Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and seventy-one The war is back (7)

Please enter the text. Please note: According to the relevant national laws and regulations, please do not upload any pornographic, vulgar, political and other illegal content, we will review and report according to the regulations. "Your Majesty, there is a problem with this Lancer hotel. If there is nothing wrong with the records of the Port of Elero branch, this Lancer hotel is the business site of the Central Biyaron family in South Obaro, and the most recent big deal is a Thousand horses of Central Asian brocade sold a month ago, and the counterparty was the Chamber of Commerce within the Order.” An Imperial Intelligence Officer wearing a black uniform stood straight at the desk of the Imperial Emperor.

"A month ago? So, this Lancer hotel is not only serving the Dragon family, but also serving the sect of the Order, is it also the hostile party of Pudamia?" The fat man heard what the intelligence officer said , A sharp flash of light, a delicate colored crystal cup in your hand with a slight frown

"Your Majesty is so wise!"

The Imperial Intelligence Officer admired on his face, "In order to prove the identity of the other party, we deliberately selected the letter sent by the Boya people who had not yet gotten up in the morning. The hotel owner who received the relics really left the tavern ten minutes after we left. No. 9 Bocauli Street, which is the trade point of a chamber of commerce under the control of the Presbyterian Church

"Okay, I know, you have worked hard, go on!"

The fat man took a deep breath and waved his hand at the intelligence officer

The situation is getting more and more complicated. The fat man doesn’t believe that Pudamia will know that there is a connection between the Lancer Hotel and the Diocese. He was already full of confusion about Pudamia’s sudden handing of two young girls to himself. To protect the two close-knit maids, you can simply leave them in the north of Eero. The ecclesiastical country is a strong country in the south of Obaro, but for the powerful northern falcon empire, the elders of the ecclesiastical will not dare to casually Having trouble in the north, Pudamia was completely unnecessary. In order to protect the so-called maid, he revealed to himself the secret of having close contact with the head of the southern rebellion, Boya!

"Yes, Your Majesty," the intelligence officer turned back to the door with a serious face towards the emperor, then opened the door and turned to leave

"What the **** does Pudamia want to do?"

The fat man picked up the hot tea on the table and stood in front of the glass window to gaze at the prosperity of the distant bay. A large merchant ship full of goods was slowly docking from the outside. Because the original port was temporarily unavailable, he could let it go. Of merchant ships are docked at the dock, and more than a dozen small ship ports are opened at the east and west ends of the new city as temporary docking points.

This is a large room with a length of 80 meters and a width of about 16 meters. Through the window of the room, you can see through the window of the room. Under the pale sky, there are dark winter bays, and countless commercial sails like white clouds. Although the port of Eero was destroyed, it did not have much impact on the trade of Eero, but it was more prosperous than before, because a larger port of Eero was under construction. The huge new city that is several times the size of the city university is like a huge monster swallowing a lot of materials, and the craftsmen from all over the city are also gathered in the port of Eero, and the new city’s larger role is to absorb the migrants, which was originally only two More than 100,000 Port Elero areas have swelled to 600,000 to 700,000 in just half a month. Huge urban construction work has provided jobs for a large number of migrants. The reclamation of wasteland outside the city has also become the digestion of migrant labor. the key of,

"Come here, let Varisian come to me"

The fat man seemed to think of something. He turned from the window and shouted towards the guard outside the door. After ten minutes, Varithian appeared in front of the fat man. The empire general looked very spirited The imperial governor uniform with silver cuffs on the burly and sturdy body, hands and feet give a feeling of fullness of expansion

"I'm in a good mood recently, and the corners of my mouth are almost to ears." The fat man put down the cup in his hand, sat down on the table, and looked at Varisian. This guy is very happy now,

"Why, my subordinates are full of joy because they saw His Majesty!" Varisian grinned. As the sole authority in charge of the reconstruction of the Port of Eero, the governor of the joint area of ​​the Empire of Istanbul and Feisan was in Knowing that the emperor was going to put the port of Eero in the north of Eero into his management area, he smiled without closing his mouth.

"Where are the two sisters of Boyarine who you are in charge of?" Fatty asked.

"Your Majesty said the two Maidens of Pdamia? The subordinates were supposed to settle them in a secret place, but the high priest of Palsina found me and said that Pdamia entrusted the two maids to She's gone, so Lord Palsina took them to the Sky Temple branch"

Varisian hesitated, his face pale and said

Palsina found him in private and offered to take away two of Pdamia’s maids, and he did not dare to violate the request of the temple high priest at random, who did not know the high priest and the emperor His majesty’s unclear relationship, think about the fierce battle that caused the entire Obaro half a month ago, not because the temple priest stubbornly refused to leave the port of Eero, and the emperor made a last resort to the Eero side. Lore

As a result, Farouk, the emperor of the Eero Empire, who was known as the most promising emperor of the Eero Empire, was slashed, and nearly 300,000 Ero Empire troops were defeated by the whole army. In the end, even the Eero King was lost and dominated South Europe. Barrow’s decades-old Eero empire collapsed. If the Elo side knew the truth, it was only because the emperor’s lover played out a little temper, fearing that the entire Eero royal family would vomit blood.

"Poor Emperor Farouk is afraid of corpses, oh, no, his head is gone, I am afraid that he can't scam anymore." Just as Variety's head was full of crankies, His Majesty opposite , Standing like a rabbit stepped on its tail, eyes glared at him

"What did you say, Pudamia found Palsina to take them away! Sky Temple Division, you idiot, even let Palsina be with them, do you know what it means !Hope you’re here in time, otherwise you’ll just wait to roll back, don’t even want this El Hierro’

"No, Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this was requested by Master Palsina, and your subordinates would not dare to stop it ‘

Varisian opened his bullish eyes pitifully, and in the angry eyes of the emperor, his strong body couldn't help but tremble. What did he do wrong? The emperor wanted to take back Elero

Although holding a 200,000 empire army, like a tiger, the monarchs of Southern Europe Baro felt that their thorns were on their backs, and the army was very powerful, regarded as the sword of the empire.

However, as the joint regional governor of the two major regions, there is not a commercial and trade center that can handle it, so that the financial resources are stretched, and the regional development is difficult to keep up. Although Fei Shan was once a maritime power, but after a disastrous defeat, Fei Shan The region is dying, and even there is a shortage of labor.

Although the Istan region was once the homeland of the Istan Empire, the Istanians never had the history and concept of commercial trade. As the promenade of Barrow in South and North Europe, it was always on the coastline of thousands of miles in war and expansion , There is not even a large port, and Varisian is also very annoyed at this point. Seeing the fat and oily ports under its regional governance, every quarter contributes to the huge taxes of the empire. Look again. The two big areas managed by themselves are almost the same as the entire Central Europe Baro area in terms of area only, but even the most basic government officials' salaries have to be paid by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Preparing the carriage, I will go to the temple branch, pass my order, immediately strengthen the defense of the temple branch, upgrade to the combat level, block all streets in the vicinity of 500 meters, if there is a forcible attacker, kill it." The fat man looked eagerly towards the door, shouting toward the guard at the door while walking, the fat man was really anxious

Originally full of doubts, it is now revealed at once that the woman of Pudamia is really inseparable, and the half-truth is even deceived by herself. If you want to protect two close maids, send away That's it, what's going on with yourself! Not to mention that there is also a Boa clan sent to enemy intelligence points. There is no doubt that the host country of the Order and Pudamia has already known the arrival of the Boa clan, and two personal maids as Pudamia The important evidence of contact with the southern rebels must be the target of the other party. At this moment, the other party should already know the position of the two maids.

In the Sky Temple branch, only Palsina was with the two maids. With the end of the war and Palsina didn’t like to see the blood-blooded soldiers, a squadron that was originally responsible for guarding the Sky Temple branch All of the imperial soldiers have been evacuated, and now there are only dozens of priests and apprentices in the sky temple. Since the fat man was attacked at the sky temple headquarters, the temple warriors to which the sky temple belongs have been completely disbanded, so now There is no defense against any force in the sky temple branch. For the cold-blooded attackers, it is like a flock of lambs.

"Pdamia... so **** it!"

Thinking of this, the fat man's fingers were clenched, and his eyes were already congested. Pudamia's move was too ruthless. This was an explicit use of two maids to attract the attention of the hostile forces in the sect. The other party would not think it was Pa Siersina is taking care of these two maids, and she will only believe that the maid is behind Pope Pudamia. This is the greatest danger. Once the other party knows that the maid is in the sky temple branch, she will think that Pope Pudami Ya is also in the temple branch

"Without the protection of His Holiness the Pope under the tens of thousands of troops, only one successful assassination can solve all problems. The possibility of the other party choosing to take the risk is 100%!"

What if Parsina died? What happens if the Sky Temple branch is washed by blood? Undoubtedly, under the anger of the Empire Emperor, the Empire’s **** and blood-repaying style will inevitably take the initiative to fight against the elders of the sect that launched the attack. It is not impossible for the moon to return to the Order of the Order!

"Your Majesty, today is December 19th, the incense festival of the Sky Church. This morning I received a report from the gatekeeper that Lord Palsina is going to pray on the top of Mount Luowu in the east. You should not be in the temple branch today. "Varisian followed closely, and said with a pale face quickly, although he did not know why the emperor was angry, it was undoubtedly related to Palsina. As for the two pope maids, what was it, It's worth looking at your majesty.

"Today is the incense festival on December 19?"

The fat man stopped unexpectedly and looked away from the window of the corridor. A long strip of colored ribbons fluttered in the wind, not just the incense festival! At the top of the houses on both sides of the street, there are long colorful ribbons hanging, and the colors of the wind fluttering in the wind, it looks colorful and colorful, making people feel like they are in a colorful ocean,

The incense festival is a festival of the Salander. With the large area of ​​the sky temple covered in the imperial area, the Salander likes color and the sky. Hanging a colorful long streamer on the roof during the incense festival, not only Only floating and gorgeous, and the meaning is far-reaching, this holiday of the Salander is also generally loved by the Empire, and the ribbons herald hope and future! As a priest in the sky temple, at the incense festival, he would climb to the top of the nearby mountain to pray, and put the ribbon on the top of the mountain. In fact, the original intention was to express the ancestors who crossed the sea under the guidance of the prophet Ferran , The rainbow that emerged from the edge of the mainland was the origin of the name of Sarand

"That garrison is closest to Luowu Mountain?" The fat man turned cold and said to Varisian

"The second squadron of the 5th Squadron of the Second Banner Regiment is at the foot of the Luowu Mountain, where is the only way to enter the east of the Port of Eero!" Varisian, as the head of the garrison of Eero, knows the squadrons' station well

"Immediately came the Fetion, and notified the Second Banner Corps to gather towards Luowushan, and the 5th Squadron made all efforts to protect Palsina and others! Luowushan entered the battlefield within five miles." The fat man came to the lobby on the first floor. The horse-drawn carriage has been parked at the door, and a full armor of fifty imperial guards stands on the wide ping at the door. The cold light of the armor shines in the pale sunlight, and the horses are blowing white gas in the cold winter.

"Bring my horse!"

The fat man did not get on the carriage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but stepped on his pure black horse, which is a pure-blooded Istanian horse, with a vigorous body full of explosive force, taller than other horses Half of his head was made of pure gold. The fat man raised his head and looked at the sky on the battlefield. The winter sun was shining from the clouds. On one side was the dense roof and street of Port Elero, and on the other side was the Shang The outline of the wall under construction looks like a white line meandering

"Your Majesty, over the Sky Temple branch..." "Varisian just spoke out cautiously. His eyes were sharply squinted by His Majesty the Emperor, and he immediately shut up."

"Is there anything wrong with the Sky Temple branch?" The Emperor looked cold and rolled the reins of the horses in the hands of the horse, and said coldly, "If anyone really dares to be in the sky, the most important thing is the Sky Temple. During the incense festival, the Sky Temple branch was attacked, and the Sky Temple priest who prayed for the Empire was murdered. As the administrator of the Port of Eero, the Lord of the Governor of the United Region of the Empire of Istanbul and Feisan thought what should be done. Is the most correct!"

The fat man's eyes were cold, and his voice made Varisian feel chilly behind him. The emperor's anger was already obvious. Varisian had no doubt that if there was something wrong with Palsina, even Puda The woman Mia joined the empire camp, and the emperor would kill the woman without hesitation!

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