Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and twenty-seven who wins (3)

"What exactly happened here?"

  Hero, the eighth squadron leader of the Third Army of Eero, lay on the ground, opened his mouth, and exhaled subconsciously. Update quickly. He had some scalp tingling, his eyelids were shaking desperately, his ears were filled with the echoes of grace, he could not hear anything, the heat wave was blowing, the blazing fire was exploding, and the air at night had been close to freezing for a short time. , Breathing people's skin, the field of vision seems to be slightly distorted. Just before his line of sight, the subordinate who was being cleaned was covered by a violent explosion, and hundreds of people blinked and became the broken limbs of the ground, Spark The burst of blast wave lifted and hit the ground heavily

He was not a new recruit who had never been on the battlefield, nor had he ever seen the scene of corpses running wild. Last year’s brutal battle with the Adens, the people who died in battle were like a stubble covered the earth, but it was not like this. , The person who was just alive, was suddenly torn apart by an explosion, and turned into a pile of unrecognizable pieces of meat, and the voice of the pain and howling of the wound was under his arm.

Sparke's eyes were red, and only then did he realize that he was also afraid of death. The flames of the people around him exploded, and various voices fell into his ears. The hysterical voices penetrated everything. He had seen each All kinds of deaths, the death of companions around him, were slaughtered and chased by the Adens. He also killed the civilians of Aden. He thinks this is the case with war. He is a veteran. He has seen too many deaths and experienced too many wars. Array, for this moment of life and death, never felt strange. His cry was just to maintain excitement in the most critical time. Only at this moment, his mind remembered the smile of his wife

  He wants to live. He wants to go back, he doesn't want to die! This is still the case with Eero officers such as Spark, not to mention ordinary Third Army soldiers, who faced a sudden attack from the sea and attacked the Third Army of Eero in the one-stop attack on the Grand Duchy of Liafa. It was killed and wounded by more than 600 people in just ten minutes by the Raytheon of the Imperial Navy, and the entire third army of Eero from the attack of Haitang Bay to the defeat of the Grand Palace of Liafa, the battle damage suffered was more than 2,000. , And now, one third of the casualties broke out in just ten minutes, even if it was the third army praised by the Emperor Eero as the steel army, there was also a large-scale commotion

   "What the Navy is doing, why are there attacks from the sea"

The third army commander Saya struggled to get up from the ground, and his face was dusty. If the enemy came from land, his third army would have rushed up to tear it apart, but the other party came from the sea, and for the sea He knows nothing about the battle situation of his fleet, he knows that the attack came from the sea, and his men are bleeding

An Eero officer ran from a distance covered in blood, with blood all over his face. He didn’t know whether it was his own or someone else’s. He came to Saya and knelt on the ground with a cry. "Sir, we found many bodies of our Eero sailor along the coast. One of them was injured. He claimed to be the captain of the Hero Bayero battleship of Eero. He said that the navy had suffered a strong attack from the Imperial Navy. Fleeing across the board! Now that the Imperial Navy has mastered the sea, those sudden explosions are the huge damage caused by the Falcon Empire Navy’s Raytheon shells."

  "The navy actually ran away!

   "I said why the enemy will attack from the sea"

   "The navy cowards are so uncomfortable!" The officer's words caused an uproar among the crowds around, and various low-key discussions

"What nonsense are you talking about, we are the third army of Eero, the famous steel army, can't we do anything without the navy cover?" Saya's face was even more green, and he walked over and grabbed the officer The neckline of the armor was screamed in the mouth. Although the heart also believed that the navy was definitely a problem, Saya still wanted to save a glimmer of hope. At this time, even if you know that the navy is wrong, you should not be in front of everyone. Speaking in person, the heart of the army has been shaken, and the news of how the navy has escaped is passed on. Whoever is willing to persevere, spent so much energy and the life of thousands of Eero warriors was finally hit Even the door to the treasure house of Grand Duke Liafa was opened. You came to tell me that we were abandoned by the navy?

   Saya turned coldly, his eyes swept like a blade, and said sharply, "This attack on Haitang Bay is of great significance to the whole Erow situation.

Significantly, it even determines whether Eero is capable of launching a counterattack and reversing the entire unfavorable situation. His Majesty the Emperor and even the Third Army have been dispatched, which is enough to show that the determination of absolutely not to be lost has been hit here, and he did not believe in the Imperial Navy. The fleet is also able to drive the battleship from the sea to the land and compete with itself. At all costs, Haitang Bay must be evacuated!

   "It seems that the Eeros are very tenacious. After being so violently bombarded, they can still stay in Haitang Bay and can't come out. I don't know what is in Haitang Bay. Is it worth the Eero to die and stay?"

Sieffinger's eyes brightened and he lowered the look glass in his hand. He thought that under the violent bombing of the imperial navy Thor, Erow would definitely choose to retreat, but the stubbornness shown by Erow Army was so shocking, not only I did not choose to evacuate from the narrow Haitang Bay. Instead, I was even more busy in Haitang Bay. Originally, Sifenge wanted to launch a second attack, but he was ready to raise his hand and hesitated and put it down, Haitang Bay. After all, it is not the territory of the empire. Moreover, it is not worthwhile to completely tear the face with Erow for a Haitang Bay. He is only a squadron commander. This kind of thing that may affect the entire empire and Eero may be a matter of war. The squadron commander can decide

Just when he hesitated, a naval officer came to report "Commander, we also laid down two ships of the Lia legal person in Haitang Bay. On one of the ships, a person who claimed to be the Grand Duke of Lia meet you!"

"Invite Grand Duke Liapha immediately to come to me!" Sieffinger's face lifted, he turned to the naval officer and said that it was just because he couldn't figure out the situation of Begonia City. It can be asked that these Eeros are so afraid of death that they have to stay in Begonia City. What on earth did Archbishop Liafa attract the Eeros!

Soon, the infamous Grand Duke Liafah appeared in front of Siefinger. Sieffinger, as the commander of the squadron in the ninth district of the inland sea of ​​the empire, naturally knew this Grand Duke Liaffa, and Grand Duke Liafa also knew Sieffinger,

   "Why did the Eeroes attack Haitang City?" Siefinger asked

"Don't know!" Grandpa Liafaye dragged his head, his face was miserable, Begonia City was over, in order to eliminate the criminal evidence, Eero side did not hesitate to ignite the entire city, the most annoying thing is that his old nest was The Luo people lifted up, but he didn't understand the reason for his face. Duke Liafaye was so ashamed that he really wanted to find a hole in the ground.

   "What is inside the Begonia City, and it is worthwhile for the Eero people to look for it under the bombardment of the Empire Thor?" Siefinger judged from the voice of Grand Duke Liafaya that it was not like lying, and asked again

"There's nothing" Grand Duke Liafaye's eyes flashed an imperceptible weirdness, and his tone was a bit weak, he can't always say that he saved a lot of wealth in Begonia City, and that the wealth was robbed when he was a pirate. Here comes, many of them are things that will cause uproar when taken out,

"Since Grand Duke is so attitude, then our imperial navy will have nothing to help." Siefinger's nose snorted heavily. He saw that there was definitely a problem in Begonia City, otherwise the Eeros would not spend any more With so much energy, when the domestic situation urgently needs troops, the elite team of thousands of people is thrown on this humble little duchy

"Begonia City is really nothing. If we really want to say that, we found that in the recent period, a dozen or so merchant ships loaded with cargo have entered the sunset gorge." Grandfather Lia Faye is anxious, not sure why I remembered the strange things that happened some time ago, and said them in a hurry, just hoping to have some distracting effect

   "Are you sure you are an imperial merchant ship?"

Siefinger’s face changed. The emperor’s emergency military order forwarded by the Imperial Ministry of the Navy some time ago, one of which was to strictly investigate all types of merchant ships from the Empire to the Eero region. All ships carrying armaments will be detained. For this task, all The squadrons in the Inland Sea area have all been cancelled, and the Tenrai Land Network has been set up in the Inland Sea area. Even Sieffinger thought that there would never be an imperial merchant ship close to the Eero Sea area. But heard such a report

   "Is your Excellency questioning my judgment, even though I am no longer a pirate?"

But it’s not that even the merchant ships of that country can’t recognize it, not to mention the smell of cypress gelatin used exclusively by imperial merchant ships, even ten miles away,” Liafaya was angry, and he was also in the sea. The ten-year pirate leader is as simple as the back garden of his own home in the Inland Sea area, and he may know more about the merchant ships of various countries than the owners of those merchant ships. He even questioned Sieffinger's ability. Grand Duke Liafaye expressed his anger

"I'm sorry, this matter is a very important thing for our imperial navy, so only..." Siefinger also knew that it was too much to ask, but the reaction was too late and his face was full. I apologize that now he is full of those quietly clinging to the coastline from Haitang Bay, feeling that it is the target of the emperor's strict search, those imperial merchants smuggled from the direction of Lisbon

   "This really has to come without any effort!"

Sieffinger smiled on his face, because there was no news for a long time. His emperor was no longer expressing his dissatisfaction with the navy’s control once or twice on this matter. Lord Naval Commander Dusterenka, even To all the admirals of the squadrons, they promised that whoever found the dozen Imperial merchant ships first, the Imperial Admiralty would soon be assigned to their squadron with the two Imperial Dragon-class warships launched in November. But it caused a shock to the entire Imperial Navy Department. All the naval squadron commanders grinded their fists and waited to bring the two newly launched Dragon-class battleships back to their squadron. The entire Imperial Navy was already deployed in the Eero Sea It’s a strange story, but it’s also awkward to say. Even a dozen Imperial merchant ships didn’t show up anymore. The admirals of the naval squadron were also full of bitter water. This was not seen. I didn’t see it. Put it in the huge space of the vast inner sea, the little size and weight, it is not too much to say that it is a needle in a haystack

   "Your Excellency does not need to be so, anyway, it is your Excellency who saved me tonight and Haitang Bay!"

Lia Faye quickly said that after the catastrophe in Haitang Bay, even if the burning flames were extinguished, Haitang Bay could not return to its original state. The Eero people's ambition to annex Haitang Bay was obvious, but relying on Haitang Bay itself The power of the army is basically unable to resist the advancement of the Yelv Army, and looking at the entire Obaro continent, only the empire north of the inner sea has the strength to resist the annexation of the Eeros.

Now Haitang Bay is destroyed by the Eero army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time, the Grand Duchy of Liafaye suffered heavy casualties. Now, let’s not mainly say the recovery of Haitang Bay, even if you think about the news that Haitang Bay was broken and passed into the Inland Sea , Grand Duke Liafaya is the boss

I have been a pirate for decades. I don’t know how many ships I robbed and how many people I killed. It’s not too much to say that I’m the enemy’s marginal inland sea, and there are even more offenders. There are Haitang Bay. Now that Haitang Bay is gone, the men are also falling apart, thinking about the rest of his life, I am afraid that they will have to pass through the pursuit of the forces of all parties, Liafaye felt shudder.

  "You said that the imperial merchant ships finally went to the sunset canyon, where is it?" Sieffinger looked at Grand Duke Liafaya, his eyes flashing with dignity, and his face dignified.

"Sunset Canyon is just at the junction of Haitang Bay and Eero Sea, because the terrain is hidden and the interior is complicated. In the past, it was a smuggling channel controlled by our Leah legal person. Just half a month ago, Eero suddenly sent 2,000 troops to occupy After the sunset gorge, then the imperial merchant ships sailed into the sunset gorge one after another, but knowing that today, I did not see any imperial merchant ship return. "Grand Duke Liafaye looked at the sea facing the east and took a deep breath. He felt at the moment that the attack on Haitang Bay might have something to do with the actions of the Eero people in the sunset canyon. The Eero people obviously wanted to swindle and blame them. It's a suspicion of jumping into the sea

   The subpoena went down, the fleet turned, and we went to the sunset canyon, Sieffinger ordered aloud,

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