Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and sixty-two blood Beijing

  Xupuhang Province

From the perspective of the entire southern region of Centralbia, the location of Xupu should be regarded as the extension of the southern mountains. Because it is already close to the southern mountains, the terrain gradually rises from the plain to the south. Occasionally, there are small pieces of plain basins, but they are not counted as The real population gathering area, but the Xupu area is a corridor zone in southern Centralbia. Decades ago, the two large military towns constructed by the Central African Empire to suppress the southern mountains, one is the southwest Longjia, the other is southeast Lu Home, the connection between these two areas is the Xupu Wetland. Although the two military towns have fought against the southern mountain people for decades, the Xupu area is rarely affected by the war.

Many times, the Xupu people just watched the troops coming and going from both sides, and the Xupu people did not treat the mountain people harshly, because as the Baijia who ruled the Xupu area, for many years, it can even be said that the Baijia was just a few decades ago. The protruding part of the southern mountain, but because of its prestige in Xupu, coupled with the firm support of the Bai family at the center of the Chaotang, and the need for a southern force to be included in the central of the Tangtang, to contain the powerful Song nationality, Naturally, the Baijia's blue eyes are increased. Not only does the entire Xupu be handed over to the Baijia for management, but it also gives considerable power. As part of the same suppression of the southern mountain defense line, the Baijia is definitely a clear stream.

  Heyangji, the establishment of the Baijia, is the largest trade market established in the southern mountainous area. The neutral attitude of decades has made the Baijia’s rule in the Xupu area increasingly stable.

But in the past two months, Xupu can be described as **** and rainy, mainly because of the migrants from Centralbia who came all the way from the north, 60% of them were remitted to the Xupu area. Xupu with less land is a good thing, but because of the fact that there are too many remittances, and the deliberate promotion of the center of the hall, but in the Xupu area of ​​more than 300 miles, the number of relocated remittances is two or three million. Xupu couldn't accommodate so many refugees at all. Eventually, all the migrants looked at the mountains further south, and millions of people came together. The edge of the entire southern mountain was overcrowded, and the refugees were chaotic. How many mischievous people are miscellaneous, under the extremely chaotic situation, omnipotently, the act of quickly reclaiming the land to the south has become a **** plunder of the mountain people in the south,

   At this point, the Bai family is also unable to control, and once submitted a few reports to the Chaotang side, and eventually they are all in the sea

Baijia headquarters, Guyekou, the city at the entrance of the largest basin in Xupu area, is only a medium-sized city. The population of Guyekou is not more than 50,000, which is completely comparable to the cities in the central area. However, in the southern mountains, it is absolutely It is a magnificent big city, and Guyekou City built by relying on the Guye Mountain is all built up with large blocks of granite stone. It is said that it is a city. It is better to say that it is a more secure, fortified area. From the foot of the mountain, there are three walls along the way. Only the outermost stone wall has a height of 1 meter. The widest place on the top can be side by side with four people. The bottom is the gate of the passage. The coiled mountain road separates each area. Each area There is a stone fortress standing there, just like turning the entire mountain into a city. In terms of defense, if you want to capture Guyeguchi, you need to pay at least three to five times the cost. At this moment, the white of the center of Guyekou is white. In the family hall, a middle-aged man in casual clothes is squinting and looking at the famous Baijiatang

The sunlight fell on his thick body, and there seemed to be some vague distortion, and behind him, followed by two guards, each standing tall, still standing silently between the world and the white house guards in the hall , Glanced at this middle-aged man in casual clothes, one by one couldn't help but straighten his body, not because of anything else, but because he was brought down by one person when he was overthrown in Centralbia The whole bright person in Central Biyaa, because of his name, is the owner of the Long Family, Long Po, because he is alone and represents an era!

"Even if Master Long Po came in person, I still say that, my Bai family is not miserable and this Southern League, what you want to do, I will not interfere with the Bai family, this is the Bai family training, and I also invite the dragon The broken house master understands, "An old man in a casual dress walked tremblingly, and the guards at the door saw his figure, showing a respectful look, and bent over to salute him. The old man was in his fifties, but his body was still strong. , Legs and feet are smart, and soon came to Long Podi

  "Unfortunately, I thought Patriarch Bailie could change his mind," said Long Po, nodded respectfully,

The old man in front of him is Bai Lie. He is the current head of the Bai family. Because of his neutral position, the Bai family is not bad from the Dragon family. Even among the children of the Dragon family, there are many marriages with the Bai family The training is to maintain neutrality, and Long Po also knows, so there is no sign of anger. This time the three forces of the Dragon family, the Lu family, and the Song nationality joined forces to form the Central South Alliance of South Africa. In terms of strength, It is enough to control the entire South. This time I came to Baijia, and it was more to force Baijia to express his attitude.

"Please tell Master Long Po to tell the other two, although my Bai family does not join, but I still consider myself a member of the South, I will never do anything to betray the South." The old man said calmly. "In order to express the sincerity of my Bai family, I The Bai family is willing to pay 30,000 yuan to support the Southern League"

"So, thank you very much." Long Po looked excitedly arched his hand. He had never expected the Bai family to join in. After all, the Bai family's neutrality in the past decades was obviously more towards the southern mountains. If they really joined, they would only It is best for the Songs to benefit from the Bai family. The Bai family owner is really a smart person. The Bai family is sandwiched between the Southwest Longjia and Luzhou Lujia. It is very good to do this step. The biggest benefit Yes, the Xupu Baijia is tacitly approving the dominance of the Southern Alliance. With this, the Southwest Longjia and Luzhou Lujia can be connected together through the Xupu area, completely removing southern China from Luzhou and Xupu. Central Chaotang completely cut off

Long Po was the prime minister of the Chaotang Church, naturally knowing what it means for the Zhongbian Chaotang once the South is separated from the central government. Because of the war with the prairie people, almost the central part of the Chaotang Chaotang was destroyed. Don’t say that increasing taxes means that a large amount of capital investment is required to restore it. That’s why China and China Chaotang would rather stay away from Beijing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because there is no money, the ministers have Money, but each keeps his own pocket, a copper plate refuses to come out, and the emperor also has money, but the emperor is obviously more willing to collect taxes than to pay for it himself. The end result is that the areas damaged by war are simply There is no money to rebuild, for example, the most prosperous southern area of ​​Linhang, which is still a white place where no people can be seen.

Watching Long Po turn away, the old man Bai Lie was relieved. Who would want to fight against the three forces of the South? There was also a day when they joined forces. Sure enough, there were no enemies before the interests. The dead enemy, who was killed at the moment, was so unprecedented at the moment; united together, there is the main gate of Luzhou, and the nineteen provinces in southern Centralbia were all divided up. It should not exceed three months. Longhua, the fourth character of Longjia I went to Luzhou in person, and one day after I returned, the 40,000 dragons drove out of the Guangling River, and they drove directly to the border of Xupu. The Song Songku, the leader of the Southern Song family who once promised not to go north during his lifetime, Also openly broke the present oath, and sent the third person in the family, Song Lu Miracle, and once again built 60 large ships, led by Song Lu, loaded with 20,000 elites and flowed up the river. In the southern region that was opened up, it was said that when Song Lu arrived, he unilaterally expelled the officials stationed in Chaotang, announcing that these areas were under the management of the Song ethnic group, and the population was increased by two or three million, almost an extra one. In the southern mountains, all the restrictions on the south are completely opened in a moment. The Bai family insists on neutrality. Is it right or wrong?

   "Homeowner, the empire is here" A young Bai family came carefully to Bailie and whispered

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