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: 294 Fierce battle with Wen Zhilun (Part 1)

Nearly fat midday is very busy, Dehrim's countdown to occupation, the people's hearts fluctuated greatly, and the Cubo chattering measures have won the hearts and minds of most of Dehrim's farmers, but the problems that followed have also become prominent,

Many small nobles in the countryside started to gather together to make troubles, forming so-called grand theft! It was actually bandits, harassing the farms, and killing pro-Samor farmers. Rumors spreading the killing of residents by the Wikyas caused widespread panic in nearby villages and towns. In order to fight against these people, Samor had to separate a part of the army,

Guerrilla warfare is always the most troublesome enemy of the occupiers. Although Samor's army is brave and brave, in the face of these familiar ground mice, the progress that can be obtained is very limited. It is almost impossible to solve the hidden troubles, unless the Mountain Corps of Crowlisat is transferred, but Kingdom Kyoto needs an army that can calm the scene, so this is how. The idea can only be put on hold by the fat guy for a while

Wen Zhilun's military newspaper was put on the desk by fat men, and it was expected that Zhaldian sent reinforcements. For the Bing Erdian army stationed at the junction of Wen Zhilun, after the initial observation, the fat man did not take the initiative to confront the strategy, but let the two main regiments of the North Army station along the river in the southeast direction of Wen Zhilun and posed A posture to guard against death,

This is a strategic layout, in a sense, a warning to the Fifth Knights. It is also surveillance! As long as you dare to move, I dare to slap you to death,

In fact, the other party also seemed very cooperative. Not only withdrew the scouts sent, but also played a squat at the fork! The fat man knew from intelligence that the Miaodian army stationed in Wen Zhilun. It is the famous "iron wall" fifth knight of Miao Jidian,

This army is one of the few infantry-based knights in the Miaoerdian army. It is very good at defending the city. It has strong combat effectiveness. The disadvantage is that it has few people, only about 15,000 people.

I don't know what the reason is. This famous iron-wall force was established for ten years, and its military achievements are still outstanding. It is said that because of the unique fighting method of the Fifth Knights, it is difficult for other Miaodian knights to agree. They resolutely resisted their incorporation into the Knights' Order. The so-called famous Iron Wall Legion was only a temporary establishment, and even the Bactrian Military Department did not wait for them to see them, but just arranged them randomly in a region.

After a few days of observation, the fat man now finds that this fifth knight group is indeed very interesting. After the soldiers Wen Zhilun's fork, they have been cutting down the surrounding trees to build a strong defense line, and wish to build their camp into a solid turtle shell. There was no interest in regaining Dehreim, and even Samor the Scout of the nearby Goge was just throwing an arrow to expel

But this also gave the fat man a glance at the enemy’s commander. Everyone knows that knowing oneself and knowing the other is the most basic quality of an army commander, but it can really suppress the strong victory in the heart on the battlefield. Several people.

The fat man also tempted the Fifth Knights several times, still a lazy look, but surrounded Wen Zhilun with a solid defense. The fat man can be sure that unless his army forcibly presses up, this turtle at the fork will never move.

Time passed like this one day, and a week passed in a blink of an eye. The rebellious nobles in the Dekhrim region finally fell into the ambush of Hukochili three days ago, and most of them were killed. The rest of the troops fled into the extended hills. Mountain

The eighth knight of Miaoerdian who was most worried about the fat was finally removed from the Saen area. This is one of the ten main knights of Miaoerdian. It is extremely well equipped and is a typical cavalry main force. The elite cavalry fighting by the Kitts is not at all comparable to the previous Azenton Legion, that is, a group of wolves more fierce than the Kugits,

Now the fat man knows what the No. 5 tortoise, who is entrenched in Wen Zhilun and is still dead, is waiting, waiting for this sharp Miao Erdian to arrive,

The area of ​​Dehreim is hilly, with a large flat basin in the middle. It is the most powerful terrain for cavalry. The commander of the Fifth Knights is very clear about this. As long as there is a smooth entrance, the Eighth Knights’ War horses can crush and crush the Samor's army, which is dominated by infantry, in the plains of the unguarded plains, in front of 40,000 high horses, all infantry formations are there.

Holding on to Wen Zhilun is tantamount to keeping the gateway to Dehrim for the Eighth Knight! Stabilizing is sometimes a victory. Holding Wen Zhilun is like pinching the throat of Vickia's army. It may only be very light, and light is imperceptible, but at the most critical moment, it can also be turned into the deadliest suffocation of the enemy, and Wen Zhilun is such an important place to connect the north and south,

The fat man originally burned the entire Wen Zhilun castle. Even if some people wanted to stick to it, it was also a matter of the Yichuan factory in front of a long-range attack on the powerful Samor army without danger. However, the commander of the 10th Regiment of the Riding Horses grasped the strategy of "knowledge, and Liran Dehrim was not stable yet. When the Samoan army was busy solving internal problems, it steadily stood in Wen Zhilun. Feet, if you want to pull out this nail again, you have to try the power of the Iron Wall Legion in Ernin.

The wind passed through the Songpalin beside the road. The fat man's face was cold. The whip in his hand made a brittle sound on the horse span. A large camp was faintly visible in the distant Wenzhilun branch.

"Stop!" The fat man waved his hands to the generals who were following him, and at a distance of more than 500 meters from the camp of the Fifth Knights. The hills stopped, and the fat man pointed to a high-growth ramp of hundreds of meters on the left side of the camp in Enerdian. "Huko Kili! See you there? If I give you ten thousand troops. Can you resist the cavalry there?" How many shocks?

"Kou Wan Cavalry". Hu Keqili swallowed with ugliness and looked at the place where the fat man was pointing. His face was depressed. "Adult, although the hilly terrain is relatively high, it can discharge up to four infantry lines. Each row has 1,000 people. The limit, that is to say, there are really no more than a thousand people who can fight. As long as the commander of the other party is not an egg collector, up to three successive attacks of the cavalry cluster can completely destroy my infantry line, and lose the advantage of the height of the hills, even if there are more adults Give me tens of thousands of people, I can’t stop the iron rider rushing from above. Small

"Oh, it's good!" The fat man smiled without anger, pointing to the depressing slope, and smiled to the generals behind him. "If you think so, then the Yan Erdian will also think so, I It was decided to set the best place to annihilate the enemy on that slope. I will use it as a bait to introduce the Kwandian cavalry to the death ground. Which of you is willing to take up this task!"

"Impossible! It's crazy!" The fat man's words caused a lot of discussion among the generals behind him, and even a brave general like Hu Keqili was hesitant, blocking the Wan cavalry with 10,000 infantry on a small slope. There is a similar plan for Night Fantasy, and even the boldest person will hesitate.

"I'm coming!" Just when most of the generals hesitated, a figure stood up first. "I'm the commander of the Northern Army. Caesar Soron's face with a bit of unspeakable bitterness, from the position of the general's queue He stood up and said, "This time the adult personally led the army to avenge my Northern Army. In any case, what? I should do all the tasks! "

Caesar Saurongui is the head of the army and is one of the three giants of the Samorian military. He has a high weight and can be said to be under one person and above 10,000 people. No one expected that this adult would ask himself to perform this almost dead mission. ,

Caesar Sauron's eyes were dignified, ignoring the surprise of other generals, and the scars on his face were slightly twitching, making this otherwise handsome face look terrible.

The fat man stared at Caesar Sauron with bright eyes. After half a ring, he nodded slightly, as a tacit consent to Caesar Sauron’s request,

The fat man knew that the battle of Djerber some time ago, the North Army casualties brought by Caesar Sauron were exhausted, and despite the final victory, but a great knot has been buried in Caesar Sauron, but he did not expect Caesar Sauer Long will stand up at this time,

Caesar Sauron is the leader of the army he cultivated with care. Although it is very rigid in some places, it is a commander who can be alone. Not all generals are familiar with the know-how of large-scale operations.

A dozen battles, tens of thousands of people fighting together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the situation will be chaotic. The victory or defeat of the war is not just the preparation before the war and the bravery of the soldiers. In many cases, fighting for the general Master the situation, the one who is good at controlling the overall situation is handsome, and the general who is good at fighting the ground!

So some people have fought for a lifetime, but only for the general, and Caesar Sauron is indeed a rare handsome, the Battle of Kyoto! Thirteen consecutive battles. Undoubtedly proved this, let such precious talents do this, saying that fat people do not worry about being fake,

But fat people have no choice! The army’s heart can’t be suffocated, the war is no longer, no matter who it is, as long as it stands out, there is no possibility that it will be rejected by itself again. It is by relying on this deadly army soul and this must-win warship that Samor has survived countless life and death moments,

Caesar Sauron was able to stand up, and the fat man was very pleased. With the respect of the commander of Caesar Sauron, he was still able to fear death without fear. This intangible encouragement. Certainly make Samor the whole army fighting

Similarly, Caesar Sauron knew that this was a task of death, with the wisdom of Caesar Sauron. How not to know the character of fat man, this time it must be playing Yin! In the past, Caesar Sauron always tried to hide, but this time Caesar Sauron decided not to hide. If you want to know what happened, please log in. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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