Whole Nation

: 285 Fifth Knight (4)

Obi Wu looked cold and looked at a dozen of the temporary riveting machines in the city's rear. Crude oil bullets are being thrown into the city head, and countless shots across the sky are like meteors that have broken through the sky. The flames ignited the city walls. The flames ignited in the night breeze, and the city head. A panicked Sri Lankan soldier walked around like a mouse in the fire,

The blood of 1,200 Samor fighters must be repaid with several times the blood of the enemy. The fat man who received the casualty report personally planned this revenge.

Ten thousand Samor's main army arrived in Wenzhilun in the middle of the night. In the darkness, a team of Samor's heavy infantry was neatly arranged in front. The heavy spear in his hand formed a wall of guns, and the Samor sniper crossbowmen were arranged on both sides of the lineup. The heavy pedal crossbow in his hand was held flat, and the cold arrow struck in the dark night.

This is a typical Samor defensive formation. It's like a huge four-slot with two ends protruding and the middle in the middle, blocking the exit of Wen Zhilun City. Fat people don't want to Wen Zhilun City. This is just a castle. Fat people don't look down, but Wen Zhi Luncheng is guarding Dekhrim's main route to the middle. Now that the "Wound" plan is to be implemented, this significant little castle is destined to be erased from the map.

"Increase the firepower! Drive the enemy out of the castle!" The fat man's face was severe, and the stone-handed men shouted excitedly, pulling the winch small, "Whooping!" The trajectory of the city set off flames of death on the walls

"Beng!" A trebuchet's winch made a brittle sound and stalled. The winch's hand was breathing heavily in the cold night, his shirtless upper body was covered with sweat, and he was steaming in the cold weather. Pulling the winch is a very labor intensive task. In the last half an hour of rushing, the winches were physically overdrawn and difficult to continue. "Quick! Substitute! Substitute!" The catapult commander asked the long-awaited second The capstans shouted loudly soon, and a new group of trebuchet players replaced the physically intensive trebuchets


Meteor-like fireballs once again shone over Wen Zhilun City, the area of ​​Wenzhilun City, which was not large, was quickly roasted by countless bursts of crude oil bombs into the sea of ​​fire, and the sky was red with flames, just like a bright red Xia,

"Papa" a section of the eastern city wall collapsed, and the high temperature caused the city to explode from above. The gravel mixed with corpses fell from the city walls, revealing a large wall of barriers. This was originally a castle of ordinary lords. Defensively, it was basically incomparable with the fortress-level big castle. There were more than a dozen trebuchets. Under the repeated bombing, the defense of the city wall collapsed rapidly, and countless flaming figures screamed and jumped from the city wall. The small air was mixed with an unpleasant smell.

"Sir, what's the matter?" The nobles surrounded the ecstatic Marquis Eck, their dreadful eyes looked at the fire on the walls of the city, they didn't know what happened, the horrible explosion It’s like the legendary dragon flame that destroyed the city. The bells of the enemy attacked and disappeared in the explosion. The ground underneath shook a little during the blast. The candlelight on the pillar was extinct. Everything was like a deep soul. The deepest nightmare.

"Don't burn! It's the Wikya!" Marquis Eck put down his glass in his firm face,

Despite his alcoholism, as a prestigious Mullian Silver Knight, Marquis Eck participated in hundreds of wars. Otherwise, King Harlaus would not send him to command the war against Wikya, The pediatrics in front of him couldn't scare him,

The flames and screams outside made his slightly intoxicated heart feel exhilarated, come on, the clowns of Vickia, the lances of the Knights of the Guardian will let you learn what respect is

Confident, he waved to all the nobles, with a confident face, "Please rest assured. As long as I am here, these troubled Wikia clowns will soon be resolved." After he finished, he stepped out of the hall and waited outside The knight of the order said from the command "Notify all the people to gather, let's get these guys who like to play with fire!"

"Creak" saw the suspension bridge of Wen Zhilun Castle in the distance slowly lay down, and there was a sneer in the corner of the fat man's mouth. "The little mouse finally came out!"

After understanding the daytime fighting, the fat man knew that in Wenzhilun City, there was not only a flag guard, but also a heavy knight in the squadron. So I specially mobilized the long bow troops of Xasta and vowed to wipe out this blood knight squadron covered with the blood of the Samor soldiers.

A group of black shadows rushed from the city gate. Eke was wearing the steel armor and ran at the forefront. During the day, he had already learned the combat power of Vecchia's army. I know that although the equipment of the Vickia infantry is extremely well-equipped, they are at a loss for their steel armor. This made him so fearless.

"The long archer is ready!" The fat man slowly raised his hand coldly, and the two thousand long archers behind him pulled the arrowheads upside down from the ground, the long bow burst, and the crispness of the bow string sounded in the whistling night It’s still clear and identifiable. It’s a dangerous feeling. Whenever you hear it, it can bring shock from the soul. Besides, two thousand long bows are pulled at the same time, just like a heavy rain falling in the night.

"Strike formation!" Marquis Eck shouted a password, and a thousand reloaded knights rushed into the Samor formation in two rows. As the distance drew closer, the Vickia army in front of Eck's eyes met more in daylight. Slightly different, this unit is obviously more elite, even in the face of heavy cavalry charge, the front row of the entire formation is still immobile, like a deep mountain, standing in front of itself

"I don't believe it! There are arrays that can't be pierced by a rifle!" Eck secretly cheered himself. The crotch horse is getting faster and faster, and the oncoming cold shocked his slightly drunken mind,

In a blink of an eye, the cavalier queue has rushed into the 50-meter range

"Xastar! Shoot me the leading knight!" The fat man stared at the knight's assault queue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ whispered to the long archer leader Xastar, whispering, "I want to catch alive !"

"Assault!" Eck shouted before he knew he was on the fat man's blacklist. The heavy horseshoe thundered in the earth. The sharp spear began to lay down straight, with a sharp killing intention, the narrow wind burst,

"Stop the carbine!" shouted Captain Samor in the front row. The Samor spearman behind him suddenly squatted down, and the spear in his hand stood up diagonally, forming a forest of oblique lances.

"What's this?" Eck was taken aback by the sudden change. The straight knight's gun was at a loss because he couldn't find the target. He stabbed the squatted man from the Mercedes horse, which was not a little difficult. , "Plus! Kill them!" Exxon adjusted the way and took out the knight epee from the warhorse weapon slot.

"Whew!" Eck suddenly felt his arm numb, and a thick white long feather arrow shot through his sword-shaking hand. "Bore" heavy sword fell to the ground from the battle horse. "Whew!" react to. Another arrow shot through his thigh, and the powerful impact force knocked him down from the horse

"Except for the leader, no one else is left!" The fat man's arm fell suddenly, and behind him came a sharp string crash

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