Whole Nation

: 3230 The Madness of the Empire (4)

In the evening, a black carriage was driving on the street. Due to the attempted assassination of the imperial princess that occurred only a few days ago, the entire road was not completely martial-lawed, and the number of patrols on patrol increased significantly. These cavalry in black armor were riding in The majestic armored horse, the side of the warhorse is the shield of the horse-shaped cavalry inlaid with the coat of arms of the imperial falcon, and the pits on the top show the atmosphere of Xiao Xiao. The other side of the war horse is full of killing imperial cavalry. crossbow

This crossbow is very different from the small assault crossbow equipped by the Imperial Guard Cavalry. It is already the length of an adult's arm. The crossbow string above must be pulled off in advance in a combat situation and hung in the quiver next to the cavalry crossbow. Only equipped with three crossbow arrows, this popular type of cavalry crossbow, mainly equipped in the battle sequence of the imperial non-central army

   This cavalry crossbow discards the flexibility of the cavalry assault crossbow, but strengthens the one-time lethality

In normal combat, there is only one chance for such a cavalry crossbow to fire. It is very rare for all three crossbow arrows to shoot light, but the target is changed from the heavy armor infantry of the opponent to the gun formation infantry used to resist the impact of the cavalry, even if it is only A crossbow shot is also enough to cause tearing destructive power, and the imperial commander who can come up with this simple and effective method of directly destroying the tactics of refusing the horse lance is precisely Valisian, known as the fox of the empire.

This famous emperor who is known for being good at assault has long discovered that the Imperial Crossbow is launched within a distance of 30 meters. The strong penetration of the crossbow can directly penetrate the most lethal one or two rows of the infantry of the opposing gun formation, and then will This idea was presented to the Emperor of the Empire. With the approval of the Emperor of the Empire, the Varisian Legion was first equipped with this improved Imperial combat force

For the Feishan people, these imperial cavalry engraved with the coat of arms of the Imperial Falcon and a red spear on the shield are the incarnations of death. They thought that Feishan had risen to defeat the old enemy of the Istan Empire. The war army is like a beast tiger looking at Central Europe Baro, who has just been hit by the Hungarian teeth. It only needs to drive the army westward and cross the Bavarian platform that is critical to Hungary. Central Europe Baro is the situation where the wind falls. Such as the elite 300,000 Fei Shan elite, under the leadership of the old King Fei Shan of the ambition, in the snowy Bavarian platform, overnight occupied the reverse,

The 300,000 army was ambushed by the empire, which was covered by the cavalry all the way. It collapsed for dozens of miles and finally did not escape the fate of being hanged by the whole army. Then the emperor general Varisian defeated King Feishan all the way. , And completely froze the backbone of the Feishan people, only one year has passed. The original tragic life is still in the memory of the Feishan people. Now that the imperial cavalry has entered the Feishan hinterland again, it will show its violent and cruel side in In front of all the Fissan people, just ten days ago, the administrative officer of the city of Padja in the province of Faisan was seriously injured. Then the nobles of Faisan in the city of Badya announced the return of Faisan and supported the former King Faisan. Princess Atalina is the new Lord of Fisher

   On the road, the Feishan people dodge their eyes, no matter what kind of psychology they are, at the moment under the hood of the mighty force of the empire, they are careful not to show the slightest expression

At the time, Feishan was so powerful that he was defeated by the Empire overnight. Now, Feishan is not only economically deprived, but also the lack of a large number of men has caused many domestic jobs in Feishan to be done by women. This almost comprehensive decadent atmosphere is all Fei Shan had no more thoughts to contend with the empire, and he did not show much support for the restoration of Badya City. Instead, he believed that the arbitrary actions of these Fei Shan nobles led to a brutal imperial regiment. Let the life that calmed down finally be disrupted again, and there will be no **** conflicts, no one can be sure, but even if there are full of doubts and worries, they can only be deeply buried in their hearts, I dare not dare to be a topic of post-meal talks. The gleaming cìdāo of the empire can kill people at any time.

In the light of the wind lamps in the carriage, the fat man looked down at the secret letter sent about the city of Badya. The incident of the attack on the imperial princess by Atalina, the former Feisan queen, was immediately spread. The unseen, even the forgotten queen, made a huge wave among the nobles of the Faisan. At the time, Faisan's demise was too fast, not only because of the elite relationship, but also because the nobility within the Faisan was completely headless. The famous general Varisian was crushed by the strong force, and he was swallowed up by the empire in such a confusing way. Now the emergence of the queen girl really made the unwilling Fei Shan

The nobles found the opportunity to restore the glory and privileges of the old days, but in just a few days, the Feishan nobles gathered in Badya City had more than a hundred, various names, family crests, In the small city of Badya, it was re-established, and it seemed that they met each other overnight.

   Of course this is not the case

Among the more than one hundred nobles, at least ten of them are “Feishan gangs” inserted by the Imperial Ministry of Intelligence. Ten of them were sent by the governor’s offices of Feisan and the Istan region. It has been completely incorporated by Varisian, and many other families are holding a speculative attitude, and they really retain the heart of reinstatement. I am afraid that if they die, they will only be more than a dozen.

The most popular, most prestigious and prestigious is the former Fisher Minister of the Kingdom of Grace, Grace, who has been in charge of the Finance of the Kingdom of Fei Shan for 30 years. Although he does not see how clever in financial management, he can help The old King Fei Shan accumulated such a family, and he knew that he still had some patience, and the letter of sincerity written by the Secretary of Grace was placed on the fat man’s table three days ago, saying that as long as the imperial army arrived in Pakistan Deya immediately cooperated with the imperial army to relentlessly defeat the rebellion. At the same time, the Grace also reported in the letter that the former Feisan military department deputy commander Kad, who was promoted to Marshal of the new dynasty, had repeatedly conspired to rehabilitate the country. , The last assassination of the imperial princess must have something to do with it,

For the imperial emperor, this is a very ironic thing. The princess Feishan's assassination is completely a masterpiece of the Ministry of Information. Perhaps the female Feishan queen who has been hiding in Tibet for more than a year has never thought of it. The marquis full of patriotism and enthusiasm in the hiding place of tígòng was actually a member of the Imperial Intelligence Department. After gaining trust, he gave appropriate information at the appropriate time, and everything was done, and the secret letter of Gros was easily inserted into the drawer. , As if you can see another letter of trustworthiness, the signature above is that of the Secretary of the Military Department, Card, mentioned by Grace, and also mentioned in the letter that Grace conspired to rebel.

   This is a game of chess, the pieces that fall on it are always in the hands of the emperor

"I just wanted to throw a decoy in Badya, to gather all the Feisan nobles who had resentment against the empire, and give them a chance to fight against the empire, even if they failed, there is no regret, I did not expect it to be Such a farce" fat man is also a little speechless. The Faisan nobles are fighting for power. Only a few days after the announcement of the independence of the country, Badya has already been fighting for leadership. As the nominal leader, Atta Lina, apparently unable to suppress these Feishan nobles, which had to make the opponent's fat man also feel a headache. The Badya rebellion was just the smoke thrown by the imperial army to suppress the suppression. Now it seems that I am afraid that the imperial army will still return If it is not transferred, the interior of Badya will collapse itself, and the fat man will never let this smoke dissipate in advance, so the fat man can only order the imperial governor Varisian to discomfort and let the rebellious 30,000 empire The army temporarily stopped approaching

The carriage passed through the city square, which should have been very lively, but in the depression of the whole area, there were only a few people on the square, and the shops on the street were mostly closed. The ragged refugees could be seen in some alleys. The most prosperous place in the whole city is the red light district in the city, the noble women who went bankrupt in the war, the young girls who wandered in the war, the women who sold themselves because of lack of food, when the men of Fei Shan died more than half, the rest is Women, and the biggest capital a woman can rely on is her body. The decadent Feishan economy, but the red light district is extremely prosperous,

As a major traffic route between North and South, Feishan originally had considerable commercial geographic advantages. However, Feishan has been a conservative strategy for hundreds of years since he founded the country, and he sometimes hovered between the East and West forces. Withered, without the tradition of doing business, coupled with the serious lack of male labor, the Fissan region has become synonymous with poverty under the rule of the Empire, and in the view of the Barbarians, the poverty of Fissan has more meaning.

   This is a piece of cursed land, and the falcon emperor who must report it is undoubtedly angering Feishan on the assassination of the heavy minister Dozawa.

The result of the incident known as "The Wrath of the King" was that the death of 300,000 Fissan people was not counted, and millions of Fissan people were suffering from poverty and hunger, killing Fissan's men, What a cruel punishment to make hundreds of thousands of Feishan women fall,

It was the ruthless king who made it. The empire that has always made a fortune, apparently deliberately forgotten the land that irritated the emperor Fei Shan, which couldn't help but aggravate the rumor that the emperor of the Falcon Empire is a cruel monarch. According to rumors, fat people are too lazy to explain, their reputation is stinky enough, and they don’t care much about it, but it seems that it has become true after a long time.

  Up and down the empire seems to have acquiesced to the fact that the emperor punished Fei Shan

After the emperor fought in Central Asia for more than a year, Princess Mao Monaqing, who was in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, could not know the true meaning of the emperor. For the land that caused the emperor’s anger, Fei Shan could only help Emmanuel, even the commercial alliance and The Imperial Bank all respected the Feishan area, and as the emperor's confidant Varisian, all his direct energy and financial resources were tilted in the Istan area.

Compared to the impoverished Mount Feishan, the fertile land of the Great Plains of Istan is obviously more worthy of him. The famous general who once sold perfume believes that there is investment value. With limited funds, it is the most reasonable place to invest, even the emperor. It is impossible to blame Varisian for his mistakes. Moreover, under the control of Varisian, the Istan region has gradually got rid of the aftermath of the war.

More new fields have been reclaimed under the Empire’s latest farming and irrigation technologies, and the degree of commercial recovery has reached the level of the original Istan Empire, and the completion of the latest two large ports is like two huge The funnel network brings together the trade resources of the entire Istanian Great Plains towards the port. The once powerful Istanian Empire can show its glory with a little guidance

The fat man was interested in taking back his gaze, and swept the report just closed. Feisan in front of him was indeed full of decadence and dilapidation. It was completely unlike the prosperous style of commerce under the rule of the empire. Even the port city in front of him stopped. There are no commercial ships in the port, and the initiator of all this, and the documents just sent from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, only know that Fei Shan’s current situation is very bad. Other than that, because the business is not developed, it went through in autumn. Due to the large-scale locust plague, this year’s food harvest in Feishan is less than one-third of the previous year. Although the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs has reduced or exempted the agricultural tax in the Feishan region, there may be a large number of starvation deaths this winter.

Maybe you really put your anger on Fei Shan because of Doze, the fat man's eyes lighted up coldly, his emotions could not be clear, let alone the upper and lower empire of the emperor. No wonder the imperial princess Turit Colleen knew that he was surprised when he was in Fisher,

"It's time to end, isn't it, just because of your anger, millions of people are going to die on their own, even the emperor can't be so self-willed." The fat man sighed very boringly~www.wuxiaspot.com~No matter Fei Shan How **** it was, now the Feishan noble class has paid the price, and millions of Feishan people have also suffered. Since it is already under the rule of the empire, then it should be treated equally in accordance with the empire, and the fat man can’t help but think Flashing those two honesty of investment, there is not only surrender, but surrender! Fei Shan can no longer carry it!

The carriage drove into a magnificent courtyard inlaid with gilt gates, and an imperial red cape guard captain at the door pulled the door of the car respectfully and put his hand on the chest to salute, whispering, "Your Majesty, the envoy of the Order Inside this building, everything has been searched around and no abnormalities have been found."

   "Fortunately suffering" The fat man walked off the carriage and nodded, stepping up to the steps in front of him in the respectful eyes of the Imperial Guard

At the top of the steps, a stunning woman with a white veil on her face stood there. The wicker coat on the upper body fluctuated like a golden wave with the tremor of the body, and a long wine-red ponytail tied behind her head The golden bow tied on it sways with the wind, flying around her like a big golden butterfly.

   "It's an honor to see your majesty Falcon" A smile like a spring breeze appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth

"What should I call your Excellency? Pudamia, or His Royal Highness?" The corner of the fat man's mouth flicked a little. The familiar and strange face in front of him made him slightly resist, not to mention the corner of the other's mouth was smiling, but the eyes But his expression is indifferent. It's like watching a mortal mansion from the top of a divine mansion. He has been a pope for a long time, and he really is a god?

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