguda for sending such a big gift, how can I accept it? As for this black pot, then Yeluguda came back." The fat man grinned, early in the morning behind him The cold mist flows through the wilderness like a white water, showing a wide floating dark blue hard soil,

In the distance, the eastern horizon is starting to become bright~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What would you do with these prairie people? "

Princess Mingyue bit her lip tightly and took a deep breath. The difference in judgment between the two sides in the command of war was so great that she had given up any courage to argue, and her heart was too shaken to be added. The original war can be fought like this. With four or two pounds, this person can sweep West 6 and is hailed as the **** of war. It is almost to the point of seeing the battle on the battlefield. The calculation of the enemy has been beyond anyone's imagination.

Even the hundreds of thousands of prairie people in Yeluguda were collectively collapsed by a single blow, and 100,000 people surrendered without fighting. Even in the most prosperous wars against the grasslands during the heyday of the Central African Empire, There has never been such a brilliant victory, but this person is relaxed like a palm flip

"What do you think should be done?" The fat man looked at her with interest.

"Don't look at me with this test look, I know what your majesty is thinking! I also know that it is impossible for your majesty to kill these 100,000 grassland people!" Princess Mingyue's beautiful eyes finally couldn't help but roll her eyes. With a cold face, "Your Majesty should not look down on the hundreds of thousands of prairie people. What your majesty sees is all the tribes in the northwest region behind these 100,000 prairie people. People, for the imperial wilderness that is in urgent need of a large population to fill in, is really a gift from God, and the most moving thing is the attachment of these hundreds of thousands of grassland tribes from the eastern grasslands. For the empire, it can be said that it is justified. Open a door that intervenes in the Northwest"

"Oh," the fat man's mouth slightly flicked, and it made the Princess Mingyue very depressed. She was a military idiot, but it was not a political idiot. After all, she was educated by the orthodox of the Central Asian royal family. Bad! What your eyes are! (To be continued.)

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