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When the army entered Lisbonto, and gathered outside the governor’s house to protest, the Lisbonto merchants immediately dispersed. In a blink of a few minutes, thousands of people outside the Lisbonto’s house disappeared. The guards were all inexplicable. The governor Tyr Niulisi in the house received a report from the guard and hurried to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Sure enough, except for the guards, the pedestrians across the street ran clean, but the garbage and protest banners scattered on the Guangping at the entrance were scattered on the ground. It was really unbelievable. Just a few minutes ago, there were thousands of Listo businessmen protesting loudly here. "Or the governor's decisiveness, we should let the military enter the city earlier. "Tirnuris looked back admiringly from the floor-to-ceiling window. Looking at Governor Vihari behind him, the Imperial Army cannot be allowed to enter Lisbon without the permission of the Governor of Lisbon. Although this order has already existed in name, such a large number of Imperial troops must enter Lisbon. Governor Vihari’s order, it’s no wonder that Vihari was completely unconcerned about the merchants protesting outside the Governor’s House. It turned out that it was at the critical time that he transferred the army into the ace of Lisbon.” What do you want to say, isn’t it you Did you order the military to enter the city? "Vihari replied confusedly." Me? How could it be, even if I am the special envoy of the Ministry of the Interior, I have no power to mobilize the military. With a confused expression, looking at the whole Lisbon, who has the qualifications and power to let the army into the city, who can be besides Vihari in front of him? It is impossible to mobilize the 15,000 troops of the Third Army in the Gangfei South even if it is the Supervision Department that overrides the various agencies. The deployment of the army is first-class and strict in the Empire, not to mention the Gangfei South. The Third Army is a second-line combat legion. When it first fought with Central Europe Baro, it had followed the emperor. This is a field army, not a local army! "Not you, nor me. Who let the Third Army enter Lisbon?"

Vihari looked at Tier Nuris, his face suddenly changed, why did the Third Army who did not receive the military order suddenly drive into Lisbon? The imperial army is not a joke, it is the sword of the empire. Once the sheath is out, it is rare that the blood will not be reduced. The third army will enter the Lisbon support and it is absolutely impossible to come for sightseeing!

Vihari quickly walked to the front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the Lisbon Tower outside the window. The houses cascaded next to each other. The streets and the residential areas were not at a glance. Although there is no shadow of the army yet, Vihari’s ears In the middle, it seems to have heard the murderous and tidy footsteps of the imperial army. Countless imperial soldiers with weapons are pouring into the city gate of Lisbon like a tide. They have never ordered the military to enter the city. The expression does not seem to be fraud. If it was not privately with Tirnuly, who ordered the third army to enter the city? "If it’s not you and me, then there is only one possibility, the one who drives the whole Lisbonto behind his back"

Tiernuris reacted for the first time, but only the guesses she spoke, even she could not believe it. This is definitely a fierce character who turned the hand over the cloud and the rain, and most people still come back. When responding, it has reversed the situation in which the price of imperial armaments plummeted in one fell swoop. The means are clever, which can allow the Imperial Inspectorate and the Admiralty to cooperate. Now, the other party has demonstrated its ability to mobilize the army. If it is not known that the Empire The emperor is still in the central part of the country, Tyr Niulisi will think of the dead fat man as soon as he comes back, it is embarrassing to say that his teeth are hurting

Because of the various rumors at the time, in the identity of the emperor's lover in the Samorian era, who looked at the entire empire, who dared to raise their relatives to the Tyre family, so although this gorgeous fire rose in the southern part of Wikiya is 25 years old, it is still Fortunately, fortunately, the first princess Mao Monaqing, who was in charge of the Empire’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, took care of her, and specifically called her into the Empire’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that the entire Tyre family valued her more. Otherwise, her Tyr Nius was a laughing stock. I think the current situation shows that Lisbon has brought in a big man from the top of the empire. Since that is the case, our little governor’s office only needs to cooperate. "Vihari is obviously more mature in this respect, and his eyes narrowed. Sharp as a knife, a person who was usually tired and lazy, and could be sent by the first princess to guard the Lisbonto, it is naturally impossible to be a mediocrity. From the supervision department suddenly became tough, he already felt something wrong, and then the navy The ministry also issued a ban on the sea, and Vihari had already made a plan to hold the head to watch the show. The other party did not mean to let the governor’s office come forward, so he pretended to be stupid.

He is only the interim governor, mainly responsible for assisting Tyr Niulisi to investigate the assassination of the former governor

Before the departure, the first princess Mao Monaqing already explained to him that even the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs did not appoint the governor of Lisbonto, so he could only apply the temporary title to his title, even if Lisbonto could finally To stabilize the situation, he could not remove the temporary two words. Lisbonto was the emperor's restricted area. In addition to the emperor himself, any force that tried to get involved with Lisbonto, the final result was suffered by the emperor's ruthless blow, and was favored by the emperor. Princess Turit, a strong woman who entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire, was not ordered by the emperor to ban the foot for two months just because she wanted to control the Lisbon.

Knowing that Lisboa was not just a fat one, but that it was a pond that could drown people. After arriving in Lisbon, Haveli deliberately showed the illusion of complete inability to control Lisboa. He only came to assist in the investigation. It will be transferred back, there is really no need to drown in the deep water of the deep ponds, not to mention the outbreak of the imperial ordnance falsification of the empire, which is like a hurricane sweeping the entire Lisbon, and now the effect is also shown. People came to resolve this incident of imperial military ordnance fraud, and all the signs also indicate that the empire's senior is fairly certain of the work of the Governor's Mansion.

The streets and alleys of Lisbon are now staring at the imperial army that is entering. The queue of imperial soldiers wearing black armor shows a terrible killing in the sun, and the three-meter-long spear is facing the heights. Lifting up, the cold light on the gun blade saw the scalp numb, so that in the rapid development of several years, the Lisbon people who had forgotten the pain of the war for a long time, could not help but recall the previous years of war. The imperial army swept through the invincible Gangfei army, and finally even the collapse of the Gangfei Empire was finally swallowed by the Empire. The army entered and the murderous sky was full. The pedestrians on the street hurried to their homes.

Soon, the notice about the imperial army's entry into the city was also filled with the streets and alleys of Lisbon. The contents above let the Lisbon people see each other in person. It turned out to be a declaration because the former Governor of Lisbon was attacked. There has been no progress in the investigation for several months. The Third Army accepted orders from the Imperial Supervision Department and the Ministry of Military Affairs to start a new investigation into the attack on Governor Tyre!

"Why, haven't you already investigated?" Some businessmen asked uncomfortably. "Do you want to question the order of the military department? The soldiers in front of the notice came to the front, and the armoured clank came, and they came across the face. The pressure suddenly made the businessman speechless. At the beginning, the investigation of the Supervision Department was not meticulous. Even though three of the businessmen were finally caught, it was a joke that committed suicide in the tightly guarded Supervision Department. I thought this matter had passed, but I didn’t expect that this time it would never happen, and it wasn’t the so-called investigation of the Ministry of Supervision that was painless and itchy. The manifestation was obviously to be real, which was very troublesome, but the army was naked. The violent institution in Lisbon, the wind direction changed, and the original protesters suddenly dared not to cry

"After investigation, you are suspected of being involved in the assassination of Governor Tyre, please come back with us to assist in the investigation!" The officers of the Third Army soon began to sweep the entire riches of Lisbon, of course, those parties would yell "injustice" , They will try to quibble that they have nothing to do with the attack on Governor Tier. This time the scale almost enveloped the entire middle and high-level arms dealers in Lisbon, all of them were invited to the camp by the Third Army for tea. In time, the Lisbon Tor was full of voices of grievances, and the Third Army soldiers brought a cry and a pleading everywhere, and the entire Lisbon Tor was shrouded in an atmosphere of terror

"This is not a matter of investigating the assassination of Governor Tyre anymore. This is a major investigation against the entire Lisbon merchants’ arms dealer." In order to get rid of the assassination of the Governor, the Lisbon dealers’ arms dealers could not manage so much, assassinating the empire. The Governor’s conviction is quite serious. As for the empire’s treatment of the assassins, looking at the results of King Feishan and the 300,000 Feishan army, it can be known that the Empire did not use the weak governor’s house this time, but mobilized the direct execution. The powerful military can know that the empire did not hesitate to kill this time. Now who dares to have some reservations, the military has asked how many times they have been in the brothel for the past six months.

"After two days of inquiry, according to the transaction records of the arms dealers, in addition to the carus that has been seized, there are the following six chambers of commerce that have jointly suppressed the price of the imperial arms and then bought in large quantities."

Tandanis, who was not the head of the Third Army Corps, respectfully submitted the inquiry report in his hand to the emperor's desk. The emperor reached out his hand and opened the first page. His eyes were swept, and the corners of his mouth were slightly skimmed. None of these six chambers of commerce was really an empire. Chamber of Commerce, countries have found the tools of fire and robbery in this arms falsification incident, because the imperial sea ban is in time, and the imperial weapons purchased by various countries have not yet had the opportunity to be shipped, because they cannot be transported by sea, then the other party can only choose to go. There is only one land road, which is easy to control. With such a large-scale arms trade, it is almost impossible to hide the past on land!

"In order to investigate Governor Tyre's assassination order, he immediately conducted a comprehensive search of these six chambers of commerce, and found all the items seized."

"Then those other businessmen?" Tandanis asked cautiously. "The fat man waved his hand." They could not let them go now. The supervision department's order to ban the sale of weapons would be revoked in these two days. Before the prices have completely stabilized, they will only cause big trouble when they are released. "Tandannis nodded suddenly, and the emperor was right. These businessmen are all bones. If they just release them for two or three days, they will be released. I am afraid that these businessmen will immediately form a group to sue him and face raging public anger. , Even if he indicated to the military department that it was the emperor’s order, it would also be subject to investigation, otherwise the military department would quell these merchants’ anger.

At present, in the entire arms trade in Lisbon, there are only 30,000 sets of infantry armor that fat people hang up. Because it is a unique relationship, the price is not only higher than the original, but it is still deliberately hyped. The price of imperial armor It has been 30% higher than the original, but even so, in the face of this single sale, the joint price reduction of the purchasers of various countries from the beginning has gradually become a competition for each other, so there are so many resources, and other arms dealers are all The three armed forces seized in the name of an investigation. The Lisboa Ordnance Trade Market, which originally had hundreds of thousands of armaments, suddenly became an armament buyer with only a large amount of funds in its hands. At this moment, no matter how unwilling, we only have to take the road to **** it, otherwise who knows who missed this batch of ordnance and when will the next batch be hung up! "Three hundred thousand!" "Three hundred and fifty thousand gold!" "Forty-five gold!"

In the Lisboa Trade Exchange, in front of the armament trade brand, there is a surge of people, and the price that has been shouted has repeatedly refreshed the highest price of the Imperial Armament ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Until now, all arms dealers in all countries have found one The cruel reality is that the reason for long-term purchase of fine ordnance from the empire is that their domestic ordnance forging industry has shrunk dramatically. Both the quality and the quality are far less excellent than the empire ordnance, so once the supply of empire ordnance is cut off , And consequently the fluctuations are not just Lisbonto, but also their domestic supply

Even the envoy of the Eero Empire, who had been hustling in the port before, was anxious at the moment. Now who still cares about him!

The fierce defeat of the Eero Empire, coupled with the previous million-level battle with the Adens, almost all of the ordnance and weapons hoarded in more than ten years have been exhausted. Now after the ban on sale in Lisbon in January, Eero’s domestic military industry is almost bankrupt. It is totally impossible to support the defensive plan of the King of the Eero Empire. According to the plan, the Eero Empire is ready to mobilize 600,000 militiamen, but the inventory of the Eero Empire ordnance is only limited to 30,000 weapons, even the clusters of arrows that are consumed in daily operations. It’s about to bottom out. If it is not possible to buy a large number of ordnance from the empire in the near future, it means that King Eero has a crisis that was broken by the sect of the Order. I thought that I wasted the precious time that the domestic **** battle was fighting for to blackmail the empire. The envoy committed suicide that night!

The next day, the Lisbon Ministry of Supervision announced that the arms ban was lifted, a large number of weapons were dumped at once, and the arms trading market, which had been hungry for a month, was activated again, with stable prices and even a small increase

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