Whole Nation

: Three thousand seventy-seven Southern Lie (5)

Tang Shui stood up in the military account with a sullen face, glanced at the hundreds of attack reports piled on the desk, his eyebrows tightly screwed together, the enemy was unknown, but he could have so many cavalry clusters, or Yelu's home went south, or the emperor of Dijing West Road. Judging from the situation of the refugees, it should not be the Yelu's home. According to the habits of the prairie people, they would never watch so many refugees not catching them. The prairie people have looted the population. Habit, but there are no rumors that a large number of refugees have been looted, then there is only one option, the empire went south, although knowing that this may be the closest to the truth, Tang Shui is still in the heart of this possibility.

The reason is very simple. The Yelu family went south. Although Central Asia was weak, the Yelu family also suffered a lot of damage. As long as the people were united, they could still fight. However, if it was an empire going south, Tang Shui’s hands clasped together unconsciously. It's hard to think about it! What do I need to fight?

The Empire has a large army of 100,000 on Dijing West Road, which seems to be similar in number to its own side. In fact, whether it is military preparations, it is completely different.

The emperor’s equipment is world-famous, and everyone knows it, and his own 100,000 army, which has just completed the armor, is mostly soldiers who were recruited again after the fiasco in Linhang, that is, they participated in the drill at Sanchakou, but because of It’s not the relationship of the Dragon family. Long Po doesn’t look up to this new army. It seems that there are hundreds of thousands of people. In fact, the veterans who have really been on the battlefield are not even one-fifth, and there are 80,000 new soldiers. However, looking at the empire side is completely different. The empire is taking the route of elite soldiers and is not pursuing a numerical advantage. However, once the war is launched, the fighting power displayed can often crush the enemy.

The empire fought all the way from the northwest wilderness, and more than one hundred thousand northwest grassland cavalry frightened by the northwest land surrendered directly

With a crazy blow on the side of the Hanshui, 20,000 empire cavalrymen dared to attack more than one hundred thousand grassland troops in front of them. This made people feel incredible arrogance, but the effect was amazing. More than one hundred thousand troops in Fengtai Department were destroyed. The Mongolian Luo, who was hailed as the golden sweat of the future, was cut off. It can be said that the World War I reversed the situation in central and northern Central Asia. Such a arrogant soldier who almost swept Central Asia was pressed on the West Road of Dijing. At first, even if it was a madman like Long Po, sitting on the 200,000 Dragon Warriors who vowed to die, it was not the same as staying in the south of the big river. If the 300,000 Chinese soldiers of Long Po were still there, or they could be frank. Not afraid of a battle,

But now, Tang Shui can only smile bitterly. What he can do to stop the 100,000 Emperor Team from conquering the south, cannot rely on the 100,000 recruits in his hand, but what makes Tang Shui most depressed is that the Emperor will never go south for no reason. Yes, what is wrong with Chaotang? Such an important situation is impossible without any news. Speaking of it, because of the resentment to the ministers of the court, all the reports from the court were directly thrown into the trash. Is there really something that you have missed? Not successful? Tang Shui's eyes flickered and came outside the gate of the military account. He asked a pro-military officer standing guard outside the gate, "Where have all the Chaotang Newspapers sent a few days ago?"

"Chaotang Newspaper?" The pro army commander took a breath of cold air. After Tang Shui's bloodshot eyes, he shivered and said, "These newspapers were all thrown to the order of the army master. Stable **** shop!"

"What is my order, when did I give such an order, and what important thing is that Chaotang News, it is also related to my Central Asian secret, what is it to take the **** shop of the stable! Quick, get it back immediately! "Tang Shui said coldly. For the order that he was angry and asked the guard to throw the Chaotang Newspaper to the stable a few days ago, it seemed that he was completely thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun. The guard looked sad, what is crazy, Master? , But did not dare to have any delay, immediately ran to the stable, found Tangshui’s red horse, which was well-respected, and saw the stable’s straw paddles, scattered with dozens of news to the church, and the guard quickly ran over to pick it up.

"Operator, Chaotang Newspaper is here!" When the guard came to Tang Shui with the full of Ma Sao's Chaotang Newspaper, Tang Shui couldn't control the filth on it. He took it and glanced at him. , Turned a few pages in a row, and finally stopped on one of them, the boss with a glance at the eye, what time is this! Chaotang arrested the Li family! Li Tai was killed!

"Master, what's wrong?" The captain of the guard also felt that Tang Shui's face was wrong.

"What do these stupid civil servants want to do!"

Tang Shui looked dull. Holding the hand of the paper, he felt as if he was holding a red lotus iron. This time it was really stabbing the sky. Who catches badly, what kind of Li family! The emperor had just returned south, and did not know the situation. Did the entire Chaotang be blindfolded? Didn't the group of stupid civilians know what they did! As the general who took over the command of the Chinese army in Long Po, unlike the news of the civilians in the Chaotang, the military of China and the country still paid close attention to the actions of the north of the river, and as Long Po withdrew to the southwest, Tangshui took full power. Military power, and news from the intelligence network kept coming,

With regard to the understanding of the empire, Tang Shui passed the civilians who made cars behind closed doors,

One of the most incredible things that Tang Shui felt was that the emperor’s principal at Dijing West Road no longer knew when to change to a woman named Li Yuehua

With such news at that time, Tang Shui's mouth did not close for more than ten seconds. He knew the name Li Yuehua. Tang Shui was a four-gate valve from the Tang nationality, and he also led the royal ban. For six years under the command of the guard, how could you not know the Phoenix woman of the Li family? This is very good news.

Tang Shui also felt relieved for this.

Compared with the already weak Yelu family, the empire's threat to Central Biya is significantly greater, but now, a Central Biya, still the Li family, has captured the reins of the bloodthirsty beast of the empire, at least to allow the empire The ambitions for Centralbia have been weakened a lot. You must know that the former Brant Bonnie, although she is also a woman, has two attitudes at all. The nobility can be described as brutal, and even once the Central Aristocrats regarded crossing the river as a dead end.

Tang Shui still remembers that when Li Long was sent by the dragon to the north of the Great River Road, those who bid farewell were all sad and angry. They all thought this was the Long family borrowing a knife to kill

And now, the Phoenix woman of the Li family has reversed and generally became the empire master

It is no wonder that Li Long, who is definitely one of the best aristocrats in Centralbia, in the north of the big river, not only has not been troubled, but has also returned like a fish, and the water has risen, finding the emperor who has been missing for more than half a year, contributing to China and Belgium. The peace talks between Yalu and Yelu's family won a very precious time for the rest of the country to welcome the emperor's return to the south. Such merits, if placed in front of each other, are enough to shake the great merits of the whole of Centralbia Almost the entire Central Asia believes that the Li family will inevitably resurrect, regaining control of the central government of Central Asia and reigning the glorious century of civilian officials, it is difficult to say for decades to come

The so-called clan family is not so easy to decline. As long as the opportunity is seized, it will often burst out of the sky. If it is not because of the emperor’s betrayal in the middle, the rise of the civil service group will make the rise of the Li family unstoppable. , This is good, good thing, but suddenly turned into vicious

Has the war exploded?

Tang Shui thought more and more angry, punched on the table, with a bang, the table was smashed, Tang Shui was also a painful bite, and his heart was already cursed by the blood of the dogs who only knew the boastful civil servants. At this time, it's too late to hold the Li family. How can you still do such a thing! Killing the father's revenge is not common in China, so you can't blame the empire for fighting! Without knowing it was an empire, Tang Shui still had some confidence in fighting. Now he knows that he was attacked by an imperial cavalry. Even if he has no confidence, the Chinese-Afghan army is not like a dragon family who was born like a fire. The army, most of them are temporarily recruited southern civilians, have not been on the battlefield

Feeling the seriousness of the situation, Tang Shui shook his head and gave up an unrealistic fluke. After all, he was worthy of being an army general, and he would not hesitate to make up his mind again. If it is really emperor south, what is most needed now is not to consider how To block, but must immediately withdraw the army, in order to block the southward migrants, Tangshui's 100,000 army was scattered in the Yangshui River Basin,

"Submitting the order, the whole army moved closer to Deyang as the center line" Tang Shui ordered to the captain of the guard

"Operator, if all move closer to Deyang, then the migrants will flow into the Yanghe area, and the fields of Chaotang adults are afraid of it?  WwW.suimeng.lā..." A subordinate who heard the order was stunned, The reasons for retreating to the Yanghe area were not very clear to the soldiers, but the generals still knew

"Implement the order!" Tang Shui's voice was chilling and suffocating. The subordinate's face stomped his feet in pain and ran away in anger. Tang Shui's eyes showed a killing intention. Tang Shui knew that his subordinate was looking for When those people go, the other party is so blatantly not looking at himself in the eyes, or just relying on someone behind him,

Soon, the officer appeared in front of Tangshui with a dozen other officers,

"What's the matter with you?"

Tang Shui looked at these people, his lips slightly slipped away. Most of these officers were the children of Chaotang's aristocratic giants. They had close ties with Chaotang. He had never respected his military leader. They didn’t dare to show their heads one by one. Now that the dragon broke back to the southwest, they took over temporarily, and these people came out very timely. As the children of the ministers, as long as they can keep these good fields, they will be promoted back. The opportunity of the family, at least, can be transferred back to Beijing, no longer need to be stationed on the front line as a field force like now, and may face strong pressure from the north of the big river at any time. The tragic situation that survived

"I heard that the commander had just ordered the whole army to retract Deyang?" A white-looking young officer stood up and asked daringly. "The commander ordered the whole army to retract Deyang. Does he explain it? Even if the military owner is from the Tang nationality, but it is so unwise, once the entire court that provokes is hostile to the adult, even the emperor is afraid that it will be difficult to protect the adult."

"Yeah, please ask the army to withdraw the order. The army must never retract Deyang!"

"A huge army of tens of thousands of people, even being scared by some little hair thieves, scared the whole army to retreat. If it spreads, it may be harmful to the reputation of the adults!

"You just want to tell me this? I know, let's go down!" Tang Shui's breath changed the face of these spoiled officers, and these officers shrank back slightly under Tang Shui's eyes. After seeing this scene, Tang Shui's eyes narrowed slightly, and he even showed a little disdain. Such a soldier is actually the backbone that the Central and Afghan Army has to rely on, but it is also true. The family army is gone, and the rest are all gangsters. Although Tang Shui was born in the Tang family, because of his special status, he was trained according to the Wuchen

"The military master, these Liangtians are Chaotang adults. Just because they suffered some small attacks, they ordered the whole army to tighten the defense line. If Chaotang is responsible, the military master will be afraid that there will be no benefit. We are also for the good of the military master. Don’t go wrong again and again!" Seeing Tang Shui unmoved, the children of these ministers were also anxious,

"Good for me?"

Tang Shui was enraged by this sentence, and his eyes swept the ugly faces of these officers, and he could no longer suppress "Do you know! If I guessed right, this time we attacked the imperial cavalry, the imperial army at the moment I’m afraid that I’ve crossed the big river, and I’m pressing towards it! If I don’t take it back, under the raid of the imperial team, my 100,000 Central and Afghan army will only seem to have encountered a storm in a moment. It was cut by the sweeping, if the empire went south, if it could not be stopped, prepare to move to Beijing again! When is this time, what fields do you still manage!"

"Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~The empire has gone south?" The officers' faces changed when he heard Tang Shui's anger.

"The military leader, the empire is going south. Isn't this too impossible? The empire has no reason to go south..." The officer's face couldn't believe it

"You still have a face to ask! Chaotang arrested the Li people, are you completely blind?" Tang was angrily angry, but instead smirked angrily, raising his hand and throwing the found Chaotang Newspaper on the table to one of them. At the foot of the officer,

"Is it because of this newsletter? That officer picked up the dirty Chaotang newsletter, glanced at his nose, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "The leader is too much, just arrest the Li family. The Li family is no longer the same as before, even if it is caught, it’s nothing. . . . . . "

"Extremely stupid!" Tang Shui said with a somber face like water, "Do you know who is the emperor in charge of Dijing West Road now?",

"This, I heard that it was a woman named Brant..." The officer was stunned for a while. The incoming army was originally mixed up. Who will pay attention to this, not to mention the emperor in charge of Dijing West Road, with How much do you have a relationship

"That was before, and now it's the Li family Li Yuehua!"

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