Whole Nation

: Three thousand two hundred and seventy-three The war is back (9)

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bell of the direction of the sky temple branch was loudly ringing, and the people of Port Eero who were playing outside raised their heads in amazement, and saw a black shadow falling from the height of the temple at high speed. On the way, they encountered the exterior decoration of the temple. All of them were smashed and smashed **** the Guangping in front of the temple. At this moment, all the people saw clearly what was falling down. It turned out to be a middle-aged priest wearing a robe of grand ceremony. This one fell from a height. The middle-aged man has a steady face, but the whole person hit the hard ground, the face has been deformed, but the original appearance can still be seen vaguely, and a lot of blood comes out of the mouth of the middle-aged priest


The middle-aged priest opened his mouth and raised his head to say something, but he couldn't say anything except the blood bubbles coming out of his mouth.

"God, it’s the Amway priest. Yesterday he gave my child a doctor! He is a good person, what’s wrong?" a thin woman shouted.

"Really Amway priest!" A lot of people came around, and many of them knew Amway priest. As a resident doctor of the temple branch, many people have looked for an Amway priest to see the disease. This is a Good people, superb medical skills, and special care for the poor, many times to reduce the cost of medical treatment for the poor, seeing such a good person suddenly fell from a height and fell like this, the first thing everyone thinks about, the Amway priest should be ringing the bell When you stumbled and stepped into the air, such a good person should not have encountered such a fate. Just when everyone was sorry, the front door of the temple was suddenly opened from the inside. A young man wearing a robe stained with blood in the temple People ran out from inside, stumbled, yelling while running

"Quick, someone in the temple is killing, go and shout the city guards!" The voice of the young priest had just fallen, a cold light shot into his body from the open door, and the young priest who escaped fell in response. The corpse fell, revealing behind it a trembling stiletto stiletto with a black skull logo at the end

"Slay somebody! Someone attacked the temple!"

There was chaos at the entrance of the temple, and the people who had been playing in the upstream of Guangping ran around in a mess. In the shouting, Port Elero seemed to tremble at this moment.

"Go to the temple"

The chaos attracted a group of imperial soldiers patrolling nearby, and quickly ran to the temple. Although there are no guards outside the temple, today is the incense festival. In order to maintain the order of the festival, the sixth squadron of the Second Banner Regiment is responsible for the temple. Regional security, and this imperial soldier who was running towards the temple belonged to the 6th Squadron

The officer in charge was Assod, a veteran who had experienced many wars, and then he stepped into the hall of the temple branch in front of him. The tragic scene inside made him take a breath and prayed to the ground of the hall The corpses of the temple priests were all over the place, and seven or eight corpses were stacked near the door, all of them were corpses. The blood was overflowing, and everything around was red.

"Damn, isn't it that there is no Imperial Army nearby, how come it came so fast!"

At the other end of the hall, three masked men wearing light black armor were examining the corpses lying on the ground. They seemed to be looking for something. Seeing that the imperial soldiers came so fast, one of them was obviously the leader. It was faint, frowning slightly on his covered face, didn't it mean that there was no Imperial army guard near the temple branch? What is in front of you? The Presbyterian Church instructed me not to disturb the imperial army as much as possible. Everything was going well. Who knew that there would be a priest hiding in a corpse and dying to death? Just as everyone was chasing, there was a fish in the net that ran out. Although one of his men was killed with a dagger, it was obviously exposed. If the hands and feet are fast enough, it is not impossible to withdraw, but The target has not been found, so how to be willing to withdraw, just such a short hesitation, so that the imperial soldiers hit the front

After realizing that the imperial soldiers rushed in were only a small team, his face was cold, and his eyes were retrieved from the imperial soldiers. He raised his finger towards Asod and whispered to the men behind him, "Go and kill them alone." , Others continue to look for goals!"

"Let's go" A strong man next to Anonymous who has been stained with blood has lifted a heavy axe in his hand. The heavy axe still contains residual blood and flesh. At first glance, it is a heavy weapon that can easily break the armor.

"I have killed so many people, but this is the first time I have killed the Imperial Army. Today I will see if the blood of the so-called First Army of the Mainland is also red." The strong man's mouth grinned, his face lingered, and he licked his tongue out. Blood on the axe

"Burkiye you self-righteous stupid, if it wasn't for your careful inspection, how could the dead priest run away, and now there is still a face to say this!" Another thin, masked man skimmed contemptuously. Litting your lips, playing with a flashing dagger in your hands, a pair of eyes with inverted triangles, looking at people like a viper, as an assassin with outstanding personal force, they don’t take the team in front of them a dozen Imperial soldiers in front of you

"Enough, quick battle! We don’t have much time!" The murmured angrily. "At this time, you still have inner fighting! This is the central area of ​​Port Elero after all. It was revealed that a large number of imperial troops must be coming towards this place, and it will be troublesome once they are entangled."

"Since the adults say this, it is better than seeing who killed more. The loser will take away the reward of the other person. Do you dare to gamble?" The secretly said, the strong man grinned and mentioned The heavy axe in his hand walked towards the imperial soldier from the right

"Gambling!" Another skinny assassin exasperated. His short sword in the air was like a magic trick. It turned into two, three, and four, while walking leisurely from the left to the imperial soldier. It seemed that the empire Soldiers are prey in their eyes

"Crossbow shooter is ready, others line up!"

Assod gave a low roar and his eyes were red. The sky temple was the state religion in the empire. So many temple priests were slaughtered in the temple of Port Elero. If the other side was left, the face of the imperial army Where to put it, the opponent is a master, but he is not a sheep to be slaughtered on his side. His subordinates have also seen blood, and participated in battles of thousands of horses, even in the face of a charge of cavalry clusters. It was their instinct to retreat, fight and cooperate. With his order, five of the crossbow shooters quickly raised the crossbow to aim at the front, four soldiers with heavy shields rushed ahead as the front, and six imperial heavy gunmen The guards focused on the flanks of the shield infantry. A simplified version of the Imperial Army appeared in front of the secret. The other party was so big that even two people wanted to attack the Imperial Army. Isn't it a joke!

"Go to death!" The brave man in heavy armor rushed over with a murderous look on his face, and a powerful blow hit the heavy shield in front. The huge force directly hit the arm of the imperial soldier in the back. Numbness, but at the same time the three imperial lances stabbed fiercely with the wind, the strong man looked heavy, but just flashed all over

At this moment, two cold lights flashed by, and the strong man made a grunt, and the blood flower exploded on his shoulder.

"Burkiye!" The strong man was injured, and his faint face also changed a bit,

"Asshole, what is this!"

The strong man's painful teeth bite hard, and the heavy axe in his hand hit the shield again. With the anti-shock force, the body did not advance and retreat, and flew back towards the back. It was an imperial crossbow that shot him. The special forces in the sect are not in sight, and there is insufficient understanding of the power of the imperial crossbow. If it is a normal bow and arrow, it does not matter even if it is shot on his armor, but he just hit the imperial crossbow. It is a kind of army killer, and it is also an imperial crossbowman equipped with heavy armor piercing arrows. At such a distance, even the heavy armored cavalry will be penetrated, not to mention that the heavy armor on his body is not as strong as the heavy armored cavalry. There is no possibility of evasion, and suddenly the two crossbows were shot through the shoulders and waist


Just as the strong man retreated, the other side screamed. I saw that the thin shadow knight was directly hit by three imperial crossbows, and a flesh of blood exploded behind him. The body had not yet time to push away. The three imperial lances were too fast to cover their ears, and they pierced his body, lifting his entire body, and blood flowed down the lance barrel. With the lance drawing blood, the body weight fell On the ground, I can't die anymore!

"How is this going!"

In this situation, the confidence that was originally full of confidence is a bit silly, and the situation has changed a bit. The script should not be like this!

Although these two subordinates are not very outstanding, one is good at frontal assassination and one is good at assassination. Under normal circumstances, with the cooperation of the two, even the five or six temple knights are not indifferent, and one temple The knight's combat strength is enough to be able to withstand about seven or eight ordinary soldiers. There are only a dozen imperial soldiers in front of him. How could it be like this, almost as soon as I touched it, I was killed and injured! The only possibility is that these dozen imperial soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, but the kind of real soldiers who have experienced wars. Such soldiers are not terrible, but once they hold a group, they can often play unimaginable. Fighting power!

"Sir, we searched all over here, and we didn't find the target!" A masked man came in through the side door and saw the dead body lying on the ground.

"Has it been searched and there is no target? Asshole, we got to be that woman!" The faint-faced man wanted to drip water, his eyes paused on the opposite imperial soldier, and his whole face was black. By the way, if it is not that there is a problem with the intelligence, it is either the deliberately set up by the woman of Pudamia!

The Imperial Army has fought countless battles in the South and Central China, and has experienced countless wars. Only the dozen or so soldiers I saw in front of me, once arrayed, wouldn’t die on their own side. I’m afraid it’s impossible to break through. In the final analysis, the characteristics of the assassin itself Not suitable for a frontal attack, and Burgess, who is specifically responsible for a frontal attack, was also injured. This woman, Pudamia, brought herself here to kill him. Undoubtedly, he was to use this to anger the empire and withdraw from the current disadvantageous situation. But out, killing so many sky temple priests this time is bound to be a big event that shakes the entire empire. Now that I haven't left yet, do I really want to die!

"Sir, these imperial troops..." said one of the subordinates hesitantly

"I still care about the Imperial Army! Since Pudamia is not here, let's fight with the Imperial Army! There is a hint of self-deprecation on the hidden face, towards the people who are gathered around." This is a trap, bringing us Corpses, all evacuated immediately! "Several hidden knights walked to the location of the body of the thin attacker on the ground and dragged the body away

"You can't escape, you can surrender immediately and you can live! Asold shouted loudly, but he only had a dozen or so men, and he could only block the gate by means of an array. The body was taken away, and soon all the attackers disappeared into his sight as quickly as they came

A rumbling sound came from outside the hall door, and a large number of imperial soldiers poured in

Although it was the fastest speed, when the Imperial Army arrived, it searched the entire temple. Except for the corpses of more than thirty temple priests, the shadow of the attacker was not touched.

"Adult, my subordinate found a hidden door in the kitchen in the basement of the temple. The murderer should have escaped from there!" An Imperial officer looked respectfully to Varisian.

"Did you arrive here first? What was the situation at the time?" Varisian looked at Assod in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The riding boots stepped on the frozen blood,

"We heard a chaotic voice and then entered here..." Assod stood upright and said what happened.

"Are you saying that the other party is searching for a target person?" Varisian narrowed his eyes narrowly into a thin line

"Yes, what his subordinates heard was indeed true!"

"Fortunately, your heroic performance is worthy of the status of an imperial soldier. From today, you will be promoted to squadron leader!" Varisian stretched out his hand and patted Assod's shoulder, his face swept dignifiedly in the hall. Take a deep breath, tragic blood, so dangerous! Fortunately, today is the incense festival. Palsina was not in the temple branch, otherwise she was really killed by the attackers. Even her own governor of the empire will be successful. As for these dead temple priests, go to peace of mind Well, His Majesty the Emperor will avenge you!

"Sir, the special envoy of His Royal Highness Pudamia begged for a look." An Imperial officer walked in from outside and said to Varisian

In the room of a high-rise building in Port Herault, a Templar in a cross robe hurriedly pushed open the door of the room and said to the white graceful figure standing in front of the window. "His Royal Highness, our People have arrived at the location, and also informed the Imperial Army that the Imperial Army has surrounded the Longlan Chamber of Commerce. I believe that at this moment, the other party must have hid in the secret passage of the Longlan Chamber of Commerce."

"In that case, let's light it up, so cold, let them warm their bodies and run faster, isn't it!" Putamia took a sip of the tea cup in her hand and smirked coldly. Turned around the window, at this moment, the emperor should have arrived at Luowu Mountain! I'm going back to my country and meet again, I don't know if it is possible!

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