Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and forty-two Libra (1)

In front of Lutia Sub-Fort, under the sunshine, more than one hundred thousand churches swooped into the ancient outer wall of Lutia Sub-Fort, which had experienced more than 100 years of wind and rain, and the outer periphery of Zibao was already covered with dense corpses, The morale of the sect army, like the crowd of locusts, quickly collapsed the outer wooden fences, and the rows of siege long ladders leaned heavily on the battlements that had been stained with blood. The heavily armored temple mullists quickly climbed the wooden ladder with the shield of the white lion coat of arms, and the defenders above slashed down with their swords held high, and the weapons hit the metal shield with a clanging sound. Behind the infantry charge, the arrows of the Arrow archers fell like raindrops on the Zibao. The Arrow guard of the Arrows continued to fall from the high battlement like a dumpling. The Arrow side was in the Zibao The direction is only more than 10,000 troops, facing thousands of knives, swords, and spears flooding the city road. Thousands of sect soldiers were raised from behind the climbed battlement, and the resistance line of Elero soldiers had been beaten back,

"Protect Your Highness!"

The Eero Guards who shouted loudly, like a dam constituted by flesh and blood, constituted the most tragic scene in the offensive and defensive battle of the Rutiya Sub-Fort. The half- casualties of the Guards have abandoned the guards of the entire outer wall. They are dense The ground was wrapped in a row and lined up into a wall, guarding the prince of Eero, who was sullen as a face, and retired to the tower at the highest point of the Zibao. The guards formed an extremely effective blocking gun array, and the spears were densely scattered. Liri had a terrifying flash of metal, but they still underestimated the squadron’s determination to attack Krutia’s fortress this time. Looking at the array of pikes standing in front, a squad officer’s face twitched with a solemn face. A word came out of his lips: "Kill!"

"Kill. Don't let them come up!"

"Kill it up, kill these Eros!"

The officers on both sides cheered each other, even picked up their weapons and joined the battle in person. On the dozens of steps at the entrance of the tower, the Imperial Guard and the Order Corps were killed into a group, mixed into a huge dogfight, in a narrow city. Hundreds of people were fighting in the entrance of the road, resulting in a lot of blood and sacrifice. With the fall of the outer wall, every space of the Rutiya sub-castle became a battlefield for fighting, inside the stables, the slave house, the main aisle, There are soldiers fighting everywhere, although it is known that they cannot hold the Rutiya sub-fortress, but as the guard force of His Royal Highness Prince Erow, the guards still adhere to the tradition of fighting to the last person.

"For Your Royal Highness, for Erow, I waited for the Guard to reach the most glorious moment!" A blood-filled Erow Guard looked proudly at the sect soldier who wanted to capture himself and jumped out of Rutia. The 20-meter-high stone wall in Zibao, the imperial guards begged for nothing, some were just fighting, and some were just dead. Many of the imperial guards had swollen arms and could not see the enemy or their companions at all. Waving the sword before, waving, waving until finally knocked down! Because the competition is too fierce, a lot of blood flows down the stairs of the city road, which looks like a flood discharge under the heavy rain.

"Already attacked! According to this speed, I believe that it will not take long to take the Rutia sub-fortress. As long as you take the Rutia sub-fortress, you can set up a thunder god, although you don’t know that you can kill 200,000. The number of casualties caused by the border troops in the east of Eeroe is at least much stronger than that of none

A Templar quickly walked up to salute the report "Sir Nagya let me come back and report that our army has broken the outer wall of the sub-fortress Rutia, and the third and fourth troops are doing the final clean-up." After the Temple Knight finished his report, he paid a ceremonial ceremony. Behind him, the huge black smoke pillars that went straight up to the sky burned in the direction of Rutiya Sub-Fort. Even the blind can see that Rutiya Sub-Fort is over!

"You are working hard!"

Pope Pudamia nodded her head, her face was embroidered slightly, her long white waterfall-like hair under the crown of the crown was blown slightly by the blowing wind, and she was several times more elite. It is not an accident to attack Rutiya Zibao at all costs, but it is not a surprise to be able to attack. It is the fact that Ero’s cold eyes are on the sidelines, and it is the reason why Pdamia’s fingers are getting tighter and tighter.

As analyzed before the war, the biggest problem in capturing the sub-fortress of Rutia is not that the sub-fortress itself can be called a defensive outer wall that can resist large engineering weapons, but that it is slain from the King Erow in the same way as the army of the Order In order to cope with the rescue of the other side, another 60,000-70,000 troops of the 150,000 Regiment Army were strictly in front of this Ero army,

This is an attack and a temptation! From the beginning of the attack to the present, Pudamia and his generals' faces became paler, and even the news of victory against the Krutia sub-fortress could not weaken the feeling of coldness and bitterness in the commanding state at the moment. Because everything has been confirmed, what the emperor said is not intimidation, not groundlessness!

Despite the news that the Falcon Emperor personally heard, there was a slight fluke up and down in the Order. In case the Emperor of the Falcon Empire made a mistake, there might not be a 200,000 Ero army coming towards the battlefield.

But the fact is that staring at Rutiya Zibao for more than an hour of cruel strangulation, this main army of King Erow, who is facing the local army, is only standing still, rather watching Rutiya Zibao being captured It’s also absolutely unmovable, and the meaning behind this is enough to make the generals of the sect of nations feel cold and cold hair. The emperor’s fear is true, even if it is not the Eastern 200,000 Ero Army Coming soon to the battlefield, there is definitely a decisive force approaching the battlefield, and this force belongs to the side of Erow, otherwise King Eero will definitely not behave like this. If he does not think he is winning, the other party will never Throwing the grass and frightening the snake, tens of thousands of Ero troops sat down to watch the Rutia sub-castle being stepped down

"Everyone, since you have captured the Rutiya sub-fortress, please start to lay out immediately!" No longer dare to feel the slightest delay, Pudamia stared back at the east, and said coldly, "We The time is very urgent. Even if you know that the Ruti Yazi Fort has not been completely cleaned up, you must move the army quickly towards the Lutia Zibao! The vast sky and the vast plains, Who knows when it will be filled with countless army of Eero, turning my army of more than one hundred thousand religious regiments into this piece of land.

The cold wind bounced, under the huge flag of Emperor Eero, gazing at the dark smoked Rutia sub-fortress in the distance, the body of Emperor Eero Farouk on the war horse wobbled slightly, and his pale face seemed to be lost. Bloody in general, raised his hand a few times but lowered it several times, the whole army of Eero was up and down in awe. The sound of the war flag screaming in the wind was like the sound of the wind blowing through the jungle. In the forest, so much military power is just watching the drama, which is a feeling of contempt for General Erero!

Rutiya Zibao fell like this, so that they were drowned in front of them like a tide, the generals were all heavy-faced, and several generals who wanted to speak were cold and majestic in the emperor's eyes. In the end, nothing could be said. The emperor didn’t even want his own grand prince. What he did was not to put this pocket firmly, so as to wipe out more than one hundred thousand religious corps in the sub-region of Rutiya. , Bi Quangong and World War I, before he died, completely resolved the enemy of the Order of the Order of the Eero Empire. The emperor made such sacrifices. As a general under the emperor, there is nothing more to say than death. Just one battle

The morale of the Airo army is on the rise. Under the intentional stimulation of the Airo emperor, the low morale of the Airo army because of the breakthrough of the outer defense line was like being ignited by the fire, burning up, revenge, we want revenge! The breath of the Airo soldiers seemed to be rapid and powerful. The death of thousands of companions and the fall of Rutiya Zibao, as if an invisible knife, let more than half of the new recruits in the Airo army feel what is war and invasion. The fierceness of the fighters, tens of thousands of red eyes with the enemy, even the soldiers of the opposite army were also seen with hair in their hearts,

Thirty miles away, the Emperor Emperor who returned from the Rutiya Sub-Fort also stopped the horseshoe in a mound at the moment, his eyes flashed and dazzled, and a red line appeared on the horizon beyond his sight. The red line is expanding rapidly, and soon this red line has become a long red cross, and then becomes a red river during the expansion, and finally, as if all rivers return to the sea, all the red lines are gathered Looking at the endless red ocean, the fat man's eyes narrowed a line. With his sharp vision different from ordinary people, how could he not see that the red line was a tens of thousands of troops marching, light cavalry from the army The two sides of the column surged forward. Thousands of horseshoes trampled on the same piece of land many times. The infantry queue was orderly, like a red hurricane was sweeping everything with unstoppable momentum. The direction of this hurricane was Luti. Yazibao direction

"It is worthy of the elite troops that have killed hundreds of years in the east and the kingdom of Aden. Such prey is worth some!"

The fat man stared at the red that was running away in the distance, and there was a color of appreciation in his eyes. This army, which was not ordered to be recalled even if King Eero was trapped, was suddenly suddenly unprepared by the regiment army. Appeared on the battlefield, I am afraid that the possibility of the self-defeating of the legion is very high, but it is difficult to say now. The key point of all depends on who can occupy the Rutiya sub-fortress. In terms of geographical location, in terms of geographical location, the prominent geographical position of this sub-fortress is unique in the king capital area of ​​the Great Plains, and the high position of the sub-fortress of Rutia can be found first. Eero's eastern army, and then make adjustments in advance

"Go, we will return to Port Elero immediately!"

The fat man raised his hand and shouted to the more than one hundred Imperial Guards behind him. The advancement of the Eero Army was astonishing. If the sect of nations would really follow what they said, and set up a defense line with Rutiya Zibao as the core, even In the face of the raid of the 200,000 Airo Eastern Army, as long as you can drag out enough time, you may not be able to unite with the Order Army and completely bury the last force of the Airo Empire! This was originally a strategically difficult task. After all, the Eero Empire is also a great power in the south for more than 100 years. The domestic foundation is strong. In addition, this term of the Eero emperor can also be regarded as the monarch of the civil and military genius, if not this time Suffering from serious illness, eager to defeat Elero’s predecessor sect before he died, wanting to bring Elero’s most combative forces together, or not so hurriedly to the east of 200,000 The military callback gave the empire such a rare opportunity!

"Your Majesty, the Eastern Army has reached such a distance, do you need to immediately send someone to tell the Order Corps?" An Imperial Guard asked for instructions

"No need, I'm just afraid that when our people arrived, the Order had already encountered the Eastern Army." The fat man waved his hand, said what he had said, what he had done, and even warned himself to show his sincerity. If the regiment still insists on doing things alone, then the Rutiya sub-castle is the last burial place of the hundreds of thousands of regiments. Since there is no power to intervene on the battlefield here, it is better to rush back to the port of Eero to arrange

When the fat man hurried back to Port Elero, it was already midnight. I was surprised to see that Palsina was already waiting in the villa.

"Sorry for causing me to change all plans for your majesty!"

Palsina bowed her head and handed the hot towel to the fat man. Her eyes were complicated. When she learned that the emperor had just brought more than a hundred guards in the day, she went to the Rutiya Zibao in the fierce battle~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Palsina’s beautiful face is even paler. She thought of the wayward words of the previous two days and was uneasy. Originally, she thought that the emperor must have returned to Feishan, but she did not expect the emperor to go to Rutiya Zibao. When I can go to Rutiya Zibao, I just want to know that I must go to inform the missionary country of the danger, just because of my own waywardness, the emperor traveled about a hundred miles away, looking at the emperor’s The face of the wind and dust, the heart of Palsina has been entangled,

"Nothing, or you are right, since Port Elero is a territory of the empire, then the empire should bear its own responsibility! I have ordered the mobilization of the imperial team, if all goes well, or Port Elero can avoid this war." The fat man took the steamy handkerchief from Palsina’s fair hands and wiped her face. He said casually, but didn’t know that such words fell in Palsina’s ears, and more and more let the sky teach The virgin feels self-blamed. The reason why the tens of thousands of empires are about to set foot on this battlefield is probably just because of their willfulness! In fact, I know very well that the life of 300,000 people in Port Elero does not have much weight in the eyes of the emperor. The emperor’s words like this are more like a strategy to comfort himself

"Your Majesty, Lord Valisian's 30,000 troops arrived in Port Elero!" Just when the two were slightly embarrassed, the Imperial Guard brought news that the fat man was surprised. The fat man asked Varisian to arrive within three days. El Hierro, and now only two days, there is more than one day, which is definitely the difference between the sky and the earth for the entire strategic layout. Time, sometimes it is the heavy weight of victory and defeat!

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