Whole Nation

: Three hundred and eighty-four stimulation (2)

Hajirri Island is located on the side of the southern Central Sea near the coastline. The entire island is not very large, but it has an excellent natural deep-water port. It can berth hundreds of large ships at the same time. In the chain of islands, Hagierri’s huge advantage can be regarded as unique, so it is also the dock of the fleet

At the time when the Aden Navy ruled the South China Sea in Central Biya, it had spent a lot of effort to build a large military port on Hajiri Island, but because of the harsh climate of Hajiri Island, the land was barren and it was difficult to survive, so people who migrated one after another Going back, it was once empty, but now, a large amount of materials transported from Mas Xingyue are hoarded on Hajirri Island, so when Casti has eliminated the transport fleet, the next goal is Here, Casti believes that what happened to the Imperial Navy will definitely not come here so quickly, and today’s waves are quite large, and under normal circumstances, the fleet will not appear, so it is docked at Hajiri Island at the moment The number of Aden transport ships inside is probably even more alarming. The densely packed Aden warships and transport ships, under the impact of the sea breeze and waves, the ships collided with each other with a tuk-tuk sound, and the mast was blown by the sea breeze. Akira seemed to fall down at any time. The sailor hurriedly anxiously took the rope to fix the boat. As a result, he didn't know who suddenly stepped on the air flap, fell off the sea with a bang, and disappeared completely when he was beaten by the waves. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

"It looks calm"

Casti put down the look glass in his hand. In order to seize the time, the fleet did not even return to trimming. Large waves of waves were tumbling from the sea to Hajiriel. The waves here are more than one meter high when they are the most gentle, and when they are the most violent, the average wave height is more than two meters after seven meters. The waves hitting the reefs and the waves splashing at the same time made a huge roar. People who are not familiar with this place will feel a sense of fright. The perennial strong winds around the island drive the sea water to form a violent giant wave, and the continuous waves continue The waves hit the coastline, and the waves basically passed two meters, sometimes even three or four meters, and even the most powerful, even five meters.

"Wow" The reef underneath was directly covered by the waves. When the waves broke apart, it felt as if the reef suddenly came out of the water. The giant waves beat the pier on the shore, one after another. All of the impact was sea waves and sea breezes passing by one after another, and the bushes of the port almost turned over. The Imperial Navy hasn’t been in sight for two months. Today’s waves are so big that the Aden transport ships can’t hide in the bend. The patrols on the pier move back and forth. The soldiers on the lookout post yawn quite bored, August 27 On Sunday, the imperial naval fleet led by Casti suddenly appeared on the outskirts of Hagilil Island, and I saw such a scene.

"Attention, enemies" The sentry tower on the cliff wall made an urgent bell ringing, the port suddenly became a mess, the alarm bells rang together

"what's up"

"The imperial navy, the imperial navy appears outside the port!" The huge fleet appeared on the sea, and the port was full of people running around, because the warships were sheltered in the port, and the navy sailors also went ashore to have fun , Looking at the densely packed battleships and transport ships in the port, Casti did not hesitate to order the bombardment,

Rumble...The imperial navy lined up, and one after another fired without hesitation. The shells rained down on the center of the port, bursting into huge flames. In the deafening roar, the water column Soaring into the sky, a very spectacular scene was formed in the port,

The huge black muzzle of the dragon-class battleship's main gun seems to be filled with magic. It is towards a heavy battleship 300 meters away. This heavy battleship is much higher than other battleships. The significance of the top of the mast is the triumph of Neptune. Halberd Banner, as red as blood in the wind! Like the tip of a spear in the entire impact queue, the wave was pushed forward by its huge bow

In the billowing sea, the horizontal Falcon Empire fleet spewed out black fireballs. The ray of light in the port lit the red sea. The battleship was on fire and the transport ship was penetrated and sunk. The whole port is a huge In the fountain, in the middle of the water column, there were countless pieces of wooden boards with warships flying around. The lethality of these wood chips is equally great,

Not only can the mast be broken, the sails torn apart, but also the disaster for the personnel, the screams continue to be heard instantly, and countless fire pillars interweave a spectacular and tragic picture on the sea, The unprepared Aden battleship was like a leaf in a storm. It was swept in instantly. There were flames of warships everywhere, and there were embarrassing sailors everywhere. The red flames rolled like disaster on the sea. The red palm overthrew the battleship at sea with unstoppable momentum,

The waves swelled in the port even worse

"Keep off, let me out!"

A sail of Aden heavy warship was raised, and the huge tonnage squeezed the two transport ships in front. In a flash, the salvo from the imperial navy was swept over like lightning, and the Aden battleship struggling out of the sea was salvoed. A frontal blow, suddenly the broken wood on the side of the deck flew across, and the fire broke deep into the hull and a small explosion occurred directly on the hull.

The cracked deck was exploded into pieces by fires and heat waves,

The powerful attack wave lifted the deck of the battleship like a toy, throwing all the debris above into the air, and the huge vortex caused by the sinking of the ship was everywhere in the whole dock.

The Adenian warship was torn up with a mast, and one end was inserted into the water, and disappeared on the spot on the spot. The bulky transport ship left only half of the bottom of the ship facing the sky. Because the Aden fleet ships in the port are very densely docked, the imperial navy shells have a high hit rate, as if swept by a giant sickle. The dense masts seem to fall down in rows of sugarcane forests that encountered typhoons.

These masts smashed the surrounding ships heavily. A burst of fire spread from the port to the few buildings on the island. The original fire gradually spread into a large piece. In front of and around the island pier, it was The imperial navy dragon-tooth battleships, some are attacking the port, some are cruising, and twenty-three dragon-tooth battleships participated in the attack until the entire island became a huge sea of ​​fire. From the beginning, the card Stie is holding the idea of ​​completely igniting the island

"There is no worse news than this"

The old hand of the commander-in-chief of Aden Gudyago, holding the second report just received, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window more than three meters high and looked at the outline of the crescent moon like the crescent moon outside. The towering warship mast, densely packed like a forest, pointed directly at the sky. Just under the eyes of the main force of the Aden Navy, the Imperial Navy raided the transport fleet and raided the material-rich Hajir Island, just like a sharp demon knife. The Aden Navy’s weak ribs were severely scratched. In just three hours, the Aden Navy’s convoy fleet was sunk, and the transport fleet was also devastated.

The commander of the squadron, Ektamas, died, and was fully transferred back to the transport fleet of 12,000 soldiers of the crescent moon. Finally, the less than twenty ships that arrived in Luoyan Island were all transport ships carrying officers and nobles. There are no transport ships for soldiers. It is conceivable that at this moment on the attacked sea, there must be floating bodies of Aden soldiers.

Is the enemy too cunning, or is it a fluke!

Gudjago's fingers clenched vigorously, and he no longer has the courage to chase to the end when he was young, thinking that he had wandered on the coastline for three months to find the fleet that the southern fines escaped, and finally caught The trace of the Nanxi Fleet ambushed on the route of the Nanxi Fleet, destroying the new navy built by the Nanxi people with huge financial resources. Now, he knows that the Imperial Navy is hiding in the dark. With a passable mentality, coupled with the time of naval transportation is really too nervous, Goodego is already trying his best, it is really unable to search for the most imperial navy after all, the final result is that such a big mistake has appeared, for the first time , Goodago feels really old,

"This is indeed very troublesome. The three groups of frigates, but the last and most important ship group was attacked by the imperial navy. It is also difficult to say that this is a coincidence. Your Majesty has sent investigators. I believe it will be soon. Arriving at Mas Xingyue Port, adults only need to explain truthfully," a middle-aged man wearing a red and black Aden uniform said with a worried expression

He was the deputy of Goodego who was transferred from the homeland of the kingdom last month. He is also the commander of the Mas Crescent Port Defense Force, Viscount Tomarillo, head of the 17th Army of the Kingdom of Aden, and the 17th Army is the Aden Army. A light infantry regiment with 8,000 troops. Now the Kingdom of Aden has completely transformed the Mas Crescent into a material transit port. All the supplies for the Chinese side are shipped from the Crescent Mas, so important At the core, it naturally needs an experienced old future guard. King Aden chose Goodego to sit in Mas Crescent Port, which is equivalent to depriving the Goodegoe Navy commander in disguise. The uncurved spine, at the moment, was a haunt of sadness

"Do you tell me the truth?"

Goodyear's mouth grinned and shook his head. The adjutant thought it was simpler. If such a big thing happened, how could it be just a statement? On this matter, even if he said that he was innocent, he was afraid to believe. Not many people. Instead, they are everywhere. Since the beginning of the war, he has always maintained an opposing attitude towards sending troops to Biya, but whoever listens to his own, the entire kingdom is stunned by Agaron’s words. Since the beginning of the war, how have the ministers who have been whispering to themselves have let this opportunity pass?

Even if he is not the commander-in-chief of the Navy, as the stationed officer of Mas Xingyue, he does not know how many people have been promoted. Mas Bay is the most important material transportation port for the battlefield in China, even if it is what If you don’t do it, as long as you can win the war, the credit for the Mas Bay will definitely rank in the top five.

In this battle of devotion to the kingdom of Aden, the top five achievements are at least a first-class marquis position. Such a good thing, how can an old veteran admirer take up, see It can be concluded that His Majesty the King is still a little apologetic for the replacement of the commander of the Navy, Goodego. If there is no excuse enough to make trouble, those people can only tolerate temporarily, but this time, the transport fleet is destroyed. The cruelty of is undoubtedly the best excuse for those people,

"Goodyear may be a qualified officer in his youth, but now, there is an attack on the Gulf of Mas Crescent in the front and an attack on the transport fleet in the back. What does this mean? Goodyear has occupied a high position in the navy. The worms are hungry, old-fashioned, unaware of progress and overwhelmed.

If Goodego is ten years younger, he will say unkindly that there is no dead man in war."

But the loss of 130 transport ships~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made Gudjago unable to say such a Hua, because this is enough to affect the loss of the entire battle situation. Aden's difficult situation is more difficult. The 200,000 Aden army fought in the Central Abyss area, and finally secured a foothold in Luzhou, but now such a thing has happened. The original transport ship was not enough. Now we lose one-half of the total. This In this case, there will be less materials that can be delivered to Centralbia. Winter is approaching. At this time, the shortage of transport ships will inevitably cause panic of the landing army. This is afraid that there will be a big problem.

The war to conquer Central China is related to the entire court of Aden. It is regarded by the entire Kingdom of Aden as a huge gambling game for a hundred years of national games. What came was the news that more than 10,000 Aden warriors were sinking with the ship, and it will soon be winter. Once the news that the transport fleet has been hit hard reaches the Lu family, it will inevitably cause panic for the entire landing infantry. That situation Even if it’s how His Majesty the King protects himself, he can only order himself to be arrested to calm down the anger of most people. He has given everything for the kingdom. Is this the ultimate result of my Goodago? Can’t help feeling inside. There is a feeling of self-deprecation

"Your Majesty, the Southern Battle Report" came the sound of the wheat straw being crushed heavily at the foot, and the distant sun dragged a long shadow on the horizon. The fat man took the report from the guard and glanced over it, revealing the indisputable Unexpectedly, this Casti is really good at surprises!

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