Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and sixty chaos fire (13)

At the top of the sky temple in the port of Eero, you can see the Eero East Army swooping in from the outside like a huge scattered arc, the tide is swooping on the outermost defense line, and the Empire launched from the Eero port complex The heavy crossbow is like a meteor hitting hard, the war spreads,

"Woo, woo!" One hundred thousand Ero soldiers roared at the same time, and the teams of all the roads rolled like red dust clouds.

"The Fourth Army is already close to the left, and our Sixth Army cannot be outdone!" an officer of the Eero East Army shouted on the battle horse. "The front is the Golden Harbor, whoever goes first will make the first fortune." "In order to arouse the atmosphere of the death of the whole army, the officers of Eero were already naked to encourage the soldiers by plundering. It is really too fierce to shoot the Imperial crossbow car, and the ones who died in the arrow were better. Those lying in the pool of blood The wailing wounded soldiers, with their broken limbs and their arms lying on the ground, the ground was stained with blood. The Eastern soldiers who were shocked behind saw this scene and their pace slowed down, but they heard the officers’ shouts.

"Rush forward, rush into the port of Elero to make a fortune!" "There are many kinds of women in the port of Elero, and there are all kinds of countries, rushing in to grab women!"

Compared with the shouts from other troops, the eyes of all Eero soldiers were red, as if the beast saw blood, and it was full of grim. This time, thousands of miles, the military merits and demerits are not counted on. If the golden port is also preempted by others, wouldn't it be a trip in vain? "Go forward!" 100,000 Eastern Air Forces, dozens of infantry teams launched a full-line attack on the port of Elero, rolling forward and rolling forward, the spear phalanx was very neatly lit above each infantry team, and Above each square, their respective team flags are flying,

"Erecting the shield!" The commander ordered an order and lifted up the long shield in his hand, like a copper wall and iron wall, advancing with the dull sounds of the boom and boom, the crowd was like a sea, and only one shot from the direction of the port Dao Hanguang struck in, like a small piece of spray rising from the sea, "Crossbow shot"

The sharp whistling sounds ripped through the sky, like a dense meteor shower falling in this sea of ​​people, splashing blood-red waves

The ranks of the Eero East Army were only slightly stagnation, and then the rear soldiers stepped forward on the **** corpses of the front row unscathed, arrows coming from the sky, swiping across the ears, shoulders, or low **** There was a murmur, and then there would be a low groan. As the distance drew closer, the front-line troop obviously faded away, unable to maintain the queue, the dead and wounded soldiers lay down on the ground, and the wounded soldiers were in pain The ground huddled into a ball. The shēnyin shouts of the dying were mixed with the sharp whistle of wind. Later the team walked past them expressionlessly, and the mud under their feet was soaked with blood.

Golden Port is in front of you, within reach, the sword is in front of the sea, and the soldiers of the Eero East Army will also move forward, following the blood stains of the front line. The nearest Ero force is 100 meters away from the port. Officer Eero drew his sword and shouted, "For your majesty the emperor, for Eero, and for everyone to make a fortune, go!"

"Long live, rush! Like being hit with a shot of stimulant, the Eastern Army of Eero clamored, and the teams from all walks just like the spring tide flooded and swooped to the periphery of the port

After a fierce resistance, the imperial team began to shrink the defense line and evacuated towards the urban area. Countless Eero troops rushed into the city area of ​​Eero as if a flood of flooded water. The black beacon smoke, the little flame up and down is still burning, the battle is spreading, or the prey is stepping into the set trap

"The emperor has just withdrew into the city like this? It just took a little while!" The commander of the Eero East Army, Cabrin, rode on the war horse and looked at the emperor team withdrawn from the city with a trace of surprise. That’s right, what we may encounter is really a new battlefield!"

"It should not be the emperor of the army god, but at least an emperor of the empire, otherwise these regular army of the empire will not appear in the port of Eero!" The generals of the Eero East Army are also excited about the unexpectedly good situation. The situation gave them more confidence to win. Although the port area of ​​El Hierro reached a scale of five or six miles, it was only a city, not a real stronghold. Even the Emperor team built a defense in the city of El Hierro. How much more than three times the power can play?

"Go, let's go and see what this rumored Golden Port looks like!"

In a relaxed mood, Kablin raised his hands to all the soldiers and said sharply that the Emperor’s strongest is the long-range crossbow, so it was not before the battle. Kablin expected that the most likely to suffer casualties were the outer periphery of Port Elero. Those Obviously, it was an open area flattened by the imperial team, and there were a number of sharp trenches interspersed with it. All of them were used by the imperial team to consume their own power, but it was unexpected that the imperial team would withdraw to the urban area so quickly. , Directly discard all the terrain advantages in the periphery! This golden port is completely exposed to himself,

"Everyone moves forward!"

The eyes of the soldiers of the Eero Army were shining and shouting. In front of a violent group like the army, the rumored Golden Harbor is like a beautiful woman who has undressed. What is hesitant! Appearing in front of the soldiers of the Eero Army, the streets in Eero Harbor are like a huge branch road, with the back of the imperial soldiers in black armor rushing to escape.

"Come here, there are shops, it should be the fattest trading area!" Some soldiers looked at the front with bright eyes and screamed. His words had just fallen, and that had become hell. An imperial crossbowman emerged from the windows of the high house, several imperial heavy crossbow vehicles mounted on the tall building were also fired at the same time, and the former powerful imperial crossbow arrows swept out one by one.

"Watch the heights!"

"We were ambushed!" The Arrow soldiers screamed, shēnyin, blood, and died, trampled on each other in panic, and the sharp wind broke the space. The Hero soldiers who had just entered the city, you squeezed into one. Tuan, a piece of flesh and blood flying directly across, in this terrible metal storm, the flesh and blood body is fragile, and it is instantly shattered,

The miserable screams spread far into the ears of the commander of the Eero East Army, Kablin. The smile on Kablin's face solidified, and the other Ero teams who had not yet entered the city all slowed down. It seems that the sound of cheering fortune is found, but the sound from the slaughterhouse,

"Adult, Fifth Army, Eighth Army, and Eleventh Army were ambushed by the imperial team on the houses on both sides of the street." The fast horse rushing in front strangled in front of Kablin. "Leya The general was also injured in the arrow, and asked to temporarily return!

"No, how can it be withdrawn at this time, tell Leah, even if he was killed in battle, I can't take a step back, otherwise I will kill him personally!" Kablin cuts the nail. "The offensive troops must continue to advance, even if Fight to the last soldier! Since this battle has already begun, there is absolutely no retreat!"

He generally treated Kabrin, his subordinate general, who was kind enough, and suddenly showed such a tough attitude, which shocked the other generals.

Kablin turned very serious, his eyes glowing brightly. "Everyone, the Emperor's attention must be on the offensive block at the moment! The port must be weakly defensive, which is exactly the opportunity we took down in one go. The Third Army and The Ninth Army, assaulted in the direction of the port immediately, at all costs, must win the port before it gets dark today! Otherwise, once it gets dark, the imperial team trapped in the port of Eero may escape by boat!"

"Yes, Master Kablin!" The generals knew it all. No wonder that the attacked troops were not allowed to withdraw. They used to cover the assault port area, but the three corps that rushed in first, and everyone is still there. After **** battles, they want to go in and eat single food! Deserve it! "The whole army, attack the southern area!" Kabrin shouted, raising his hand. The southern area is the port area. Previously, he deliberately arranged a weak attack force in the direction of the southern area, in order to invade the urban area in other areas. After attracting the attention of the imperial team, the most elite troops were really thrown into this direction, just like a high-edged long knife crossed an arc, slashed down at a strange angle, and originally attacked South The number of Eero troops in the direction of the district was only three or four thousand, and it suddenly increased. All the troops that have not yet rushed into the urban area suddenly turned to the southern district.

"Kill, take the port!"

The main force of the Eero army rushed out of the nest, and countless Ero soldiers flooded into the south. Under the panic, the emperor only had time to quickly increase hundreds of crossbowmen to fight hard to block, and the Eero soldiers rushed with their shields. Going up, with a rainy bow and arrow, with a powerful force, the earth wall in front of the Southern District was slammed down,

"Crush!" shouted all day long, stepping on large chunks of gravel and bricks, and Eero soldiers crossed the last trench outside the Southern District and went straight into the Southern District streets

The shouting came from outside the temple’s stained glass. The emperor with black hair picked up the tea in his hand and took a sip of it, raised his head to look at the graceful figure coming down the steps of the corridor in front.

"Where is this Pope?" Although the defense around the temple is enough to ensure that the Herro army cannot get close to it, it is difficult to say if His Royal Highness wants to go further, if I am His Royal Highness. Will run around at this time!" The fat man calmly put down the tea in his hand, and looked at Pudamia with a pale face like a knife.

Under the sharp and trembling gaze of the fat man, Pudamia knew that her attempt to peek into the secrets of the emperor’s battle was broken, and she stubbornly said, "Your Majesty the Falcon is really laughing. The Eastern Army of Vanero may be coming in at any time. Why am I still running outside, but I feel that staying on it is too boring, so it’s really boring to go out and walk around like this, but your Highness can rest assured, I believe it’s very It’s about to change. “The fat man smiled indifferently, raised his hand to Pudamia and made a gesture of sitting down.” If your Highness is interested in the operation of the Empire Thor, I don’t need it at all. I can send someone to The operation manual sent you a copy of "Your Majesty Falcon said it is true! You can really give us an operation...cough..."

Suddenly, Pudamia’s voice stopped, and she realized that something was wrong. The Falcon Emperor apparently was deliberately deceiving herself, her face was full of embarrassment, and there was a dry cough in her mouth to cover up the "Operation Manual, His Royal Highness. You don’t need to care so much. In fact, if your Pope can listen to me, the empire can even train a team of Thor operators for the ecclesiastical country, coupled with the empire’s fifty hordes of gods, to ensure that the corps can be even more powerful. "The fat man smiled like a profiteer. At first, it was a big pit to give the Order of the Thousand Thors to Thor, but only to Thor, but did not train the Order of the Thor to operate the Thors, and later sent to the siege Raytheon II test. The team also deliberately reminded Pudamia that without the correct method of operation, the power of the Empire Thor might not be able to exert even half of it. Sure enough, the ambitious female pope was pitted into it!

"Actually, it’s nothing. It’s that the Pope’s army led the Pope’s army and the Eero Empire for half a year. Although they have gained an advantage, the domestic economy has almost collapsed. I believe that His Highness needs two things now, the same is the capital of Eero. , The other is a lot of financial support!" The fat man stood up and came to the window, looking at the long black smoke that filled the various areas of the city, saying one by one

"I believe that after this period of time, Your Highness should understand that you are the Highness of the Pope, but it does not mean that your Highness will always be you." The fat man stood with his hands behind the window and his voice paused. , Ning Sheng said, "This attack on Erow, despite the victory in the end, but in the true sense, in addition to full camp wounded soldiers and high national debt, how much value is it to the upper ranks of the Order? I heard that the upper ranks in the Order are His Highness has launched a very dissatisfied voice in this war. Even if His Highness finally wins and returns to his country, will he still be able to keep the Pope’s position?

"What does this mean, Your Majesty?" Pudamia's body trembled slightly, her charming eyes flashing, revealing her inner consternation.

"Imperial Bank can provide financial support to His Royal Highness, and can cooperate with His Royal Highness to form a trading fleet of the Order of the Order, I believe this will be of great help in improving domestic dissatisfaction with His Highness."

The fat man’s gaze fell on Pudamia’s clenched hands, his hesitant pretty face, and the complete pull of the Order of the Order into the imperial camp was of great importance to the empire in southern Obaro. The empire had already controlled Fizer on the southern west coast. The six central countries are also included in the scope of influence. Now if the ecclesiastical group can be drawn into the imperial camp, the entire coastline of South Obaro will become the territory of the empire.

This will mean that the imperial trade road is connected to the east and west of the coastline and the land route of Southern Europe. It has a great impetus for the development of imperial trade and expansion of influence.

The conservative rule of the ecclesiastical country for a day has always made the empire make little progress in this regard. Because of this barrier, the empire’s trade routes in southern Europe have to bypass the ecclesiastical country’s coastline. The business roads, which cost a lot of manpower and funds to build, also had to stop in the area of ​​the Diocese,

"Commercial fleet?"

Pudamia's eyes blinked. The condition put forward by the Imperial Emperor undoubtedly moved her heart. The sect army suffered heavy blows again and again. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now what is needed most is the news that can revitalize people. After Rutia In the Zibao campaign, she also began to realize that she was not just a person, but a group. If she lost her power, it would be all the men who followed her **** battle, and from that moment on, she was no longer. She is a pure minister of God, she is the leader of a team!

"Your Majesty, the Eastern Army of Eero suddenly turned to attack the Southern District!"

The hall door was pushed open, and an imperial guard walked in from outside, reporting to the imperial emperor

"Southern District, isn't that a port? Pudamia's complexion changed. Once the situation was unfavorable, leaving from the port was inevitable, and the Eero army suddenly stormed the Southern District. Obviously, he wanted to leave the emperor completely in Eeroport

"Southern District? Really can't wait." The fat man turned back from the window and smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth, looking at Pudamia. "Is your Pope His Royal Highness going to watch a grand performance with me?"

"A performance specially prepared for the 100,000 Eros East Army?" Pudamia froze for a moment, looking at the emperor's cunning smile with a slight curl in her mouth, and unconsciously reminded her of Rutia. In the Battle of Zibao, the Imperial Emperor personally commanded 30,000 Imperial Iron Rider to seal the sword against the 200,000 Eero army!

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