Whole Nation

: 3,211 counterattack

After carefully asking Isa, the person in charge of the Imperial Supervision Division, I figured out the situation of Lisboto. The fat man's footsteps stopped, and Tie Qing's face eased a little, and Isa continued. "Although Governor Tier suffered Severe injuries, but life is not a big deal. It is said that only the right foot is left with a disability. It can be seen that the attack on Governor Tyre is obviously unwilling to make things worse!""

With a strange expression on his face, Aesar carefully looked at the emperor and saw that the emperor was silent, saying, "Lisbonto is almost one of the empire's strongholds. Among them, there are as many as 30 to 40 thousand merchants in the business. Before the attack, Governor Tier had just announced the restriction of the privileges of some large businessmen. The reason for the attack should be this. After the assassination, the Empire’s Ministry of Internal Affairs responded quickly, and took this opportunity to rectify the Lisbon merchants.”

   "Rectify? The fat man's eyebrows tightened a bit, and he seemed to think of something, and asked again" How many people died? "

"Dammit, although there is full control, there are still dead people. Torture was used for investigation, but it was not fatal. According to the requirements of the Ministry of the Interior, three large businessmen involved in the assassination were detained and gathered at the time to monitor There were hundreds of protesting merchants outside the Ministry, plus having to take into account that Lisbonto still represents the face of the empire, the Ministry of the Interior was also specifically asked to the Ministry of Supervision, it is best not to have a life-threatening incident, but in the end this happened "Isa can only bite her scalp hard, take a deep breath, and hit the ground with one end, eagerly replied

"Three people, how did you die?" A slightly angry voice pierced the eardrum, and Isa could feel the emperor's footsteps stopping in front of her. Khan Zhu couldn't help but grunted his forehead and followed it. The thin cheeks came to the ground,

   "They committed suicide in the prison of the Ministry of Supervision"

Aisa could hear her throat swallowing saliva nervously. Under the eyes of the emperor, Isa felt that her heart was about to jump out nervously. The emperor knew everyone about the value of Lisbonto. Mastering one-third of the empire’s financial and tax sources, and radiating the commercial center of the entire Inland Sea area, the emperor even brazenly declared war on the powerful imperial and imperial empire for this golden port, and now has died three big businessmen. For Lisbon Imagine the influence

"Three people, that's right, I'll say, how could such a thing suddenly happen in Lisbono!" The fat man has a blue face, his eyes are brighter, he is afraid of people, and he will kneel in front of Ai Sa kicked a heel and scolded angrily, "The face of the Supervisory Department has made you spoil!"

"  " is the fault of his subordinates, now it is too late to say anything, please punish your majesty! "Isa turned over from the ground and heard the emperor's scolding, which was ashamed to add

  "Do you know what is wrong with you?" The fat man has red eyes

"The subordinates shouldn't let those three people commit suicide. The subordinates were too negligent..." "Isa hadn't finished speaking yet, and felt a huge impact on the back again, the whole person Throwing heavily on the ground, choking the ground dust hit the face

"Is there a head on your neck? When did I say that it was related to the three suicidal idiots? "The emperor's voice was so utterly utterly corrupted that all the shaking rooms were ringing." You are the Imperial Supervision Department, when The prisons of the Supervision Department have also become a vegetable market that can come and go freely! Why are there only three, not thirty, three hundred... The so-called Supervision Department arrested so many people, even to the end Only three died. They were neither tortured nor executed. It was suicide. Suicide. What kind of world is this? You committed suicide in the prison of the Ministry of Supervision. You let the face of the Imperial Supervision Department go there!"

The fat man’s nose was instigated, but the Imperial Supervision Department was a power organ directly under him. In the heart of the fat man, it was the existence of the Eastern and Western factories in the Ming Dynasty, a murderous knife in the hands of the emperor, a loyal dog to defend the king’s power, and only recognize the emperor. Wrong, the emperor was blamed when necessary. When did the infamous supervision department also need to take into account public opinion?

   Is that still the Ministry of Supervision?

The fat man said angrily, “An imperial governor was assassinated, and so many people were arrested by the diligent supervisory department. But in the end, only three died, and he committed suicide. This is no longer embarrassing. Slashing the face of the empire, Doze was under assault by the Fissan

He died, but he used the head of a full 300,000 Feishan army, and the entire high-level nobles and generals of the Feishan kingdom were buried there. Since then, there have been no incidents of assassination of imperial officials for war purposes. This time Governor Listo When assassinated, the Supervision Department closed the case with three suicides. If it wasn’t for your enthusiasm for the Empire and its loyalty to the Empire, I would immediately order you to be executed. People like you are from the Imperial Supervision Department. shame! "

   "Your Majesty, you are confused!"

   Isa had a somewhat grieved face, already full of shame and shame

The emperor was furious. The death of the three merchants was nothing. The empire was so many merchants. The business resources were so rich. The dead merchants would soon have new ones coming out. Too few people died. The Ministry of Supervision’s notoriety is shameful. Fortunately, Isa was a soldier, and it was considered to be thick and fleshy, so he was not kicked to death. Otherwise, he would become the person in charge of the first branch of the Imperial Supervision Department to be kicked to death by the emperor.

It took more than ten minutes for the fat man to suppress his inner anger and glanced over Aisa who was kneeling in front of him, snorting and said, "Do you know why Lisbono suddenly broke such a scale of imperial counterfeiting? Your Supervision Department is the biggest The reason is that the nature of businessmen is to expel the best interests. In the case of Governor Tyre’s assassination, the Supervision Department also behaved so weakly. Naturally, he seized this opportunity and made a big deal. Arresting the revenge of merchants in Lisbon, the arms falsification incident will inevitably be suppressed. They only need to buy low prices, and then wait for the limelight to pass, and sell them at high prices. With a little manipulation, they can easily make money. Taking the huge price difference among them, anyway, because of the defeat, Erow urgently needs a large number of military weapons to supplement, and their hoarded weapons can be sold without worry!"

   "Your Majesty, what should I do now?" Hearing the emperor's words, Isa was completely stunned. He did not expect that the falsification of ordnance was directly related to his supervision department.

The fat man looked out at the starry sky outside the window. "Lisbonto is the base of the imperial merchants and the headquarters of the imperial business alliance. The strength of the merchants can be imagined. According to his understanding of the imperial merchants, this matter is basically certain A retribution of the Lisboa businessman against the empire. At the top of the empire, not many people knew the identity of Tirnarant. Although this Lisboa administrative officer had airborne in Lisboa, it had attracted the attention of all parties, but a regional government After all, the value that officials can pay attention to is limited, and as time goes by, it is generally understood that this Governor Tyre may only be the background of the Ministry of the Interior

After Tirnarant touched the interests of some big businessmen, these big businessmen took the risk of taking a stab to force Tirnarant to leave, the intervention of the Imperial Supervision Department, or made the big merchants in Lisbonto nervous, but Afterwards, the Superintendent of the Supervision Department made the big business people think that they were weak and can be bullied. It was not entirely impossible for Eero to make sure that the inferior weapons came from the empire! Such a big deal, the arms trade of hundreds of thousands of armies, even the Lisbonto, is also a year’s total trade. In front of such huge benefits, there are not many people who take risks, especially in the government’s government is unable to control it, and the supervision department is weak. In the case of bullying"

"According to the decree of the Imperial Arms Trade, any arms transaction must be reviewed by the Supervision Department. From now on, except for this seal, all other arms transactions will not be issued, and you will go to the Admiralty to collect ten Warship, I’m going to Huacheng Port early tomorrow morning.” The fat man walked to the desk, opened the drawer, took out a seal from inside and handed it to Isa, and a levy order sent to the Admiralty,

Aisa lowered her head, took the seal with both hands, and glanced. The pupils couldn't help but squeeze. The elaborate arrangement for the emperor and the admiration of the five bodies cast the ground. This turned out to be the private seal of the Duke of Putao, so that he could explain to the outside world why All other arms trades were rejected, and only the Ducao Duke’s Palace was able to be released. In the final analysis, the monarch of Lisboto was the Grand Duke of the Ducao. It is not easy for the Ministry of Supervision to intervene

   "Go now"

The fat man waved his hand slightly tiredly. This seal was originally given to the Empire by the Duke of Putao as a sincerity. The fat man handed this seal to the Imperial Bank for custody. This is actually an industry of the Imperial Bank, Aisa Turned away from the office and left, went directly to the Imperial Navy Rees

The port of Bento,

   "Sir Isa, how come you have time?"

Chekhov, the commander of the squadron stationed in the fleet, was called out in the middle of the night, with a look of displeasure, but in the face of the notoriety of the Supervision Department, he could only shy his face, ridiculed, and also drummed in his heart. Do you touch the law? After learning that Isa was here to recruit naval warships, he was embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, Master Isa should know that the transfer of more than ten naval warships must be ordered by the Admiralty, even if I am the commander of the squadron. The power of a fleet of this size"

   The order of the Admiralty was not, only this "Aisa took out the order book of the emperor's enlistment from his pocket"

"Without the order from the Admiralty, I really can't make the decision without permission, and I also ask Master Isa to be considerate!" Chekov originally wanted to see Aisa's deflated expression, which could make the inspectorate officials deflated. This will definitely let him Blowing on for several years, he smiled and took the order from Aisha, glanced at it, and suddenly jumped up in shock.

   "Is this okay?" Aisa's face was cold, and there was a bruise on the face beaten by the emperor

   "Of course, there is no problem!"

Chekov returned the order book with both hands, and his face was extremely serious. Although he didn’t know what the Supervision Department wanted the ten warships to do, it was definitely not a simple matter to be able to come up with the emperor’s order. After checking the order, Chekov was very interesting and asked nothing, and directly gave the command of ten Dragon Tooth battleships to Aisa,

Facing the morning sun, the front of the triangle of the Longya battleship splits like a knife across the sea of ​​white mist. After the turbulent water splashes, it rewinds and turns back. Ten Imperial Longya battleships appeared in the port of Huacheng in the shape of a character. Outside the sea, the fat man was wearing a black imperial uniform standing at the bow of the Longya battleship,

Lisbon’s October climate is dry and pleasant, with a slight chill in the oncoming breeze. The cold winter from the north has no signs of coming. The southern area of ​​Gang Fei has always been milder by other regions, and it is also so mild. The temperature environment has cast too lazy folk customs on this land. The ships in the port in front are all the ships of the Putao sea squadron. In essence, they are the old navy of the Putao. At the request of the Duke of Putao, the fat man chartered the Pu Duke Duo rebuilt the request of the Naval Fleet of Putuo, and used Huacheng Port as the headquarters of the squadron. At the moment, more than 30 old-style sail warships are being stopped in the port, floating up and down with the impact of the sea waves, and the sea waves The pile of water washed up on the beach of Huacheng Port, which was like a golden line under the sunshine. The white seagull made a clear sound and fell on the mast of the Longya battleship. There came a loud clanging sound from the port

  "I said that even if you let you three, you can't win me, so according to the agreement, your squadron must receive 600 Strand sailors to work for you, and must pay the wages equally.

In an exquisite and beautiful villa in Huacheng Port, a huge domed room constructed entirely of white marble, an old man calmly dropped the chess piece in his hand, opposite him, dressed in a thick patterned robe The Duke's face was flushed, and after more than ten seconds, Duke Putao looked at the old man opposite, and couldn't help but say, "Your Excellency Bappula, anyway, you are also a class-level figure of the **** of war. In order to recommend to the local fleet Is it too shameful for the Strand Mariners to do this?"

   "Humiliating? For my own country, even lying on the ground to make people trample, is also a kind of pride. I didn't know who said this at first." Bapra's old mouth scorned slightly,

"My situation is completely different from that of your Excellency." Duke Putao's face was embarrassed for a moment. What kind of hope would he have in the original situation? Who would have thought that the empire would help him get his Putao back, and wiped out the strong enemy in one fell swoop? Just not an empire,

"If there is a silver lining, I don't want to act like that." Baprah's mouth smiles bitterly. "The Sea of ​​Strand was annexed by the Empire. It seemed quite embarrassing. When the Strand Sea State was strong, it used the entire Inland Sea as its back garden, basically offending the entire Inland Sea country. Now that it is dissolved, the livelihood of tens of thousands of sailors is a problem. , The original naval sailors can also be adapted by the imperial navy, while civilian sailors are rejected by the national fleet

Now, the entire Inland Sea area is refusing to hire Stratans. If they can’t find a job yet, this winter, the Stratans will die from starvation and many people will die. Annexation, but the Stratans still need to continue to live, right? Because there is no territorial territory, their lives have no other way but to rely on the sea. It seems that at the time, Putuo was just occupied, and only Strath sent people to rescue him, he asked the Duke to help the Stratt."

   "Sir, the Imperial Navy has just docked at the port!" A duke's attendant pushed open the door and came in

"The imperial navy is here, I don't know anything about it?" Duke Putao's face was surprised, the main force of the imperial navy was in the inner sea, and now there is only one squadron stationed in Lisbon, the squadron commander and himself Not familiar

"The other party did not get off the boat, but the people brought this." The attendant handed a letter over, and Duke Putao took a look at it, and almost made a sound, oh my god, isn't he still in Centralbia, how? When I came to the Port of Huacheng, I was connected to the slapstick imperial falsification farce in Lisbon at this moment. The Duke of Putao couldn't help shaking with the letter in his hand. This is the rhythm of the **** storm!

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