Whole Nation

: Three hundred and eighty-five winter rain (1)

The rain hit the eaves of the intertwined square courtyard next to the eyes, and fell on the ground like broken beads along the interval of the roof tiles. The clear blue stone slabs washed on the ground can see people's silhouettes, Aden Elder Elder, a large white robe in Aden, gazed at the rain in front of him. Elder Elder Aden, who had lived in Centralbia for more than ten years, knew that the rain in front of him was the last one before the winter. After a rain, the rain water is no longer hot in summer, but a little bit more cold. After such rain, the temperature in Central Biya will start to drop.

"Great elders, General Hebyye, they invited you to come to the meeting."

"Herbia? I don't want to see that butcher, take a good Luzhou, and see what has been ruined by him." Elder Agron said with a cold face, angrily said, after spending more than ten years in Centralbia, Ya Elder Glenn already had a considerable degree of understanding of the Central Asian culture, knowing that the most hatred of the Chinese people was being slaughtered. In the Luzhou War, Elder Agren insisted that the Aden Army should not start the slaughter, but This request is meaningless in front of the new head of the new country, Hebia, as one of the three marshals of the Kingdom of Aden. Although the military rank is the same as that of Cathus who died in the past, Hebia But it is a real prestige, known as Marshal Lionheart

Hebia is mainly responsible for the management of the Great Oasis in the Kingdom of Aden. As the largest barrier in the west of the Kingdom of Aden, there are more than a dozen Aden online shopping subordinate countries on the Great Oasis. Hebia can represent the Kingdom of Aden in the oasis area and deter a dozen major oasis. The dependent countries on the oasis did not dare to move at all. In addition to the fighting power of the Lionheart Legion under this Marshal Hebia, because of the cruelty of this Marshal Hebia against the rebels,

The meaning of "Lion's Heart" does not mean that it is brave to fight like a lion, but refers to its heart that is ruthless and ruthless, like having a lion, and Hebia got this title because of one of the seven major dependent countries 15 years ago. The Kingdom of Japan and Asia opposed the rule of the Adenites. The Kingdom sent Hebia, who was only the head of the army, to suppress it. Hebia spent six months to break through the king of the Kingdom of Japan and Asia, the first place that Hebia issued. One order is the massacre order. There are more than 200,000 people in the big oasis where the king of Riyah is located. Eventually, all men and women over the age of 10 and women over the age of 50 in the whole kingdom of Yaya were slaughtered. The remaining children All women and women became slave traders to the slave traders of the army. Among them, there were more than 30 princesses in the royal family of Riya, and even the mother of the king of Riya was cut into pieces by Hbia and burned in three days. Next, the Kingdom of Japan and Asia completely disappeared, and its big oasis now only dare to pass by except the ruins of the sand

And this time, King Aden transferred the Marshal Lionheart to fight against the Central Biya region. It can be seen by himself how angry the King Aden was at the death of Cathus in the hands of the Central Biya. Marshal Biya’s first order to reach Luzhou was to order the expulsion of all the people of Central Biya from Luzhou from Luzhou, and they were not allowed to carry anything. Once they were found, they were executed locally, and finally they were executed because they found other items. There are 30,000 civilians in Centralbia, and more than 10,000 Luzhou women are detained in private. After the city is broken, the slaves are arrested on the spot as spoils. This is the custom of the Aden Army.

It’s just that there are no slave traders here, and the captured slaves cannot be turned into money, so the Aden army’s ups and downs are not very willing to capture the slaves, which even affects the enthusiasm of the whole army.

After all, compared with the fact that officers can get military power and promotion from victory, ordinary soldiers fight for loot and hard work. Hbia, who just took over, obviously knows this and changes the massacre to expulsion from the city. The way of doing things is to indulge the blatant plundering of the subordinates. This command was issued, and even caused the morale of the whole army to rise. After two months of hard work, there was finally a reward. Large and small officers and soldiers drove the Luzhou people from the house with the soldiers. When he came out, he immediately turned over the box and saw the beautiful young woman buckle it directly. She chopped to death on the spot when she encountered resistance, and the body was thrown into the Lushui turning from outside Luzhou City because there were too many discarded bodies. So that Lushui was blocked for two days

Elder Agren didn’t care about the life and death of the Central Biya people. His love of Central Abyssinian culture does not mean that he would love the Central Biya people. On the contrary, the Elder Agren has repeatedly expressed to the senior officials of Aden. , The best way to make the extreme exclusion of Cambia bow its head is the sharp Aden scimitar,

For this reason, he even spent more than ten years to formulate a detailed conquest plan and develop a large number of insides of the temple. Who would have thought that when the Expeditionary Force was about to arrive, he was in Central The pro-Aden forces that have developed in the past few years will be suddenly uprooted, and even he was almost killed by someone. The most important thing that makes Agren, who always thinks wise, vomit blood is that until now, he has not figured out Who laid out the bureau, who was counted by whom, he once suspected Lu Yangyu, but just one way to raise foolishness, he wanted to quietly kill all the tens of thousands of Aden who have armed overnight

This is absolutely impossible, this is simply beyond the ability of the Lu family,

The six cities that were suddenly emptied suddenly made Agron feel that he was not only dumbfounded, but also scrapped all the things he had painstakingly collected. Originally, before the landing of the Aden Army, Agren had already been The Tou family came out to buy the food on the market, and these foods were disappeared overnight after the Wu family was investigated, and only after Agren knew that the Lu family had ordered the grain to be released before the six cities port was emptied. There is no doubt that most of the food is self-owned, and the Lu family has generously won the reputation of others.

"I am the elder of the temple, even if your majesty the king sees him politely, not to mention that the other party is just a marquis." Elder Agron knew very well why he wanted to convene this meeting himself, and it really involved combat. In fact, the other party would not care about themselves at all. The other party only wanted to suppress himself as one of the elders of the temple, because the marshal of Hiberia was embarrassing despite his military rank. Count, yes, this Marshal Hebia is an unprecedented Count. In this landing of the army officer in Biya, just weighing one out may be the status of marquis, the newly arrived military leader He Biya, he has no respect for himself, and the plan submitted to himself is directly sent back to the original, and he is called directly to himself. It seems that the elder of the temple is his subordinates who can be assigned at will ,

In the conference hall, a middle-aged man wearing a uniform of Marshal Aden and standing straight like a sword. After receiving news from the attendants, he glanced at the corner of his mouth with contempt. This Agren was really stubborn. , But he is a part of the king and does not need to sell any face in the temple. His Majesty the King had been very dissatisfied with the wrong judgment of this Elder Elder before departure, if it is not the report that the Six City Port area Very rich, enough to support the army for half a year’s battle only, and there are only 100,000 remnants in the Central Church in China, and it is simply unable to fight a war. Aden will not choose to land in Liucheng Port after the country’s invasion of China.

The result was that the Six Cities Port was empty, not to mention supporting the army for half a year, even if it was ten days of extravagance, the army had to seek Luzhou to eat, but the result was an elite resistance from 100,000 Central China, even the head of the company, Katou Situ died in Luzhou in battle. Is this what Elder Elder said was a terrible battle? At this moment, the Aden side also realized that the Central Abyss side was not as fragile as imagined. At least the elite troops of the Central Abyss in the Luzhou area were enough to allow the Aden landing army to be crucified in Luzhou for two full months, not to mention other Chinese The Biya’s army has not been mobilized, and the main army in the center of the church has not gone south.

This temple elder can be said to have sold the entire kingdom of Aden. His Majesty the King is already riding a tiger and has to increase his strength to open up the situation.

Hebia turned to the generals on both sides of the table of directors of the Chamber of Deputies and said in a cold voice, "Elder Agron is not well enough to participate in this meeting, so I will not delay time." The voice paused and he took it out of his arms A secret letter, opened and turned over, turned the contents of the letter to all officers, and said aloud: "This is the news just sent from the navy. The imperial navy encountered our transport fleet and admiral of the frigate group in the waters of Loyan Island. The Viscount Tamas was killed and the transport fleet was hit hard. The imperial navy then went south and raided Hajirri Island, burning a large amount of materials and food on the island that was originally intended to be shipped to Centralbia, in order not to cause greater damage to the imperial navy At present, the transport fleet can only return to Crescent Mars for repair first."

After hearing Hebia’s words, the entire chamber was blown up, the transport fleet was attacked, the material assistance was completely cut off, and the 200,000 Aden army was left in Luzhou in this way?

"What do these navies eat, clearly know that the transport fleet is related to the lifeline of the entire battle situation, and even the imperial navy has succeeded in sneak attack!"

"The transport fleet returned to Crescent Mars for repairs, and it took half a month to come and go, and it didn't say when the repairs would be, what should we do? Luzhou is so big, with the Afghan army in the front of a hundred thousand dragons stationed for half a month, It has already wiped out the food and materials within the Luzhou area. Although it occupies Luzhou City, it is a terrible figure for the consumption of 200,000 troops. A small empty city Luzhou can persist for a week, even if it is the top day, a week. Within that, we could not find food, only the part waiting for starvation. "The generals were indignant. Luzhou fought hard for two months. Is it finally a firm foothold? Is this what is waiting for us? "

"If this caused the commotion of the army, and even the final defeat, this responsibility cannot be remedied even if the navy **** all self-disciplined and blamed. I will go to His Majesty the King to accuse the navy of incompetence. WWW.SUIMENG.lā..." After hearing what Hebia read out, the generals glanced face to face, thinking about the content mentioned above, their faces all looked very excited. Anyone who finds himself abandoned in a foreign country will be so expression.

"Okay, what's the difference between you arguing with a group of oasis women like this, not just temporarily suspending supplies, but it's not completely impossible, don't forget, the one in front of us is the vast and affluent land of Centralbia" He Biya looked coldly at the generals, and Shen Sheng suppressed all the discussion. Don’t look at the thinness of Hebia, but the voice was quite loud. The generals only felt their ears lingering and stopped talking abruptly. ,

The year-round presence in the oasis area and the hot and scorching area makes the whole of Hebia look dark and dark. From the appearance only, the yellow hair, the eyes are weak, the skin is rough, the eyebrows are slightly down, and a pair of gray The eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, and the thick cocoons on the palms are no different from an ordinary farmer in the kingdom of Aden, but at this moment, the majesty sprinkled from the marshal of Aden made all generals unable to bear their hearts. A flash of chill came through, and I immediately awakened. The person in front of me was Marshal Lionheart Hebia, the ruthless man who was called the devil during the guarding of the oasis.

Hebia raised his hand solemnly, and a servant quickly spread out the map of Zhongbia that he had prepared on the long table. Hebia stretched out his thin but vigorous hand first north on the map. Then an arc was drawn, and the corner of my mouth suddenly grinned. "The Chinese and Syrian courts sent people to discuss with us. As long as our army is willing to go north, we will open the way to the north and let us attack the empire-controlled area. Dijing West Road, Dijing West Road is hailed as the richest region in Centralbia. If it can be occupied, our army can not only get supplements, but also you can make a sum of money. Unfortunately, the 80,000 cavalry of the empire occupied ten days ago A great place in Huizhou, and just confirmed the news that the imperial emperor is currently on Dijing West Road..."

Before Hebia had finished speaking, he heard a sound of inhalation coming from below. The generals could not sit still. This news is so amazing that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bombshell

"The warlord emperor is on Dijing West Road, and there are 80,000 imperial iron riders. We are going northwards, maybe even the bones will be swallowed.

"There are hundreds of miles from Huizhou to Dijing West Road, all of which are plain terrain, and there are big dangerous rivers lying on the ground, there is the military god, and there are 80,000 Imperial Iron Rides, even if we have 200,000 troops, I am afraid There is no chance to get close to Dijing West Road

Hearing the generals’ panic, Hebia couldn’t help but sigh, in the heart of any famous general in the Obaro region~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The emperor himself represented an invincible victory! It is really the brutal warrior emperor who was too cruel. At the time of the north-south war, the emperor used 300,000 troops and swallowed the attacking power of the tiger. The wind swept through the southern coalition army of 700,000, and the kingdom of Aden was also south. A member of the coalition army also sent 100,000 troops, and more than 60,000 elite camel cavalry. It was definitely not a perfunctory thing. In the end, except for the coach, the 100,000 army was destroyed.

That war completely laid the empire’s hegemonic position in the Obaro region. From then on, it changed from a strategic defensive posture to a strategic offensive posture, which made it difficult for the entire south to breathe, and even directly changed the balance of the north and south forces for thousands of years. In one year, the southern power Fez was destroyed, the eight central powers became the eagle dogs of the empire, the Eero Empire snatched the western estuary of the kingdom of Aden, and the fierce battle of millions of troops. Although the kingdom of Aden had a terrible victory, it had to retreat to the oasis. , Who would have thought that in Central Asia, he would meet with this emperor of the military god, but to see if the empire could control almost the entire northern Central Asia in such a half a year, such a miraculous record, In addition to the military **** emperor personally commanding, what else can be explained!

"It seems that everyone disagrees with the northward advance, so there is only one other." Hebia took a deep breath and tapped his finger on the map, laughing. "The Chinese side agreed to let go of the northward advance. I The army just took the opportunity to jump out of the Luzhou encirclement, and even used Luzhou to make an exchange with the Central Church of China and asked them to redeem Luzhou with food. Then our army went north, and here, turned to the Central Beijing Xinjing!"

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