Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and forty four

The Eero Great Plain after nightfall, like the moonlight that was sprinkled down like water, the earth floated down a line, right in front of the Rutiya Zibao, and countless torches shone on the standing Eero formations, just like in the night The ignited flame rendered the red armor of Eero’s army a bit more slaughtered, and flashed away on the earth, so the picture was more shocking.

"It is the reinforcements of the Erow!"

Although I was prepared, I suddenly saw so many Eero troops coming up from behind the Eero lineup, Pope Pudamia’s pretty face still looked ugly, and her slender fingers were tightly held on the whip. It’s dangerous, if it’s not the Falcon Emperor who came to report it, and if it wasn’t for his surprise attack on Rutiya Zibao as a backing, the current Order Army is undoubtedly a piece of fat sandwiched between the two armies of Eero. The night is the death of more than one hundred thousand religious regiments!

"I didn't expect it to come, so much!"

Inside the generals of the Order, there is also a sound of inhalation. Whether it is a general or a soldier, the flames that have spread at this moment have turned most of the night sky into red. The number of eastern border troops who suddenly arrived is six or seven thousand. Man is equivalent to doubling the number of the original Eero army, so many enemies, what can we do!

In the night, the newly arrived Eero army team assembled in a line of scattered soldiers, and then opened in a row. Countless spears stood up and pointed directly at the sky. Under the moonlight, the cold infiltration was even more obvious. The front of the queue The number of rolled military flags formed a rough sea, and the cavalry cluster of more than 30,000 people entered on the left side alone. Under the horseshoes of the cavalry was the decay of wild grass, showing a large gray and yellow land. The Eero cavalry pushed forward three times in front of the Rutiya sub-fortress, "rest, as Emperor Eero, commander of the army, just a few hours ago, in front of the 80,000 Eero army, my great prince Together with tens of thousands of defenders who lived and died in the Rutiya Zibao, the flag of the lion's royal sand lion head representing the glorious lion head and scorpion tail fell from the Rutia Zibao. Before this shame was not washed away, how can I Retreat from the battlefield to rest, how can the warriors who died in the battle attract eyes!"

"But your majesty, a good body is the basis of all possible. Your majesty, as the commander of the army, decides that more than one hundred thousand troops should be born and die, and more attention is needed to rest!" Dr. Leon, the doctor's old face, said quietly, even when facing Emperor Eero did not mean to give in at all

"Leon, as a highly skilled doctor who has served the royal family for more than thirty years, I can’t refute your suggestion, but I only have one request, that is, let me see the flag of the sand lion flying again on the Rutiya sub fort I’ll go to rest.” Emperor Eero’s mouth smiled bitterly, and there was no way for this white-haired royal doctor. The cold wind hit his face, which was embarrassed but steadfast. Emperor Eero, about forty years old, rode on a white muscular combat horse, and the cold wind blowing the red cloak behind the emperor rolled up like a **** battle flag

"Well, since Your Majesty insisted, as your royal doctor, I can only agree to make it difficult for me, but I request to be with Your Majesty at any time, at least before your Majesty rests!" Leon said coldly.

"of course can!"

Emperor Farouk turned coldly and turned his head, gazing directly at the Rutiya Zibao,

He can’t wait any longer. In order to hook the regiment, he has sacrificed one of his sons and tens of thousands of soldiers, because the whole process is seen by the soldiers. Morale is already a very heavy blow.At this moment In front of him, only Rutia sub-castle, the fire of his life was burning in the end, even Faruk himself did not know when it would be extinguished, every minute now, for Faruk All are extremely valuable, Leon is willing to follow, and it has no effect in itself. What really makes Faruk feel that the reinforcements have arrived, and the opposite army must be in chaos.

At this moment, if you can gather forces and attack across the board, you will be able to defeat the regiment in one fell swoop and completely defeat the enemy of the Eero Empire. How can such a huge temptation make him uneasy, but what makes him feel troubled is that he arrived in front of him. The eastern border troops are not all, but only about 60,000 or 70,000 people. When will the more than 100,000 infantry arrive? Such things as fighter planes are fleeting. If they are missed, even if the support army arrives in full, it is a **** battle to eat more than one hundred thousand religious regiments. This kind of thing will continue to be disrupted by His Majesty, other troops. Although it was slower, it should be able to arrive at dawn! "A general of the Eastern Frontier saw the emperor's hesitation and said condensedly, "At dawn, it will be fine!" Emperor Ero Faro He looked away and looked away from the Rutiya sub-fortress in the distance, turning his head toward the generals behind and instructing, "You, the corps army and my Eero's decades of hatred, let's completely end today, kill Just light them! Do you have such faith?"

"Your Majesty's wishes are the orders I waited for!" General Erow was also very excited, playing with the regiment for more than half a year, how much he had eaten, and finally he could return today! After Qi Qi saluted the emperor, he ran to his troops, and the attack commands spread like rolling waves in the army of Eero.

"Kill them all!"

"Destroy these squadrons!" The Ero soldiers' red eyes were scared, and the shouts came one after another. What kind of politeness do they need for the invaders? Over the past six months, I don't know how many Eros have been brutally suppressed by the squadrons , How many robes died in the hands of the regiment, and all liquidation is now tonight! And with so many reinforcements arriving, even if the opposite army is really a piece of iron, it must be turned into a fan in front of the revenge of the Eero army.

The wind blew up, and the straightened military flag screamed overhead

Emperor Eero raised the sword of the king in his hand and pointed to the front, spit out the words "Forward!"


The line-up of Eero infantry began to move forward neatly, just like the boulders that rolled down from the high mountain hit the hammer. At the moment when the front of the two armies hit, the soldiers screamed "kill!" Long weapons such as lances or bayonets are intertwined, arranged so densely that they can hardly pass through the air, poking on the flesh and the shield makes a variety of sounds, some are crisp, some are sour that the teeth are sour." Rush, crush them!" "Stabilize, don't panic!"

For a time, there were continuous screams in the queues on both sides. From time to time, there was a long spear pierced in the chest, and blood fell to the ground. The infantry fronts of the two sides staggered and killed, and the Templar army queues in cross-robes The imperial guards with the red sand lion coat of arms are constantly impacting, and each impact produces a lot of sacrifices and blood. "Cavalry strikes!"

Staring at the scorched battlefield ahead, Emperor Eero decisively ordered the cavalry to attack. As the subordinate cavalry ran from the front of the cavalry queue like a meteor, they began to gather as a side cavalry, and then ran forward like a razor. The Temple Cavalry rushed up like a wasp, "Kill!" The sound of horseshoes like a dull thunder, the Eero Light Cavalry collided with the Templars in the cross-robes without any fancy, as the first attack The elite elite cavalry of the line are all experienced old cavalry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ maintains a fairly good queue when they are impacted, and they are well aware that when the racing horses and weapons are rushing towards themselves, Any hesitation is fatal, completely listen to the feelings, and the madness of no matter what hits, timidity has no meaning here, only one thing needs to be considered here, either die here, or let go of everything, or still The chance to survive a little bit more. Such an elite cavalry is like a sharp knife. No matter how thick the defense is, it will be deeply penetrated. "Kill!" "Stop them!"

The warhorse hissed, the two armies intertwined, and the cavalry who collided with each other rolled from the horse's back to the ground. "Slap" was a series of falling horse sounds. The two cavalry hedging against each other were like original wooden boards squeezed away by a heavy hammer. ,Break through a strong multi-level attack, a very short confrontation, but it is to show the tragic once to the extreme, high-speed running horses, countless iron hoof spears, striking like a thunder, even if it is a body The armoured cavalry also flew out like toys. In such a large-scale battle, human life is a leaf swept by a hurricane. With good luck, even on death, he is lying on the horse's back. Let the war horse go by himself. If he has bad luck, he will fall under the horseshoe for a while. The sound of bone cracking, blood flowing down the gap between the armor, turned into a pile of meat that no one can recognize. "The whole army retreated! Thor prepares!" Pope Pudamia's pretty face is slightly pale, before her eyes The situation is obviously unfavorable to the Order Corps, the opposing cavalry has a decisive quantitative advantage, and the infantry is even more imposing. If it has been entangled in chaos, it is meaningless to occupy the Rutiya sub fortress!

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