Whole Nation

: 297 Fierce battle with Wen Zhilun (3)

The sun was half out of the clouds, his face, and the light dark clouds were like a layer of gauze. Caesar Sauron stood on the **** defense with heavy armor, watching the black pressure on the slopes. A dense Ernian cavalry took a breath. Miao Dian deserved to be the mainland's number one power. Just dragging out a force can shame Samor with a weak national strength.

Caesar Sauron saw that the low morning mist had spread. In the hazy morning light, a line of black line emerged from the intersection of Wen Zhilun, a large, dim and messy stretch of extension road at infinity,

The black sky was also shining at this moment. A layer of golden light appeared on the east side. Dozens of long and narrow white light bands began to slowly press against the warm and straight line of defense. A team of elite cavalry with light mail armour appeared at the front. Under the horseshoe is the mist that has not completely dissipated, and the long gun in his hand forms a gleaming gun forest in the mist,

Tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers were dispatched to the nest. Formed into four huge tens of thousands of people. Like a sea of ​​war horses. The secret densely scaled warhorse stands full of open space on the front line of Wen Zhilun. The white feathers on the head make the Miaoerdian cavalry look more sturdy and brave, and his murderous eyes flash cold and ruthless light.

The "Woo" trumpet sounded a long time, and the first team of bow cavalry began to rush out of the formation. At the Sisuke, the front of the formation gathered a forward line. The slowly moving four formations stopped.

Strong pressure rushed across the face, but the distance between the two sides was not more than one kilometer, and the eyes merged like a fire. The air suffocated and solidified at this moment, and the metal's brilliance flashed the killing towering battle flag in the morning breeze.

"Column crossbow!" Behind the wooden row of slopes. A team of Samor crossbowmen quickly squatted down, revealing the long archer behind them, and hundreds of heavy bed crossbows pushed out from the back of the queue. The thick steel arrows were killing,

The entire front of the **** was densely packed with people, and this time Caesar Sauron followed the fat man's instructions. Most of the crossbowmen are arranged in the first two platoons. Although the number of people is only 5,000, it is enough to ensure that the dense crossbow nets are formed in the fastest and shortest time, and the largest area of ​​shooting horses is hit.

Shoot the horse first. Experienced soldiers know that the most feared cavalry of the small charge is not the oncoming arrows. It wasn't the sharp blade that the enemy hacked, but was dropped from the horseback by the war horse in the group charge. Because even if he was not killed, his companion's horses rushed to death, crowded to death.

However, the vitality of war horses is generally relatively strong, as long as it is not fatal, or it will not fall when it is shot by a few arrows, so in real combat, there are not many people who dare to be so dare,

But Lord Governor pointed out. If there is a strong enough crossbow, there is enough intensive lethality. No matter how strong the battle horse can be shot on the spot, it was the nightmare of the group charge cavalry

Caesar Sauron didn't dare to carelessly. The turbulent iron riding horse not far away could be turned into a torrent of killing at any time. In front of the tens of thousands of armored horses, the steel wall was in front. And will inevitably be broken into pieces in front of this violent iron flow

"His" The scream of a war horse attracted Caesar Sauron's attention. Under the guard of nearly a hundred elite cavalry, a full-steel general of the steel beetles stood out and pointed at his **** defense. point,

"Can you shoot Na Ding, the Miaodian?? Caesar Sauron shook his head and asked quietly about the Kestel around him. The fat man also worried about the safety of Caesar Sauron and sent his love to Kestel specifically.

"I'm just afraid of difficulty!" Kestel made a visual inspection and shook his head ugly, from the **** to the location of the general Miao Erdian, close to 100 meters, even if the **** height was projected, it was impossible. Thing

"I'll try it!" Just when Caesar Sauron felt sorry, Dylan Scuse suddenly appeared behind him

"You? Would you use a longbow?" Little Kestay looked up and down at Dylan Scout with doubts, even though Dylan Scout was long and strong,

But the thorn tile longbow is not an ordinary longbow, with strong attack power. There must be a sufficient price in exchange. Each thorn tile archer not only needs to practice from a young age, but also needs to pull the long bow 100 times a day to keep himself from pulling out the strong long bow when he needs it most.

The long-term deformity training resulted in the long archer's right hand being much larger than the average person's. In the case of Kesta, for example, the stout right arm was comparable to the average person's thigh. The big fingers that pull the bowstring are thick and red, and there are thick thick cocoons, which cannot be cut even with a knife.

"Oh, I don't know how to bow." Forcing Lunscuse to show an embarrassing smile, seeing the disappointed look of both Caesar and Sauron, Dylan Scouse continued. The most outstanding projectile thrower ever, even under the interference of the craziest giant waves, I can also operate the trebuchet accurately to hit the undulating and bumpy target! As long as you give me a heavy trebuchet, I can hit within a thousand meters Any immovable target".

"Oh? That's right!" Caesar Sauron heard Dylan Scout...four. When my heart lightened up, I remembered that your brother-in-law’s uncle was indeed an outstanding naval officer. In the vast and unimpeded sea, the operation of the catapult was the most important means of attack. It’s as important as a marine knight to master beautiful horsemanship,

If not improvised. I almost forgot such a precious "geek", the weak point of the **** defense is short-term explosive power, long-term lack of sustainability, this geek is really the best support given by God

Caesar Sauron’s excited shot forced Renskuse’s shoulders. “This time, our adults specially supported our 30 large and medium-sized catapults. Because I’m not good at using this stuff, I placed them all on the top of the slope. Now They belong to you, if you can use them to suppress the momentum of the Guardian cavalry charge! I should personally recommend you to the Governor General for your credit!"

Hearing the command of the trebuchet, Dylan Scuse is also full of joy. The battle on land is completely different from the sea. This kind of incompatibility makes Lance Scuse very depressed, even though he has turned to the fat man to scare him. It's month. Dylan Scout still has no outstanding performance. In some ways, it is this kind of unfitness that caused it.

Talmezi is a cautious commander. Although he has an absolute advantage, he must go to the front to check it before every battle. This is the commander’s habit of not fearing danger. The Eighth Cavaliers were highly motivated and Linken would never retreat, because they knew that their most respected leader, Talmetzi, was watching them with warm eyes. But this time. The Eight Knights are no longer a disaster.

Talmezi Ting was satisfied with the state of the troops. The soldiers stared at their commander with hot eyes, and the knightly guns were raised high, forming a row of gun walls. To show respect for Tarmezi

"It must win! It must win! It must win!" The high-spirited Miao Dian cavalry shouted in shock. On the slope, there was a pair of mocking eyes staring at the brave General Erdian,

"I need more throwing power, and then increase the winch of the Three Kingdoms!" Urenskusse heard the creaking sound of the trebuchet winch from behind, and still ignored the winch who pulled the heavy trebuchet behind him. Tao

"But, sir." The winch hand showed ugly embarrassment.

Dylan Scouter's face confidently waved my hand off the winch

"Use all the spare winches. Don't worry about crashing. This is a natur heavy-duty catapult dedicated to warships. It can withstand twice the winch force!" Dylan Scout said with a pity. "At sea, it It has a range of 1,500 meters. I didn’t expect it to fall into your hands. It was actually used as a 600-meter stone thrower. It’s a waste!"

"The 1500-meter winches were completely speechless,

"This lunatic!" Almost all winch players looked at the new commander with a nervous look. If they weren't for the sake of Siren Cuzsay being a sergeant, they would definitely fill this mouthful. The **** kicked off the top of the mountain. Let him clear his mind

"Add it to him. Let's wait for the crash. What else does this lunatic say!" The winch players secretly competed, the big man has the big man's strategy, the small man has the small man's cunning

The winch was added round by round in the urge of Dylan Scout. The more ugly the winch's face, the expected crash did not appear. After a short crunch, the winch added two more turns. From the face of the commander of the maniac, the capstans knew that the maniac was not enough.

Sure enough ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The commander of the maniac gestured again in the air, and sternly said, "Quick! Two more laps!"

The heavy trebuchet finally began to make an overwhelming creaking sound. The tight winch seemed to make a painful sound even on the whole bracket. It took more than a dozen strong winches to get the rectification and the bracket stable.

"Thirteen degrees to the left! Eight degrees to the vertical!" Forcing Lens Cousette finally stopped shouting, but lay on the ground, facing the little black dot moving slowly in the distance, constantly gesturing with his fingers, mouth Fast calculation

All the catapults gathered around curiously. Although they don’t quite understand what the commander of the lunatic is doing, but from the staring far away, excited red face, they guess that the madman seems to want to smash the little black spot in the distance,

It was a general Ernian 800 meters away. At 800 meters, even a tall horse is just a small point. It is no longer a madman to want to hit such a small target. It’s just something God will consider

"I rely on!" a shooter scolded dissatisfiedly. He whispered to his companion, "If this crazy man's projectile does not deviate from that general fifty meters away. I will cut off the bird below!"

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