Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and fifty-five Ladder of Ambition (2)

On the vast ground where winter snow falls, the rolling hills, the army that can't see the end is moving west

The cold north wind was wrapped in snowflakes and hit his face. Pudamia stared at the army that was advancing forward. As far as the eye could see, a flag was flying like the sea, the sword was like snow, the spear was like cloud, and the momentum was like rainbow The army is full of prosperity, and the heart is full of confidence. This army is not fighting for the so-called pope, but for itself. These are completely different concepts. The previous army and the Templars followed themselves because of themselves It’s the pope. Now the Templars and the army follow themselves because they are Pudamia, the goddess of war, Pudamia, who extinguished the southern hegemon Eero Empire

The rebellion of the Frontier Guard of the Order of the Order, the door of the Order of State opened wide, and the news spread back to the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order in the north of Eero. The low morale of the whole army immediately skyrocketed like chicken blood. The border guards are stubborn, which means that there is no obstacle to returning home. For the soldiers who have been fighting in the north of Eero for half a year and are eager to return home, it is simply a matter of dreaming and waking up.

On the afternoon of the same day, the generals of the Order Corps held an emergency meeting,

Putamia’s return to the country is a secret act. Because of the fear of leaking information, even the generals under his command did not know that if the news of the border guard’s defection reached the base camp, the generals thought that His Royal Highness was in Port Elero and the Empire. What did the emperor talk about? Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness returned the country secretly! At the meeting, the head of the seventeenth regiment, Ai Teide, looked at the meeting generals with a scorching face. "His Highness Pope is a woman and dares to return to the country alone. As a soldier of the Order, I am not as good as No matter how you decide, I have decided to follow the steps of His Royal Highness and embark on the road to return to China."

"Ai Teide, you are not interesting. I will wait for His Highness to take a **** battle in the north of Eero, defeating the Eero Empire all the way, and breaking the King Eero, which has not been regarded as such by His Highness. The true British master who is most worth following, since His Highness has chosen to return to the country, then I will naturally follow closely!" A strong man with several scars on his right face pressed his hands on the conference table, his mouth scorned Said

"Ruta was right, we have to go back and show the little people hiding in the house to play ghosts. His Royal Highness the Pope is the real priest of the Order, when His Royal Highness popped up with the Eros in the north of Eero. During the war, these despicable villains actually stabbed the Pope with a knife in the back. As Rasir, my general, I will wield the sword of ruling to defend the honor of the Pope! "There is a general standing up , Said excitedly

"Yes, as a soldier, I must swear to defend the honor of His Royal Highness." The other generals' eyes lit up, and they stood up one after another. What had caused the generals to be entangled was that once they returned to the country following Pudamia, they would inevitably be judged by the elders as rebels, but the rebellion of the border guards reversed the whole situation. For the domestic military situation, the generals were still relatively clearly

Almost the elite of the domestic corps has been evacuated, and now the border guards have been lost, which is equivalent to the absence of the windshield. The rest is a temple guard and knights, and it is still an incomplete number. The Knights Templar, these two armies are generally stationed near the holy city of Yehea, the capital of the church, on the other hand, on the side of Pudamia, the rebellion of the 50,000 border guards joined, if it is calculated to stay in the north of Eero The sect army has no fear of domestic strength. For the generals of the sect army, the chance to change their destiny is at hand. How can they pass it! If His Highness Pudamia’s return to the country is successful, then they are the heroes who support His Highness, and they have followed His Royal Highness in the north of Eero for half a year, and they have been deeply branded by Pudamia at this time. , Who does not support His Highness Pudamia to support!

Although the battle of Rutiyazibao, which decided the whole battle, was actually a blow behind the Imperial Army to save the collapsed Order of the Order, the fact that the Order of the Order had already crushed the capital of King Eero before the final battle, let the The generals automatically ignored the intervention of the empire. Victory is victory. Since ancient times, it has been the principle of defeating the king. All "justice" is written by the victors. Now they occupy the capital of Eero and persecute the Eroy. The embarrassed and moved south, isn't it the sect army!

"Since everyone thinks so, then follow the Pope to do a big fight!" Other generals have expressed

After leaving 20,000 Orders to continue to guard the northern part of Eero, the 60,000 Orders, who had completed the repair, joined Pudamia’s return team, and together with the 50,000 Orders Frontier Defence Force, totaled 110,000 troops, straight Spread the border town Lancheng, where the Knights Templar stationed on the border, responsible for monitoring the entire border,

Under the blue city, Pudamia watched the rows of bright arrows appearing in front of the battlement

"Attention, the following is the rebellious Pudamia of the Order, and she must not be allowed to step into Lancheng!" a knight of the Knights Templar at the city gate shouted with a pale complexion, and the army below was like a cloud The Templars’ ninth team is stationed in Lancheng, with a total of 3,700 Templars, plus the guards, the number is about 11,000, and they are well-equipped as heavy armored regiments on the border.

After learning that the border guards were defeated, the ninth team of the Knights Templar withdrew all the troops outside Lancheng into the city. The disparity was too great, and they chose to stay and wait!

Facing the countless bright and sharp arrows, Pudamia strode forward without fear, wearing the white holy robe of the Papal State Pope, leaning his head so that the soldiers in the city could see her clearly. His face and crisp voice spread all over the city. “The Templars’ ninth team, I’m Pudamia, the Pope of the Order, and I fought **** in the north of Eero, and finally defeated the Egyptians who have oppressed us for decades. The Luo Empire, who beheaded the head of Emperor Erow, is now holding a flag of victory and returning to his country. Is this how you welcome your Pope?"

"Really His Highness!"

In an instant, the arrows on the city's head shook in chaos, and there were screams. Although the Presbyterian Church declared Pudamia to be rebellious, for the Templars Ninth Team stationed on the border, it created His Royal Highness Pudamia, who defeated the Eero Empire and occupied the capital of Eero, is clearly more like His Highness the Pope

"Your Highness Pudamia"

"His Royal Highness Pudamia, who killed Emperor Erow!"

"Don’t be fooled by this woman. She is no longer a pope. She is now rebellious." The Templar knight looked bad, and quickly ordered "Let the arrow! Let the arrow shoot! Shoot her!" The arrow shoots out. The Templar knight was so desperate that he shouted angrily, "Superintendent, who violated the orders are the rebellious fellows below, cut him! Shoot me immediately!" Under the strong command, Chengtou finally shot an arrow The arrow, sparse Lala, but the quasi-head is amazingly bad. Within ten meters of Pudamia, there is not even a landing arrow.

"My Templars, can still remember the original oath, to obey the Pope’s order, and for the rest of his life, the evil Eero Empire will be overthrown, and the light of the Holy Church will be returned to the holy city! Now it is time to obey your oath. "Pdamia Ang raised his head and suddenly pointed at the Templar Knight on the city head. "Everyone, follow my orders and kill him!"

The city head resounded with thunder like "Observe the order, His Royal Highness"


In an instant, thousands of strong bows turned their direction at the same time, and the Templar Knight only came to scream with a "No -" sharp roar! Numerous arrows were inserted into the body, and the body shook twice and rolled down the city's head. With a bang, it fell into a ball of meat sauce in front of Pudamia, and blood foam splashed. Putamia stood on the spot, looking indifferently at the vaguely corpse in front of him. Right in front of her, in the creak, the most powerful fortress on the border, the gate of Lancheng, which had resisted the invasion of the Eero army several times, was slowly landing, and the alarm of the high-rise building in Lancheng was ringing like crazy at this moment.

The capital of the province of the Orthodox Church, Yazi

"Sir, the Templars Ninth Team of Lancheng has also turned back! The rebels have already entered the city of Yazi"

A Templar knight looked hurriedly into the Templar Knight’s palace in the capital. The capital Yazi was only 30 miles away from Lancheng. After Pdamia took Lancheng, he quickly went straight to the capital Yazi, almost without hindrance. The weak defense of the 1,000 defenders of the capital was overwhelmed. Pudamia’s squadron military giant wood hit the gate of the governor’s palace. After the broken gate, the guard of the governor’s palace appeared. Their swords were out of the sheath and lined up. However, in the face of the alarming number of squadrons who broke into the door, they were overwhelmed by this terrible crowd before they even had time to fight, and the blood stains covered the solemn steps.

"I am Hornd, what do you want to do!"

At the end of the blood-stained steps, a tall, white-haired figure appeared. When he saw him, the deafening slogan suddenly stopped, the soldiers stopped, and the Templars also took their cross swords in their hands. He is the current Governor of the province and province Hornde, one of the six knights of the former Knights of the Templars. Because of his seniority, after resigning from the position of the six knights, he took the initiative to transfer the border province to serve as the governor and use his lifetime as the church. The country erected a barrier against the westward expansion of the Eero people. In the entire border area, no one knew that the Grand Knight Knight was the old man who blocked the Eero people's four breakthrough attacks in five years. The result is The old man's two sons were killed on the border, whether it was the Templars or the border guards, they had great respect for the big knight

"Atakya, have you also betrayed!" Horne's eyes fell on a Templar knight, frost-white, pale gray knight's meticulous eyes, and a row of medals on his chest showed his life as a horse. He looked down calmly at the corps rushing into the governor's palace, looking at the wounded and the deceased who were struggling in the pool of blood, and his face could not help showing a sad expression.

"Dear teacher, students are not a treason, but uphold the loyal faith in their hearts, defend the Highness of the Pope with the cross sword in their hands, fight for the Highness of the Pope, and fight for the survival of the congregation. The long face of the Templar changed slightly, and under the eyes of Hornd, he couldn't help feeling a guilty conscience, and slowly receded. This twilight old man has an inexplicable majesty.

"Master Hornd, I didn't expect to see you again!" Suddenly, the crowd of soldiers separated like a tide, the Templars looked hot, and a pretty woman in armor walked slowly surrounded by hundreds of people. Here, she made a gesture, and her followers stopped at the same place. She walked up the stairs slowly alone, ten steps away from Horned, and stopped her footsteps. The two looked at each other.

Hornd's eyes were sharp, and he said solemnly, "Why are you coming back? You have already occupied in the north of Eero. With such a large land, even if you don't come back, no one will take you. !Did you think about what it means for a civil war of this scale, according to the current internal situation of the Order?

Pudamia was slightly lowered and respectful. "I'm sorry to get you involved, but this is my country!"

"Have your Highness decided?"

"Of course, otherwise I won't show up here!"

"For this reason, would you not hesitate to push the country into division? Leading the army to chaos, launching a mutiny, Your Highness, think about your reputation in the future history of the country?"

"The supreme power of the ecclesiastical country is the Presbyterian Church, not the Pope~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Isn't this itself a rebellion?

"I don't know if Lord Ende thinks that I will be damned forever, or the elders will be forever?" Putamia smiled at the corner of his mouth, and on this **** squat battlefield, the hostile heads of both sides were chattering. Conversation, weird atmosphere can’t be said, thousands of squadrons are in the yard but no sound

"If the Pope is just a puppet of the Presbyterian Church, is there still a need to consider fame? Didn't the adults leave indignantly because they couldn't get used to the cruel suppression of the South by the Presbyterian Church?"

Pudamia's voice paused for a moment before slowly saying, "Hornde Knight, you are worthy of the title of Templar, follow me, let's save the country together, the true sacred should not be like this now Yes, the southern tribes should not be so harsh. This time in the north of Eero, I saw many places worth thinking about. If we have been wasting time in such muddy beaches, when will the light of the sacred church come back? Holy City?"

Hornd smiled helplessly, shook his head and said, "Save the country, let the Holy Light return to the holy city, my lord, I'm too old, save the country or destroy the country, those great goals, I have old dizzy and unable to distinguish. I only know The duty of the Templars is to maintain the sacred religion. Since His Highness is going to destroy an old age, he should not let me go, because I am also a part of the old age, and I am too old to use it for you. Me." Hornde smiled slightly, blinking mischievously at Pdamia, and suddenly increased his voice. "Sorry, I can't allow rebellion to trample the glory of the Holy City!"

Putamia was silent for a while, raised his hand and ordered "Kill him!"

The soldiers rumbled up the steps like a tide, drowning the old man. Unable to see the scene of flesh and blood flying, Pudamia turned and walked out of the governor's house.

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