Whole Nation

: 3,216 Lies

Huacheng Island, when the big waves that swept the entire Lisbon to start to rise, Huacheng Port, which is fifteen miles away from Lisbon, seems to have been forgotten. The air is dry in the afternoon and dusk, up to three meters in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows. The golden sunlight is projecting from the outside. In the golden beam of light, countless small pieces are flying. The whole house seems to be a layer of tranquility. An old man stands with his hands behind his back against the glass window, and looks around. Finally, his eyes fell on a middle-aged businessman sitting on the sofa next to the chessboard. The middle-aged businessman held a chess piece in his hand. It had not fallen for a long time, and even sweat fell on the chessboard.

"Carus has already confessed, and the young Royal Highness of Rila has also been detained by someone sent by the Rila royal family. Six large businessmen involved in this matter disappeared from Lisbon. Don't think about it, it must be in the Supervision Department. In the black prison, nothing can be hidden anymore, are you still lucky?"

The old man turned around and pressed a report on the chessboard of a middle-aged businessman. He said with a condensed voice, "Ask for defeat, the big waves will fade, and the hidden things will be revealed. The Imperial Supervision Department will soon find it here. You unite The Rila people sell inferior weapons to the Eros, and then use the Eros to suppress the Lisbon Ordnance Market. The plan to use this to control the Lisbon To arms market should now be on that person’s table. ""I'm not reconciled. I'm a general monarch. Lisboa was originally mine. I just want to get my own things back. Is this wrong?"

The middle-aged businessman's ugly fingers clasped the long-lost chess piece, which was the king in the chess piece. He wanted to sit in his whole life. The empire attacked the Gangfei Empire from the Putuo area. I once promised myself that as long as I can defeat the Gangfei Empire, I will give the general the opportunity to become a kingdom from the Principality.

But in fact, the Gang-African Empire was smashed and smashed by the imperial army, and the Principality of the Putuo did not become the Kingdom of the Putuo. Instead, the entire south was marked out. In addition to the aforementioned needs of the Southern Fleet of the Imperial Central Biya Fleet, shouldn’t the other Strand sailors be used as merchant mariners?” “The local fleet under the Duke’s Palace of Putao can’t be used, ships. Keep, the staff must be disbanded, I need the Strand sailor to fill these vacancies. "The Duke of Putao just committed suicide in the front. The dark-haired youth knows that if he does not make it clear, this Strand's Poseidon will not trust himself. "It's just a local fleet, it doesn't need so many Strand sailors!" Barbula is not so easy to fool,

The dark-haired youth also coughed up embarrassingly. "Of course it is not just a local fleet, but also the fleet of the six hacked chambers of commerce. These six chambers of commerce are all first-class chambers of commerce, otherwise they will not be eligible. Cooperating with the Dukes of Putao to control the entire arms trade in Lisbon, I will use the merchant ships of these six chambers of commerce to form a transport fleet. The first thing I need to do now is to hoard the Lisbon. Armaments have been shipped out for more than a month, you should know that according to the size of the arms trade in Lisbonto, the duke of the generals is also crazy about money, and the low-cost weapons purchased in conjunction with the other six chambers of commerce are millions."

"Millions! Impossible, so many ordnances cannot be hidden in places like Lisbon."

Bapura couldn't help but take a breath. It's no wonder that Duke Putao was so unwilling before he died, he recognized that he was almost close, and he could master the entire market of arsenal in Lisbon, and dig a large chunk from the most fertile trade in the empire. It is just such a large number of ordnance that in the well-informed commercial center of Lisbon, it is impossible to keep confidential at all. It is no wonder that the emperor suspected that he had been the Duke of Putuo in the first time. It was too conspicuous!

"You're right, so many ordnances can't be hidden in Lisbon, so these ordnances can only be hidden in one place, Huacheng Port, and the fake and inferior weapons sold to Erow are also shipped from here, so The Supervision Department simply did not know!" The dark-haired youth shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Pass the document in hand to the stunned Papla and say coldly, "I hope that the Strand sailor will come to Lisbon as soon as possible. Fifteen days is the maximum period the empire can give."


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