Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty Nan Fenglie (6)

"Li Family Li Yuehua. WWW.SUIMENG.lā..."

As soon as Tang Shui's words came out, the whole scene was suddenly silent, and the officers who relied on the background of Chaotang didn't look right

"The military master, is the information wrong?" The officers asked anxiously, "What is the important position of Dijing West Road, almost the core of the empire's power in Centralbia, how could it be controlled by a Centralbian woman?"

"As a soldier in Centralbia, no one even knows who is in charge of the empire across the river. I should say what is good for you!"

Tang Shui picked up a secret report on the table and threw it heavily, sneering with a gloomy face. These guys who thought they were backers were all forced into the hall by the dignitaries, and the Long family looked down on them. Right now, the imperial cavalry have already hit their eyes, and they are still lucky here. At this time, as long as they are not fools, they all know that the empire went down south this time for the Li family.

The officers stooped to pick up the secret report and opened it, all of them stupid. The secret report mentioned that the empire adjusted the person in charge of Dijing West Road from Brant Bonnie to Li Yuehua

"Li Yuehua! Li Family Phoenix!"

Some officers murmured with a bluish face. Li Yuehua was the daughter of Li Tai, the former patriarch of the Li family. He was still famous among the nobles of Chaotang, especially when Li Yuehua escorted the princess Mingyue to Centralbia as an empire special envoy, but Shake the entire Chinese and Tibetan Chaotang. Chaotang also used that opportunity to push the Li family from the position of the head of the hundred officials.

Wasn't there news that this Li family woman was imprisoned under the empire? How could it be in a blink of an eye. . . . . Some officers said unbelievably

"Although I don't know the details, but the information should not be wrong, indeed this woman can't be wrong! Now you should understand, why should I order the whole army to withdraw?" Tang Shui waved his hand coldly and interrupted After the officers’ discussion, he sighed a long time. "To be honest, I don’t know what Chao Chao thought. The Li family is already much worse than before. Even the patriarch Li Long was forced to the north of the river. The Li family, what threats are there to the Chaotang people, why should they be so impatient to put the Li family to death, what is it for!"

"This one....."

The arrest of Li Jia by Chao Tang was originally a temporary intention, just to drive Li Long away. The ministers of Chao Tang also thought that they could offend a lost Li Long. What can we do? Everyone thinks so, so they didn’t go to heart. Even with a blissful attitude, Li Fan, the Li family of Quan Qingchao Tang, the first hundred years of high-ranking civil servants, regarded the world's scholars as the Li family of his disciples! Now it’s not the same, let them squash and round, without the support of the emperor, the Li family is a phoenix that is not as good as a chicken. The Li family wants to be unlucky. Not only did no one come out to say a word, they even thought that the Li family downfall could bring How much benefit oneself

Suppressing the resurrection of the Li family is the emperor's meaning, and it is the consensus of the entire Chinese church. Even if it is the Li family, it must be accepted

But now, someone suddenly tells them that in the most powerful empire, a woman with a Li family background has climbed to an unimaginable position. The emperor in charge of the emperor Jingxi Road, Emperor Jingdi, has hundreds of thousands of imperial troops under his command. It was like a slap in the face of everyone, the Li family had such an opportunity,

Why didn't any news come back! The officers asked themselves, all of a sudden the body was slightly shaken, it seemed that something was wrong.

"It seems that you have also found the problem." Tang Shui's cold eyes swept the officer's ugly face, knowing that the officers also thought of it at the moment, and sighed. "I, the Central Asian side, have invested considerable power in the north of the great river. , Built up a spy network with good integrity, but after the Long family entered the main court, in order to fight back against Dijing, it took a lot of hard work and funds to build it, and the empire has exchanged such important information for the person in charge. There can be no trace of it. Yes, everyone is not confused, Long Po only took away the 200,000 Dragon family, but no reason to move us?"

"That's because, Long Po knew that the empire was going south, and we would all die!"

"Adult means..." The officers were stunned, and some people showed a sudden,

Tang Shui's voice paused, and his sullen face sternly said, "We can't see it anymore. We were all sold by the Dragons! Our news was deliberately truncated. Under false intelligence, Chao Tang will inevitably make wrong judgments. Actually, I just thought about it

"Although I don't want to admit it, this should be the truth. It is not how confidential the empire exchanged the responsible person, but because the news from the north of the Great River Channel could not be passed at all. It was a spy network organized by Long Po, All the key personnel are the disciples of the Dragon family. The emperor returned to the south. Tens of thousands of refugees swept south. The court was already overwhelmed. In this case, as long as the Dragon family was willing, the news of the north of the river should be cut off. It’s a breeze, and I dare to assert that before the Long family retreated to the southwest, the news was completely cut off. As for the information we saw later, it was modified by the Long family, so the Chaotang party didn’t even know, The Empire has replaced the person in charge at Dijing West Road!"

"Dragon family!"

Everyone was shuddered by Tang Shui's words. No one expected that the Long family withdrew their troops and even had this hand. It was simply too poisonous. The Long family withdrew southwest. The spy network would certainly not be left to Central Asia, as long as it is a little blocked, it is too easy to suppress this news,

Southwest, Guanglinchuan,

Since the Long Family entered the main hall, and transported a large amount of materials to the southwest, especially the waterway bears most of the transportation, the port of Guanglinchuankou has become more and more busy. Guanglinchuan was originally a land of huge lakes formed by the convergence of waterways. In order to prevent the western mainland waterway from entering Guanglinchuan, the Long family spent a full thirty years, using millions of manpower to construct the waterway dam mouth in Guanglinchuankou, hoarding the water flow, and wide and wide Lindahuze was formed in this way. With this wide lakeside, the waterway center position of Guanglinchuan was established, and the surrounding land involved in Guanglindahuze became the largest grain-producing area in the southwest.

It’s May now, and the green seedlings are on both sides of the Huze waterway. They are all looking like blue, floating in the wind, surrounded by large and small ships, and the white sails are like the dense white clouds in the sky reflected on the water. The merchant ships one by one kept orderly docking and unloading a lot of materials. These ships are all Song nationality ships.

After defeating the Song nationality, although the Song nationality’s large fleet was not detained in the southwest, there were still more than a dozen large ships captured by the southwest dragon family. After the dragon family entered the main court, the Song family was eager to suppress the south. The riots, and took the initiative to send 30 large ships to the Long family, and finally replaced the Long family’s promise not to interfere in the southern mountains within five years.

On one of the big merchant ships, a stout middle-aged man was standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the distant banks of Huze in the distance. Pieces of green seedlings reflected in his eyes. , And finally did not arrive here in Daze, Guangxi, so this is also the biggest hope for the entire Southwest this year,

Now it looks like the situation is gratifying,

"This year, the water in Guanglin Lake rose in spring, and the flooded area far exceeded that of last year. The fertile sludge brought directly covered the range of more than a hundred miles. If everything goes well, the grain output of this year should be able to guarantee the use of the Long family for two years. I’m old, and that’s all I can do!” A white-haired old man came up from behind, wearing a single-clothing suit, and looked at the young seedlings on both sides of the lake with relief

"Uncle, in fact, you don't need this. The battle of Lanzhi, the defeat of Kaishan, is not entirely due to the problem of command. You know, the emperor who commanded the imperial army was the emperor." The stout middle-aged man looked at the old man. , There was a touch of emotion on his face, this person is the dragon family owner Long Po, and the old man is the only surviving dragon mountain in the last generation of the dragon family

The battle of Lanzhi, the defeat of Kaishan, the disintegration of more than ten thousand dragon families in Longshan by the empire, Longshan was discouraged, and not only returned the southern military power to Long Po, but also no longer involved in the military actions of the Dragon family. For such an experienced veteran to withdraw, Long Po naturally tried his best to retain it. In the end, Long Shan still did not agree, but invited him to come here to care for the elderly in Daze,

"The owner doesn't need to persuade anymore. The army is defeated. How can I be blameless? I am quite satisfied to be able to come here to support the elderly!" Longshan waved his hand, interrupted Long Po's persuasion, and grinned. "I heard that Biya Chaotang detained the Li family, and forced Li Long to death. I don’t know if this is true! Chao Tang did this. Why is it true? You are also the prime minister of Chaotang. You should know some of it."

"Oh, this should be true." Long Po hesitated, and suddenly became fierce, and said in his mouth, "In fact, I had expected Chao Tang to move the Li family, because the emperor was extremely afraid of the Li family, even Li The great power like Long is still abandoned like a broken shoe, obviously because the Li family has a secret that makes the emperor fear. The greatest possibility is that the emperor has disappeared the mystery of whereabouts for more than half a year. I will sleep and sleep!

"You know..." Longshan Cang's old face showed some surprise, as if he felt something from Long Po's words, his eyes flickered, and he looked at Long Po and said, "This won't be yours." Arrange it, the Emperor Biya in the hall disappeared for half a year after Linhang was broken, and there was no news. Suddenly, he was found by Li Long who went to Dijing. Naturally, the emperor said that the emperor had Chinese luck. When the evil happened, he was rescued by the fairy in the middle of the wandering. He stayed in the mountains for half a year and waited until the storm subsided. He happened to meet Li Long. This kind of kid who didn’t even believe was a three-year-old child. The story is to confuse the civilians who think that the emperor has suddenly turned. Don’t say that my dragon family is the entire church, and who will believe it, but in the face of this huge power from the dragon, they all pretend It must be this attitude, and finally you promised the emperor to return to the south..."

"Since my uncle asked me, I wouldn't hide it, yes, although it wasn't my arrangement, it was caused by me!" Long Po nodded affirmatively. "Some people feel that Li Long's luck is extremely good, but But I think that Li Long is not lucky. This is someone who has found a way to die and knows the emperor’s secrets. Since ancient times, several people have been able to end well. Kicked off Li Long, the minister of the first return to the south, and let Yu Fenglong get cheap, so it can't explain the emperor's hatred for the Li family, then it is really deceiving. Once the emperor returns to the south, he may be the first one. The Li family is the one to deal with"

"The emperor dealt with the Li family, and I am afraid that there is no benefit to the Long family. You can do what is not good. Do you only do it to vent your anger?" Longshan glanced at Long Po, who is worthy of being a mature person. His nephew's nature is too clear. Unlike his elder brother, Longyang, Long Po is an extremely practical pragmatist, while his brother Longyang is an idealist, and Longshan is a pragmatic, so he is the owner of Longyang. The era has always been in conflict with Longyang, but the relationship with this Long Po is quite good. The purpose of the two people's work is based on the Long family, not the interests of Central Asia. This is also Long Po leading 100,000 troops. Lin Guangchuan launched the northward advance, but gave the responsibility of keeping the southwest to Longshan. Although Longshan lost a lot of battles with the empire in the end, losing 100,000 dragons, Long Po did not really punish Longshan, still guaranteeing The position of Longshan's pulse in the army

"Uncle knows, who is the person in charge of the Empire at Dijing West Road now?" Long Po mouth showed a mysterious smile.

"I heard it was a woman named Brant Bonnie." Longshan felt a deep sense of conspiracy from his nephew's smile and hesitated.

"That was before. Brant Bonnie was attacked in Dijing and was injured and cultivated. Now it is a Central Biya woman named Li Yuehua who is in full charge of the empire affairs!" Long Po laughed suddenly, "Li family..." ... Li Yuehua!" Longshan's memory is excellent, he whispered in his mouth, I feel the name is quite familiar, inadvertently flashed an incident that shocked the whole of Central Asia ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly fell down He took a breath of air, "Isn't this the old bastard's daughter of Li Tai! That rumors that the Li family had a phoenix at that time, and it once made the royal family of Centralbia moved their minds, and finally even the Zhang family joined in, even if it was The Long Family in the far southwest is only what we have heard."

"Yes, it is Li Tai's daughter! Chao Tang dealt with the Li family. How will Li Yuehua of Dijing West Road stop? If Li Yuehua is angry, the empire will move. Although the emperor has not stated clearly, the meaning of supporting the Li family is already It's quite obvious that Centralbia's fight against the Li's family was just hitting the emperor's face

For the most terrible opponent, Long Po is really too clear. Blood to blood and teeth to tooth, this imperial emperor's must-have means has already been proved by the head of more than 100,000 Fengtai Departments on the side of Hanshui,

Once the Li family is really injured by Chao Tang, the emperor's army may go south 100%! "Long Po laughed very happy. Every time he thought of this, he used a kind of uncomfortable feeling. The group of ministers who added special plugs to themselves didn't even dream of dreaming. They also added a block to them. And it was quite deadly,

"Uncle, if you say that my Long family and the empire are attacking Chaotang at the same time, forcing Chaotang to use the four provinces near the southwest as a truce condition, how likely is it to succeed?" Long Po said with a bright voice.

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