Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and forty-five days off (4)

The air under the night was cold, and the grass fell on the field near the woods. The particles of the soil quivered slightly in the grass, and then the sound gradually became louder, and the slight horseshoe gradually changed into a rapid roar, suddenly In the meantime, the warhorse rushed out of the forest like a meteor. The Eero cavalry above was only attached to the horse's back. The right shoulder has been red with blood and his face has been pale to the limit.

If it weren’t because the legs were tied to the saddle, the Eero cavalry above had already fallen off. Behind him, one ride, ten rides, hundred rides... Mercedes’s black armored cavalry ran towards the wilderness like a torrent of conflict , With a cry, among the fast Mercedes-Benz, the imperial cavalry on the war horse skillfully raised the heavy crossbow in their hands

The field of vision glanced forward along the earth, revealing an endless great plain in front. The violent roaring sound penetrated against the body of the Eero cavalry. The seriously injured Eero cavalry made a dull sound, and his head finally fell down heavily, running The warhorse also began to slow down and eventually stopped on a dry field

   "It was finally caught up, but I did not expect that there are such superb riding inside the Eero people, and they even chased out a dozen miles!"

The imperial cavalry in black armor quickly approached, and someone immediately jumped agilely from the yet-to-be-stabilized battle horse, and quickly walked to the front of the Ero horse, pulling out the horse's reins while pulling the horse's reins. The War Knife chopped off the head of the dying Eero cavalry, then smiled and took the head to the horse to run back to his horse,

"Come on, it's been a long time, but it's not bad to get a good horse!" The captain of the imperial cavalry leader groaned with dissatisfaction, looked around, and quickly took his men Turned away and disappeared into the shadows of the distance, everything was calm again, only the moonlight of the Great Plains of Eero was like a layer of white spread on the headless body

   The wind is scorching, the grassy **** seems to have a slight wave, and the coldness of the night gradually rises

This is a section of the plain between Rutiyazi Fort and East Capone Mountain Range, more than forty miles in length, which is the only way for East Capone Mountain Range to enter the area of ​​King Hero. The fat man stands on a higher section On the sloping ground, the direction I looked at was the direction of a red flashing Rutiya sub-fortress. Even at a distance of more than a dozen miles, I could still vaguely hear the sound of fierce fighting. Just like the sound of winter thunder, it's the voice of Thor

It is conceivable that a total of 300,000 troops of the Eero army and the sect were biting and strangling each other there. The earth is vast, and people like ants, the fire and explosion of Thor are flooding this vast land, and at the same time, positive Part of the eastern reinforcements of Eero, who were approaching the battlefield, stopped due to the sudden and violent attack.

The eastern army of Eero began to gather troops and waited for the confluence of the army before daring to continue to enter, while the Rutiya Zibao was completely unaware, and believed that the eastern reinforcements would definitely arrive before dawn, which caused a cognitive error in the middle. , Is the key to this turning point, everything is in the booked position, more than one hundred thousand heavy soldiers of the Eastern Army of Eero, finally stopped at a distance of thirty miles from the battlefield

   The arrangement made in this way is not a problem, even if you are suddenly attacked by a large cavalry under the circumstance of not knowing the truth, you will make the same decision

Anyway, it was only a temporary night of repair. The army came thousands of miles, and the people were sleepy. The distance to the battlefield was so close. Moreover, the tens of thousands of forwards had already headed to the Emperor Erow of the Rutiya sub-castle. It has been enough to form a force against the Order Army. Now it has encountered an unknown attack. In this case, even the generals of Erow, it is difficult to refuse the temptation to let the tired army rest and gather and then enter.

However, the Eero people did not know that, at a distance they did not consider dangerous, 20,000 elite cavalry soldiers who stepped into the battlefield from the direction of Eero harbor had already opened a layered net, and the imperial cavalry took a hundred people as One team, a huge network of more than two hundred teams, is like an open bird cage, waiting for the fast ride from the Eastern Army of Eero to the Rutiya Zibao. This promenade is still almost uncovered. Plain terrain

Even in the dark night, the moonlight is bright, even if the elite of the Eastern Army’s information is very elite, it will not be expected that in this promenade area that is already very close to the destination, it will encounter a fierce culling of such a large group of black armored cavalry. ,

Faced with imperial cavalry equipped with cavalry crossbows, Eloxon cavalry found that the situation was wrong and had no chance of retreating. The only option was to rush forward desperately, and behind it were more imperial cavalry

  Midnight, the sky seems to be covered with a layer of black, even the moonlight is dim

After hearing that all the Erosion cavalry were blocked and strangled, the Emperor Emperor turned back from the front with a stern face, straddling a dark and handsome male horse, and screamed the black armored cavalry lined up behind him. Say "Tell Varisian that the time is almost up. The morale and fighting strength of the Hero army after receiving reinforcements are much stronger than expected, and it has been two days since the two began to confront each other in Rutiya Zibao , I am afraid that the Emperor Ero Farouk is about to reach the stage where the lamp is dry, and can persevere so. It must be a character with a very strong attachment. At this moment, only a small incentive is needed to let This King of Eero, who was completely depleted of life, completely collapsed, allowing Varisian to quickly gather his troops closer to me. Before dawn, we will arrive at Rutiya Zibao. The so-called heavyest blow is more than hope. Give despair again!

   "Yes, Your Majesty!" a black armor guard Shen Sheng responded and turned to leave

  Lutiya Sub-Fortress

The general battle of nearly 200,000 people below has turned the whole land into a color like a hurricane. That is the color of **** human blood. The fierce fighting has lasted for five hours. The flames burned and the blood lines spread. The thunder **** of the squadron snarled and dumped fire towards the ero army. Pieces of light exploded in the queue entered by the ero army, but the deviation of the squad army's ray **** was somewhat outrageous. 'S power is greatly discounted, but even so, it still gives heavy pressure to the Eero army from the soul to the top, and the arrows with flames in the sky keep crossing

   "Forward, forever! For Herro, for Your Majesty!"

  In the light and darkness, countless people rushed forward, and soldiers with heavy shields staggered up from the pool of blood, like Lin’s gun array was like being squeezed together by two forces

   The horizon was pulled up to the sky, and countless canines intertwined in front of the Rutiya Zibao. The fire is burning and roaring in the wind, the front of the two sides is unfolding, there are several miles of fronts, and in the five-hour battle, the road is rolling and standing side by side, the shield is against the shield, and the back row is next to the front row. , Squeezed so hard to breathe, the two sides transferred troops to condemn, sent the force team one by one to order the rear troops to push the front troops, such a strong embrace, the front of the battle line hundreds of meters from the first encounter, to Unimaginable speed, quickly expanded to thousands of kilometers


  "Quick support!"Various shouts

Archers on both sides don’t even need to aim anymore, just raise the bow and shoot, shoot, and shoot towards the sky. Row after row of archers shoot continuously and intensively, and the bow keeps "squeaking" into a full moon. The arrow swooped into the pile of people opposite to it like a continuous torrential rain. The infantry of both sides had already killed their red eyes. Some teams had been defeated. The follow-up troops had rushed up again, and the two sides were pushed up again. The blood under the feet is already indistinguishable, countless sharp weapons are slashing and fighting, both sides of the battle are gritting their teeth, blood is bleeding, there are swords and swords everywhere, the battle line is completely smashed into blood red,

   "The left side was torn open, what the **** are doing, plug it up"

Both sides stomped on the wounded and the body of the deceased and continued to fight, the screams continued, the slamming of the weapon violently, the sparks splashed, the wounded were moaning, the soldiers had killed their red eyes, and their feet were greasy, It's a human body stepping on, and the thick **** smell is even more natural than air!

   This is the battlefield! The most tragic battlefield between the two armies! The life and death of the Hérault Empire and the Order are here,

   "His Royal Highness, the Iron Base Legion was defeated!"

   "Leader Knight Major requested reinforcements! More than half of the temple fanatics died!"

   "Report! The Great Knight of the Ancient Thorn is seriously injured!"

   "Yuwei Knight, one of His Royal Highness Guarding Knight Knights, is dead in battle!"

Ning listened to the urgent news, Pope Pdamia’s pretty face had long been bloodless. Although she knew that this was a fierce battle, she didn’t think it would be like this. Five hours

This has never been seen before, thinking of the countless elites cultivated by the Confucian Order, so that it was worn away by the bottomless hole in front of the eyes, and Pudamia’s heart was already cold.

   Slender fingers clenched together, her nails even fell into the flesh, so she was really afraid of being difficult to support until dawn! The only thing that can give her confidence is the roar of the Imperial Thor Cannon. Each roar is like an invisible force supporting her, and the Legion’s army has not collapsed because of the crazy attack of the army of the opposite Erow. It is indeed the arrival of Eero’s reinforcements that has caused quite a severe blow. If it had not been psychologically prepared in advance, I was afraid that the hundreds of thousands of Regiment troops would have collapsed at the moment they saw the arrival of Eero’s eastern reinforcements, but the current situation It’s not much better. If it’s not backed by the Rutiya sub-fortress, with the support of the Empire Thor, I’m afraid that the Eero army has already broken through the defensive line at the moment, which is definitely a disaster-like scene.

   "We can stick to it! As long as Thor is still there"

Pudamia murmured in a low voice that only she could hear, even if she knew she was a pope serving God, how ridiculous it was to put her greatest reliance on the Empire Thor. In this life-and-death battle, it is only in this way that she will not be nervous because of the battle!

   And on the side of Eero, Emperor Eero’s chest slightly undulated, and the look on his face had changed from an initial excitement to an iron blue

   The battle situation is powerful to Erow, but it does not mean that the goddess of victory's sky has been completely down to Erow,

The total strength of Wangdu’s own troops plus the arrival of the eastern reinforcements is 150,000 or 60,000, which is regarded as his own guard. 200,000 is already at the top, and the number of the opposite army is 1,560,000. Both sides In fact, there is not much disagreement in military strength. It is only that the Arroyo army was stimulated by the arrival of reinforcements, the morale and the military heart rose sharply, and the opposite side was just hit, so such a powerful combat power broke out, but this combat power continued for five consecutive years. After hours of fierce fighting, the rest is not much! The army is exhausted, as can be seen from the withdrawn team, many soldiers' weapons were thrown on the ground, just lying on the ground,

   Now the Eero army and the regiment army are exhausted, just like two beasts that bite each other. If there is a new army to join, it will be the final winner! This kind of fresh army has its own. The Eastern Army has only reached more than one-third, and two-thirds of the troops are on the road, but the Eastern Army, which was originally expected to arrive before dawn, is now a shadow of the company. Can't see

"It has been five hours, why the remaining 100,000 troops of the Eastern Army have not arrived yet, do you not say that they will arrive before dawn?" Emperor Farouk, emperor Ero, looked terrified, and his eyes showed murderous intent. Fiercely, I asked the generals of the Eastern Army who arrived first ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ behind the news, and no news was sent back. It stands to reason that as the distance gets closer, the cavalry should The news will be sent back quickly, but no, thinking that there are more than one hundred thousand troops in the vicinity and they are invisible, any monarch will feel the anger of the inner explosion is spreading!

Several Generals of the Eastern Army who had just withdrew from the battlefield were also pale, and the battle situation had reached such a degree that even a fool could see that the follow-up reinforcements were faintly delayed, and there was even a danger that the army would collapse. Under such circumstances, who dares to say anything, can only kneel neatly in front of the angry emperor

   "Your Majesty, there is now an hour before dawn, and the subordinates guarantee that they will arrive before dawn!" said a general of the Eastern Army who gritted his teeth.


A loud voice rang through the sky above the head. This time, it was not the voice of the Empire Thor, but the real thunder. I don’t know when, when a series of light rain hit the body from the sky, bringing the winter chill, The almost pale face of Emperor Farouk at first was dazed, and then for the first time he smiled, it rained, and it really rained. . . . Reaching out to catch a drop of rain, the soft and cold feeling came from the palm of my hand. It was really God’s help. Although the reinforcements were delayed, the rain was enough to cheer the morale of the whole army, because it means that it has been pressed. The empire Thor that cannot be propelled by the whole army of Eero cannot be launched at all!

   "It's rain!" A Eero soldier raised his head blankly, the cold rain seemed to directly clear the soul, making the two sides of the battle on the battlefield coincide.


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