Whole Nation

: 295 Fierce battle with Wen Zhilun (Part 2)

Tasting a heartfelt heartfelt reward for your dream. Alcohol, mountain blade, blade, ticket Caesar Sauron has decided to abandon the knighthood principle that he insisted on for a lifetime, let the so-called justice and glory go to hell, this is an opportunity. An opportunity to stand up from failure.

Caesar Sauron's ears seemed to be able to hear the violent roar and the fierce fighting sound along the stone bridge. The flesh and blood flew across, and the pieces of Samor soldiers turned into minced meat under the knight's horseshoe.

What a good soldier that is! Now, even the bones are turned into fly ash, and there is no chance for me to collect and bring back. Caesar Sauron looked excited, and his five fingers were white because of the pinch. The surging river washed everything away. Only one stone bridge infested with blood

Blood debt needs blood repayment, these dying North Army warriors look at themselves in the sky! "Please ask my permission to perform this task together with Captain Caesar Sauron!" Another person stood out from the queue, and the fiery-headed Dylan Scuse stood upright, his eyes showing the ardent light,

Dylan Scuse knew that this was a rare opportunity. Danger and glory existed despite his identity. It is destined to have a good job, but if you want to become Samor's military general, without a record of the shot, even if you can get to the position of general, you will be despised! This is not what the glorious Dylans navy Brenlunskuse wanted,

"I am the glorious son of Dylans at sea! No matter where! My sword is destined to be bathed in glory." This is what Dylan Cuse secretly vowed when he left Dylans!

"It's really life-threatening!" The fat man murmured in a depressed expression, and it was not enough to catch a legion chief. Could it be a future uncle? This sale can be a little dangling! If there is a mistake, my future mother-in-law will not forgive herself

"Ah! Fight hard!" The fat man sighed. At this time, even if his own son ran out, he had to push up! The fat man reluctantly nodded to Dylan Scout, "You have this kind of heart and it's not bad, don't say I didn't take care of you! Captain Caesar Sauron, but I am the first general of Samor, this is your first time. A great learning opportunity!"

"Thank you, sir!" Dylan Scouts nodded happily, "I will definitely learn the command of combat from Lord Caesar Sauron."

In late April, as the footsteps of the Eighth Knights approached. The Van Samor army scattered in the Dehreim region began to gather,

The two main flag regiments of the North Army began to quickly encircle Wen Zhilun. During the period, there were several small-scale contact battles with the scouts of the Fifth Knights. The small troops of the Fifth Knights fled at the touch of one. There is no meaning of combat, which is completely inconsistent with its famous iron wall defense,

The defense line of the North Army Banner was smoothly suppressed to 500 meters from the Wenzhilun fork, completing the original planned siege. The soldiers began to build a defensive line on the small **** designated by the fat man as planned. A row of wooden blocks blocking the cavalry's charge was erected. Behind the row of wooden lines was a row of trenches.

Hutu Emma, ​​who is not far away from this tight defense, secretly stunned. Unexpectedly, the Wikiia army, which has always been attacking like a fire, will also play this trick. This is his old business, and the layman looks lively. Experts look at the doorway. As a defense expert, Hutu Emma felt that the defense line laid by the Wikiyas was stronger than others. The rows of cabinets and trenches were all designed for cavalry charges. It seems that the eighth The news of the impending arrival of the Knights has reached the Vickias

"You said these idiots Vickias. Are you really going to fight here against the Eighth Knights?" Hutu Emma withdrew her surprised eyes and asked Rogeris behind her,

The captain of the scout is the fifth knight who knows the Wikayas the most, and only he has contacted the Wikyas a few times, although they all retreated immediately. But also brought back a lot of valuable information,

For example, the armor of the Vickia Knight is very thin, and it is not on the same level as the Kingdom Knight, but the battle is extremely brave. And also equipped with a strange bow that can shoot through heavy armor,

Rogers' armor still has a small hole. That is the trace of being shot through. Although it did not cause much damage, it also surprised Rogeris, and the foot crossbow of the Vykiar infantry shot the Rogers’ horse, if not fast. , Rogeris was already captured

"Don’t they know that the Eighth Knights are well-known hurricane cavalry. Although they are not as powerful as knights in single combat power, they are more than ten times the number of knights. The hurricane cavalry with strong bow assault accounted for half of that. But the natural enemy of infantry."

"Subordinates are also very strange." Rogers hesitated and said, “Because the Wikiyas have recently increased their inspections, we scouted that they could not get close to their camps, they could only watch from afar. Now they not only covered the front of the hillside Defensive, and still on both sides of the hillside, more than ten small large arrow towers were artificially built. If they add their strong bows, it really means a decisive battle with the Eighth Knight!"

"Arrow! Do they still want to attack the Eighth Knights?" Hu Tu Emma sneered with disdain. "Ten thousand kingdom elite cavalry is enough to level the entire hill, not to mention that. Hillside! Unless... Hutu Emma's complexion changed and her voice stopped. Her eyes rested on the distant hillside again, and she suddenly turned her back and asked solemnly.

"Have you been to the camp behind the hillside recently? Did you see any traces of large equipment?.

"Adult, do you mean that they will use that powerful violent weapon?" From the change of Hutu Emma's look, the alert Rogeris suddenly reacted, but quickly denied it. "It should not be, then There are a lot of Wikiia infantry on it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if they want to use mysterious weapons again, but the high-movement cavalry does not never move the castle, I am afraid that the weapon will burn their own people first dead""

"Well, it is." Hutu Emma's expression affirmed that the small hillside in the distance is really not suitable for large-scale equipment such as stone throwers to launch a projectile attack, whether it is a **** angle or a wooden fence. The Wikiia army stationed on it will be the first to be attacked. Unless the commander of the other party is crazy, it will definitely not do so. Small

"Forget it, don't care about him!" Hutu Emma turned around. I think Rogers waved his hand. "Our responsibility is to hold Wen Zhilun's fork. To hold here is victory. You make scouts pay more attention to the changes in the hillside. Anyway, the little Vicky's strong bow is still very powerful." .

"Woo!" A sudden trumpet sound suddenly sounded from the east side of the camp, which scared Hutu Emma and Rogeris.

"What's going on?... Hutu Emma turned back displeasedly and asked the guard behind him

"Adult!" a herald ran quickly. "Sixth Hu Xue Squadron of the Eighth Cavalry forward just encountered Vickey Cavalry in the hills east of Wen Zhilun! Special agents asked us for help!". If you want to know the future, please log in the state, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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