Whole Nation

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   "My God, what the **** is going on!"

   "The Imperial Navy Department is really crazy this time. Do you know that once this happens, the entire Lisbon Tortoise trade is considered abolished!"

   "It's finished, how can the Empire and Navy Department make such a bad decision" A businessman's face was pale, the whole person stumbled out and said to himself

"I knew it, I knew that the Ministry of Supervision suddenly banned the arms trade. It was definitely not as simple as it seems. Sure enough, as expected, this is not the case. It has always been said that the price of imperial weapons will fall again and again. Now, now, now It was neither sold nor shipped, and it all fell into his hands. "A businessman crouched on the ground in pain, holding his head in both hands, crying and crying.

   "I used to borrow money to buy ordnance. The one-month repayment period is not even possible to ship out now"

"A deficit of at least 50,000 gold, maybe more than... I really don't know what to do." Waves of sound spread from the ceremonial hall in the port area of ​​Lisbon, and merged into a fierce and noisy sound that gradually spread. In the small square outside the meeting hall and the nearby area, the billboards hanging in front of the entrance of the port ceremony hall are already surrounded by people on several floors, all because of the billboards just hanged by the Admiralty , The number of people from the beginning of more than a hundred people, soon turned into thousands, and then like a hurricane swept through the thatch, Aihong a piece, in the Chamber of Commerce Chamber of the Carus Chamber of Commerce, it was packed people

   "Carus comes out, Carus comes out" The merchants shouted Carus' name

   "I'm sorry everyone, the president is not in the Chamber of Commerce now!" A vice president of the Chamber of Commerce in charge looked embarrassed, looking desperately at the businessmen who were congested in the lobby

"I know that Carlos is in the Chamber of Commerce. I saw him this morning. Don’t think that you can hide and hide. If you don’t refund our money, we will pretend to be an imperial merchant selling fake and inferior weapons. Say it out, refund the money, and we ask for the money back." A businessman stood up and shouted hysterically, and then the second, the third, as if there was something hidden under the shady screen, exploding like a bomb, outside Seeing the lively people, the voices of various discussions, and the Carruss Chamber of Commerce pretending to be imperial merchants selling fake and inferior weapons, they also spread uncontrollably, and the buzzing noises

   "Unexpectedly, it is the Carus Chamber of Commerce who sells fake ordnance!"

"It's really unrecognizable. As one of the largest chambers in Erow, the Carus Chamber of Commerce looks so glamorous, but it's so fussy inside. It's really abominable to put the black pot of counterfeit weapons on the heads of imperial merchants. "Soon a team of City Guards in Lisbon appeared at the door of the Chamber of Commerce of Carus. A city guard officer ordered the entire Chamber of Commerce of Carus to be closed.

"Karus, this idiot, even finds such a person to cooperate, can we talk about the sale of counterfeit ordnance, the empire will soon find Karus, we must find a way ourselves" in Karoo A bright carriage was parked in a corner of the street outside the Sri Lankan Chamber of Commerce. The blonde young man looked at this scene with fierce eyes, his palms pressed heavily on the desktop, and watched as a pair of frost beaten eggplant by the city guards. Going, the nose can't help but snorted heavily

"His Royal Highness, I said long ago that after finishing that sale, you should get rid of this Carus. If you did that, why would you have the trouble now?" Sitting opposite the blond young man was a look. The mature middle-aged man, with tall flashing eyes on both sides of the bridge of his nose, flashing cold eyes, and the black dress worn on his body, the first feeling is like a coldness stared at by a poisonous snake

"Okay, now everything is empty. Calle Calus can't be trusted. The black jail of the Imperial Supervision Department. Karus can't survive it. The crazy dog ​​of the Imperial Supervision Department will soon sniff after the smell. The “blonde young man withdrawn his gaze from a distance and waved his hand to the middle-aged person opposite him.” The thing to do now is to immediately throw away the 100,000 sets of imperial weapons acquired some time ago, otherwise, we will not only lose A Carus Chamber of Commerce will also let the empire seize the handle."

"I'm afraid that it's impossible. If it is okay to say that before, the entire Lisbono is now full of noise, the Ministry of Supervision has forcibly stopped the arms trade, and the Admiralty strictly forbids the shipment of arms out of Lisbono. This hot goods, It’s hard to throw out in a short time. “The middle-aged man’s face shows a bit of embarrassment, and his mouth smiles bitterly.” Now the entire Lisbono has reached the point where the weapons have changed and so many troops

Who dares to ask for weapons? But in order to buy these ordnance, more than two million imperial gold has already been spent. Isn't it possible to get rid of it like this?

   "This is absolutely not possible. Others don't know how these two million dollars came from, don't you know yet"

Hearing the words of middle-aged people, the blond young man’s face was determined to shake his head again and again.” For Rila who is in desperate need of funds, these two million people have already reached the income of the Rila Kingdom for half a year. The destruction of the kingdom was quite serious, the entire south was destroyed, and the north was mostly damaged. Although we finally drove the Hungarians out of Rila, the population loss caused by that war reached more than 3 million. For the total For Rila, whose population is less than 10 million, it is a catastrophe! In order to restore the ruined kingdom, the royal family has mortgaged all taxes and a large number of regional resources. For this money, we have already smashed the pot and sold iron. Even the profits from the last transaction with the Erow are inside!"

   "Since this is the case, it will only take another risk"

   Looking at the young blond man's determination, the middle-aged businessman looked solemnly at the outside of the carriage and tapped his fingers heavily on the table

   "Do you mean like the last time?" The blond young man's face was stunned.

"Why not?" The middle-aged man grinned. "Like last time, he encouraged the merchants of the whole Lisbon to protest in the Governor's Palace. Besides, this time the Ministry of Supervision prohibited the sale of ordnance, but it also guarded against theft and let it be sold exclusively. I believe that only With this, there are many people who dare not speak out, not to mention the prohibition of the Admiralty now, I believe that the merchants who are very dissatisfied with this are definitely not a few in Lisbon, as long as we point to the appropriate one Put the fire on, the merchants of Lisbonto will make trouble, the governor's house will eventually press the Supervision Department, and Karus will go to prison. The entire Lisbonto will soon know that the Ministry of Supervision has seized the counterfeit ordnance. Criminals, the Supervision Department naturally has no reason to continue to ban arms trading. At that time, we can throw out all the weapons in our hands as soon as possible and return to Rila with the money earned."

   "The way is good, but just by our strength, I'm afraid that I can't encourage the merchants of the whole Lisbon!" Hearing the middle-aged man, some worry appeared on the face of the blonde young man

"This can be reassured," the middle-aged man in black flashed his eyes, revealing a sense of sophistication and calmness, and his voice paused. He continued, "This opportunity is really rare. All the forces sent people to Lisbon. Yes, the entire arms trade in Lisbon, with hundreds of thousands of them, was unexpectedly boycotted at the same time, which is enough to show that all parties have tacitly cooperated to suppress the state of the empire. I believe that it is not only us who want the Ministry of Supervision to release the arms trade order. On the Swiss side, what everyone lacks is just a person who dares to fire"

   "I can only do this now" the blond youth sighed

The Lisbon Traders, the crowded merchants still have their eyes widened, looking for the trade wooden sign that appeared thirty-seven times in a row on the front of the trade wall, but unfortunately disappointed everyone, it seems that with Carus Taken away by the empire, the trade sign disappeared

   "It seems that it should only be used as a bait. Now that it has caught people, it is normal to stop appearing."

In a gorgeously decorated villa, a businessman wearing delicate satin robes pressed the report he had just received on the table. In front of him, there were three or four businessmen, and one of them couldn’t help but say, "Adult, I This may not be the case. Since the Ministry of Supervision has caught the counterfeiters, why hasn’t the ban on arms trading been released yet?"

"I let you all be cautious. You refuse to listen, and you want to wait for the collapse of the Emperor Machinery and then buy it in large quantities. Now the price of the Emperor Machinery has not collapsed, but it has increased by 20% compared with the original. , Even if someone wants to sell it, they dare not sell it! The businessman glanced at other people and took a deep breath. This time the price of the imperial machinery has fallen sharply. For all other forces, it is a feast for carnival Everyone is waiting for the price of the Emperor Machinery to collapse. Who knows that the sudden reversal situation has made everyone look dumbfounded. The price of the Emperor Machinery is under the eyes of everyone. In terms of rush to buy, it is simply the pain of being slashed 202

   "Sir, just got the news, Rila prepared..." A servant came in a hurry, in the businessman's ear

Whispered for a while

"I know, let's go." The businessman nodded. After listening, Leng Jun finally raised a smile on his face and raised the report to the several businessmen standing in front of him. Leng Junshuo said, "I just received According to the news, the Rila people are going to protest in the Governor’s Palace again. I heard that the confederated Carus Chamber of Commerce was the Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom of Rila, and that the Rila people also bought weapons most recently. Conservatively, there are at least ten Ten thousand sets of weapons and armaments are in the hands of the Rila people. It seems that the imperial navy’s ban on foreign transportation made the Rila people feel uneasy. This is good. Since no one wants to come out as a bird, let the Rila people Go and be good"

"Tell us, cooperate with the Rila people!" The businessman said decisively, he believes that like himself, other forces are more or less cooperating with the Rila people, otherwise the Supervision Department has not been relieved, everyone's loss It's big! Now that the Rila people are willing to stand up, then everyone will follow behind,

   The morning sunlight fell on the calm water of Lisbon Port, as if weaving a layer of silver light into the sea water. The tall masts of various ships in the harbor reflected a long shadow in the morning light. The sailors were nervously and orderly packing up the various items to prepare for the voyage. The Lisbonto began again in the morning light. On a busy day, the number of quays that had been crowded has been reduced a lot at the moment. In the past, there were few businessmen who shuttled back and forth in the port of Lisbon. At this moment, there are very few. Most of the businessmen who can be seen are not related to the arms trade.

"The other party did the trick again" The fat man withdrew his gaze from the port and appeared on an imperial merchant ship firmly docked in the port. The other party would once again encourage the merchants in Lisbon to protest in the Governor's Palace, which had long been expected by the fat man. The governor’s palace has also been prepared for a long time. The strength of the four squadrons has been transferred to the periphery of the governor’s palace. There are a full of 1,000 imperial soldiers. The governor’s palace itself is already at the third level of martial law, and the third level is the battle level. The guards are already struggling, as long as anyone attempts to attack the governor's palace, in accordance with the imperial decree, it is safe to rebel!

   "Send this to the port exchange" The fat man turned from the bow, took out a trade list in his arms, and handed it to the guard behind him. He was just wearing casual clothes, and standing on the bow was not conspicuous.

   "Yes, Your Majesty" guards took the trade list and left

Ten minutes later, this weapon trade list, which was specifically confirmed by the Imperial Supervisory Department and confirmed the authenticity of the goods ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ reappeared at the Port of Lisboa Trade Center, but this time, the number is no longer three hundred, but three Ten thousand sets! The price is still flat, and the Guardian still remembers that when he handed the trade list to the trade office, the person of the trade office who received his own eyes quickly swelled out! Even the deputy director of the Trade Office received himself in person,

   "It's terrible, isn't it, it has nothing to do with us!"

Governor Vihari shrugged his shoulders and looked at the woman sitting on the sofa. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the corner of his mouth. Thousands of businessmen gathered at the gate of the Governor’s Mansion. Constantly shouting for various slogans, Vihari can be sure that if they didn’t see the city guard’s sharp weapons at the door, these merchants rushed in, and the cry from the door gave Vihari in the room a face Depressed, walking back and forth

"I said, it was just the beginning. "The woman on the sofa picked up the glass on the table and took a sip gently." I didn't know who was so big. Even the Supervision Department and the Navy Department cooperated with him. The other party had a series of The method is really unpredictable, not only the criminals who sell the fake and inferior weapons that have not been caught for a long time are hooked out, but even all the parties involved in blocking the price of the imperial weapon have jumped out by themselves. Two birds with one stone, now they just don’t know what the other party will do.”

"Sir, it's not good. Just now the news came from the East Gate. The Third Army of the South Africa, just outside Lisbon, entered from the East Gate!" An attendant of the governor's office was in a panic. Run in

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