Whole Nation

: 3,210 are enemies

"Hey, this is too bad. I only hope that this incident will not affect the profits of the business group, otherwise this quarter I am afraid that it will be all in vain." In the sad voice of the leader of the opposite caravan, the carriage will last for a long time. Thousands of large and dark weapons workshops were abandoned in the rear, and an urban arc that gradually stretched out to the sides emerged in the front,

Lisbonto, the largest sea trade center in the southern part of the imperial Gangfei, now covers the entire southern part of the original duchy principality, a super urban community of more than two million people, and uses this as the center to radiate the entire southern part of Gangfei The huge commercial influence has led to the main body of this super large sea port that has exceeded 150 miles, 18 districts, and six large ports separated by 20 miles. , The endless urban community, sailing docks, and full of horse-drawn carriages, are the symbol of the empire's powerful commercial economy. Anyone who sees this city will immediately feel the empire's powerful.

   "I don't know if the soldiers need special approval to enter Lisbon, is it still applicable?" The dark-haired young man shook the wine glass in his hand and took a sip gently to the caravan leader

"It is said that there were such regulations in the governor's house in Lisbon in the past, and it is still not applicable. I don't know, at least just my understanding, it seems that it has been suspended by default." The caravan leader's face was relieved. With a trace of memories, after all, "After all, the emergency measures were taken in response to the war. The soldiers are also citizens of the empire. Special approval is required to enter the Lisbon. It is unreasonable to say"

"It's disabled by default? It's just the wartime regulations, I forgot, haha, so I can enter Lisbon too," said the dark-haired young man with a laugh in his mouth, seeming to be very happy to be able to enter Lisbon, but only in the black pupil Here, there was a chill that was hard to detect. At first, it was stipulated that soldiers should not enter Lisbonto at will, is it just a wartime regulation! Who has such a courage to ignore this command!

   "This is your first visit to Lisbon?"

The caravan leader looked at the straightforward and handsome face of the dark-haired youth, and had a natural affection for the black-haired youth. The young soldiers of the empire were not unseen, and even the nephew of the caravan leader was a squadron-level young officer, as The empire showed great strength to the outside world. Now the young soldiers of the empire are too much for the old people of the Icadian era such as the caravan leader. His emperor, the invincible emperor, is their object of worship.

   "I've been there a few times before, but it was still during the war, so I really didn't take a good look at Lisbonto. I remember it was still a battlefield, and many people died!"

The dark-haired youth glanced across the plain outside the window, seeming to think of something, and suddenly stopped talking. In the quiet box, the flame-like pressure emanated from the dark-haired youth made the caravan leader on the opposite side feel The bones were piercing, the hairs were all raised, and I secretly felt regret. Why did I forget that I was an emperor officer, and there was also the kind of accompanying guards. In the imperial system with war power as the first, that senior officer , Not a murderer who has experienced many wars. Although the caravan leader is not an emperor, he also knows that at the most basic level of the empire, he also needs to be a general of the banner leader level in order to be qualified to **** cavalry.

"Need to find a guide who is familiar with the Lisbonto, I have a ready-made person here, as long as you say the name, he can take you there, even if it is some old streets, you know that the current Lisbonto changes a lot" The caravan leader was extremely polite. When he met halfway, the black-haired officer told him to come to Lisbon to find an old friend

"  " shouldn’t be needed, my friend’s position is easy to find.

"Isn't it really necessary? The urban area has been expanded three times in this year alone. Many streets have also been renovated. When I left three months ago, this peripheral wall was just beginning to be built, and it is already being planned. The new residential area is set. If you still look for it according to your original impression, I am afraid that you will get lost. "The caravan leader is still a little unwilling, and the tone is somewhat pleading. No matter what you say, the other party must be the senior inside the emperor team. At the officer level, if you can get in touch, it will be too much for the caravan,

  ” No, my friend’s residence should not be in the range of transformation


The dark-haired youth refused, and his eyes flickered. Now it seems that the entire Lisbon administration has been replaced. It is impossible to go directly to Tirnarant. Fortunately, I understand the situation of Lisbon. In other words, there is another more suitable candidate, the Duke of Putuo, the prince has officially been promoted to the king of the Duchy of Duo two years ago, and officially declared the Duchy of Duo to be an imperial vassal. In name, Lisbonto It is still a part of the duchy, the empire is only managed as the suzerain, and the duke is now living in the city of Huacheng, which is fifteen miles away from the sea of ​​Lisbon, and it is within the scope of the imperial navy. I believe even if it is How has the administrative staff changed, no one has the courage to provoke the behemoth of the Imperial Navy

   It would be nice if Dustrengke was in Lisbon, or it would not be so troublesome, as the Minister of the Navy, enough to control the current situation of Lisbon

It is a pity that from the work plan submitted by the Admiralty last month, the imperial navy minister is still making his last tour before the arrival of winter in the waters of Istan. It will take as soon as possible to return to Lisbonto in mid-November. The Admiralty is the commander of the Navy’s Fourth Squadron Chekov, a pirate-born navy general who, because of his bravery, fought several times because he was too brave to rush the flagship of the squadron into the enemy fleet.

And the most recent, the flagship of the squadron commander suffered damage from a hurricane while patrolling the inland waters, and is now repairing the naval dock in Lisbon, brave but reckless, this is the fat man's evaluation of the navy squadron commander If you are on the battlefield where the two armies meet, such a character can first raise the morale of the elders to fullness, but the same can be said of the battle damage under the character. It is a patient with adrenal hormone secretion problems, the kind that he can't control when he is excited. If he tells him where he is, I am afraid that it will not be a morning, and the news of the emperor's arrival in Lisbon will spread all over the streets.

"Just stop at the intersection in front of you." The fat man raised his hand to sort out his clothes and said towards the caravan leader opposite. The caravan leader looked sadly stopped the carriage in front and looked at the caravan that was going away, the fat man withdrew Looking, since you can’t go directly to the Admiralty, you can only find someone to replace yourself

"Put on plainclothes and take this supervisory branch to Lisboa. I want to see the person in charge here." The fat man took off the heraldic ring on the little finger of his right hand and handed it to the captain of the Imperial Guard behind him. Lisboa's internal affairs are The Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible, and the Supervision Department is the emperor himself, and the head of the Supervision Division of Lisbonto is the top priority. The adjustments that were only carried out in March this year, the fat man remembered to be a member of the Guards. The leader of the famous flag, whose name seems to be Isa, was transferred from the army to the logistics because of the left arm was cut off during the North and South Wars. Head of Branch

As mentioned in Lidatov’s suggestion, this person is bold, careful, flexible, and very loyal to the emperor. The most important thing for fat people is that Isa was a businessman in Ruidian before joining the emperor team. The emperor, who joined the emperor before the bankruptcy because of the war, is famous, but there are not many who can have both leading experience and business experience. Lisboto, as one of the troika’s troika to promote commercial trade, needs Is not just a hard-line supervisor, the fat man remembers the portrait of Aisa attached to the report, with a sharp arrow wound on the left brow bone

   In the afternoon, a black carriage drove out of the direction of Lisbon, and Isa, the head of the supervision branch, looked at the dense town outside the window, and the horse-drawn carriages crossed. The afterglow of the setting sun has gradually disappeared, and the end of the line of sight begins to be dark, fingers holding a black eagle wing ring tightly

"Sir, we are followed by someone behind us," said the adjutant who was sitting opposite, said in a low voice, the adjutant's direction was directly behind, the carriage driving in the night would hang wind lamps to tell the front and rear vehicles, and the carriage behind was obviously a little bit As a thief, even a lamp is not hanging

   "The guy in the Governor's Mansion is really lawless!" Aisa's face was a little angry.

   "Adult, in fact, our Supervision Department should not need to be afraid of the Governor's Mansion," the adjutant sitting opposite said carefully

  "Nonsense, our supervision department directly

His Majesty the Emperor, there is no need to be afraid of anyone. "Aisha put the ring in her pocket, said coldly." But after all, the Governor’s Palace is the first manager of Lisbonto, and directly under the Ministry of the Interior. Lisbonto is the most important source of taxation for the empire. The Ministry of Internal Affairs even set up a special office directly in Lisbon, as the department under the command of the first princess of the empire. During the emperor’s expedition to Central Biya, he was the sole agent of all aspects of the empire. Reluctant to provoke the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the former governor, Till Narant, was assassinated in March, and finally witnessed the death of a witness, which also dissatisfied the governor’s government, and now there has been an arms falsification. , Armaments trading must go through the Supervision Department, and now we suspect that there are internal ghosts in our Supervision Department, it is not incomprehensible"

   "Regardless of them, just try to get rid of it, the other party is just doing business"

Isa sighed. The former governor of Lisbon was tough and repeatedly suppressed Lisbon’s unscrupulous merchants. These daring merchants dare not dare to do it, but secretly bought the killer to assassinate the former governor. The governor of Tyre was still a big life. In the middle of his body, he was urgently transferred back to Dahaicheng to be rehabilitated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a revenge, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was then the new interim governor to Lisbon. With a very tough style, all the merchants who might be involved in this matter were arrested. It took up to four consecutive months of interrogation, and finally only traced that this matter might involve Aden. Just when this result was about to be submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the merchant who was the most important witness died in the closely guarded department of the Supervision Department. In the jail, then there was a falsification of the Lisboa Ordnance, because the explosion was so sudden that the governor’s office was simply unable to respond, and the attention of the supervision department was overwhelmed by the wave of the face. Off

  What should I do now, neither the Ministry of Supervision nor the Governor’s Office is completely helpless

The arms trade in Lisbon is too large, involving tens of millions of imperial gold in the transaction, and the special envoy of Erot has contributed to it, and it has degraded the quality of imperial weapons. For other countries that want to buy imperial weapons It’s silly not to know how to use it. It’s so stupid now that it’s envoy Ero’s rogue in Lisbon. In fact, all the countries that buy imperial weapons ordnance want to take advantage of the fire, as long as the empire admits this time. The price of empire weapons will inevitably plunge. For the same amount of money, there will be more weapons that can be purchased at that time. It also suppresses the grievances that have always been strangled by the empire to trade arms. Anyway, the Eros charged forward. You only need to wait and see the changes to make a big profit. Why not do it, except the empire are all enemies. This is the war between the empire and the entire continent! And the battlefield of this war is Lisbonto! But it’s not important now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If there is a person who can be the enemy of the whole continent and win the raid, then this person has arrived in Lisbon

  Although I don’t know what the emperor will do, Isa believes that those countries are destined to lose their blood! It was not until midnight that Isa threw away the carriage from the Governor’s Palace. The muddy carriage slowly drove into a manor in front. An Imperial guard was already waiting. Pulling the door, Isa came down from the carriage , Looked at the left and right, the villa is not luxurious, but with a breath of thick years, the evergreen trees over the courtyard show that someone here often cleaned, followed behind the imperial guards to the steps in front of them , Walked through the long corridor with flashing lights, a front door was pushed open, the guard in front of the way gave way to the side, and Isa looked in with respect,

   "Asa?" A thick voice came across

"I am Aisha, the person in charge of the Lisboa Division of the Imperial Supervision Department, and the most loyal servant of His Majesty. His Majesty’s army prestige the world. ... "Isa Bi knelt down on the ground with respect, and a series of words of compliment popped up in her mouth immediately, Lord of the Empire, it is not too much to say!

"It seems that Lidatov is right, you are indeed not a rigid person." The fat man looked at this guy who kept talking for three minutes, and he couldn't help but grin, it was hard to imagine this guy. It was actually the head of the banner regiment who was fighting in the front line, and it came out of the **** sea of ​​corpses. If you don't say it, will you say it until dawn!


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