Whole Nation

: 293 The 5th Knight 9 (Part 2)

"To be honest! I think it's basically impossible!" Rogeris silenced the half-beaver, and finally shook his head in response. "The Vikya army has occupied the entire territory of Dekhrem, and all the lords and resistance are It has subsided. The only drawback is that the Wikyas have not established a foothold here. The people here do not agree with the Wikyas’ rule. If it was half a month ago, we may still have a chance, but now.

"Oh, why?" Hutu Emma narrowed her eyes. For her captain, Hutu Emma was very clear, with exquisite fighting skills and a fine heart. As long as there are any clues, you can guess the enemy's situation,

Even the well-known Kugit scout on the mainland should be slightly inferior in tracking. The most valuable thing is to have unique opinions on the situation. If it is not a background problem, it is enough to serve as a military commander. This is also his own dispatch. The reason why Rogeris led the scouts, the first reason to enter Dekhrim,

This time, the urging order of the Ministry of Justice was very urgent, and I made three consecutive passes at once. Hutu Emma didn’t want to go to this mixed water. The Wikiyas are not easy to provoke. Appleton is a famous king in the kingdom, but in In full combat, it was still wiped out by the Wikyas in half a month, but it was a full 30,000 elite Miaodian army,

My Fifth Knights is also a Knights, but it is not the main Knights, and the number is only a poor 15,000, not even half of the Appleton Legion. I have long canceled my establishment, so I have taken the risk of losing Dekhrim, it is no different from early death.

But the military order is like a mountain, and you can't completely ignore the military department's transfer order, but the transfer is one thing, the combat is another thing. Coming does not mean that you must fight. Hutu Emma thinks for a night, Dekhrim The main point is Wen Zhilun, as long as he holds Wen Zhilun's fork, he can attack and retreat. Of course, if you can get a touch of Dekhrim City, it is enough to explain to the military department.

"Yesterday we were scouts in the neighboring village. Jukiwikya issued a land order!"

Rogers' eyes carefully swept over Hutu Emma's unpredictable face, and saw Hutu Emma's face unchanged, before she turned big and continued. "Now all the farmers are toward the Wikyas, our army." There is no intelligence at all in this land, and our situation is reported to the Wikyas at any time. In this case. We want to recapture the city of Dekhrim.

"What's the matter with Wenzhilun Castle? Is the investigation clear?" Hutu Emma opened her eyes and felt a headache. Hutu Emma, ​​who was born as an outstanding alchemist, reported the flames of Wenzhilunbao to Rogers. Very interested, the flames that could burn the entire castle in a night, had to make Hutu Emma feel itchy,

That's an invaluable asset. If the Vickia army really has such a powerful technology, the castle defense system on the mainland is now a ruin in front of the Vickias. This is a destruction of the entire system. Hutu Emma believes that if you take this technology in your own hands, the entire Kingdom of Erdian will tremble for yourself!

This is the opportunity given to yourself in seven days! Hutu Emma believes this, and most of his mind is also on this matter. The reason why he finally decided to follow the orders of the Ministry of Military Affairs to come to Dehrim, this reason accounts for a large part. If he can get this Technology, then his own fifth knighthood is not only the first to defend the city, the siege will also become the first in the mainland

"The subordinates followed the orders of the adults and carefully investigated the entire ruins of Wenzhilun!" Rogeris responded with a bowed head, thinking of the darkened walls and the corpses in the ruins of Wenzhilun. There are a lot of traces of stone throwing machines, and the subordinates believe that the Wikyas' city-burning weapon should be a weapon fired by the stone throwing machine. The flames in the city must be violent that night, and even the east wall was burnt down. A large section, and the entire upper wall is there. Both..."

Rogers hesitated. I don’t know if I will be rebuked by Hu Ran Emma

"Everything! Say!" Hutu Emma glared impatiently at Rogeris without knowing what the fearful and scout captain was worried about.

Rogers swallowed a spit of saliva, boldly saying "there is blood in the mountains".

brush. The figure of Hutu Emma suddenly stood up from the seat, with a burst of wind, his face was ugly blue, his head was dignified, and it took a while to raise his head to look at the drizzle outside the tent. The secret has always been the top secret of the Fifth Knights. The reason why the Fifth Knights can have such prestige is entirely based on the secret recipe of the magic blood that he himself personally refined. Could the Vickias also master this secret? And also make this technology more powerful?

"Are you sure it's Demon Blood?" Hutu Emma recovered from her trance after half a ring. The sharp eyes re-looked at Rogeris's "yes" Rogeris's blinking nod. Take a small piece of gravel from his pocket and put it in front of Hutu Emma, ​​there are a few black spots that have been solidified~www.wuxiaspot.com~Rogeris whispered "This is my way from the city head Stones collected on the wall, such things covered the entire city wall."

Hutu Emma only glanced at it, and recognized the black spots on the stone. It was indeed the blood of his own life that had been studied for a lifetime. The highly refined solidified state was obviously better than the liquid state he refined. Much higher in skill. She could not help sitting in a chair, but fortunately, Hutu Emma did not know Samor Thor, otherwise she would run away with tears.

Dehrim City

The four closed gates opened wide, and nobles drove the carriages out of it. After the last farce, the Dehrim city chose to surrender. The Samor Army sent a flag regiment to accept the German Herrim surrendered and immediately issued an order to all residents of Dehrim City. As long as you want to leave Dekhrim, the Samor Army will release all passes to ensure that they can safely leave the Dekhrim area.

In the eyes of everyone, a team of "Stomping" Samor's Guard Cavalry ran into the gate of Dehrim,

"Wen Zhilun urgent report." The herald soldiers held the intelligence and ran into the main palace of the city. Now it is the base of the Samor Army. A team of heavily armed Samor soldiers walked back and forth. Samor's guards were lined up at the entrance of the hall

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