Whole Nation

: Three Thousand and Eighty Yanmen Chariot (2)

   Looking at the car-like wooden wall thick and tall like a small city wall in front, some of the dragon veterans who knew each shuddered a little while the recruits were covered in circles. What is this? The wall is not like a wall, there are two more wheels than the wall, and the car is not like a car. Who has seen a weird wooden car with empty side roofs?

   "Asshole, Yanmen chariot!"

   A veteran's eyes widened and shouted sternly. A burst of blaze in front flashed his retina. The veteran's shout stopped like a cut.

   I saw two iron chains striding forward at a high speed, like a huge pair of scissors. They screamed fiercely from top to bottom in the queue where the veterans were. There was a sound of broken bones, the dozen soldiers holding shields in front of them, and the veteran who led the team, as if they were hit by a huge sickle, the upper half of the body flew with a whimper, The legs and feet of the lower half were still standing there, and the internal organs and minced meat were dragged out by the cast iron chain ball for ten meters before they slammed into the collapsed soil wall.

   at the moment. The soldiers of the Dragon family can only see the situation in front of them. The team in charge of the shield in front was completely torn by the huge impact of the oncoming attack. When the iron chain ball hit the soil wall, the excellent steel shield was only distorted at this moment. It fell in the air, and there was a half-broken body behind the shield. It was even taken directly with the shield. It was like a high-speed rotating sickle that sucked everything in, and then slammed it hard, blood and flesh. Blurred, it was just a blow, and there wasn't even a fairly complete body,

Either half of the body was missing, or the hands and feet were cut off neatly, and there was blood on the opposite side of the mouth, and there was even a half-body mourning on the ground. The undead rolled in the mud, and the blood was mixed with the mud. The mournful and painful voice pierced into the ear and reached the extreme tragicly, so that all the Dragon family soldiers who saw this scene turned pale

   It was too fast, too sudden, and there wasn’t even time for reaction. What kind of weapon was in front!

Even if they are wearing armor, they still feel cold in their hearts, they don’t feel the slightest sense of security, and death is not terrible, but such a miserable death is another matter. At this moment, shoot, scream, the front wooden wall The design mouth suddenly burst out a large cluster of arrows, like a dense arrow screen hitting inside the dragon family soldiers, a blood rain swayed on the dragon family soldiers who lost the shield, and a tragic scene directly let the back The soldiers of the Long family went back together, and there was a wail of arrows in the crowd.

   Amputations of broken limbs abound, wounded soldiers lie on the ground in blood, and the unpleasant blood is disgusting.

   "What are you still waiting for, are you waiting to die, go forward, grab the opposite side and everyone will be alive"

   In the chaos, the leader of the Dragon family shouted loudly, driving the troops forward, how to block here! In the roar of piercing eardrums, the Long family soldiers dared forward, watching these thick arrows shot from inside the wooden car wall almost instantly turned their companions into ant honeycombs, dragging a burst of explosions beside them Open blood stains,

   "Forward, forward!"

During the shouting, it was finally a soldier who was leaning up. At first glance, his eyes were drawn. The wooden wall of the chariot in front of him was really abnormal. Not only is there a small iron tip that is not conducive to climbing, and the front part of the iron tip is inlaid outside. There is also a pungent smell, a shocking pale blue outside, which is not something that can be easily touched at a glance,

   And the height of the wooden board in front of him was more than two meters, making the dragon soldiers desperate to climb up to cry and laugh. Such an iron thorn, how to climb this height? What can I do if I can’t climb over

   "Everyone used to overthrow it!"

"Yeah, overthrow it!" The shout shook the sky, everyone seemed to find hope, the crowd surging, the original scattered lines gathered again, relying on manpower to roll up, suddenly a knife turned, the head Flying across, I saw rows of heavily armoured imperial infantrymen holding heavy shields and shining machetes, appearing on the second floor of the chariot, dominated by a slash of light towards the dragon soldier’s head below. The place where the sword flashed, the first part of the person was broken, some climbers who were not afraid of the iron tip were even cut off their hands, and howled to roll down,

   "Kill!" This is not over yet, and I saw the location of the shooting hole just now, a sharp pointed piercing out from the outside, the viper generally pierced the dragon soldier who leaned on the wooden wall, puff

Oops, the sound of a sharp weapon piercing, the unwilling gaze of the Dragon family soldiers struggling to push the cart, as the rifle retracted, the body seemed to be pulled out of the body's bones and fell down.

   "Be careful not to get too close!"

   There was a wounded person shouting sternly, holding the wound in a panic and retreating, trying to pull away from the front car baffle, but this effect was almost no, the body was pushed up again by the person behind,

I’ve hit here, even if I know that there is a sword in front of the fire, there is only one way forward. The dragon family soldiers managed to move forward against the fallen body in front, but the Yanmen chariot blocked in front is like a flood cut across the flood. The **** is like a cruel meat grinder, constantly reducing the impact of the Longjia army, one row of shields was destroyed, and the other row was filled up again. The problem is that such a sea of ​​people tactics is equipped with an empire. In front of the wall of Thor’s Yanmen chariot, it was like a sea wave crashing against the coast’s cliffs. It was crushed in the first blow, and then the infantry who stepped up was immediately calculated by stabbing the gun, and it was everywhere. Armor, swords everywhere, corpses everywhere. The soldiers on the opposite side of the Long Family were like a wave of tide rising from the foreshadowing, pushing desperately upwards, which had already hit the white heat,

   Crossing the battle line in the middle of Lanzhi City at this moment is like a bottomless **** vortex. With the huge agitation, the Longjia troops advancing toward the middle section were involved one by one, and the fresh life was swallowed. Only the incomplete body was spit out, and the blood flowed down the street ramp. , The corpse in front, so that the Duodelong soldiers could not stand, they could only push the corpse away on both sides,

"Rush up, rush up!" The Longjia infantry captains rudely screamed, angry roaring, the sword in their hands pointed forward, pushing the soldiers to stack up, but the wall in front seemed to be only a wooden wall, that is Unbreakable, the **** scene where countless corpses overlap, can not eat for several days, many people even rushed up, and were beaten down, layered and intertwined, Yanmen chariot! It seems to be a special vehicle with a wooden structure, but it is a worthy housekeeper of the Yanzhou Army

Yanzhou, as a barrier to Central Biabia, suppresses the first frontier of nomadic peoples in the northern grasslands. In addition to relying on the mountainous landscapes of the hundreds of miles of Yanzhou, Yanzhou also has its unique existence. The prestigious Yanmen chariot is First of all, for the southwestern Longjia in the mountainous region, the chariot is completely made of extremely hard Yanzhou iron wood, five meters long, heavy armor covered with iron skin. If it is in the mountainous region, this chariot If you can play three or four points, you can even reach the top, because the mountains are rugged and the mountains are high. The biggest weakness of the Yanmen chariot is the position above the neutral position.

To break the Yanmen chariot is not difficult, just need to stand high and shoot arrows and infantry behind the car array with arrows, so this kind of thing should be useful on the vast prairie, more than two meters high The car block, which looks thin, is actually extremely hard Yanzhou iron wood. The iron wood is tough and can survive the wind and frost for thousands of years. Even if it is a cavalry shock, it can’t be crushed by one blow. The upper and lower shooting holes of the solid car body, There is also a slanting wooden board at the top to block the falling arrows, which can be used as a shooting hole when in the long range. The close combat is the exit of the battlement and the stabbing gun. It is really a group weapon offensive and defensive,

The Yanzhou Army has been able to suppress the grasslands for decades. Whether it is a city war or a field battle, the Yanmen Arrow Cart is a must-have for the army. As long as the Yanmen Chariot is present, even if it is attacked by the grassland army, Can form battles without falling down

It's just that as the Yanzhou Army was trapped and killed by the prairie people, who would go to remember what Yanmen chariot under the slant of Daxia in Centralbia, not to mention that Yanmen chariots must use the specialty iron wood of Yanzhou. Yes, the general wood is completely unable to meet the standards for the construction of chariots. The fall of Yanzhou and the loss of iron and wood resources made Yanmen chariots completely fade out of the vision of the Central Biya, and the Empire entered Yanzhou as an empire to guard Yanzhou. General Yueshan is a senior general born in the Yanzhou Army. Considering that Yanzhou is in the interlayer between the Daizhou and the grasslands, it may become the strategic core of the outbreak of war at any time. A powerful ordnance capable of considerable combat power, it is best to be used with the empire's signature weapon Thor, the first thought, of course, is the Yanmen chariot with both offensive and defensive,

   spent a month, Yueshan ordered to cut down the iron wood, gathered the craftsmen, and finally produced 300 Yanmen chariots, after learning that Bai Wufeng was appointed as the guard of the Lanzhi city, he felt the dragon

The family will inevitably attack Yueshan in Lanzhi City and send someone to transport 100 Yanmen chariots to Lanzhi City, because they were sent along with the logistics supplies, and even the dark whistle lurking in the Lanzhi City was not recognized by this. A great killer for the Yanzhou Army,

   I am afraid Yueshan himself did not expect that Yanmen chariot will appear in the offensive and defensive battle of Lanzhi City so quickly

This is truly a convenient mobile fortress, especially after many changes and repairs in the decades of the Yanzhou War against the Prairie Army, how to use the Yanmen chariot, whether it is structurally or in use, is already perfect, now equipped The powerful firepower of the thunder **** of the upper empire turned the streets of Lanzhi City into the bones of the Longjia army. The officers of the Longjia still shouted their voices, regardless of whether the people in front were still alive. The spears immediately topped, and rows of spears piled up one after another, not only to block the enemy. It is also to block all of the retreat of one's own people, or die in the front, or stabbed by a long gun in the back. The soldiers of the Dragon family slashed the Yanmen chariot in front of them with their weapons. 'S long spear ripped open the nail, and plunged deep into it,

Long Tie, the head of the 7th Army of the Dragon Family, took the sword and pressed it in the back. "We can't fight like this. We don't know anything about the emperor, but the emperor knows us well. If we fight like this, the whole army will fall into it. I can’t beat the Lange City!"

Long Tieqi murmured badly, the blood-red long sword hung down, and the corners of his mouth were full of bitterness. From dawn to noon, there were 13,000 troops of the Seventh Army. Almost half of them were lying in the street in front. Here, the feet are heavily stomped in the blood, and the scene in front of him is like hell. Every street is full of corpses of dragon soldiers.

The Seventh Army was considered a fairly capable unit in the Longjia Army. When fighting the Prairie Army, it had defeated more than 30,000 grassland tribes with more than 10,000 infantry in one day. Lost more than 60%, but it was the First World War that shook the whole of Centralbia, the elite of the Longjia infantry, won the whole of Centralbia, also because of that war, the name of the first strong army of Centralbia was transferred from the former Yanzhou Army At the head of the Longjia army, even a tycoon like Longtie started to shake his confidence. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was really a terrible fight. The tactics completely filled with people, in the case of Lanzhi City Completely useless,

  Heavy catapults, Thor, Yanmen chariots, heavy crossbow vehicles, these weapons that were just heard in the past, all suffered once in these two days,

The elite weapons and the tenacity of the fighting power of the emperor exceeded the previous expectations. More than ten thousand dragons attacked a city that was defended by more than 20,000 emperors. They fought to such a degree. After two days of hard work, no one did not hurt. The military is not damaged, even if it is so, it still only hits the middle of the city. If it is not seen with your own eyes, who believes? No matter how many people are filled up and how many squadrons are queued up, they still feel inexplicable in overcoming the Lanzhi City in front of them. This is where Long Tie is frustrated, especially the Yanmen chariot. Know how many unruly prairie cavalry bury their bones, not really face up, you can never feel the feeling of helplessness, when your eyes are solid and abnormal baffle, the heavy infantry of the empire standing in high places do not even need to wield weapons You just need to put down the bayonet and you can harvest your head like cutting wheatgrass. What courage and courage will be so pale and weak at this moment. How can no one think of making it as a weapon against prairie people? If China has 10,000 such Yanzhou chariots, how can it not be possible for the prairie people to invade invincibly!

But the real situation is like this. It was Yanzhou's collapse that led to the collapse of Central Biabia. With everything related to Yanzhou, the entire Central Biabia felt disdain, but no one thought about it. People have been fighting for decades. If you talk about the experience of fighting grassland people, who has more experience than the Yanzhou Army?

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