Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and seventy-two The war is back (8)

In the port of Elero under the snow, a long ribbon at the top of the sky temple fluttered in the wind. At the front door of the sky temple, ten apprentices of the sky priest stood at the door and handed out flyers preaching the doctrine of the sky to the flow of people. , Cheerful slaps, children who don’t know the world play around in the guangping in front of the sky temple branch

As for the adults, looking at the scene of a ribbon flying in front of them, the tense nerves were naturally relaxed. Although the battle had only passed for half a month, the battle that had just annihilated the 100,000 troops of the Eero Eastern Army was in Port Elero. It seems that it has been a long time ago. The prosperity of the caravans in Port Elero has covered up the atmosphere of the war, making it difficult to be connected with the battlefield of a cruel war.

Although the tragic sight of the port of Eero is obvious to all, after all, what ordinary Eero people see is only the traces after the war. The residual limbs that were stacked and made it difficult to get feet have been cleaned up and penetrated into the bottom of the ground. The scarlet blood, after the shock, is not strange. In this chaotic world, who has not seen the dead? Still care about the color of human blood? What's more, there is already a hot construction site there. The reconstruction and expansion of the Port of Eero digested the decline of hundreds of thousands of refugees in the north of Eero. Instead, this commercial city that will stand in the north of Eero as a super-large port city is under construction. Has burst out a fascinating breath

The war is finally over, no matter whether it is optimistic or pessimistic about the prospects, everyone has the same feelings, and when he arrives in the port of Eero under the control of the empire, his life is mostly saved, although the food that the empire can provide is also Not many, but it is enough to ensure that the family will not be starved to death, and the wild bark of the wild herbs is mixed together, which can barely make people survive this winter. Women work, men look at the huge outline of the port of Eero, a new field just outside the port of Eero, and talk to each other about how much cultivated land can be allocated in spring, hoping to pass early The emigration review of the empire, get a piece of own land earlier

In the early morning, as the junction of the outermost shack areas, the self-formed black market began to gradually become noisy. When the refugees fled, there were still some valuable goods around them, who were drilling around in the black market. When the family gradually settles down, it’s time to take care of their faces. Most of them are women holding their belongings in the hope that they can exchange some more affordable things. The temporary villages formed by these migrants occupy a considerable area outside Port Herro. Luogang’s expansion area was about twenty to thirty years ago, and these temporary villages composed of migrants have always been within a range of fifty or sixty miles.

For such a huge range of public security issues, it is unrealistic for the imperial army to take full responsibility. The imperial army is mainly responsible for the defense of several narrow areas. The temporary villages have been handed over to the mercenaries recruited by the chamber of commerce. The responsible Kazhai was established at the entrance of the village to monitor and prevent the livelihood of the migrants. A squad of mercenaries patrolled nearby. Every Erow refugee who had fled, carefully gave them a way,

Near the north gate of Port Elero, a team of horses transporting construction materials came in from the only opening. The long line was hard to stop. The empire almost used the entire port of Elero Chamber of Commerce. It was leased to pull supplies, and more than 30,000 heavy horses were transported from the adjacent coastline by the Admiralty

Now in Port Elero, apart from the military horses, there are as many as fifty or sixty thousand horses that are generally used for pulling and transporting.

The empire’s wealth was huge, and once again the powers of the southern European Baro region were stunned. The construction of a port used so many horses. It is no wonder that the empire used to fight against the southern coalition forces in the Istan region. The cavalry cluster of forces reached as much as 150,000. In the cold weapon era, the cavalry cluster of this scale required all kinds of supplies to be an astronomical figure, saying that the southern coalition was defeated by the imperial emperor, it is better to fight with infantry The force-oriented southern coalition was actually trampled by these hundreds of thousands of cavalry all the way to collapse

It is said that the empire has gained again in the Central Abyssin area in the past few months, destroying the destruction of a northern grassland king’s court, and the mere absorption of the Central Abyssinian grassland tribe has reached millions, and the strategic supplies of horses are afraid. More, it’s no wonder that there are many horses, so even the imperial soldiers guarding the entrance to the Port of Eero only let a rough inspection of the horse team and let it go.

But even so, the workload is not generally large, but it does not matter, the recruited caravan team gather together. Someone who is familiar with each other is still chatting and joking while waiting to cross the door. At this time, will anyone dare to attack the Empire Elero Port? In the hustle and bustle, a squad leader of the Imperial Army standing at the door fell on a team of vehicles under inspection. The team was under the banner of the Longlan Caravan belonging to the church country in the city. A dozen carriages were heavily loaded

Followed by 50 or 60 caravan mercenaries, most of these mercenaries are strong and strong young

In the middle of these mercenaries, there are more than a dozen priesthood priests wearing linen hoods and white robes with only one pair of eyes exposed. Such costumes are standard equipment for priesthood priests. Logically, there is nothing to pay attention to, but the imperial army captain frowned slightly.

As an imperial soldier rolling out of the battlefield of flesh and blood, he instinctively tightened his body unconsciously at the moment when he saw these masked and exposed eyes of the members of the Order, it was a sense of danger The alertness of this car is too heavy. It seems that it was a luxurious and thin braid, but it made the rut deeply depressed, and he also saw some red blood marks on the body.


The imperial squad leader shouted loudly and walked towards the carriage of the Longlan caravan. The imperial soldiers at the door brushed up the long guns in their hands. One by one the imperial crossbow quickly came out from the gate of the city gate, and the atmosphere was drawn Silence the gate position

"Captain Lucas, I am Baisis of the Longland Chamber of Commerce. We have met the other two days ago, so why have we forgotten it!"

The leader of the Longlan Caravan came down from the car with a smile, followed by several mercenaries, and greeted with a smile, "We just came from King Eero, this car is all I teach The gift of congratulations from His Royal Highness Popdam Pudamia to the Temple of Heaven is a matter of confidentiality. If you open it without permission, it may cause quite serious consequences!"

"A gift from His Royal Highness Popdamiya?"

Hearing the leader’s words, Lucas hesitated for a moment. The Empire and the Order are still in a period of interdependence, especially in the north of Eero. The nominal belonging is still the Order, and the caravan owner also knows It is indeed the official background of the Orthodox Church. For the domestic situation of the Orthodox Church, Lucas is only a small captain, where he will know that Pudamia is now the number one enemy in the Orthodox Church, otherwise he will never believe this. Gossip!

"Captain Lucas, His Highness Pudamia deliberately explained that this shipment was extremely important, and it could not be opened on the way. Even the Regiment did not handle it. If Captain Lucas really doubted, he could follow us to the Temple of the Sky, When the time comes, the goods will be unpacked and you will know." The sweat on the leader's face fell, and she fell straight and fell without knowing how.

"And you see, in order to ensure the safety of the goods, His Royal Highness Pudamia also sent us a dozen guards of the Templars, which shows the importance of this gift." The leader showed only a dozen behind him The man with eyes said, his face dignified and said, "For this batch of goods, we still have a brother dead along the way."

"They are Templars!"

Lucas’ gaze paused on those dozens of people. It’s no wonder that from above he felt the warrior’s breath. If he is the most elite Templar in the Order, everything can be explained. In order to let Lu Cass was assured that Baisis came to the dozen people and said that after a while, he took a silver-white cross coat of arms from one of them. It was the coat of arms of the Templar Knight. On the carriage, the body of a Templar knight wearing a white cross robe was pressed with a cloth, only half of his face was exposed. The shield and sword of the Templar were placed on both sides of the corpse, covered in blood and weapons. The traces of potholes on the road are definitely not added temporarily, only after many violent battles,

Seeing the body of the Templar on the carriage, Lucas frowned, and his inner suspicions were dispelled.

Although the empire-controlled area has security guarantees, most of the northern area of ​​Eero is still the territory of the Order of the Order, and because of the great loss of strength, the original hundreds of thousands of Orders of the Order are now fifty thousand or sixty thousand, and in Putamia’s Under the order, the control area was greatly reduced, and it was already impossible to control such a huge northern Eero, so it was only stationed in some key cities. The remaining area was a mess. The bandits were rampant. There was no such number of mercenary guards. The caravan It was impossible to traverse this area. The empire also repeatedly asked the legionary to clear these robbers on the road, but the legionary is now overwhelmed, and there are still those who care for it. This time the temple of the legionary army The knights are also dead, it doesn't matter whether they look at the corps!

"Okay, just a misunderstanding, let them pass!" Lucas raised his hand, the imperial soldiers withdrew their weapons, the road gave way, the Longlan caravan's convoy slowly passed through the north gate of Erow, and the convoy Going slowly towards the sky temple, after leaving everyone's line of sight, the covered carriage curtain was put down, and the caravan leader jumped on the carriage that transported the body. After looking left and right, make sure that you can't see it outside. Afterwards, he carefully reached out and pushed a Templar knight who was put into a corpse. His voice trembled and said, "Master Diga, everything went well. The city gate has passed."

"It seems that this is not the case in the empire. I was afraid that they would recognize it and had to put a corpse on it. I didn't expect to pass through the city gate so easily. Then I immediately found a secret place for the brothers to put their weapons on and finally Ask, can you be sure that the target is in the sky temple?" The Templar who pretended to be a corpse sat up. This is a rugged middle-aged man with a pair of flashing eyes, which is most memorable. The bridge of the nose, which is taller than the average person, looks like a barb, giving a brutal and violent impact. At this moment, the middle-aged man glanced at the outside of the curtain, and the corner of his mouth was a bit disdainful. , Take out a white cloth in one hand and wipe the knight sword

"There is nothing wrong with it. I confirmed that I sent someone to stare at it yesterday. Sure enough, I saw one of Pudamiya’s personal maids appear on the outer corridor of the Sky Temple. The maid came to Pudamia three years ago. By his side, Pudamia has always been the most trusted confidant, and according to the latest news we have received, Pudamia is not in the army of the Order, so where can it be except here?" The caravan leader gritted his teeth. He said, "If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I can’t believe it. The woman Pudamiya was actually behind the 10-year southern rebels. Both of my sons died in the southern rebellion. This blood debt must be Blood comes to repay! There are no combatants in the sky temple, and even if you rush into it will not be hindered"

"Master Diga, please!" The caravan leader's complexion sounded a sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A respectful trip to the Templar knight

"If the information is correct, I will kill the woman, even if she is the Pope!" The solemn return of the Templar knight, he then inserted a dagger into his boots. This is his twentieth. With eight weapons, the convoy turned into a hidden alley beside the Temple of the Sky, and the mercenaries following the convoy skillfully blocked the junction and prevented anyone from entering the alley.

The braid that was “brushed” on the upper end of the vehicle’s cargo was turned over in the depths of the alley, revealing a gleam of armor and weapons. A dozen so-called Templars who wore headscarves and only exposed their eyes came to the car. Put the above weapons and armor on the body, each of which is a mobile arsenal. If there are people who are familiar with the internal situation of the Templars of the Order, they will call out their names and hide the Knights

Hidden in the grand ceremony of the Order of the Order is the name of the commander of a fallen legion of God. In order to get the forgiveness of God, he finally chose to burn himself to illuminate the sky, which eventually became the shadow of God. This was also handled by the agent. The identity of the Dark Knights, they are special troops in the temple dedicated to handling traitors, and they are shadow troops that cannot see the light. Their number reaches 100 at most, and there are six or seven poets when they are small. Everyone is changing. After becoming a shadow force, the previous history and records will be destroyed. They are the sinners of God and the felony convicted by the Order. They are not Templars, so they do not need to obey the Templar’s ​​rules

"Enter from here, turn right through the promenade in front, is the kitchen of the sky temple branch!" The caravan leader came to the end of the alley, fumbled for a while on a dark black door, and pulled out A black tab

"Slap" the wooden door was opened, revealing the orange light inside

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