Whole Nation

: Three thousand five hundred and five Jagged Beijing (2)

The rain has not come down, the weather has become humid, the air is filled with a depressive atmosphere, the carriage slowly passes by the street, the prime minister of China and the country lifts the curtain, and although the shops on the street are not busy, they are not like The whole street was closed as before, and the faces of pedestrians on the road were also better. If the Aden Army had already pressed down to fifty miles, the whole Beijing could remain so stable. Well, even the migrants outside the city have divided a lot. Yu Fenglong’s eyes swept the children in front of him with wooden sticks. They were on the street and ran to the end of the road, and they stood east. Face direction.

   One of the children waved a wooden stick and shouted, "Kill the Guangxi Man! Kill the Guangxi Man!"

   This kind of scene made the prime minister of the Central Biyatiya face more and more cold. It should not be like this. Even if there is no confusion, at least there should not be such an atmosphere of contempt. This is too optimistic! It's just like. . . . . The emperor, Yu Fenglong suddenly had a name in his head that he couldn't even believe. The emperor at the morning dynasty meeting, wasn't that look? The kind of stubborn, stubborn, suspicious, arrogant, self-righteous that showed through the madness, just returned from the north for a few months, and the old problems of the emperor had emerged again. The only difference was that because of the fear of being scared. Discarding Emperor Jing and running away, at this moment, he became bold and directly regarded the 200,000 Aden Army outside the city as two hundred thousand pigs, from one extreme to the other.

  May the victory of the Yixian Battle really gave the emperor great confidence that even the emperor himself had an illusion

"What is the fighting strength of the Aden Army? Only you have seen it here. I need to hear a real answer. If our army increases another 100,000 young and strong, will it be possible to reverse this situation?" Hong Leong lowered the curtain of his hand grimly. He asked a middle-aged man sitting opposite, if the emperor's big tree fell, the fate of his prime minister would not be better. In order to avoid the wealthy people of Beijing The family hollowed out the corner of the emperor, and he was also very painstaking. It was his idea that the emperor ordered the major families not to leave Beijing. It was his idea, barely stabilizing the people’s hearts, and secretly revealing the wind to the major families early. It was him this morning. At the Yuqian meeting, the emperor suddenly proposed to drive the drifters to attack the Aden army, which was actually his suggestion. The person who proposed this idea was the middle-aged man sitting opposite him, Wei Lu.

   "Impossible, even if I add another 100,000 young and strong players to fill in, it will not be able to stop Aden's 100,000 heavy armor"

Wei Lu looks thick and has tall noses, and looks like an elegant appearance, but his thin lips make people feel that he must be a fierce character. It is the representative of the former Chao Tang and the Aden Army who made an agreement to enter the north, and will 60,000 Lu Jiajun. Wei Lulong, the confidant of Yu Fenglong who sold to the Aden Army, Wei Lu, that night, 60,000 Lu Jiajun fought against Lujiang. As a first-hand leader, Wei Lu saw the battle between the Aden and Lu Jiajun in the eyes of the bystanders. The difference in combat power between the two sides is quite clear, and it can be regarded as one of the most sober people in this war. Yu Fenglong is still certain of what he said

Hearing Yu Fenglong's question, Wei Lu shook his head decisively. "I thought that the Lu family was 60,000 elite besieging 10,000 Aden elite. Although the Lu family was disrespectful to the court, it was no longer just in terms of combat power. Under the imperial guards, let alone the death order that night, the whole army went up and down, and no one was greedy for life or death. Faced with the heavy armored infantry of the Adenites, instead of winning, they were almost beaten and collapsed, and finally Aden The army dragged to the siege situation. It can be seen that the two sides have a huge gap in combat power. Now the only way for Beijing to keep it is to drive the entire Beijing to consume the power of the Aden Army, just like the Dragons at that time. This is also the Aden Army. The biggest weakness lies in crossing the sea for thousands of miles, killing one is less, and the 200,000 Aden Army looks a lot, but if you are fighting against the Central Asian clan, I am afraid that you can only turn around and run."

   "Is there really no way?" Yu Fenglong gritted his teeth reluctantly, it was hundreds of thousands of lives,

"No" Wei Lu shook his head, his eyes firmly determined. "In fact, adults don't need to blame themselves, what adults do is the real solution. As for what other people say, it doesn't matter. As a Central Biya, adults do What they should do, as for others, is their responsibility that cannot be avoided. Once Xinjing is broken again, the end of these refugees will not be so good.

If you let them work for the country for the last time"

   "This time, are you sure?"

Even when a minister like Yu Fenglong heard this, he couldn’t help but sighed long. The emperor clearly distrusted Tang Yu’s military department. Therefore, driving the refugees to attack the Aden was handed over to Yu Fenglong. The person who suggested this, Yu Fenglong couldn't help raising a chill from behind, and the towering city walls in the distance stood at the end of his eyes, which was daunting.

"At this point, adults can rest assured that if Yixian Dajie still has a bit of deception, then there will be a real victory immediately. Even if the people's hearts are strong, even if they do not give orders, the refugees outside the city will take the initiative to go. "Looking for the trouble of the Adenites" Wei Lu bowed his head and said Yu Fenglong's expression was lifted, yeah, the Dragon family can drive millions of people to attack Longshibao, not because of the reputation of the Dragon family for fighting The refugees voluntarily sell their lives for them, and most of the migrants outside the capital are Xinjing people. It is not impossible to fight back against the Aden people if they have confidence and warfare in the face of the burning and plundering of the Aden people.

  This is a step for Xinjing. Only the advantages and disadvantages of playing chess can not only reduce the pressure on the material supply of Xinjing, but also weaken the strength of the opposing Aden. Although ruthless and ruthless, it is the most suitable tactic in front of us!

Tutugang, the rolling hills are like a huge pale yellow carpet, spread towards the distance, can not see the end, as a very important place on the side of Xinjing, a large number of Aden military supplies Hoarding gathers here, because the weather is getting colder, or the Aden army dressed in summer in June and July, has begun to wrap the cloth of the Central Abyssinian as a logistic camp on the left side of the Aden army, supported here With the logistical supply of 50,000 Aden army, because of the strict orders issued by the Abyssian army in the early period, the Aden army’s advancement was almost unimpeded. The fighting power of the Abyssinians is in the eyes of the Adenis two or five slags, the power of one country. Weak to such a degree, to be honest, it is also beyond the expectations of the Adenians. If it is so easy to know that Central China’s Beijing is so easy, why have it been delayed in Luzhou for two months, so that the war will be dragged into the winter , Only in this dark night, everything started to change,

   "Be quiet, don't make a big noise"

   "The whole army moves forward slowly, don't let the Adenites discover it!"

The low voice of argument was blown like a wind. The cold wind of late autumn was getting louder at night. At night, the silhouette of the mountain was dim, and the sound of footsteps around was the sound of footsteps, like a cold wind. The grass on the ground is like a large unseen hand deliberately flipping, the red Yading people in Tutugang countless bonfires turned through the sky, and the small plateau uplifted about 300 meters from the side of the campsite, no one noticed , The yellow leaves of the ground were scraped away by a vigorous brushing, dense figure, that is the soldiers of the Third Army of the Central Asian Army attacking the camp tonight, in the eyes of these Central Asian soldiers, no In the distance, the fire in the Aden camp was as eye-catching as the sunset, and piles of bonfires were burning in the camp. In the large central tent, the charcoal fire in the six iron basins was burning, and two Aden guards were standing in Mokou. Several generals of Aden were examining the hanging map. In front of them, a general was talking and was sent out yesterday. Almost all of our patrols got nothing. If we go on like this, even if our army looted a lot of food, but the rainy season is approaching, once the food is wet, we cannot let the soldiers eat the wet moldy food to fight. A city must be captured immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ enemy attack! "A bleak voice came in from outside. General Aden who was listening stood up violently. The crowd was roaring, and the full voice ignited the whole night. General Aden glanced face to face. At this moment, who would run? Came to attack the camp guarded by the army? Central Biya? The group of Central Biya who only hide in the city walls and dare not show up, really came!

   "Kill! Break in!"

Six thousand Central Afghan infantry forwards hit the outside of Tutuogang camp like a wave. Three thousand bow archers fired arrows towards the sky. The red light flashed like a stream of fireflies in the night sky. , Illuminating the field of vision of the troops. A large number of Central Afghan infantry holding shields only suddenly attacked at certain points. A row of ladders went up, and the crowd swarmed up to cover the impact. The guards at the camp also responded to the future and were opened by the other party to the gate of the camp. Immediately, countless rockets landed on the blockbuster.

On the large camp of the Aden army, the Aden soldiers lit by the fire screamed and rolled on the ground, many arrows were inserted into the mud, some were still burning, and the fire was extinguished.

   "The whole army"

"Hurry, don't mess up" the fire shone, and the shouts came one after another. The situation was chaotic to the extreme. On the huge battlefield, the screams of the sky, thousands of people rushed together, and the blood of people was boiling, watching it was lit. The arsenal of the fire, the generals of the Aden army were all blue

   "The **** of these bastards..." A General Aden's face was fierce and he gritted his teeth ‘I must kill them! "

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