Whole Nation

: Three thousand seventy-nine Nan Fenglie (7)

The rain jumped down from the huge eaves that had just been completed in the Asia-Pacific Pavilion in China and Belgium, converging in countless streams along the fifty steps in front of the Pavilion of the Pavilion. The inside and outside of the hall has been changed from the eunuchs of the former **** to the guards of the sword. In this gloomy weather, there is a breath of blessings.

The Emperor’s South Guichao Hall was the capital of the Emperor. Although the Taige Hall in front of him was completely incomparable to the Ming Palace at the peak of the former Emperor Jing, it was also according to the specifications of the original Imperial Palace. The handwriting at the time of the temple was originally intended to be used as the dragon family's enthronement ceremony. On the sides of the three hundred steps that flowed down like a waterfall in the rain, the twelve giant warrior statues representing the number of celestial poles, like a sword pointing straight to the sky The top represents Long Po’s determination and courage to counterattack Emperor Jing. Long Po even asked the generals of all armies to attend the palace on a daily basis. If they stood at the gate of the temple, they looked in the direction of the dragon. Prosperous Land, Dijing

At this moment, there was also a pair of eyes looking at the rainy sky, and hearing the footsteps behind him, the emperor of Zhongbia turned back from the rain-like pearl-shaped Tai Chi pavilion window, and the blood vessels under the skin became his heart. The channel of scorching emotions, whose eyes fell on Yu Fenglong, who had just entered the Taiji Temple, asked angrily, "What the **** is going on, there are rumors out there that my land of water has completely become my hall of worship The private property of the ministers, the Chaotang army went to raise water to protect the private fields of these ministers, but they ignored the lives of millions of refugees from the south, so that the countless people died along the way. Is this true?"

"Your Majesty said that the ministers raised the water and the private land, and the minister was just aware of it!" Yu Fenglong's face changed, and he nodded under the almost grim eyes of the emperor of China.

"So, you know, how dare they do that! That's the largest grain-producing region in southern Central Biya, and I deployed military guards. I thought that as long as it could be dragged to July, there would be food to save the refugees. "These life-saving fields have become their private property, wouldn't it be necessary for me to buy them with them at that time!"

"I transferred back the army to the Yangshui area to keep the most important production area in the south. It is still in mid-May. It is still a month and a half before July when the grain is mature. Brushed down layer by layer in various parts of the country, and after a month and a half, it’s hard to say if it’s less than half.”

The voice of the emperor of Centralbia paused and sighed, "If all the refugees from the north stay, the pressure is too great, it is better to migrate to the south and mix into the southern mountains, even if it will lead to fierce resistance from the southern mountain people, but at least it can The southern mountain area occupies the next large area of ​​land, so there are so many mountain people in the south. What can we do in the face of the millions of migrants rolling southward? The biggest advantage is that my country has reduced the pressure on resettlement and can be in vain. I got a large area of ​​land in the southern mountains, but now, the land of water is full of private land of the minister. Without these food support, I still talk about migrating to the south."

"Your Majesty Wisdom"

Yu Fenglong was stunned, but he did not expect that the emperor who abandoned Dijing and fled twice, could still have such eyes and plans.

"What's the use of wisdom, now they are completely destroyed by these people's greed!"

The emperor of Centralbia was desperate to beat a fist on the table in front of him. Although he did not care about the lives and deaths of those refugees in his heart, he was still quite complacent about the title of Saint. In order to make up for the bad influence of discarding Dijing the first two times, he was also Finally, I came up with another method of compensation,

Since it is unable to go north, then go south. Compared with the prairie people with the sturdy longbow and fast horses in the north, it is undoubtedly easier for the mountain people in the southern mountains. Since ancient times, the so-called king, the first thing to see is to open the frontier. As long as the land can be opened, there is no difference between south and north, not to mention that if you can really take down the mountains in the south, you can not only complete the dreams of the emperors of the past centuries, but also truly realize the southern part of central south africa Unification, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is right in front of your eyes,

Looking at the angry face of the emperor of Centralbia, Yu Fenglong hesitated and lowered his head to say, "Your Majesty, the minister said something unpleasant. His Majesty returned to the south, and the power of the court seems to have been returned to His Majesty's hands, but His Majesty left after all. For some time, to execute your majesty's orders, you need the ministers. The land of raising water is also a grain production area. This year is gone, there will be next year. This year, all will be given to those ministers. use"

"What's more, at the beginning, the dragon family covered their flames, and the ministers of the DPRK and China believed that if they did not press down again, these warriors would not turn upside down, and mobilize the army to defend the water, so that those warriors knew what their duties were, and they were absolutely not allowed to appear A Dragon family, as long as the situation is stabilized next year, the power of the DPRK and China is in the hands of His Majesty, and it is not a word to take back the private fields of Yanghe."

"Say that, what if the military is in trouble?" The emperor of the Central Biya asked with a slight frown. "The Long family drew out 200,000 Chinese and Abu Dhabi troops, and the remaining 100,000 people can be said to be Central Abu Dhabi. Once the last military force is in trouble, the Chaotang side may not even have the power to suppress it! "

"Your Majesty is too worried. When the dragon broke through and expanded the army, in order to threaten the ministers to do their utmost for him, he once threatened the children of the ministers to join the Central African Army."

"The Long family retreated to the southwest, and the children of these ministers have stayed, so the remaining 100,000 people can also be said that the children of these ministers can't be overstated!" Yu Fenglong listened to Centralbia The emperor's words, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, explained disapprovingly: "In fact, even if your majesty did not order the army to call back the water, the army will eventually return to the water!"

After listening to Yu Fenglong's words, the emperor of Centralbia finally had a more relaxed face, which is indeed the case, and now the priority is to stabilize the church. After all, he has just returned, and the power of the church in China is still captured in these. In the hands of the ministers, if both sides were really forced to turn their faces, the consequences are unimaginable, and the emperor who went to Centralbia also believed that although the Dragon family had withdrawn to the southwest, it was also very bad for the Wuchen to enter the main court. For example, once the warriors really follow the example of the dragon family, they will be miserable. Although the literary ministers have a self-organized group, they naturally give the emperor the key to mastering checks and balances.

This is why the emperor of Centralbia likes to suppress the warrior with the bureaucracy. The power of the bureaucracy comes from the emperor. No matter how arrogant the vassal is, everything will be resolved with one will. The warrior is another matter. Outside, there are even more indiscriminate forces. Once there is resentment towards Chaotang, it may be a large-scale sword-slaughter war. Even if it can be suppressed in the end, it will be hard to escape the record of fate in the history of China.

"Your Majesty, Lord Tang Shui's emergency military newspaper!" A court attendant walked in from the door, holding a most urgent red newspaper in his hand

"Let there!" The emperor of Centralbia waved his hand in disregard. When was Tang Shui coming to chaos? Don't even think about it. It must be those military generals who are for the ministers in Yangshui. Morita is dissatisfied

Seeing the thoughts of the emperor that the emperor did not read, the palace pavilion quickly said, "Your Majesty, the person who came to deliver the letter said that it was a battle report, and the empire went south!"

\'"What! The empire went south?" The emperor of Zhongbia shuddered a little, like a tail burned by fire, and quickly walked over to take the copy and its newspaper from the court attendant, opened it and read it again. , Li Family, Li Yuehua? The Emperor of Centralbia's face is getting more and more ugly, holding the hand of the newspaper, shaking slightly, feeling like he was hit by a thunder on his head, and his white hands were tight Grabbing tightly, my eyes are filled with near collapsed eyes,

It stands to reason that the empire fought without a declaration, morality should stand on the side of Central Biya, but in Tang Shui's report, the cold sweat that made the Central Biya emperor look down

Tang Shui mentioned above that besides the Yangshui area has suffered a large-scale raid by imperial cavalry, it also said that the empire went south and Chaotang had a direct relationship with the disposal of the Li family. Li Yuehua, the general head of the empire in Central Biya, was the Li family. At this moment, holding a hundred thousand empire army, like a hurricane, going south, it seems to be a post of a prostitute.

"Asshole!" The emperor of Centralbia was so desperate that he threw the military newspaper in his hand on the ground. Li Family, what's wrong? Li Yuehua is not rumored to have been detained by the high level of the empire, and his life and death are unknown. Why did he suddenly become the empire's chief in charge in Central Biya? Knowing this early, who dares to do this to the Li family? Even if he didn’t want to see the Li family resurrected, he could only hold it by holding his nose.

"This is your majesty?"

Yu Fenglong looked stunned. He walked carefully in front of the emperor. He picked up the military newspaper and glanced. The boss with straight eyes and a long mouth. This time he was afraid that it was really big. The old man, how could he not know that there is a Li Yuehua in the Li family, but it is rumored that this Li Yuehua has been secretly disposed of by the emperor of the empire. Thinking of Li Yuehua’s father Li Tai’s death in the seizure of the Li family, Yu Fenglong knew that this time, China and the country belonged to the losing party. As a child of the Li family, Li Yuehua led the 100,000 emperor to the south to avenge his father. The absolute past

"Where are Li's family now?" The emperor Zhongbia groaned uglyly. It was never too late to make up for it. He thought about whether there was any possibility of remedy.

"Your Majesty, the Li family is still in prison, but Li Tai was dead some time ago.~~щww~suimеng~lā..." Yu Fenglong wanted to stop talking, but at this moment, he did not dare to hide. The place

"What! Li Tai is dead! Why didn't anyone say..." The emperor of Central Biya has a pair of bulging eyes, his face has changed greatly, pointing at Yu Fenglong, the whole person seems to have lost his support. The **** sat on the seat. The ministers did not report to the emperor about Li Tai’s death. After all, the people who died in the seizure of the Li family were still dead. The veteran of the three dynasties, the emperor’s teacher, was known as a student. Li Tai, the ministers of the court are afraid of the news, and the world is afraid of boiling

"Your Majesty is angry, this is also a necessity. Li Tai's disciples have so many deceased officials, and it would be difficult for Chao Tang to sue together." Yu Fenglong smiled bitterly and said, "So everyone also considers concealing this matter first. As long as the Li family’s accusation of collusion with foreigners is confirmed, it will be announced at a later time. Even if those Li Tai’s disciples want to make trouble, they will be much less powerful because of fear of being implicated, but no one thought that the Li family There is also Li Yuehua! Now I want to come. Li Longyi is the person in charge of the North of the Great River Channel in Biya, but he is coming to the south of the Great River Channel on behalf of the empire. It is full of doubts. It is now that Li Yuehua comes out, afraid It’s not just to avenge Li Tai.”

"It is said that Li Long once delivered an instrument to Chaotang, but until now, Chaotang did not see the shadow of this instrument. He suspected that someone had deliberately concealed something, which led to the current passiveness!" Yu Hong Leong's eyes flickered. At this moment, who would be so stupid as to stop the disaster? As for the documents sent by Li Long, Yu Fenglong heard that Minister of the Interior Cai Long said after a drunk at a house banquet. As for the content of the documents, Cai Long was already drunk at that time in order to express his contempt for the Li family in front of many ministers. , Let the servant burn the document in front of a dozen ministers directly,

"You mean that when Li Longnan returned, he sent a document to Chaotang?’

The emperor of Centralbia is getting more and more ugly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A pair of eyes are full of cold frost. As an emperor returning south, the most fearful thing is that he is emptied by the minister below, and now such an important document, he himself I didn’t even see it. This is a very self-explanatory question. If that document could go to Chaotang, it wouldn’t be such an embarrassing situation today, and how sinister the ministers of North Korea and China who concealed such important documents were waiting. Watch your own joke! Such people must never stay

"This is indeed the case. Baoqing House only needs to ask to know about this matter."

Yu Fenglong nodded solemnly, and sneered inwardly. Although he has become the prime minister of the empire, after all, his foundation is too shallow, and he is also relying on speculation to take advantage of his position. In the name of prime minister, there is no real prime minister, and only occasionally lifting the emperor fox fake tiger power is still a little bit effective. Among all the gangsters, Cai Long of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is undoubtedly the highest position, and the best is to kill the chickens and monkeys. Naturally, other gangsters would not face up to themselves. Originally, people who wanted to clean up characters like Cai Long needed to wait for opportunities, but now, undoubtedly, opportunities are coming. This is what Cai Long asked for. No one can blame others!

"What are you waiting for, immediately recruit Baoqing officials to come to Beijing, if there is such a thing, no matter who it is, it will never be tolerated!"

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