Whole Nation

: Three hundred and sixty-one chaos fire (14)

The black smoke spread over the port of El Hierro as if a huge black cloud pressed over the city

In the blazing flames, the air has been close to freezing for a short time. The nearly 80,000 main forces of the Eero Eastern Army invested in the southern battlefield of Port Eero. For a time in the direction of the southern area, the number of Eero soldiers wearing red armor surged and shouted. Slogans, shields, spears, rolling forward like a raging tide, crowds surging, iron armored beasts, and even Bian people's skin under the sun, the field of vision seems to start to twist slightly, like a scattered stream flowing into the direction of the port , As if the raging tide slammed into the southern defense line

"Shoot, block them!"

The imperial crossbow from the top of the building fired a deadly heavy arrow towards the sea of ​​people below, bang! At the hit location, flesh and blood flew across, like a huge hill collapsed, flesh and blood turned into powder, human body flew in the air, the shield was twisted and cracked, the soldiers in the front row were struck dead, and the back row was quickly Filling the vacant position, under such a large group of charges, the blood waves caused by dozens of Imperial heavy crossbow vehicles appeared so insignificant. Some Eero heavy infantry even dropped their shields and threw them with the crossbow arrows shot by the emperor in front. Going up, the Hero infantry is getting closer and closer, 100 meters, 50 meters, the number is large, the momentum is strong, the feeling seems to be like the entire earth is drowned in front of his eyes

"Kill!" The fierce cry finally broke into a piece. The imperial soldiers in the front fled in a hurry. Obviously, he did not expect that the Eero army would suddenly attack the South with all their strength. It was almost a touch. This is for the always brave imperial team. Rarely, it is enough to show the success of this raid!

General Ero’s side is also a sound of excitement

"It's so easy. Are we really the imperial team that swept the 700,000 coalition forces in the south?" A General Ero couldn't believe it

"The Emperor's team is affirmative. It can withstand nearly ten times the number of enemies and can calmly retreat, which is enough to show its eliteness, but sadly, this emperor's commander is really not very good! Ruyu, how could he send such a new battlefield to come up, but unfortunately, if these 30,000 empire elite cavalry, if placed on the plains to put on the field, let alone 100,000 infantry, even 200,000 infantry might not be able to catch Its tail is now self-tied, what else are we terrible! "Another General Erow showed a contemptuous smile" Ahaha!"

General Hero laughed, and even the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Army Kabrin showed a smile.

For the first time, he felt the victory was in sight. The pressure caused by the collapse of the army due to the death of the emperor in front of him. Even his veteran Eero, who had been sitting on the eastern border for two decades, felt great pressure and forced his troops to attack. The Regiment Army, followed by a nonstop nonstop to the emperor of Port Elero. This series of electro-optical flint-like assault operations almost squeezed out the front of the entire eastern border force. If it was not for him, Kablin was in the eastern border army. He has been in town for more than 20 years, and is regarded as the rock on the eastern border.

And now, this miraculous series of breaking battles has finally reached the final joint,

Kablin also felt that his nerves were going crazy under tremendous pressure, and his fingers clenched the whip, making a gurgling noise

This was his only chance. When he ordered the army to turn to the beginning of the attack, life and death were successful. There was no way out, and there was no possibility of turning back. Is it to become a generation of famous Opelo, or to be laughed at by countless people Synonymous, all in this battle, the Southern District, the most critical node of the entire Eero Port breakthrough battle, capturing the Southern District, you can completely cut off the retreat of the emperor in the city, followed by a glorious smooth road!

All 30,000 empire elites were annihilated, the empires were captured, and the port of gold, Ero, was recovered from the empire. This was enough to be a bargaining chip to force the empire and Ero to stop the war. In peril, to turn the tide down, and finally drive out the army that has been unable to fight, and recover the lost ground. Then only need to send troops outside the capital of the king capital, and there will naturally be someone in the king capital who will jump out and speak to himself. The last combatable legion of the empire was in his own hands. For King Erow, he was afraid that it would be too late for the fate. Who would have the mind to pursue the death of the first king! This is the best result for him Kablin, and the best result for the Eastern Frontier! All this is here to take a fight and win the Southern District!

Outside the gate of the sky temple,

"His Majesty!"

In the sky temple hall, the empire general Varisian rode on the warhorse, with a heavy armor, a red cape on the thick black armor, and behind him, there were two heads of the imperial flag, and saw the emperor His majesty walked out of the temple, neatly placing his right hand on his chest and saluting. Rows of imperial black cavalry stood upright on the horse. The cavalry cloak fluttered like a war flag, and the imperial falcon war flag was on a towering ride. Fluttering on the gun

The murderousness of thousands of imperial heavy cavalry made Podamia who came out behind the fat man feel cold. The Templars under her were also heavy armored cavalry, but their eyes fell on these wearing black heavy armor. The war horse is equipped with various weapons, like the equipment of a killing machine, and his eyes are faintly distributed.

Behind these thousand imperial cavalry, there are more imperial cavalry, densely packed, almost standing in front of the vast Guangping in front of the sky temple. This Guangping can normally accommodate tens of thousands of people. The sky sanctuary is used for events, and now it is filled with imperial cavalry.

The army killed, only waiting for one person

"Hero's main force has entered the Southern District, let's start!" The fat man glanced at the imperial cavalry who lined up, and nodded coldly at the front of Varisian.

"My subordinates understand, Your Majesty!"

There was a grin in the corner of Varisian's mouth, he put on the helmet in his hand, and ran towards the Southern District with the heavy armored cavalry behind him, followed by rows of black, and a team of teams drove past, rumbling towards the Southern District Long swept down, the war horses put down their masks, and the tall cavalry lances were gleaming in the light. "The emperor team is crazy, and they want to use cavalry in urban areas. Don’t know that the cavalry can’t be launched on the street. Really!" Pudamia heard a voice of embarrassment from the Templar behind her, her face embarrassed

She said quietly to the Templars who were discussing behind her, "Some things don't know, don't talk nonsense, I passed the Southern District last time when I came to Port Elero. As the largest sea trade port in the entire Southern Europe Baro, most of the Southern District It belongs to the port area, where most of them are cargo yards. For the convenience of transportation, the roads are also wide roads capable of paralleling eight carriages. If they are emptied, there will be no difference between them and an open area. Open space without any obstruction!"

"Most of the open area in the southern district, ... the road that can run eight carriages in parallel... The empire is indeed extravagant!" Hearing Pudamia's words, the Templars' faces couldn't help but change, too shameless Now!

If it was really like what the Pope said, the empire used the southern area as a cavalry battlefield. It was extremely clever. Even if the Eastern Army broke his head, he did not expect the empire to clear such a huge open terrain in the city! It is known that the emperor team suddenly retracted into the city, there must be a mess, how can the 30,000 Imperial Cavalry really be used as infantry!

There are great restrictions on the use of cavalry in urban areas, but in the southern area, it is obviously an exception! This exception will become a fatal trap for the Eero army who has attacked the Southern District. Moreover, this time the empire also mobilized thousands of heavy armored cavalry. Think about the scene of these heavy armored cavalry rolling into the street in a queue. The Templars also felt a little dazed!

"Rush!" The Eero soldiers poured into the southern area. The Eero soldiers who rushed into the streets were walking through the houses and houses.

"What are you doing, the goal is the port!" An Eero officer yelled at the soldier who wanted to open the next door. The soldier who hit the door also found that all the doors of the house were dead, and the street in front was at the end Is a huge square

"Stop!" Officer Eero, who led the team, raised his hand high, the square in front of him was too big, and the cold wind was hitting his face with a wave of wetness, and he could hardly see the end of the open. No one expected that he would be in the south. Seeing such a huge square at the center of the district, I was at a loss for a while, and the most weird thing is, there is no one, how about the Imperial team? What about people? Are we going the wrong way!

"Adult, I think this seems to be the port cargo yard, the port cargo yard in the Southern District," a soldier said timidly.

"Port cargo yard? What are you kidding, such a large port cargo yard, knowing how much cargo it takes to fill it, do you think I'm a country gangster who hasn't even seen a port cargo yard!" The officer yelled and looked around. After that, he couldn't help but took a breath of air. "Except for the port, I don't seem to find any other possible explanation, such a huge port!"

"It seems to be the Sixth Army in front!"

"The Eighth Army, did the Eighth Army also rush in?"

"The group of **** from the Sixteenth Army, even they rushed in."

A group of Eero troops rushing into the southern area rushed out from the intersections of this square, their eyes widened and squinted at each other, and they were in a daze in front of such a huge square. The square where the ultimate goal of the battle was actually here? There is no defensive force at all, and even the most basic fortifications are useless. From here, even the blue sea in the distance can be seen as a line of white waves.

"No matter, go ahead and occupy here. Let's talk about it, so many of us!" A squadron first entered the port cargo yard, and when someone saw it, other Eero troops also began to enter one after another. The port's docking dock was found. "Master Kablin's layout is indeed brilliant, and the empire's strength is only 30,000. In the face of such a sudden turn, even if you want to mobilize troops, you may not be able to do it."

Standing on the broad pier platform stone with no visible edge, the waves rolled against the white line formed on the pier bank embankment, a pier Tito used to stop the ship, Ital The sea port stands proudly against the sea breeze. This is the southern port. Undoubtedly, these huge ship-stopping ships must have been docked with huge commercial ships from all over the world. It was thought that it would be the most difficult offensive and defensive war. Who knows how to get it at hand! "Report to Master Kablin immediately that the port is under my eighth legion!" Itaire turned from the platform and said to the cavalry behind him, just when he had just finished saying this In the distance, there was a chaotic voice "enemy attack!" shouting sternly, countless black armour cavalry like a black line flashing out of the mist in the distance, thundering like thunder, no points could be distinguished, just rumbling At this moment, the landmine moved, and at this moment, I thought of a sharp and huge sickle, which suddenly attacked from the Eero soldiers scattered on the broad ground of the port. The speed of the advance was fast, and in a blink of an eye, "Papa!"

Like a knife, Qizi was deeply inserted into the group of Eero soldiers that had been completely messed up. The entire forward-facing snow cavalry bayonet directly submerged the first encountered squadron without effort. The flesh and blood body was in front of such a cavalry cluster. Just like the sound of ripping cotton, the blood flower that exploded in a flash is so gorgeous. "It is cavalry, heavy cavalry of the empire!" The desperate voice is even more desperate, "This... turned out to be a cavalry shock. The city was rushed by imperial cavalry?

Yi Taier was dumbfounded to watch the people in the square directly washed away, trampled under the horseshoes rushed into pieces of meat, the sharp sprints formed by these heavily equipped imperial cavalry, the spears in their hands were just straightened forward, With the high-speed impact of the war horse, like the sharp blade, the Ero soldiers fell off the whole piece.

After the horse's hoof, it showed long **** scars made of blood and minced meat,

"I am the Aluin of the Sixteenth Army, everyone is close to me!" A tall Ero strong man shouted very bravely, and around a hundred guards put up long rifles around him, just like face to face To a stubborn rock in the torrent,


The black heavy armored cavalry was like a wall pushing against it

Papapap~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The flesh and blood spattered, the blood seemed to be squeezed and exploded by a certain force, more than a hundred guards were pushed down like fragile thin paper, and General Eero was covered up Countless lances pierced his body, the gleaming gun head exploded with blood from his back, the whole body was picked off the ground by the forward lance and was then thrown heavily on the ground,

"It's Aluin, the 16th Army Commander!"

Seeing this scene, Itel’s entire back was cold. The Sixteenth Army was only a mixed force in the eastern border, mainly composed of Kaluga from the border area, not a very orthodox Eero. People, but this does not mean that the sixteenth regiment leader Aruin is very poor. On the contrary, this barbarian with Kaluga descent has the force to break the table in the generals of the eastern border. He likes to compete with each other. There are no one hundred and eighty people who die under his fist. He is a famous killer in the army. He is even said to have broken the neck of a bison in the wild.

But such a fierce man, in front of the powerfully crushed Imperial heavy cavalry, is only a shot to death! rw

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