Whole Nation

: Three Thousand and One

   The afterglow of the sun reflected the distant zen courtyard like a burning Phnom Penh. When suffering from the rainy season in the southwest, the Dijing West Road in the plains was bright and sunny.

The melodious sound seems to come from a distant unknown place. The fat man stands on a tall building weighing a huge bell and overlooks the whole scene of Dijing West Road. The city below the Zen courtyard expands to both sides with a main road as the center. The scale is uniform. The three-colored glazed tiles on the top of the building, a brilliant scene under the sunlight.

This is a very famous Zen Temple on Dijing West Road. It is said that its construction history can be traced back to the time of the 600-year-old Buddhist return to the east. It was the final of the generation of saint master Dai Xuan who returned from the southern fine empire where Buddhism originated. On the ground, other buildings are integrated with the main hall on the shaft, arranged in an orderly manner, separated by forest roads. Since there is a solemn sacred meteorology, a large incense burner was placed in front of the Buddhist shrine in Baishi Square, and the burning sandalwood Fragrant wood is sending out a lot of fragrance, which fills the entire space, and people's feelings can not help calming down, and they are infected with the atmosphere of the world.

Although the prairie people were cruel, they were devout believers of the gods. They entered the Central Biya area and dazzled them. Some prairie nobles began to believe in the Buddhism of Central Biya, the prairie aristocrat Lindan family stationed in this city. The family Lin Dan Kula is a devout Buddhist,

Under the protection of Lin Dancula, this holy place in the heart of Buddhists is preserved from the destruction of war. Unlike other areas near Dijing, under the rampage of the prairie people, it is almost dilapidated, whether it is the landscape of residential houses, It is still the main temple, and almost did not escape the clutches of the prairie people. It is said that the imperial monastery, which is also called the Imperial Palace of the Imperial Palace, and the Jizen Temple, not only the main beam of the main hall was removed by the prairie people, and it was used as a military account. The flagpole, even the gold inlay of the Holy Son who was enshrined in the center of the hall for six hundred years, was taken down by the prairie people and melted into gold nuggets, which was brought back to the prairie.

The ethnic group of Central Biya has always been xenophobic, but 80% of them are Buddhists. The tentacles of the empire have begun to touch the hinterland of Central Biya. Naturally, it is necessary to treat the customs and religious beliefs of the Central Biya region. Understand that hearing that this ruined Zen monastery, which is like a spiritual holy place, is in the area of ​​Dijing West Road, the fat man naturally came by himself.

"Teacher, apart from Lingzhou, Dijing West Road, the other 22 cities have been brought under the control of the empire, with a total population of more than 6 million. Among them, the young and strong laborers have the most to invest in the upcoming spring cultivation. I believe that as long as everything goes well, this autumn After that, regional garrisons can no longer need to transport food from the empire, and they can fully achieve self-sufficiency."

Brant Bonnie stood behind the fat man, with an inscrutable excitement flashing on Qiao's face. The empire took over the emperor Jingxi Road. The happiest thing was naturally her first person in charge of the Eastern Front of the empire. Controlling a wilderness, but no more than three or four hundred range of wasteland, originally Brant Bonnie had some complaints about this. Who knows how fast the situation changes, it is completely unexpected.

Because the Longjia northward broke the pattern, the empire then swallowed thousands of miles northwest and entered the strategic throat Yanzhou. These military powers succeeded, and the empire's territory on the eastern front was doubled, but the heaviest. It is still the Dijing West Road in front of you, because this is not the desolate northwest, and it can be compared with Yanzhou, which is almost all the mountains. This is a real fertile land, and it is also a throat corridor between commercial roads. As long as it is operated properly, It is more than enough to supply at least one wilderness army, and as long as the empire has Emperor Jingxi Road in hand, it no longer needs to be controlled by others. The empire can extend the business to the core hinterland of Centralbia. For the female knights who have always wanted to prove themselves It is said that compared with other large legions of the empire, who have such control of regions and forces, I am afraid that it is a family of wilderness legions.

   "Teacher, Yanmen tank really works?" Brant Bonnie seemed to think of something, and her eyebrows rose.

"I don’t know, but since the Yanmen chariot is the first-class step weapon of the Central Asian Yanzhou Army, it’s not bad to think about it. Bai Wufeng proposed to display the combat power of this weapon in Lanzhi City. If it works, It can be considered that the Yanmen chariot proposed to equip the Yanmen chariot as an infantry chariot in the imperial army, which will greatly enhance the offensive and defensive capabilities of the imperial infantry."

  The fat man turned around, took a cloak from the guard behind him, and walked towards the clock tower. In front of him was a white stone paved promenade. Under the sunset, the glazed tile roof was splendidly lit.

The big trees beside the outer passage cast shadows on the road, adding to the unpredictable weather of the Zen Academy

   "Although that is said, if Bai Wufeng didn't hold Lanzhi City..."

   "I have mobilized the Dongting Army to go south, in fact, Bai Wufeng did not guard Lanzhi City, it is no longer important." The fat man waved his hand and asked, "How is the situation in Lingzhou?"

   "I'm still talking, I just don't know what to say"

A trace of depression flashed on Rant Bonnie’s face, hesitating, and grunted and said, “In fact, the so-called Central-Afghan volunteers in the city are all bandits who were scared to hide in the mountains when they were scared. The total number is three. Four thousand people, according to the fighting strength of our army, why do they have to negotiate with them if they can be won by a single shock? And these people are too confused about the situation, claiming that Dijing West Road belongs to the Central Biya , Asked the empire to withdraw from Dijing West Road, if the teacher refused to let me, I would have long since..."Brant Bonnie looked angry

"What has been done for a long time? I still think that the things that Sirius City provoke last time are not enough?" The fat man glanced at her, and Brant Bonnie threw out her tongue in embarrassment. "I am indeed a thief, but I am not guilty, let alone a teacher. Professor, when negotiating such things, the final fight is still to see whose fist is big. At that time, attacking the Long family, did the teacher acquiesce?


The fat man's eyes were shot, and I was really afraid that Brant Bonnie would rush, so I captured Lingzhou, frowned and said after a while, "The so-called volunteers in Lingzhou, just put them there, so-called negotiations. It’s just for the Central Biya people. As long as the empire doesn’t do anything about Lingzhou, the entire Central Biya people in West Jingjing Road will not be too opposed to the takeover of the empire, and for the Central Biya people who fled to Lingzhou, the Empire also Give it all away!"

"Why is that?"

  Brant Bonnie is stunned, is such a benevolent means still an empire? If in the Obaro region, that region dared to fight against the empire in this way, immediately the army would suppress the situation and start the bloodbath directly. The empire's brutality against the rebels was enough to stop the children from crying in the Obaro region. Adult cat? If you are not too familiar with the dead fat man in front of you, Brant Bonnie will have to wonder if someone has replaced the emperor. This is Centralbia. His emperor’s black hair and dark eyes are a catch. A lot, it’s not like Obaro, it’s a rarity before it has opened up the East Commercial Road

"If you want to give it hope, you must let it despair! Lingzhou is so big, and it is still a group of unproductive volunteers. After the winter, many people have starved to death, and then a large influx of people can support it. How long? Let all the people of Central Biya in Dijing West Road have a look. What is the face of these so-called rebels before they are really in danger of extinction?"

The fat man spoke at the corner of his mouth, but his footsteps paused. His eyes fell to the end of the aisle in front of him. An old monk wearing a ruined monk's robe was sweeping the floor. A dozen Imperial guards surrounded him. When he just came, Those who did not see this old monk knew that the empire had a big man to come today, and the monk of the whole Zen Temple disappeared automatically.

   The fat man grinned, and waved his hands to the nervous guards, letting the guards go, and said in Zhongbian "Say what you want to say? Playing with the mystery is not a courtesy of hospitality."

The old monk's eyes flickered, and his calm face finally showed a certain amount of surprise. He did not expect that the emperor minister in front of him would be a Central Asian youth, and he also followed a beautiful foreign woman, his face changed. Changed, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a condensed voice, "Are you an Empire? Or a Central Biya?"

   "Naturally is an empire!" The fat man said surely

   "You are the biggest here?" the old monk said uncertainly

   "It's true!" The fat man shrugged his shoulders, and was able to sweep the monk alone and naturally incomparably under the murderous Empire guards. How could it be a simple character! It’s just that from the old monk’s body, the fat man can’t feel malicious, thinking that since this is a Buddhist holy place, it’s hard to say how many highly respected monks will lurk. Although the empire is not afraid of offending people, there is no need to start with a monk who is not threatening.

   "Since you are the biggest, then your orders are also the most effective, are you?" The old monk's eyes were dry and his eyes were sharp. "If I ask you to do something, should it be possible?


"It's hard to say, at least you have to know what's going on? In case you want me to cut my head, do I also cut it?" The fat man's mouth twitched with a smile, and the old monk in front of him might be It's really been too isolated from the world for so long that even some conversation strategies don't even exist. In such a person, the fat man has a sympathy in his heart.

   "I don't need to kill, but to save you, I hope you can order the release of Lu Ziqiu" The old monk hesitated,

   "Lu Ziqiu?" The fat man froze for a moment. Who is this? Anyway, he is also the emperor of the empire, and he has such a clear meaning. Are you trying to put someone alone? do you know? You are passing by the biggest opportunity in your life

   "Teacher, Lu Ziqiu is the leader of the Central Biya Volunteers in Lingzhou" Brant Bonnie kindly reminded

"Isn't the leader of the Lingzhou Volunteer called Hu Hua? How did he become Lu Ziqiu again?" The fat man's head was a mess. He remembered that the leader of the Lingzhou Volunteer in the report was Hu Huacai. Why did he jump out and see Lu Ziqiu? Asked by Brant Bonnie, I was curious to know that the leader of the Central Biya Volunteers in Lingzhou was indeed Lu Ziqiu

   But this Lu Zhiqiu was caught alive by the prairie people half a year ago, and is still being held in the prairie people's death cell. Now that the empire takes over, it is naturally in the empire's big prison. It really is. . . . . The fat man couldn't help but want to laugh. He was trying to let the Lingzhou Volunteers fill the people. I didn't expect that there would be more wonderful chips in his hands. If Lu Ziqiu was put back, Hu Hua would not be willing to let it out. Ah, it was the prairie people who put their heads on their heads. When they were bosses, they lived in danger. Now they are replaced by an empire, and they have taken a laissez-faire attitude towards Lingzhou. When a good life comes, who would like to let it out?

   "It's not impossible to release Lu Ziqiu, but just let it go in vain, and it's a bit unreasonable!"

The fat man touched his nose. Everyone who knew him knew that this was a bad idea full of stomach. At this moment, "Ding! Ding! Ding!" Came from the main hall, and the sounds all around suddenly stopped, one by one the monk, Yu Guan came out from the main hall behind the bronze hall with two palms together, led by a monk with a frightening figure, wearing a gray robe

   "Monk, do you want to die?"

Brant Bonnie’s fair and delicate hands had quickly pulled out the Imperial War Knife wrapped in red silk on his waist, the blade pointed directly at the old monk, the sharp blade was only about one centimeter from the old monk’s neck, cold Even the skin has been cut open, blood beads have oozed out, and the old monk does not move, but closes his eyes and puts on the way to let the meat cut

The nearby imperial guards collectively pulled out the sharp swords, and pointed an imperial crossbow that had been pulled away from the bow to these unintentional Zen monks. As long as the other party was close to 20 meters, it was a massacre. I saw these monks, neat. The open space between the bell towers is arranged in more than ten rows. Although the number of people is large, they do not hear a little.

   "What do you mean? The fat man waved his hand to stop the guards from starting.

"Please don’t misunderstand this lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will never participate in the disputes, and naturally it is not likely to be harmful to the lord." A tall and handsome monk walked out of the hall and stood in the white stone of the hall. Top of the order. "We just want to ask adults to let Brother Lu Ziqiu go. Although we don’t know the empire, we have our eyes on it and we can see that since the empire entered Dijing West Road, it hasn’t caused a **** storm like the prairie people. This is much better than the prairie people. As long as the empire promised to release Brother Lu Ziqiu, I can use the lives of the entire courtyard to protect the Zen Temple. Brother Lu Ziqiu will never fight against the Empire anymore."

   "Okay, you can let people go, but the Zen Temple also needs to do something for me"

  The fat man sighed with difficulty, and he could see that this person was the host of the Extinct Zen Academy, but he didn't expect such a young and handsome show. He has a slender figure and a straight nose, which makes him very personal. The curved curve of the upper lip and the slightly raised lower lip, even more embodies a kind of indescribable calmness, there is a kind of unprecedented divine light, the expression is neither weak and weak, nor is it the domineering person above, but teaches People look comfortable and natural, but what makes the fat man feel the most stressful is the other person's eyes, which are so deep and unpredictable that they can make anyone's life unpredictable and not underestimated.

  "Adult though

"When the empire agreed to let go, the monk could not help but eagerly ask

"In fact, this thing is not difficult for the Extinct Zen Academy." The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly raised, and he paused deliberately. "I just hope that the Extinct Zen Academy can make a momentum for the empire and those who died in Central Biya. It’s just a huge deal of supernatural power!”

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