Whole Nation

: 296 Fierce battle with Wen Zhilun (2)

The cloud continues, and the roaring wind blows from the plain wind, ※

In a vast open field, the two cavalry units collided like two iron walls, the horses tumbling on the ground in the squeeze, blood spattered from the interlaced horses,

"Kill" cavalry squadron commander Ikebin shouted, the long sword went out, the cavalry of the Miaoerdian cavalry lance sparked a spark on the blade,

The guard cavalry warrior knives were like a bright flash of lightning, crossing the opponent's weak armor, bright red blood spurting from the enemy's neck, the horses were staggered, and the ike soldiers saw the figure of the cavalry on the opposite side disappearing instantly.

The sound of "lock" metal impact is mixed with the cries of fighting, the two cavalry units are like two metal monsters squeezed together,

The sword and sword, the flesh and blood flew, the galloping horses crossed each other, and the cavalry figure was shaken off the horse. Dragged by a war horse for more than ten meters

"Happy!" Ikebin breathed out a sigh of relief. The waves of the previous squadron clearly had an absolute advantage.

Hundreds of people fell on the opposite side, and there were only a few dozen people on their own. The huge gap between the two sides' combat power can be seen from the slightly pale face of the other side

"Come on! Miao Dian's cubs!" Samor's Guard Cavalry shouted holding up the **** sword, and a loud voice rang through the plain. The ugly face of the Miaodian cavalry opposite,

"Damn it! These Wikia lunatics!" Hu Xuetuo took a sip to the ground. The blood on the forehead was wiped from the arm. These Wikia cavalry are definitely elite troops fighting all year round.

With the strength of your own Silver Cross Knight. You can only cut one cavalry and you have to choose to retreat, otherwise you will be entangled by the Wikia people who are gathered around you, and you will have only one dead path.

"Captain Hu Xue, what should we do?" Vice captain Narun leaned over with anxiety. "What should I do? If I knew what to do, I would still be so embarrassed." Hu Xuetuo's eyes twitched unnaturally, and there was a moment in his mouth. bitter,

My mission this time was to sneak into the Dehreim to investigate the situation, but I did not expect the net to enter the village on the border of Dehreim, but the locals reported it to the Wikiyas.

That night, the nearby Wikki cavalry patrolled like a **** wolf pack. Hu Xuetuo’s squadron was the scout of the Eighth Knights. It was naturally unable to compete with the Samuel Guards Cavalry who had been fighting all year round.

Under a sudden cavalry raid. The two teams in the village were all killed. Only the team led by Hu Xuetuoo was stationed outside the village and escaped.

This Wikia cavalry has chased them day and night. Communicate with each other no less than ten times. It was this force that made Hu Xue's main squad help scout cavalry, and now there are only a few hundred people left.

Hu Xuetuso hasn't figured it out until now, how can the farmers in Miaoerdian help Vickias to deal with their own people! Did the entire Dekhrim not only lose the land, but also the farmers?

"Captain, let's retreat," Deputy Captain Narener perplexedly persuaded, "We are scouts. There is no need to fight the Vickias. I'm willing to lead a team to break. Cover the captain retreat!"

"Do you think I'm a coward afraid of death?" Hu Xuetuo stared at him crimson. "We are glorious Hurricane Erneng scout Rao. Is it a person in front, or ten thousand people, we have never retreated reason!"

"But, Captain

Narren also wanted to persuade a few words. But I heard Hu Xuetuso's cry "The whole team is ready to shoot! I don't believe it. Vickia Cavalry can still shoot us!"

"Seeing the Miaoerdian cavalry in the distance suddenly strangled the horse. Arranged in a row on the far plain, took out a handful of compound bows from the weapon slot behind him, and there was a trace of contempt in the corner of his mouth.

Full queue crossbow! "Ikebin waved his companion behind him, compared with the ranger attack ability of the Samor cavalry. Really desperate!"

The horses were thunderous, and the last two hundred cavalry soldiers of Hu Xue Squadron slowly drove up. The compound bow in the hand began to pull, and the rumbling horseshoe sounded like a drum of percussion.

"Assault shot!" Hu Xuetuo shouted, trying to use his last efforts to win the last chance for himself and his subordinates,

The undulating horseback makes it difficult to determine the precise shooting of the bow cavalry. In most cases, only a rough covering shot can be taken, but Hu Xue's team is not an ordinary bow cavalry. They are elite hurricane scouts, running within 100 meters. Ma burst is the basic condition for them to be selected as a hurricane scout team

Samor's Guards cavalry took out the short cavalry crossbows coldly, their eyes flashing red. With a cold, ruthless light flashing, his fingers were solemnly buckled on the trigger of the crossbow,

"Hold on!" Ikebin shouted to his squadron's cavalry, and the Samor's sword was held high. The wind was blowing in the face, mixed with damp moisture.

The horseshoe stepped on the soft soil. With a crackling noise, the Yin Erdian cavalry was approaching quickly.

The composite strong bows have been pulled out of the full moon one by one, lifted high to the angle of forty-five degrees

The distance is calculated on both sides. Although the range of the short crossbow is slightly better than the compound bow of the Miaodian cavalry, but that little distance, in front of the high horse racing, is just a problem of shooting one second early and one second late , When the crossbow buckles the crossbow machine. The bowstring opposite has also sounded. Life and death are only momentary, and the sternness here is not inferior at all.

"Shoot!" The two sides shouted almost at the same time, and arrows flew across. The arrows on both sides shot each other. There were ten traces of death, a strong crossbow shot into the cavalry's armor, and the mouth was one-sided,

The flat shot of Samor's crossbow is far more accurate and more effective than the Mourdian assault shot. A round of shooting. The Miaoerdian cavalry fell more than 50 people, and Samor only injured a dozen people.

"Kill it up" Ikebin saw the already sparse queue of the Zhaldian Cavalry, and the sword fell quickly in his hand. The Samor's guard cavalry behind him thrust into the middle of the Gangardian cavalry like a gust of wind,

The warhorse hissed and the two armies intertwined again

Only dozens of Miaodian cavalry left in blood were rolling from the horseback to the ground, and only a few of Hu Xuetuo rushed out. A few more scarred wounds were added to Narren. The armor was already broken, and it was crumbling on the horseback.

"Kill them all!" Samor's Guard Cavalry Lehma killed again. Two teams of Samor's Guard Cavalry rushed up from the left and right sides. Hu Xuetuso raised his broken sword in his hand again.

"Sir, you can't fight anymore!" Deputy captain Narren grabbed the horse reins of Hu Xuetuo Suo who wanted to strike again, and an obvious knife mark continued from his chest to the waist, and the broken armor oozed blood. .

He looked at Hu Xuetu's grimace. His face was miserable and said, "Adults and brothers are dead! But you can't die! You must live to bring back the situation we encountered!"

"Degrym is no longer the former Dehrim! Captain, you're going!" Narener beside him said firmly. "You! "Hu Xuesuotu's face was stunned, but he hadn't responded yet.

Narener suddenly cut the crotch of Hu Xuesuotu's warhorse with a pain. The horse was sore and sizzled, running like crazy. Hu Xuesuotu heard a squeeze of metal squeezing behind him. The violent fighting suddenly stopped suddenly, and the sound of the wind was all in his ears. The horseshoes of Vickia Cavalry are getting farther away

"Hu Xuetu asks for your weight, idiot! It's your stubbornness. It killed everyone!" Hu Xuesutu's eyes shone brightly. The **** Hu Xuesuotu finally found a neutral block after a long day of cruising, forcibly crossing the Samorean blockade in Wenzhilun, but also attracted a Samorian patrol,

The nervous Fifth Knights thought that the Wikiyas had attacked and quickly sounded the alarm.

"Immediately pass the military doctor!" Hutu Emma was startled by the **** Hu Xuesuotu. The captain of the Scout Squadron of the Eighth Cavalry had previously cooperated with the Fifth Knights in the north. At that time, Hu Xuesuotu was a hero in the grassland. Even the Kujit Rangers saw Hu Xue Squadron. avoid. I didn't expect it to be so miserable this time!

"Quick! Quickly save

Hu Xuesuotu's mind has fallen into a confused state. The scenes of fierce battles in his head.

Wen Zhilun, the base of the Samor Army

Hundreds of serious Samor's guards guarded the entrances of the central military account, three steps and one post, and five steps and one whistle.

"Did you know. Last night. At the border of Dehreim, our cavalry met with the Miaodian cavalry!" The fat man stood on his back at the door of the military account with his arms folded. The distance between them is only five miles. In the vast Dehreim Plain, this distance is almost the same as face-to-face

Behind him stood Caesar Sauron and Dylan Scusa. They are the core of this battle plan and determine the success or failure of the entire battle. This time Samor used almost all the mobile forces. Is to occupy the area of ​​Dekhrem and to eliminate Samor’s greatest threat

"It's all the northern bow cavalry," the fat man turned around, his face as heavy as water. "You all know. The Fifth Knights are an infantry corps. They can't, and they don't need to configure this very mobile long-range. Troops. If there is no wrong guess, it should be the forward scout of the Eighth Knight!"

"So fast!" Caesar Sauron raised his head, his face slightly stunned. Although he had already made preparations in his heart, he still shivered irresistibly. Wan cavalry, even 10,000 mice can drown the hillside.

I have fought many battles and I know the fragility of life! On the contrary, Dylan Scusa, who was by his side, looked calm and couldn't see joy or sorrow?

"How?" The fat man's face dignified. They looked at the two with dignity. "Afraid? You are not afraid now. Tomorrow, you will lead the North Army to the Wenzhilun line"

The fat man took the map from the guard, and the line was filled with lines. The fat man has studied the map for three days and corrected the map according to the actual terrain. The fat man pointed to the east end of the map

"I will order the 10,000 main forces of the headquarters of the legion to be deployed in the hills on the left side of the Wen Zhilun line, and 10,000 as a reserve team to be deployed on the back of your line of defense. When the war is unfavorable. It is the only barrier to our safe return to Jerbo"

The fat man raised his head, raised three fingers to the two, swept the two sharply in his eyes, and said sharply, "Remember! Three times, I don’t care what method you throw, that is, when the person is dead, you must hold me against the cavalry. The second charge! If you can’t stand it, don’t come back!"

After the fat man finished all this, he immediately took someone to Dehrim City as the commander of the whole army. In many cases, it is not just commanding operations, but fighting logistics. Whoever is better prepared is better, and those who seek the overall situation are handsome!

The eighth knight of Miaoerdian…Five horses and ten regiments, with a total table tennis power of 10,000 people. Even if he is fat, he will train him to fight against 60,000 Miaoerdian elite troops, and he is also the main cavalry.

Ever since the unrest in Dehreim was cleared, the fat man kept on ordering the army corps stationed by Zhivadin to transport all the newly created Jinmen Thor to Dehreim.

The southern army stationed in the Tyre area, the main flag regiment has already moved northward. Just to avoid slackness and arrogance in the North Army, the fat man did not tell Caesar Sauron about this situation.

From the time point of view, it should be the last two days. This time, the fat man must not only play a big one, but also hurt Gang Erdian. It's a miserable fight, when I'm down, I want to take advantage of the fact that the Ruidians haven't responded yet. He stunned him with a palm and reminded him of your toothache. Only in this way can we guarantee a stable period of stability in the Dekhrem region.

Late April. Dekhrim, shocking the mainland

The soldiers of the Eighth Knights of the Erndian of the south divided into two roads. With the help of the Five Knights, they came from the Dekhrim fork and the hills not far from the east. The Samuel Army's Wen Zhilun defense ushered in the most brutal test.

Carved **** defense,

Dozens of tall arrow towers have blocked the entire Wenzhilun fork in front of the road, row by row of wooden fences, and a row of deep ravines, making the **** the only way to Dehrim City . The Miaoerdian Northern Army. The head of the Eighth Cavalry, Talmezi, was accompanied by a dozen knight commanders. Came to the front of the **** defense, staring dignifiedly for a while, a slight smile appeared in his mouth, and turned to ask Hu Tu Emma, ​​the head of the Fifth Knights

"Head of Emma Corps, I remember that the Fifth Legion is best at defense. I don't know what your Excellency thinks about the Vikia. What do you think of the **** defense?" Talmezi respected the tone, not because Hutu Emma was only a Miscellaneous army commander. And there is a little disrespect,

Talmezi can serve as the head of the main knights, which is naturally superior. As a head of the main knights of the Miaoerdian, there is really no need to respect Hutu Emma's miscellaneous cards, but the first The Five Knights are famous, even if they are not respectful, they still have to bring the honorary title of your Excellency, and Hutu Emma is the top alchemist in the country, and it is unwise to offend such a person.

"This kind of defense is really difficult!" Hutu Emma shook her head ugly. This is completely a defense against cavalry charges. If possible, no one wants to face these things, but this is our only channel, only through On the slope, we have the opportunity to go behind the **** arrow towers, otherwise the 10,000 people on the left side of the Vikya may run out at any time and break our rear. Once Wen Zhilun's fork is lost, we rush in The troops are in danger!"

"The commander of the Emma Army said what I thought!" said Tarmezi with a smile on his face. Pointing to the rows of cabinets on the distant slope, I looked at Hutu Emma with eager eyes. "If I remember correctly. Last year was in the canyon of Aymormore. The Fifth Knight's explosive bomb destroyed the library. I am impressed by the 10,000 rides of the Gite, so this time I have to ask the head of the Emma Army to do me a favor!"

"There, there. Lord Tarmezi laughed!" Hutu Emma heard her glorious deeds. There was a smile on his face, and he waved his hand to Talmezi. "That time it was all relying on the cavalry of adults to lure the Kugits into the valley, otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill them all!"

Regardless of its scenery, the Fifth Knights remained a supernumerary legion for ten years. For Hutu Emma, ​​these glorious records are his only gratification. Now hearing this, naturally, it is old comfort.

"So this time I also hope that the head of the Emma Army can help Mezi!" Tarmezi looked at Hutu Emma's smiling face and knew that the fire should be almost the same. As the old partner of the North, the fifth knight The Hutu Emma of the regiment is famous for listening to such compliments. "Meiqi hopes that Emma Commander can lend me a squadron of Freemasonry!"

"The Freemasonry Squadron!" Hutu Emma's complexion immediately turned to clear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone knows that the Fifth Knights are famous for their defense. The main reason is that this Freemasonry Squadron is in,

The commanders in this squadron are all students of Hutu Emma. Any one of the alchemists who is placed in Miaoerdian is a rare alchemist. They generally do not directly participate in the battle. Their mission is to command and assist the soldiers to install the dangerous explosive bombs. If there is no mutual aid squadron,

The so-called Fifth Knights of the Iron Wall is a tofu dregs, leaving the soul, there is not a rigid body,

"The head of Emma can rest assured that the mission of the Freemasonry Squadron is mainly to assist our squadrons to burn down the wooden platoons that block the advance. They only need to command and teach our soldiers to use explosives, and they can definitely rest assured in safety!" Mezi knew what Hutu Emma was worried about. In order to dispel Hutu Emma's concerns, Talmezi continued: "As a partner for many cooperations, the head of Emma should know that I am not a person who uses friendly forces as stepping stones!"

"En" Hutu Emma frowned. After being silent for a while, finally nodded. "Okay, I believe in the promise of Commander Mitch, and, as a Miaoer soldier, I don’t want the heroic Gangerdian soldiers to be in front of the Vikes. Fall!"

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