Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred fifty eight fire (11)

In the middle of the continuous house buildings in Port Elero, a huge circle area, the dark blue dome of the sky temple, the golden sunlight illuminates, the ribbon becomes more beautiful, and the slightly dazzling dark blue is like the purest. The color of the sky, this is the mark of the sky temple,

As the largest and tallest building in the entire Port of El Hierro, this building is the sky temple’s first and largest building in Southern Obaro, and it only cost three million imperial gold, of course, there is another way to say, This temple in Porto Herro was a personal palace dedicated to the last high priest, Palsina, of the temple's theocracy, and after it was completed, Palsina's personal visit to the praying spirit seemed to confirm this. statement,

For the empire, it is also very happy to see the huge wealth accumulated in the sky temple into such a construction. With the substantial consumption of the sky temple’s wealth, it also represents that the empire’s most feared divine power will no longer have any chance to turn over. . But no one appreciates this scene at this time, everyone is doing the final busy

"Up, pay attention!"

"Continue to pull up, don't let the shelf hit the wall!"

Like a noisy construction site, a large hanging wheel of two or three meters high, as the crowd pulls together, the imperial Thor, which weighs a lot, is slowly hung on the third and fourth floors of the temple. On the platform, the imperial soldiers at the platform use the hooks to pull the hung imperial thunder god, and then let the imperial thunder **** stabilize on the platform

"All cheered me up, this is not a joke, the base must be strengthened, otherwise it will be amazing once it bounces after shooting!" The officers were doing the final inspection and patted it by hand I shot the body of the imperial thunder cannon for security and kicked the back pit to reduce the shock

These imperial thunder gods hanging from a height are different from ordinary imperial thunder gods in size, obviously smaller than the size, but the barrel as the gun body is longer, it looks like it has shrunk by one third, and elongated by three One part of the Empire Thor, this is the Empire General Thor one! It is a curved fire Thor that is specially improved by the Imperial Weapon Institute for the Imperial Navy Dragon class battleship. By reducing the weight of the Thor and lengthening the barrel, it is exchanged for higher accuracy and longer range. This is also the improvement proposal put forward by the Imperial Navy As the most powerful naval battleship of this era, the Imperial Dragon-class battleship is fully loaded with sixty-eight imperial Thors on one side. Although it provides unparalleled powerful firepower, the powerful recoil caused by Thor’s launch is often all Let everyone on the Dragon-class battleship feel that they are standing on the cusp of the wind and the waves, and the accuracy of such shooting has been greatly affected.

"There are no enemy warships in the world that can withstand the power of the sixty-eight imperial thunder volleys, not even the thirty thoracic volleys. The excessively powerful firepower is wasted in vain. Big troubles... "The Imperial Navy's report from the admiral finally made this type of small Thor, which was reduced from 1,600 kg to 1,100 kg, appear as the first refit. The Baba Dragon-class battleship showed quite a good level in the fire test. The emperor personally reduced this caliber to one-third, and the range of the Navy’s Thor was greatly extended. The name was changed to “Imperial Universal Thor One” type"

It reduced the weight by five hundred pounds, which made the heavy Empire Thor finally get rid of the word heavy. It used to require four to six horses to move the heavy war weapon, but now three horses can do it. The reduced weight also means Many of the terrain that could not be transported will become a region that can be transported, which represents the renewal of the imperial army’s combat power.

After the emperor named this kind of Thor as the general type one, the Imperial Weapon Institute immediately began to carry out a comprehensive study of the general type. In the recent report submitted to the emperor, the general army has appeared on the experimental list of the institute. The test drawings of versions one to five and naval versions three to eight are either focusing on firepower, or shooting speed, or range, or purely to reduce weight, anyway, the research direction derived from various needs,

How this kind of improved Thor is in actual combat has yet to be tested, and this time the Imperial Navy battleship against Port Elero is heavy and the Baba Dragon class battleship is suddenly listed. How can such an opportunity be missed? Whether a weapon is useful or not, the real test is not the data provided by the research institute, but the final ruling from the battlefield

It just happened that the port of Eero needed to strengthen its defense. The emperor decisively ordered all the generic Thors on the Baba to be unloaded, and the port of Eero was used as the largest test site in this battle. Equipped with 127 doors of Thor, 30 of them were carried to the high-rise position of the Sky Temple Empire. The remaining Thor is almost a high-rise building with one or two doors.

On the balcony on the fifth floor of the highest temple, the sea breeze hits the face, and a black-haired young man in black armor stands on it, looking at the distant scenery, and the sea breeze blows the young man's black hair. Flying, after entering the winter, the yellowing plains of Elero Plain and Elero Harbor are still the blue and cyan sea. In the eyes of black hair and blue, it is like a mirror of two poles formed along an arc, which is quite A shocking sight, a look of self-deprecation flashed in the eyes of the dark-haired youth, with a wry smile "If Palsina's mentor knew that he had changed the Sky Temple into the largest fortress in Port Elero, I would hate me at least More than half a year!"

"Your Majesty, Lord Varisian sent someone in return, and it worked!"

An Imperial Guard officer looked excitedly and came up from behind to report, "All the chasing Elo Light Cavalry were ambushed. Even if not all were killed, there would never be more than a hundred people who could go back alive. This is because the other party is entering. Before the trap, part of the reason was reported to the headquarters of the Eero Army! Now Lord Varisian is on the way back to Port Eero, I believe that he will be able to arrive in Port Eero soon," said the captain of the Guards Cavalry

"What’s the situation with the Order Army now?"

Hearing the report that Valisian succeeded, the dark-haired youth's calm eyes suddenly burst into a flash of light, "Eero East Army stopped the attack last night. "The Imperial Guard's face looks slightly disdainful and dissatisfied." The Order Army completely ignored Pope Pdamia’s life and death and did not rescue the pursued Pdamia. Instead, he took the opportunity to withdraw to the Lebanon of Kune, more than a hundred miles away, and made it clear that he would withdraw from the entire battlefield. Going out is really disgusting"

"The sect army has lost its heart of battle, what else do you expect!"

The fat man smiled inadvertently when he heard the complaint of the captain of the guard, and even Pudamia, who was a pope, needed to use her as a bait. How can the regiment rely on it now? However, Varisian forcibly bit off all the light cavalry of the Eero Eastern Army, which can be said to have cut off an arm of the Eero Eastern Army in advance, and it is still the most rapid arm,

Now, the 100,000 Eastern Army of Eero is really a pure infantry cluster, and it is still a blind infantry cluster!

"Your Majesty, Lord Dusterenkai is here!"

"Let him come up!" The fat man waved his hand, turned back from the balcony, footsteps came from the direction of the steps, a young man wearing an imperial navy uniform appeared in front of the fat man, with a handsome look and a little demon A different feeling. The black navy-like military uniforms, which were tightly and tightly attached to his shapely limbs, showed a strong and capable masculinity. It was the empire known as the "swallower" by the outside world. Admiral Dusterenkai, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Navy, stood behind him with two naval officers holding large rolls of drawings. As the Imperial Emperor approached, his body shivered nervously.

"I heard that you are married again? Is it your second wife or..." The fat man looked at Dusterenkai

"It's the fourth wife, Your Majesty!" A little embarrassment flashed on the face of the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Navy who could face any strong enemy at sea

"In two years, four people have been married. If you really don't want to marry, if you want it, the speed will be amazing..." The fat man blinked.

"Actually, his subordinates have always followed His Majesty as an example!" Dustrom Kai straightened his body and said with a wry smile

"Cough, okay, let's talk about business!" The fat man grinned slightly. In fact, why Dusterenkai married four wives in a year. The report of the Ministry of Supervision has already explained it in detail. There is nothing that can be done. As the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Navy, he is also a young and promising minister of the Imperial Navy. Dustron Kay is definitely the object of all parties' efforts to pull together, even other forces, but from the imperial princesses It is difficult for Dustrengkai to do the matchmaking, and ultimately only choose to compromise. This is why Dustrengkai said that he followed the emperor's example.

"The picture is too big, it is really not suitable for unfolding here, please also move to the hall of your majesty," Dustrengka saluted, looking respectfully

"Of course!" The fat man nodded and followed Dusterenkai to the hall of the temple. At the dozen-meter-long table in the middle of the hall for prayer, Dusterenkai first took the picture from an officer, and then Let two officers call under the emperor's majesty. It's a map. A river channel that bends to the south is at the center of the map.

"Your Majesty, this is the Eero River Channel that traverses the entire Eero Empire. At the beginning, I led the Imperial Navy Fleet south along this channel, passing through 16 provinces of Eero and 31 river channels along the way. Sixty-four towns along the river..." Dustronkai stretched out his finger and slid down the line of the waterway on the map. What he said was enough to make the entire Eero Empire high-level.

In the entire hall, only Dustrounka’s voice was heard.” This confidential map, even in the Imperial Admiralty, is an absolute secret. It is under the personal control of the emperor’s navy. The waterways that were traversed in an attempt to launch a raid on the Navy of the Kingdom of Aden, as well as cities, ports, and river transportation networks on both sides of this waterway, are clearly marked on this map."

"Is it all marked? All these fears are quite expensive?

"This time, even the fat man was moved. Although it was his own order, he did not expect Dusterenkai to be able to achieve this level.

"It is indeed very costly. In addition to the empire's own intelligence network, there are thirty-seven people lost in the empire's navy." Dustron Kay's voice paused, and there was a dignified expression on his face before continuing. He said, "The Eero Empire was originally developed with the Eero River as the center. Even agriculture and animal husbandry are determined by the annual flood season of the Eero River. The Eero River Channel can be said to be the lifeline of the Eero Empire, so Eighty percent of the cities of the Eero Empire are distributed within fifty miles of the sides of the Eero River. If the Eero people knew that the imperial navy had drawn such a road map through the river channel, I am afraid that He will turn his face on the spot! Although Erow also has doubts, he has not been able to find the exact physical evidence and can only watch us finally leave the river channel!

The emperor's shining eyes stared at this almost blueprint of the national treasure. No one knew what the emperor was thinking, but the emperor's breath was slightly heavy, making everyone's nerves tense! The emperor's gaze traveled on this extremely precious drawing, and finally landed on a point, that is the location of the King Eero, the King Eero itself is one of the hubs of the River Eero, the vast The Eero Great Plain can become the most abundant grain-producing area~www.wuxiaspot.com~Naturally because of the annual flooding of the river channel, according to the agreement, King Eero will finally be handed over to the Order

But now from this picture, what the fat man sees is another kind of scene. The royal family of Eero is hit hard, the king is occupied by the Order, and the royal family of Eero will be unable to restrain the unruly and unruly in the past. In the southern area of ​​Eero, once the internal division of Eero or the outbreak of civil war, this large river channel is undoubtedly the best channel for the Empire to intervene

However, before this, he still needs to push hard to destroy the last heavy army of the Eero Empire and completely break the last bone that supports the Eero Empire.

At this time, the Guard reported that Lord Varisian was back,

The smoke was rushing, tens of thousands of imperial cavalry like a torrent pouring into the gates of El Hierro, Pope Pudamia and dozens of Templars under him were also among them. In Luogang, I wanted to mock the imperial army's layout outside the port, but I was shocked by the sight

What appeared in front of me was not a city, but a huge series of war fortresses, layers of buildings, and high-rise buildings connected together. The buildings on both sides of the street were changed into shooting towers, which were originally gates and corridors. Were blocked, and the imperial army passed on the wooden planks between the houses

On the top floor of the high-rise house, you can see a pile of things covered with gray cloth. Although I don’t know what it is, it is definitely not an ordinary item.

"His Royal Highness is Thor!" An Imperial Templar knight almost lost his voice in amazement. On the other roof, dozens of imperial soldiers pushed an imperial thunder god. The Knights of the Temple remembered the massacre last night, but in the winter sunshine, it made people feel cold.

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