Whole Nation

: Three hundred and fifty-nine chaos fire (12)

The light blue winter sky, birds flying, and the sun shining from the haze of the clouds, forming a layer of light and shadow flowing above the earth, just under this layer of dreamlike light and shadow, is a black pressure against an army of Eero In the queue heading in the direction of Port Elero, the battle flag fluttered in the wind, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed the earth, and the eastern army of one hundred thousand Eero wrapped around the strength of the defeated army of the Order, as if a red tide rolled over, The shining spear is moving like a forest, and the advancing queue is like a red line dividing the earth. The attack and defense of the Port of Eero, as the last battle before the collapse of the Eero empire, shows the mourning soldiers from the beginning Weather

Countless Eero infantry wearing red armor pour like a river, the smoke rises wherever they pass,

"Moving forward, blood debts must be paid for, and we will use Elero to avenge His Majesty the Emperor!"

"The despicable and brazen attack on the emperor's imperial guards, and the use of despicable methods to kill the brave cavalry troops. Now they dare to shrink in the port of Erow. These cowards dare not fight us!" In view of the morale of the soldiers, the method of scolding the imperial army is despicable, and there is no bright and decent as a soldier. It is like saying that as long as the Eero army appears outside the port of Eero, the imperial army will collapse itself.

"Take the port of El Hierro, and the whole army is free for three days!"

The order issued by the Legionary Department made all the Erow soldiers' eyes red.

"Have you heard it, feel free for three days!"

"Three days, that's the golden port of Elero, even if it's only an hour, we all make a lot of money!"

"Moving forward at full speed, what is still rubbing!"

"What, hungry? From last night to now, I haven't eaten anything. What else have I eaten, and I've beaten Port Elero!"

These Eastern Frontier soldiers who were instructed to travel all the way from the Eastern Front thousands of miles away, stayed all the way, and the servants of the wind and dust rushed to the capital of King Eero. They originally expected the rescue of the capital, and they received a reward, although they had just arrived. Outside the king’s capital, even the emperor’s majesty didn’t see anything, he fell into an embarrassing situation where the emperor and the army died due to the march.

The emperor died like this, what is this! The Eastern Army attacked the Regiment Army with the mourning force. In fact, it was not mourning for the death of the emperor, but it was because the trip was too hard, and it even lost itself. Now let’s not talk about extravagant rewards. It would be nice to be scolded by the whole Erow,

But now, a large chunk of fat that I dare not think about is placed in front of me. As the largest trading port of the Empire in the southern part of Obaro, the Port of Elero is almost the center of the merchants of the entire South. It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of imperial gold every day just for the flow of transactions. It has the reputation of a port built by gold. In three days, I haven't made a fortune, and everything is worth it

In this case, even if it is known that the cavalry unit suffered a devastating blow, it still does not shake the heart of the army. The Eero army is still essentially an infantry as the main battle force, and its dependence on cavalry is not strong, plus the information that the upper layer deliberately modified The death of the five thousand Elo Light Cavalry did not have much impact on the 100,000 Ero East Army. Instead, it made many infantrymen happy that there were fewer than five thousand people to share their loot with themselves.

This is also impossible. Although all belong to the Eastern Frontiers of Hérault, the treatment of cavalry is obviously far more than that of ordinary infantry. This time, thousands of miles away, the cavalry were riding on horses, and they were very relaxed. The infantry came with a pair of feet, not only carrying food, but also carrying heavy armor. The infantry will inevitably complain about the cavalry.

In the direction of Puerto Herro, three huge balloons flew in the sky

Even at a great distance, the three strange **** floating in the air are enough to make the eyes of Kabulin, the commander of the eastern side of Eero, flash a flash. The generals of Eero’s army are all refreshed and they are captured. The general of the Order of the Order received unexpected news that the emperor’s falcon emperor was in Port Elero, and the Empire’s total strength in Port Elero was only 30,000 cavalry.

The command of the Eastern Air Force’s Eastern Army was still hesitant to receive this news, but the destruction of the 5,000 light cavalry who went to pursue it seems to have confirmed this news even more. If the Imperial Emperor was not in the Port of Eero, how could the Imperial Army So afraid of Hero light cavalry approaching Hero port?

"Sir, it seems that the news is indeed reliable. It seems to be something called a balloon by the Imperial Army. It is also a highly classified weapon in the Empire. I had seen it on the battlefield of Istan in the past! According to Port Elero It is absolutely unworthy of this kind of thing, unless there is a very important person in the port of Eero, it is possible to call this kind of thing!" A general Ero looked at the three black spots in the sky far away,

"You mean, the emperor?" Kablin's eyes flickered

The generals behind were immediately silent and raised their ears. For these commanders of the Eero East Army, such an opportunity to wash their own shame, the temptation represented is not ordinary, you know, even if they defeated the teaching The regiment, from the precarious situation, rescued the siege of King Eero, still unable to make up for the cruel fact that Emperor Eero died in Rutiyazi fort unless they were able to achieve a truly huge victory, using the same enemy The decline of important people came to wash away this shame, and the emperor is undoubtedly the best among these candidates,

This opportunity is right in front of you, not to be missed! Just being able to capture His Majesty the Imperial Falcon Emperor, who is known as the **** of war, is enough to make all southern soldiers proud. That is a powerful figure who defeated the 700,000 southern coalition forces with his own strength. Co-owner, king of kings!

"Even if it is not the emperor of the empire, it is at least a very important heavy minister of the empire's military. If we can capture it, it will definitely be able to wash away the shame on us more than Pope Pudamia." , Decisively said,

"Yeah, even if it is not the emperor of the empire, the characters who can mobilize 30,000 empire iron riders are at least the level of the regiment leader!"

The slightly scorching sun at noon was now hidden behind the clouds. Strange **** are floating in the sky. The Hérault Eastern Army stopped at the port of Hérault. Looking around, there is a black crushed human head everywhere, the flag is like the sea, the gun head is like the forest, as the number of people continues to increase, it spreads to the left and right wings

The outline of El Hierro has become increasingly clear, with houses next to each other and huge blue domes in the center of the city. clang! ! clang! The sound of the city clock echoed from a distance, and Kablin could not help tightening his hand holding the reins of the warhorse, he could hear the sound of his heartbeat accelerating in his body,

"Everyone, even if the imperial army is good at fighting, but in the face of an attack of more than three times the strength, it is quite difficult to guard the port of Eero."

Kablin did not expect that he was so close that he approached Port Elero. He thought it would be blocked. After all, the field of the Imperial Cavalry was the consensus of the entire Obaro, so he has been guarding against 30,000 Imperial Cavalry. Killed inside El Hierro, but until he could clearly see the trenches and stone barriers outside El Hierro, a flash of unbelievable look flashed in his eyes.

"Did you look too high?"

Kabrin took a deep breath, and the Port of Eero, with 30,000 elite cavalry, actually took defense. . . . . . This really gave Kabrin an impulse to hit the wall, but that was the 30,000 Imperial Cavalry. From the fact that it was possible to defeat the Emperor's Majesty's Imperial Guard, it can be seen that these 30,000 Imperial Cavalry are real Elite, on the plain terrain in front of them, it is simply impossible to destroy the formation, but now, 30,000 Imperial Cavalry has given up the motive force to walk, used as a 30,000 infantry defending Port Elero, which tied his hands and feet to death What's the difference!

The commander of the Imperial Army who can issue such orders is completely new on the battlefield!

He turned to the generals behind him, with a greasy smile at the corner of his mouth. "You are all fierce warriors in the eastern side of Eero. Are you afraid of the 30,000 imperial cavalry who are temporarily used as infantry? I know that cavalry and infantry are totally two kinds of combat methods. The imperial commander didn't even understand this point. We are not bullying the new guys."

"" Haha! "

The generals laughed loudly

"Okay, even if it’s not a victory, we only have to play "Kabrin and waved his hand" because the honor and shame of ours is here, and the great empire in the port may choose when the situation is unfavorable. When we evacuate from El Hiro, we will give up our efforts at that time! So we must break El Hiro with the thunderous attack in the fastest time, especially to control El Hiro. Only then can I wait to get rid of this vortex, everyone The fate of ours is now tied together, and only I can work together to achieve such a glorious victory!"

"Yes, sir!"

"So, get started!" Kabrin raised his hand

"The whole army stepped forward!" One after another, the sound of command was conveyed one after another, like a red wave starting to move forward, and the sound of thunderous footsteps suddenly exploded on the ground!

"His Royal Highness, the Eeroes come up!" A Templar walked heavily into the temporary house, and Pudamia came to the window with a disgraceful face, wanting to see the outside scene, but others The house blocked the view from here, but the impact of the 100,000 troops in Putamia’s mind was entirely the wave of people rolling and fighting with the wind. The ground was shaking slightly, at this moment,

"Crossbow, shoot!" A stern voice, like a huge wing that suddenly spread out, burst out a string of tight bowstring sounds in an instant, and countless cold lights covered the sky at once, densely. Even the bright sunshine dimmed at this moment, and went straight outside the big port like a large black cloud

"Is the Imperial Crossbow!" This is not the first time that Pudamia has seen the power of the Imperial Crossbow. It was only last night that she witnessed how the Eero Light Cavalry, known as the Cavalry, was killed by the Imperial Cavalry with a crossbow. Absolutely, but for the magnificent scene of the imperial crossbow volley, I couldn't help but hold my fingers white and clenched together,

"Go, let's go to the battlefield to see how the Imperial Army is fighting!" Pudamia turned decisively.

On the line of defense outside El Hiro,

The Eero infantry who roared across the line roared in a hoarse tone, many soldiers were hit by the terrible arrow rain on the dust and blood, the essence from the work of the fine army of the empire, the Mitsubishi arrow of the empire's first-line combat troops, It was like tearing the cardboard hard, tearing the armor of the Eros infantry, and digging into their flesh and blood, the arrow cluster came so suddenly, it was a person rolling up and down, and the dust and blood stains exploded in front together, knees He knelt on the ground, the body of Zhongjian fluttered and trembled, and the tears caused by numerous arrows shot into the flesh, so that the blood of Datan was squeezed from the fallen body and flowed down the ground,

"Go forward, rush past!" After a tumbling Eero soldier, more Eero soldiers rushed up like a tide, facing the sharp imperial crossbow, tragic forward, cut into countless arrows into the sky of blood rain,

"Sir, the casualties of our army..."

The adjutant looked at Kablin, who had a slightly irony face, and no one expected that the density of the Imperial crossbow shot could reach such a level, and the penetration of the crossbow to the armor also surprised Kablin. This man has squatted on the eastern border for twenty Commander Hero for many years, know more about the Imperial Army from the military report, the real battle, this is the first time

The attack line of 100,000 people could not be shaken with any setback. The Eero infantry fell one by one, and the other soldiers in the queue went straight ahead. The crowds are so crowded that anyone in such a scene can no longer follow his own life and death. Even if you don’t want to move forward, you will be pushed by the people around you. The short board without siege equipment is revealed at this moment. If they have siege equipment, the loss of the Airo army will be very small, but now, they can only fill it with human life

"Forward, only forward!"

This huge attack line can be said to be overwhelming, almost filling the entire periphery of the port of Eero, countless Eero soldiers are running, all areas where the land can be seen, piles of Eero infantry holding shields in their hands, Waving the sword, he rushed like this, and the shipborne infantry from the imperial navy held a heavy shield lance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with the flame-like helmet top, pressed down the metal cladding.

"Heavy gun!"

With a command, the brush was neatly blocked on the front line, and the heavy tower shield of the same height as the heavy person smashed into the soil layer at the foot, and a metal wall was artificially built on the earth barrier.

"Pappa! The sound of impact, the roar of weapons slashed on the tower shield

"Hold on! Don't mess up!" This is the shout of the Imperial Crossbowmen in the high places,

On the roof of the house in Port Elero, a gray cloth turned over, revealing the metal heavy crossbow vehicle underneath. The imperial navy heavy crossbow riders stared at the enemies below like a tsunami. The captain beside Shouting loudly, "Close up and shoot again! Close up, shoot!"

"Pap! Pap! Pap!" Dozens of long metal wires plunged into the dense group of Eero soldiers. It was like being pushed flatly by a large piece of silver sickle. Suddenly shaking down the next blockbuster. The screams were also unstoppable, and there were people all over the place tumbling, and the blood burst, as if a shocking wave of blood had rolled up

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