Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and forty-three

In the soft winter sunshine of Port Elero in the afternoon, Varisian, dressed in the uniform of the imperial regiment, walked straight into the hall in front of him, and looked at the fat, dark-haired young man who was staring at a map in front. 'S report said, "Your Majesty, your most loyal subordinate Varisian leads the Fifth Legion of the Central Army of the Empire, 34,700 uncertain!" The fat man took a deep breath and lifted up to the emperor general Varisian who was kneeling on the ground With one hand, let Varisian stand, and the sun outside the window was about to fall on the ridge in the distance, "The reversal of the whole battle situation? As far as I know, there are two hundred thousand troops in the east of Eero, and only three in the fifth army. More than 10,000 people..."

Varisian heard the emperor’s judgment that even the imperial generals who had been known for their boldness had a daze on their faces. The army of 30,000 looked not too small, but now it’s Egypt. The combined total of the two empires of the Roman Empire and the Order of the Romans combined more than 500,000 life and death battles. How much input can 30,000 people play in this war? If it is used to guard the port of Eero, it is just right. At least even if the Eero Empire has won the battle, it must be quite exhausted. In the face of the elite 30,000 empire in the port of Eero, it may not be jealous! "Time, sometimes is the weight to decide the outcome"

The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly flicked away, and he looked at the sunset that was about to fall outside the window, and said with a condensed voice, "Emperor Erow endures the most powerful force that must wait while bearing weight, or because of the extra day, all efforts will be turned into running water, Because at this moment, the trump card in the hands of Emperor Ero Farouk was not complete, but only half a card. When I returned, I had sent scouts to investigate the Eastern Army. The scout reported that the first Eastern Army arrived, but The fastest cavalry of more than 30,000 men and light infantry of more than 20,000 men, and the other more than 100,000 troops, because of the long distance, they are still quite a distance away from the real battlefield Rutia sub-castle, and the army A thousand miles of march, even if it is how to prepare, there is still a serious disconnect. The distance between the team and the whole march is more than twenty miles. The entire Eastern Army is already exhausted because of the continuous march. What will be the only reaction of the heavily procrastinated army to an unexpected attack in the night when the enemy cannot be detected?"

"It is natural to stop advancing, gather troops, and wait for the follow-up army to gather!"

Varisian is also a battlefield general, and he knows how to move the army. He almost didn’t need any reaction time and immediately answered, but hesitated for a moment, "Your Majesty, even after the Eastern Frontier of Eero. The troops stopped advancing, and the time when we could stop them was probably one night. When tomorrow we find that our army is actually only 30,000 people, it will inevitably be overwhelmed by the whole line. At that time, our army may be difficult to hold!"

"One night? Haha, I don't need one night, I only need six hours! Can you do it for six hours with the 10,000 imperial forces to attack the eastern part of Erow's Eastern Army?" The fat black pupil flashed Glossy, withdraw your gaze from the black sky curtain that is about to hang over the window, turn around and look at Varisian behind you.” No problem, if it is blocked from the front, it is very difficult, but if it is only the night attack, it can still be done for six hours. Yes, it’s just that the subordinates don’t understand why it was six hours. “Varisian replied with a puzzled face.” Because six hours, it was after the Eero army received reinforcements that it collapsed after launching an offensive in Rutiya Sub-Fort. Time!" The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth unintentionally, and told himself that he was going to the army of the sect to inform the sect of the sect of the sect and that the sergeant had captured the Rutiya Zibao. The voice said, "In order not to run away, the emperor Eero would rather sit and watch his elder son and the defender of the sub-tenant of Rutiyazi be attacked and killed by the army in front of his eyes. This scene is not only Eero. The generals watched, and the 80,000 troops of the entire King Eeroe also watched, sitting and watching the strongholds being broken, and watching the tens of thousands of Eero warriors being slaughtered. It can be imagined that this is the heart of the entire Eero army. What kind of shaking will it cause?"

"Now Emperor Eero has received reinforcements from the east, and he thinks that there will be more than one hundred thousand successors in the pipeline, and he has a grasp of the victory. I am afraid that even if I am, I will be supplemented by reinforcements. From that moment, the whole army immediately drove the counterattack against the regiment, but once the battle was fierce for six hours, the casualties were heavy, and the reinforcements were delayed, and even the imperial army appeared behind you. What do you think of the Eero army? ""This...this...even the elite empire of high morale, under such a blow, I am afraid that it will collapse, not to mention the Eero army that has been heavily hit in front!"

Varisian took a deep breath and let out a sigh. The East Capone Mountains in the dark night were like a huge long dragon lying on the ground. The night wind swayed the gray dust and scratched his ears. At the same time, there was a rumbling rumble. Under the cold moonlight, a black line appeared on a mound in the moving Capone Mountains. The imperial general dressed in black armor, Varisian, lived under the crotch. , The bottom of the mountain in front of your gaze is a long torch forming a spreading fire dragon below the mountain

The length of the torch was more than ten miles. Under the light of the torch, a team of Eero infantry entered the direction of King Eero in a loose formation, wearing armor, a spear in his hand, and a shield on his back. Behind him, I saw a little army marching. In the queue, I could see many soldiers taking off their armor, wrapped in various clothes, staggering their feet, embarrassed, if not by their own eyes See, Varisian didn't believe that these Eero soldiers were the 200,000 Eastern Frontiers recalled by Emperor Eero's order, but also, there was a distance of nearly a thousand miles from the eastern border to the King, even if it was the Eastern side The well-recognized elite troops like the army, after more than ten consecutive days of high-intensity marches, are now still sleepy, and it is normal for officers to no longer be able to restrain the troops.

The scene in front of him made Valisian also admire the emperor's five-body investment. Although the reason for reversing the battle is very simple, how many people can see this turning point?

It seems that it only blocked the reinforcement area in the east of Eero for a few hours, but it completely changed everything inadvertently. The things involved in it may be that only the emperor inadvertently overwhelmed the sky. Judgment, the strategic literacy and combat experience embodied in it must surpass the courage and determination of this era. It is the emperor who stood at the peak of strategic command in this era to dare to do so. Even at this moment, Varisian felt There was a mad feeling all over him, "The whole army is ready!"

Varisian suppressed the urge to roll inside, raised his hand grimly, and the moonlight shone coldly on the black armor of the imperial cavalry lined behind him, brushing, and the uniform cavalry bayonet began to put down, cold light. Snow, unfortunately, for the Eero army in the distance, they did not notice the situation at all. The black armor of the Imperial Cavalry is the best cover color in the dark. If you don’t watch it close, you can’t distinguish between these cavalry and Dongka. What is the difference between the shrubland next to the Peng Mountains, and because all the cavalry have drove to the battlefield, the remaining Eero Army did not even send a scout, and the more than 100,000 Eero Army did not think that who ate the bear Heart Leopard dared to attack such an army in the land of Erow!

Unexpectedly, this attack of the empire really made the Elero army jump! As Valisian's high arm fell, a faint roar broke out on the ground, leaping like a black wave. The black line spread at an alarming speed, the echo of the cavalry group stepping on the ground, and the rows of snowy cavalry thorns The smoke that the gun suddenly swooped down from the wasteland **** like a hawk, like a boundless black blade, cut into the marching Eero infantry line below, "Watch out for enemy attacks!" "Asshole, yes Cavalry, we encountered a cavalry attack!"

The sky-shattering cries burst into the sky, and the cavalry clusters that lined up the mountains jumped into the frenzy. The cavalry clusters were like a powerful sledgehammer. They suddenly rolled up a red blood tide in the eastern border of Eero. Before the sound disappeared, the chaotic queue had already collided with the black iron flow that had rushed in front of it. The violent sound of the flesh and blood still being hit by the war horse had not stopped. The gun has been pushed like a **** killing wall, "Pouting"

The soldier in the front row was pierced by a spear, and then was violently provoked by a war spur that moved forward at a high speed, pushing forward to continue to hit the body of the second soldier. The blood between the two was like a squeezed tomato sauce It exploded at once, and the speed was fast. It looked like it had been cut off in one piece. It was only a few minutes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The violent black cavalry had swept through the attack area, And then hidden in the mountains and forests in the distance

"What's the situation!" Catu, the head of the fourth group of the Eastern Frontier of Eero, looked at the chaotic battlefield, and thousands of Eero soldiers were swept in by the brain of the unknown black cavalry. There are six thousand troops in the fourth regiment. In just ten minutes, a quarter of the troops were hit hard. If it was also because of insufficient numbers, if there were more cavalry in the attack, I was afraid that his fourth regiment would be completely finished. Announce the attack!" Katu gasped and screamed with a terrible look, but the news came back shortly afterwards that made him totally stupid. At the moment he was just attacked, the ninth regiment, the first The eleventh regiment and the thirteenth regiment were attacked, and there were more than a thousand cavalry assault forces against their wives. When they succeeded, they immediately withdrew. The losses suffered by their fourth regiment were fairly good. The worst was The Thirteenth Regiment, which was originally the Thirteenth Regiment of the Heavy Force, had only more than 3,000 people. In just half an hour of fighting, the whole regiment killed more than 1,900 people, including the head of the 13th Regiment. By the way, the excessively long route of travel is completely at a disadvantage of not being able to form mutual support at all, that is, in a dazed and frustrated fight, inexplicable attacks, inexplicable defeats, even the commander in charge cannot explain in the end What is the situation, even the enemy has not figured out

The marching Eastern Frontier of Eero stopped and began to gather troops,

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