Whole Nation

: 3231 The Crazy Empire (5)

"Your Majesty is willing to call me anything, as long as it is not possible to implement the previously proposed agreement, the empire is willing to allocate fifty gates of Thor to the Order, and the rest is not a problem." Putamia's face full of holy spirit, with A faint smile, looks good spirits, this time the empire took a dark loss in Haitang Bay, Pudamia knew that the imperial emperor would choose to retaliate, but Pudamia did not expect that the empire would open up to the Order With such abundance of conditions, the army of the Order of the Order has now arrived under the capital of King Eero, and finally had to temporarily stop repairing. The main reason is the lack of a weapon that is sufficient to blast the thick walls of King Eero and the bombs controlled by the Order. , It has a good effect against the general infantry cluster, but it has taken hundreds of years to fight against the King Eero, and the continuous reinforcement of the wall of the king capital is completely like a fly biting one, which is not destructive.

"Podmia Pope, this is the empire's gift agreement. Fifty Gates of Thor will board the Fissan coast and arrive at the port of Eero within five days. Out of the agreement, one of the test items will also arrive Erow, such a thing hopes that the Order can protect it well." The fat man frowned slightly, and took over the agreement from the guard behind him. Whenever he thought of another Pudamia who had sacrificed on the coast, he felt that he saw Puda. Mia’s sacred face is twisted

"Of course there is no problem, what can be valued by His Majesty must not be ordinary, if this time really defeated the king of Eero, this empire's great help, the sect of the country will be remembered in the heart." Pudamia's pretty eyes Squatting on the fat man, the imperial emperor's face, which is definitely not handsome, has a pair of gem-like shiny and brilliant eyes under his brows, and his broad forehead shows beyond ordinary people. The wisdom of Shen Jing has a melancholy expression that can touch anyone, but makes people feel that the feeling is deep and unpredictable. There was no shārén's numbness on his body, but instead he added a Confucian scholarship. It is daunting and unattainable. With his uniform and beautiful figure and Yuanting Yuezhi's posture, even during this period of time, by defeating the main force of the Eero Empire, even the prestigious pontiff Popdamia was symbolic under this momentum. He took a half step backwards and performed a squat ceremony with respect

   ‘It’s not too early, it’s definitely a blessing for His Highness to come from afar, I’m not here to save His Highness, I am waiting for the good news of His Highness’ victory, “The fat man waved his hand

  ” Thank you very much for your consideration. Your Majesty “Pudamiya is still the head of a sacred pope. The beautiful pope’s face with long hair and shawl did not gloom until he saw the falcon emperor walking away.

"His Royal Highness, the direct gift wǔqì is also the first time in the empire, not to mention that this number is large enough to allow the Order State to form a comprehensive suppression of King Eero. What if the situation changes and the empire withdraws the agreement?" Laguya, one of the three Paladins of the regiment, said solemnly

"No, the empire cannot afford to lose this person." Pudamia's slightly curled lips smiled. "You thought the empire gave us these Thors just for revenge against the Erow, then you are wrong. The emperor's move is For the entire Obaro to see, everyone wants to take a look at the empire’s response to the Haitang Bay incident. If it is just the old method of the imperial navy blocking the coastline, the countries will know that the imperial navy is powerless and blocking the coastline for the current Airo is completely useless, but it is the Haitang Bay assault battle. The Airo army has gained a lot. It is conservatively estimated that it is at least three million imperial gold. Although the navy has been hit hard by the imperial navy, it has been silenced for decades. In the first battle of the extinct Eero Navy, the courage of the inland sea overlord empire was able to deal with it. The courage was extremely commendable. Therefore, in the Haitang Bay War, the reputation of the Eero Navy did not decline but rose. For the imperial navy, it was a slap in the face that was the same as and fierce. Once the countries began to question the imperial navy’s strength, the powerful navy opponents defeated by the imperial navy for the hegemony of the inland sea would stand up again. One Haitang Bay Has forced the Empire to send!"

The Eero Empire, near the capital of the King, the snow falling in the early winter has covered the road. As the largest grain production area of ​​the Eero Empire, the field is irrigated from the water source of the forest river. Since the original Eero King moved from the southern region, The people living here have been part of their lives since the time they have memories. The towns and towns here are basically not large, with a large number and not far apart. It looks like a string of broken pearls, probably the largest town

There is also a population of 100,000. Because here is a plain, there are not many industries other than wheat, all commercial trade seems to be related to food,

As a farming empire, Eero attaches great importance to food production. With the concealment of the army of the Order, it has had a fatal impact on food production. Even now it is winter, the Eero army is still frantically searching for food in the periphery. Many Martial law was enforced in cities and towns. In the past, active food merchants were now prohibited from leaving Wangdujing. Food trade was canceled mercilessly. All food trade was brought under the control of the Eero military. The population left a very small amount of food

A large amount of farmland was requisitioned for building fortifications, especially along the roads on both sides of the forest river. The surrounding farmland was basically dug into deep and crooked trenches by the Eero army, in many prominent areas On the high ground, there are heavily armed Ero soldiers stationed, and they control the surrounding area from a condescending position, watching the surroundings with vigilance. The fortress built outside the Wangdu is about ten meters high.

   On the cloister of King Eero, a flat-landed land, it is quite noticeable. Controlling such a small mountain bag is equivalent to controlling the surrounding area. This convex hull tactic made the attack of the ecclesiastical country well contained. If the ecclesiastical country wants to be close to the capital of King Erow, it must first break these dense sub-fortresses. No matter how the ecclesiastical state provoked, Eero No one will come out of these sub-fortresses. Such a large number of sub-reports. According to the prince of Eero, it is impossible to complete the next summer of the Order of the Order. It is because the Eero empire is a local operation and the soldiers have supplies. And it has to be transported for long distances. The construction of a sub-castle takes less than two days.

   That is to say, the sect country pulled out the Zibao at the heavy cost of the infantry charge, then the sect country soldiers who rushed to the Zibao will desperately see the three Zibao built

The strong walls and clear fields, although the prince Eero is mediocre, but the basic combat literacy is still there, not to mention that the emperor of the Eero Empire is seriously ill, and his underlings are still famous as clouds. As the chief of the Sixth Army of the Eero Empire, Pollard is responsible for Good at defending the famous iron wall, he left his command room early in the morning and went to various fortresses to inspect combat preparations. King Hero did not command much height, and at first glance, they were endless plains, and there were not even any plants except some bushes on the ground. This is a typical area that is easy to attack and difficult to defend. However, as the largest grain-producing area, over 100 years of gòngyīng the expansion of the Eero Empire, the Eero people still established the king here.

   Standing on a stone-built sub-fortress, Pollard personally inspected. He personally patted the soil on both sides of the trench to see if the soil above was sufficiently strong. The teaching team on the opposite side has been holding the flag down for more than ten days. From the dull air, the sound of winter drought and thunder can be heard from time to time. This sound is heard several times a day. For the Erow soldiers in Zibao, this winter’s Thunder is a bit frequent, but as long as you are in a confined area and look at the area within a few miles, you don’t care much.

   "How many thunders sounded today"

Pollard sat down on a stone. I don’t know why. He always felt that there were many droughts and thunders in the winter this year. He could even hear more than a dozen sounds a day. Looking at the endless trenches, Admiral Shaw finally felt at ease in his heart. It’s a little bit that the Order of the Order is already at the end of the crossbow. If it breaks the outer periphery of the King’s capital before the heavy snowfall in winter, the Order will fall into an unfavorable logistical situation.

Although the ecclesiastical state looted all over Eero some time ago, with the sweeping time and again, the supplies available in the Eero region have been nearly exhausted. Even the mad warriors of the ecclesiastical country are even more powerful, facing the dense sub-fortress Direction, facing these winding trenches, the result of rushing up is to die

Currently in front of Pollard are the two Berserker Corps of the Order of the Order, these are the elite of the Order of the Order, compared to the soldiers temporarily recruited by Eero after the defeat, they are also very skilled in mastering Even the most ordinary soldiers have quite powerful assault capabilities. Now they are only blocked on the periphery. Once the periphery is really broken, the king will have no defense. Until the last moment, the victory or defeat is still unpredictable.

"It has been tested for so many times, can it still be able to decipher the structure of the Empire Thor?" Pope Pudamia's complexion stood in the military account of the Order of the Order, whispering to the Wǔqì Director of the Order, one Shares belong to the superior

The interest makes Director Wǔqì look ugly

  "If you can give me another week, I should be able to figure out the structure of the Empire Thor." wǔqì Director’s voice is intermittent

"We don't have extra time for you to experiment slowly. Since you can't crack it, then use it according to the instructors sent by the empire." Pudamia groaned angrily. I thought I could take the opportunity to crack this time. The Empire Thor, but except for the two bombings and no results, the current director is the replacement of the director who was killed before. Pudamia knows that according to the military level of the current sect country, it is temporarily unable to achieve manufacturing. The request of the Empire Thor. But it is not entirely unrewarded. After secret experiments, the Order of the Order has trained the first batch of shooters of the Empire Thor, so that they can get rid of the imperial professional hegemony of the Empire Thor,

   This is very comforting for Pudamia

  At least they are already starting to deconstruct Thor. Once the Order of the Order can crack the Empire of Thor, that name will definitely be a substantial increase in the Order of the Order. The emergence of these imperial thunder gods will undoubtedly greatly increase the morale of the ecclesiastical kingdom, because they are about to see the Eros who are hiding in the Zibao, and will painfully shēnyín under the violent fire of the thunder god.

"His Royal Highness, what should the behemoth be as a test article?" Director Wǔqì has a serious face. As a Director, although he can’t deconstruct the Empire Thor, he can also see what the heavy and arduous is, according to The empire's accompanying operator called "Siege Thor" to improve the three types. The entire weight needs 60 horses to pull and transport. It is also a plain terrain like the Erotic Capital. If it is slightly steep and narrow, it cannot be transported at all. Something that can really shake the thick walls of King Eero? For this, the director’s face is still hesitant,

In order to protect this great thing, the Papal Order came out of the pope’s hall. As the most powerful unit under the pope’s command, the pontiff’s wish tree had no more than 5,000 cavalry. This time, the pope The tone paid two thousand paladin guards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can be seen that the emphasis on this kind of thing also made the director wǔqì a little dissatisfied. This is the wǔqì experiment of the empire. Why should we guard? If it is really powerful, the Eero people will try their best to destroy it, and may even be a charge at no cost. This kind of decisive charge is the most tragic in the war, and it is also endless. How many people can two thousand paladins survive?

"Don't you want to see what can be regarded as a heavy weapon by the emperor of the Falcon Empire? You know, if we stand on the opposite side of the empire, this monster is targeting us." Pudamia sighed deeply. Suddenly, he extended his finger and pointed to the top of his head, said coldly "And there is still that thing, it is difficult to imagine, something can escape the Emperor's sight"

"It's a demon thing, soaring to heaven is the power of the gods, but these empire people are defying the **** power! wǔqì The director gritted his teeth and looked at the sky outside the tent. There was obviously a small black spot floating in the air. Just think about it, the emperor Looking through the lens, the entire twenty-mile area was overlooked. The hair of Director Wǔqì was erected. This is the power of God and the power of God, and now it is just a common empire project. Personnel, the distribution of Zibao's outer Zibao will be depicted, and the previous missionary countries have paid tens of thousands of mad warriors and two generals in order to achieve the same thing.

   Pope Pudamia was silent, glancing at the corner of his mouth slightly. If it was a demon thing, what was stolen from the temple was not necessarily something that could see light

  Cold and fever, legs and feet weak, I don’t even know how I finished

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