Whole Nation

: 3228 The Crazy Empire (1)

  The emperor had just boarded the Imperial Naval Port in the Feishan area and received two messages that were delivered almost simultaneously.

   A copy from the commander of the Ninth Division Fleet of the Inland Sea, Effinger, glanced at the content above. The fat man’s face was heavy like water, and the imperial merchant ships that disappeared after entering the inland sea were found, but they were meaningless. In the sunset canyon near Haitang Bay in the south, a dozen empty imperial merchant ships stranded on the beach of the sunset canyon on

There was nothing on it, not only all the arms and cargo were evacuated, but the sailors and crew above also disappeared. After searching for half a day, a number of them were found in a deep pit deep in the sunset canyon. Hundreds of corpses of imperial merchants and sailors who had been killed. If it wasn’t for the Ninth Division Fleet that accidentally encountered the Eero army attacking Haitang Bay, then this matter would become a permanent mystery, handing the first report to the opposite side. The imperial princess Turit Colleen, picked up the second report, and almost immediately after seeing it, the emperor's breath stopped abruptly, suddenly letting the air in the carriage cool a little.

"It should be the Eero Navy who attacked the imperial merchants, but now he is posing as a victim. The Eero Empire has just released a message claiming that the Eero Navy was attacked by the Pirates of Liafa while transporting goods in Haitang Bay. When the Eero navy attacked the Pirates of Liafa, the imperial navy attacked the Eero navy from behind, resulting in six heavy warships and eleven medium-sized warships of the Eero navy being sunk by the imperial navy. The sailors lost more than two thousand people. The side even came up with quite conclusive evidence that the attack on the night was the imperial navy. The outbreak of this news has already attracted the attention of several big powers in the south. King Aden even jumped out and accused the empire of being a robber country, calling the entire south. Jointly resist the invasion of the empire..."

Imperial Princess Turit Colleen's voice with a trace of indescribable hoarseness, like a silky silk gauze slipping through the ears of people, just listening to the ears, it makes people have an irresistible charm , Wearing a red hunting suit, a pair of thin and long Danfeng eyes, eyes are flowing like water, her eyes are delicately charming, her nose is very delicate, xìnggǎn's lip arc is deep red, once a little witch, after two years The experience of the multi-dominant foreign affairs department of the empire, the previous greenness has retreated, and now it shows completely charming and charming, the towering trembling under the palace gauze, the plump and mature tall, speaking The look of the girl is beautiful and beautiful, the enchanting water snake-like willow waist outlines a charming charm that is difficult to conceal, and the hair tips are slightly dyed into mature maroon. This hairstyle and newly dyed hair color make her more gentle. More feminine, according to the fat man’s words, this is a complete body of scourge

   "These things can be ignored, anyway, the South has never thought that the empire is friendly, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the empire only needs to maintain a denial of this matter."

The fat man waved his hand, looking at the deserted street outside the window. This is a city on the coastline of Feishan. The cold flow of people on the street is enough to see that the empire's beheading of Feishan's 300,000 army overnight still affects it. Now Faisan, the war between Faisan and Istan has already caused the death of at least 200,000 males, and the subsequent war with the Empire was beheaded 300,000 overnight, from kings to high-ranking nobles, military generals It’s almost swept away, but the biggest impact on this kingdom is the mass reduction of men in the Fissan region, so most of the Fissan people seen on the streets are women, the total population of the Fischer Kingdom It’s only a few million, but the result is that nearly a million young men have died in battle.

According to the calculation of a decade of generations, there is a lack of two generations of males in the Faisan society. This is also the main reason that after the defeat of the Faisan kingdom, the imperial general Varisian swept all the way and was unable to stop it. The men died. When the light is gone, what can be used to stop the invading army of the wolf-like empire. Feishan's status is quite embarrassing. Once the great power has fallen, the sense of decadence that was destroyed overnight by the people is still full of the Feishan area. Most of the men who can be seen occasionally on the streets are mostly rotten drunks. Many of them have more or less disabilities. At first glance, they are veterans who have retired from the battlefield.

   "Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to use Fei Shan as a place for the army to gather. Fei Shan has been in a state of economic decline since the war. If you flood into a large number of imperial teams, the southern countries will not

Turn a blind eye," Turit Colleen said worriedly

   "Influx into a large number of imperial teams is naturally invisible, but if it is the case of Fei Shan's rebellion?" The fat man withdrew his eyes from the window coldly, with a smile on his mouth.

"Rebel, Your Majesty means..." Turit Colleen's body fluttered a little, and the army's rebellion meant killing, turmoil, and seeing that for the country of Feishan, she had A special emotion. The core area of ​​the dynasty thousands of years ago is now the Feishan area. To a certain extent, this is the homeland of her Turrit family. As the first to set foot in this homeland in thousands of years, Turi The members of the Te family, from the moment they disembark, can make people feel a touch of sadness. For thousands of years, Feishan has conquered the power as a barrier between the Central Baro and Istan regions. Saw back and forth in the middle, I don't know how many Fei Shan people died in battle. This sad land is now calmed down, and the emperor will once again cut a knife!

"Don’t be nervous, just betray within a limited range. Don’t be fooled by the illusion in front of you. Although Fei Shan has been conquered by the empire, there are still a lot of nobles in the interior who are very hostile to the empire, which is also impossible. There were too many Feishan nobles beheaded at the beginning, and it is impossible to expect the Feishan people to forget. This is a plan submitted by the Imperial Intelligence Department. In order not to cause suspicions in the south, two to three provinces in Feishan province are prepared. The Feisan nobles who attracted the hatred of the empire in this city launched a rebellion, and then the empire launched an army to enter the rebellion." "The fat man reached out and touched the nervous face of Turit Colleen, and took a report from the desk drawer. Passing it, taking the report from the emperor, Turit Colleen opened it and immediately attracted the contents. After watching it for five or six minutes, he closed the report and asked with a sigh. "When does your majesty prepare to start this plan? "

   "Now, it is already implemented!"


"Of course, the news that the imperial princess Turit Colleen is about to pass from here tonight has been sent out as early as two days ago. If you want these noble Fessans to follow, what better than an assassination of the imperial princess The attempted escaped Feishan hero is more appealing. "The fat man tapped his finger on the table, and his mouth smiled

Under Turit Colleen's surprised eyes, the carriage suddenly swayed suddenly, and stopped suddenly. From outside, there was a cry of guarding the cavalry. The messy situation, the sound of metal collision could be heard, "stop the assassin, pay attention to the king Her Royal Highness, "The guard's voice can feel the anger even though the car door. After a fierce fighting, a **** figure was dragged to Turit Colleen's carriage.

   "His Royal Highness, the assassin caught it, do you need to kill it?"

When the voice of the guard came, Turit Colleen glanced at the fat man across from him. The fat man nodded to her quietly, indicating that the script was like this. Turit Colleen knew it was time for her to play, charming. Sighed silently on his face, opened the window of the carriage and glanced at the outside. Although he was mentally prepared, his eyes could not help but widen a bit. The assassin caught was a woman, and the other party also At the moment, he raised a stubborn face and stared at Turit Colleen fiercely. The fierceness inside was like a wounded beast. The facial features on the goose egg face were three-dimensionally exquisite, and the two thin black eyebrows were slender. Into the temples, she looks very beautiful and very young. If you wash off the blood and dust on your face, it should be a great-looking person with good looks. Such a person would be an assassin? Can such a person really mobilize the nobles of the whole Faisan to launch bàodòng?

   "Who are you, do I have a grudge against you? Why do you want to stab me?" Turit Colleen asked with a clear voice and gleaming eyes.

"As long as that dog emperor's woman is my enemy of Atalina, since I can't kill you and you're still caught, stop talking nonsense, and do it early." The woman's face is stubborn, if it's not hands and body Both were held by two strong guards, and they might struggle

   "Atalina? The princess Feishan who escaped!"

Turit Colleen’s pretty face suddenly changed, and she finally knew why the Feisan nobility would rebel for this woman. Others may not know, but as the Turit family xiǎojiě, they had to know the situation of the royal family from an early age. How would you not know that King Fisher

Two sons and one daughter, two of the princes committed suicide because of despair when the empire invaded Faisan. The remaining youngest daughter, which King Feishan thinks looks most like himself, was defeated on that day. Disappeared from time to time, and it was reported that he fled abroad, but he did not expect to meet here. Tulit Colleen looked at Atalina's beautiful stubborn face, but felt a sorrow in her heart. Doubt that this Atalina princess is either surrounded by an empire, or is under the control of the empire without knowing it, or even knowing that the entire assassination is a bureau, a trap for the old nobles of the entire Feishan kingdom

"Seize her," Turit Colleen said quietly, putting down the curtain of the carriage. He didn't look at the fat man across from him until he heard the guards pulling him away. The fat man was holding a piece of paper in his hand. With the words "seize her",

"Don’t worry too much, the guards have a decent move, but some skin trauma. Tonight someone will take her away. "The fat man presses the paper on the table, and his eyes are trembling." Just north of the coast of Eero, separated by the island of Fete Coria, Eero blackmailed the imperial merchant ship this time, and also hit a rake to say that it was the first attack launched by the empire. If so, then it really launched an attack. The location of the army assembly was chosen in the port city of Maijak in Feishan, which is less than one hundred and fifty miles from the island of Fethiria. Under the name of rebellion, tens of thousands of empire troops entered the peace. Rebellion area, full martial law, part of the imperial team quietly withdrew from it, boarded the boat from the port of Meyak to the island of Fetekria, and then went straight from the island of Fetekria to the coast of Elero."

  "How does your majesty prepare to take revenge on the Erow?" Turit Colleen's beautiful face showed a curious look

"If it's just general revenge, of course, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, but this time, the Eero people shook their goods and planted slanders. Since the Eero people have torn their faces, we don't need any scrutiny. We will definitely let The Eero people are memorable and make other southern countries feel trembling as soon as they think of it.” The fat man tapped the desktop lightly, seeming to think of something. He suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth, revealing a bit of white Sensen’s teeth.

   "How does your majesty prepare?"

   Turit Colleen was confused by the strange smile of the fat man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Eero Empire is fighting with the ecclesiastical country. Is it because the empire sent troops to unite the ecclesiastical country to attack Eero? It should not be. Since the North-South War, the South has always been wary of the empire. Although the empire has controlled the six countries in the south and the south of the Fezer region, these areas add up to less than one-fifth of the entire south. In the past, because of the Haitang Bay incident, the dissatisfaction of the southern countries has already aroused. Now if Ero is attacked in the United Church State, I am afraid that the Second North-South War will erupt immediately because the southern countries will not sit and watch the Ero The empire broke down, so that the south lost the bridgehead that could finally resist the northern falcon empire, and the entire southern coastline will also fall completely into the hands of the empire.

   Under such circumstances, is there any way to impress the Eero people and make other southern countries feel terrified when they think of it?

"The specific content will be given to you later. After all, some of them still need the cooperation of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs." The fat man did not want to talk too much, and he talked to Turit Colleen for a while about the Turit family joining the Imperial Intelligence. The affairs of the ministry, "For the Turrit family, the opportunity to enter the Imperial Intelligence Department is definitely a golden opportunity. Although they will lose the independence of the Turrit family, they will have the opportunity to reinvigorate the Turrit family. I believe that the family elders will agree." Turit Colleen heard that the emperor wanted the Turrit family to intervene in the Imperial Intelligence Department. The whole person's pretty face was shiny, and he immediately said that he could go to the family to operate the matter.

   "That's fine, just declare that you were assassinated and returned to cultivation." The fat man nodded, the fuse has been ignited. This time, he will not be the emperor of the falcon empire that must be reported, not to blow the Erow into the sky!

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