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: 286 The 5th Knight (6)

"Save your lord!" The knights saw Marquis Eke with the army charge inexplicably falling down. They shouted in panic, "Beng. It was another dull, crunchy noise." What is this! "A knight stared dumbfounded at the cluster of thick arrows shooting through his chest,

"Attention, there is a bow knight opposite." The other knights shouted chaotically, but soon, the roar of the tearing air in their ears gave them no chance to make a sound,

The powerful longbow burst out, the white death rain interweaves into a large net, and the police shield in the front row of knights is shattered by the strong longbow.

The heavy armor of the knight was very disappointed in front of the mighty battle bow, and made a dull, crisp sound like a thick cardboard. Two long bows thick like **** are heavy arrows. Whistling and piercing the heavy armor, reaching the knight's body deeply. The knight's body shook like autumn leaves hit by a storm. Blood spattered from his body. The body is penetrated by countless powerful arrows. Have fallen off immediately

"Hissing" the horses that encountered arrowheads hissed, and Mercedes-Benz's horses suddenly bent their front legs. It rolled like a row of collapsed iron walls on the ground, bringing up a dust. Marquis Eck, who fell first, climbed up and stared at it all stunned, ignoring the pain on his arm, his mouth murmured dull

"Withdraw! Withdraw". The knight at the back was startled by the tragic state of the knight in front, and he no longer paid attention to the rescue of Lord Exe, and turned back. The longbow raised by the other Vickia Longbower made them terrified. Not daring to charge forward, Ma Qun turned to the sides of the seemingly weak lineup and rushed.

"Hold on! Hurry!" The captains of Samor's crossbowmen soothed the emotions of the crossbowmen behind them, their faces flushed with redness, and their eyes were watching the knight clusters getting closer and closer showed a trace of palpitations. On the cold spring night, the crossbowmen They were flushed, and large drops of sweat ran down the forehead indiscriminately, and a sweat on the neck slipped out.

No one can completely calmly face the oncoming heavy knights. This is the peak of the war in this era. Countless wars have shown the cruelty of this killing machine without exception.

Listening to the thunderous sound of horseshoes in my ears, I felt the trembling ground under my feet, and the towering spears lined up in the night with a chilling light. The wind was pushed violently, and the knights not far away even led horses like monsters in the night,

In the face of such prestige, no matter how skilled the old soldiers, there will be scruples in my heart. The horse is extremely fast, and the distance of 100 meters is only a few seconds. The crossbowmen know that if they don’t pay attention, they will be crushed into pieces by heavy horseshoes.

There is only one chance to pull the crossbow arrows, you will die! Fiery red eyes "shot" without blinking. The calm face of Captain Samuel’s crossbowman became extremely unpretentious in this moment

Arrows are like wind, tens of thousands of crossbowmen simultaneously hold down the heavy foot crossbows in their hands, crossbow arrows tear the black night sky, white flower clusters of arrows turn the entire darkness into a white world

"Bump!" Hundreds of knights who were busy running were completely covered by crossbow arrows. The crossed crossbow arrows shuttled back and forth like a locust swarm. Many knights didn't even scream, even people and horses were shot into blood caves. Sliding out a dozen meters with inertia, reduced to a pile of **** minced meat.

"The blood of the Samor warriors can't be in vain, clean up Wen Zhilun! Except for the leader just now. Everything else is disposed of. The fat man turned back expressionlessly, his face calm as if nothing had been born, and the flames of Wen Zhilun in the distance reflected his face, and it became darker and colder.

Wen Zhilun is just a blast. Ordinary castle. There were burning fires and fleeing defenders everywhere. The castle defense of the Samor army broke through effortlessly. The strong crossbow arrows shot the Murdians. They turned over. The spearman, with the help of the crossbowmen, attacked the main hall. .

"Don't kill us! I beg you". The nobles in the city were gathered in the main hall of the city, and they looked at the murderous Wikiia army with pale faces. These are nobles gathered from all over Dehrim,

They knew that Wen Zhilun was Dekhrim’s last hope, so they brought their own private army here. If Dekhrim fell, they could immediately retreat into the middle of the kingdom, and if the kingdom came to help, they could also Earn a good reputation of loyalty, and maybe be promoted as a knight. Now that all 13 lords in the south have died in battle, if they perform well, they will be appreciated by His Majesty the King. The position of a lord is not at his fingertips, but he did not expect to escape the Wikia's soldiers.

The captain of the Samor Army looked at the nobles of the Erndian with a hesitant look. These people are obviously not ordinary people, if they can be captured in exchange for ransom. It was also not a small fortune. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the hall. Hu Keqili walked in under the guards of several guards, and his eyes swept the noble face of the noble,

"What's the matter with these people?" Hu Keqili frowned uncomfortably. As a soldier, Hu Ke knows what the captain is thinking, and his face is serious. Into the orders of people! Clean up here immediately! "

"Yes, yes, sir! The captain nodded awkwardly, and the hesitant look just turned cold. Hu Keqili took the man out of the hall and paused for a moment. He heard a scream from inside, all kinds of Such tragic noises came one after another, just like howling of evil spirits in hell, the groaning became lower and lower, and soon the entire hall became dead.

The corpses of nobles piled up together, the blood stained the entire hall red. "Burn here!" Hu Keqili ordered indifferently, the net was about to turn around and leave. People covered in blood came from a distance,

"Adult. We found this man in the underground water cellar. I found this on him!" A soldier rushed over to see Hu Keqili here, sending a ring engraved with a blue wolf head

"Kugits!" Hu Keqili's face was dim, and the prairie wolf was a Kujit totem. This engraved wolf head ring looks simple, but it touches the hand, but it does not have the expected metal coldness, but a warm and low heat, which is actually the legendary fire iron. This iron is only steaming. The volcanic crater is only available in very rare quantities and is as rare as sea scallops in the southern waters. Only the top nobles in Kugit are eligible to use it.

"Who is he?" Hu Keqi looked at the blood-stained prisoner curiously. This is a young man. His pale face looks like a piece of paper. There are dozens of **** whip marks on his muscular body. His rough head is not the same as the Kugits he has seen before. How much different, but there are obvious signs of curling and curling in the ear,

This could not help Hu Keqili jumped in his heart, the ear disk is the habit of the Kukit nobility, the larger the disk, the more honorable the identity, the young man's disk traces almost covered the entire ear. Coupled with the precious wolf head ring just now, this young man is not only a Kukit nobleman, but also most likely a tribe's big man, "Why is the Kugitite here!" Huko Kili whispered secretly, Not daring to deal with it without hesitation, he quickly sent someone to report to the Governor General. The fat man heard an unidentified aristocratic Kugit in the water cell, hesitated for a while, and immediately let the accompanying medical doctor wake up the person first, and then let the city The bodies of the foreign knights were all carried on the carriage and carried away.

Wen Zhilun's fire continued until dawn. The Samoan army had already evacuated, except for the corpses of the city and the burning castle. Nothing left,

The ruined castle was scorched by the fire, the collapsed stones were everywhere, a rapid horseshoe sounded from the road, and a team of Miaodian knights in white armor appeared at the intersection. The ruins of Wenzhilun city with afterglow. The leading knight waved to stop the team behind him

"Longrigg, you are sure that this is Wen Zhilun we are coming!" The leader knight's eyes were puzzled in a large amount on the broken city wall. The bright eyes reveal a curious light. Wen Zhilun in front of him is just a small castle. It is not difficult to occupy it, but how did the Vickias toss a good castle like this! This is where this knight's collar is touched

"Master Luosolisi. I'm sure this is indeed Wen Zhilun!" The knight in the lead pointed awkwardly at the clump of woods on the roadside. "I don't know what happened here, but I can be sure~www.wuxiaspot. com~ remember last month, the lord here is still waiting for us warmly here"

The knight looked again at the ruins of Wen Zhilun's blackness. Flashing through the confused color. Everything in front of me seems inexplicable. This is a castle, not a peasant's thatched house, a fire that can burn the entire castle, how big!

"Well! I actually want you to lie more!" The Captain Cavaliers came down immediately and walked to the place where Wen Zhilun collapsed. The unpleasant burnt smell caught the odor of the corpse and let the Cavaliers frown slightly. "Because if this is really Wen Zhilun. Then our rescue mission may have failed!"

"It shouldn't be!" Cavaliers argued. "We haven't met the Vikia Army along the way. If the city of Dekhrem has really fallen, the Vikia Army will not continue to stay there!"

"I hope so!" Captain Cavaliers sighed. He was also reluctant to accept the worst result. He crouched cautiously and turned the collapsed place carefully, hoping to find clues about the destruction of Wen Zhilun. Among the broken stones around him, a broken weapon caught his gaze, and he used **** to hold it lightly. It’s a half-quirky spear, with a frontal length of a long frontal cross, which is Samor’s standard weapon "cross spear." If you want to know what happened later, please log in... Xia Biao, more chapters, support the author, support Genuine reading!

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