Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and sixty-six ladder of wild hope (3)

In the sunny day after the heavy snow, under the pale sky, a large merchant ship flying the flag of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce slowly sailed into the port of Eero, which had completed its preliminary scale. The fat man stood on the balcony and gently took a scent of fragrance. Biyacha, put the report he received on the table, and looked at the opposite Palschena. "The port has been restored. At least there will be no major problems when the ship is docked. When will the tutor prepare to go back?"

Palschena showed a disapproving look, a pair of eyes looked at the distant port scene, revealing a touch of sadness. "Your Majesty, do you really want me to leave Port Elero immediately, so that I won't cause you trouble anymore?" ? If this is the case, I can start my journey back home in the afternoon, and this life will never appear before your majesty again?"

"Why should the mentor do this, you know, I didn't mean to drive the mentor"

The fat man smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth, thinking of seeing Parsina safely at the top of Luowu Mountain a few days ago, he couldn't help but a little actuation, who would have thought that Puermia even took cover from Parsina. This deceived everyone's eyes, and suddenly returned to the sect of the sect in a whirlwind like gesture

Pope Pudamia returned with the momentum of defeating the Eero Empire and the army. The frontier guard of the Order of the Order was undefeated, and the important figure of the Knights Templar, who was responsible for the entire border, died in the battle, and it was at this moment. The news of the massacre of the sky priests by the secret forces of the ecclesiastical country in the empire-controlled Port of Eero sky temple was also sent back to the ecclesiastical country, and the ecclesiastical country was chaotic.

"What exactly do the elders want to do! It's not good to provoke the empire!"

"A Pudamia is not terrible. The Pope’s return to the country is, in the final analysis, a civil war in the ecclesiastical country. No matter who the winner is, it has little impact on the ecclesiastical country. Okay, but now that the empire is also mixed in, the meaning here has completely changed!"

The Presbyterian Church’s Presbyterian Church has held the power of the Presbyterian Church for decades. There are many people who have opinions about the Presbyterian Church. In the war between the Pope and the Presbyterian Church, many forces are looking forward to taking advantage of this civil strife. A new shuffle was carried out in the domestic power hierarchy, but once the hidden troops under the control of the Presbyterian Church of the Order made such a brutal bloodbath in the empire-controlled port of Elero, then a big basket was poked

Who doesn’t know the fact that the Northern Barbarian Falcon Empire’s faction is always based on blood to blood. More than thirty sky temple priests were killed at the incense festival, which is like being in front of the entire Obaro. The face of the empire hits the face of the empire, how can the empire endure!

The imperial navy fleet staying in the waters of Port Herault headed up against the wind that day, directly approaching the coastal line of the Order, countless warship sails appeared on the sea of ​​Aron, a coastal port of the Order, like a forest on the sea. The officials of the ecclesiastical state in the port of Aron frightened and ran away. More than 10,000 sect members of the ecclesiastical group in the port fled from the port of Aron in vain, even under the imperial navy Thor, even in the strong city like Wangdu. Will turn into powder

What’s more, a small port of Aron, the only thing that can be seen in the past, is the three-story building of the Governor’s Mansion. The other housing buildings are still mostly in stone. I am afraid that under a round of Thor, it is the whole of Hong Kong. The end of the ruins. Overnight, many forces that were not optimistic about the return of Pudamia suddenly changed the direction of the wind. The presbyterian church, which had a certain moral advantage, immediately fell in prestige. After all, the opponent’s defenseless priests opened a killing ring. The region is intolerable, and the Presbyterian Church dare not say that it was Pdamia's pawn, and only dumbly eat Huanglian.

The report just sent shows that, in addition to the 50,000 border guards' rebellion, one of the three provincial governors on the route to the king capital of the Order, another provincial governor declared loyalty to Pudamia

In just a few days, the sect has undergone earth-shaking changes in general. The popularity of Pudamia is rising, and the name of the goddess Pudamia is even more prestigious, defeating the army of 300,000 Ero by his own strength. The former pope who defeated Emperor Farouk, the hero of the generation of Eero, now returns to the country with a hundred thousand troops, who dares to have a slight contempt for it!

I am afraid that only the emperor of the Empire knows what Pudamia did here

Under the strong military pressure of the empire, the elders in the Order sent emergency envoys to explain the matter. Naturally, the fat man would not be seen, and was directly thrown to Varisian who was annoyed because of the temple tragedy.

Varisian was scorching his head for the temple incident and unkindly rejected the envoy of the ecclesiastical state. So many sky priests died. The elders of the ecclesiastical country wanted to use a province to do this. In the past, and this province is still in the northern region of Hérault, the region of Pdamia! This is not a joke of the Empire?

Really play the empire as a fool!

Thinking of what the emperor said to himself that day, Varisian hated the teeth. Laozi was almost wiped out because of your bastards. Now I still want to say why I can't say good things!

"The emperor's attitude has been very clear. According to the number of death temple priests, a temple priest is a city of the ecclesiastical country, and there are thirty-eight lives. Not at all!" During the secret talks, Varisian's unnecessarily negotiating conditions were pressed against the table, like a ruthless humanoid ice sculpture,

"The whole ecclesiastical country is only 173 cities. Just because of this matter, we will take out one-sixth of our cities. This is too much. Can we reduce it? Ten to twenty can be considered. It's... cough!" "The Special Envoy of the Presbyterian Church is also a member of the Presbyterian Church. He is 50 years old and looks a little rich. He is balding and makes a sound of dry cough. In fact, he also knows that the Presbyterian Church just puts out a province to make up for the empire. It is simply impossible for the empire to agree. All he wants is the form of empire negotiation. Even if he only agrees to negotiate, the news will be passed back to the sect immediately. With a little modification, it will inevitably become an empire. By agreeing to help the Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian Church will be able to regain its advantage, and those forces that are biased towards Pudamia will also re-queue again! This abacus is really crackling,

Therefore, the talks between the two parties are under such circumstances, and they are thinking about each other. Delaying time has become a consensus between the two parties. As for the progress of the negotiations, whoever cares!

Varisian had already landed 20,000 empire troops from the Istan region on the north coast of the Order. It was just such a thing that would not let the other party know. The war was imminent, and the negotiations were only used to deceive the other party. As a party of the special envoy, he also believed that the empire was fooled, and the news of the close meeting between the empire and the Presbyterian Church was also eagerly passed back.

Only the imperial emperor,

The fat man was anxiously wanting Palsina to return to the country immediately, precisely for this reason

There is no doubt that this negotiation with no sincerity between the two parties may stop at any time. The moment the secret meeting ends, the moment the war between the empire and the Presbyterian Church will break out, then the truth that the empire has planned for a long time in this event will be It was revealed that the tragic death of more than thirty sky temple priests eventually became a bargaining chip for the interests of the empire. The fat man did not dare to imagine what kind of expression Palschena would look at herself at that time.

If it were other people, the tragic death of more than 30 sky temple priests, even if one life was offset by 10,000 lives, it would be a big deal to kill oneself, and cut off 360,000 heads in the church, The Orthodox Mission State is now in a state of civil war, and the empire is even more famous. With the violent degree of the temple tragedy, it is understandable how the empire will do!

But for Palsina who cares about life, this is definitely not a good way

There is no longer any delay. Varisian is already complaining that he doesn’t want to talk anymore. This afternoon, he will take the Imperial warship to the north shore of Eero to command this war against the Presbyterian Church! By then everything will be clear!

The fat man squeezed his fingers tightly and stood up from the seat, facing the direction of the port. He pretended to be cold and said, "Teacher, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t want the teacher to be in danger. This woman, Pudamia, returned home this time. I have already evacuated most of the military power in the north of Eero, leaving 20,000 sect troops to sit in the city of Eero. If I am the Eero royal family, I will definitely not give up such a great opportunity to counterattack. I don’t know Eero When will the north start a war again? It is only two hundred miles away from the north of Eero. Once the kings are recaptured by the Eero, they will not miss the port of Eero, and the army will be under pressure again to let the instructors stay. It's really uneasy here"

Hearing that the fat man said that the war with Erow might break out at this time, I thought that because of his stubbornness, the Empire had intervened in the war in the north of Erow, and eventually caused more than 300,000 tragic deaths and injuries. As soon as the teeth were bitten on the ruddy lips, the fat man's kind lie finally persuaded Palsina. Palsina promised to take a boat back to the imperial area north of the Inland Sea in the afternoon

"Do I need a free ride?"

The fat man's eyes fell on the graceful figure of Palsina, his face moved, and his heart was secretly embarrassed by his lies. After the royal family moved to the south, the internal embarrassment has occurred because of the emperor's position. Governors are watching lively watching lively.

Just over ten days ago, the faces of several princes had been torn apart completely, and now the human brain has become a dog brain. They are too busy to think about counterattacking King Eero? That is, Palsina who didn’t know the situation was okay. Sure enough, the compassionate Palsina lamb was fooled. After hearing that he might be involved in the cruel war again, Palsina Hesitated for a while and compromised

"I will board the ship in the afternoon and return to the north of the Inland Sea!"

"No need to be so anxious!

"I don't know why, I suddenly don't want to stay here anymore." Palschena stood on the balcony, looking at the blue sea in front of her with affectionate eyes. The boat sailed like clouds in the sun. It's a huge spider web spreading towards the distant land. Outside the city, you can see a large piece of wasteland recently reclaimed. Such a beautiful scene reminds her of the dead priests. They are all Nice guy, I have repeatedly talked about what it will look like after the reconstruction of El Hierro, but now, they have no chance to see the beautiful scenery after the completion of El Hierro!

At 4 p.m., three imperial dragon-tooth warships ordered to appear on the surface of the port

One of them sailed into the port of Eero, docked steadily at the dock in the port, a baffle was put down, and Palschena walked lightly on the deck of the Longya battleship, turning around, towards the fat man Say "Although this kind of request is a bit rash, but if possible, I hope that Your Majesty will try not to let Port Elero get involved in the war again"

"I will try my best. The empire has spent so much money to rebuild El Hierro, but it is not to make it ruin again!"

The fat man smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, waved to Palsina, and watched the dragon-tooth warship draw a beautiful curved water line on the water surface of the port, and quickly moved towards the sea outside the port. The long triangular bow Just like a guillotine breaking through the calm winter sea, two other Longya warships docked outside the port followed closely, shining golden luster in the sun

In half an hour~www.wuxiaspot.com~ three dragon-tooth battleships turned into a small spot disappearing on the sea level. . . . . . .

"It's finally gone!"

The fat man withdrew his gaze from a distance, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He also touched a forehead without sweat. Palsina was there, like a shackle, and many things were always scrupulous. Now that Parsina is gone, the fat man can feel that the shackles that bound him have disappeared, which is a lot easier! It's much better now. Eat me, take me, take advantage of me, and wait for me!

Standing behind him, Varisian saw the cruel smile on the emperor's face and shook his body slightly, and came to the emperor in a respectful salute

At the other exit of the port, an imperial dragon-class battleship has a huge body floating on the sea, and the heavy hull and even squeezed seawater continue to impact the port. Beside the dragon-class battleship, there are more than a dozen imperial dragon-tooth battleships and hundreds. The remaining fleet of imperial transport ships, loaded with war materials and going to the north of the Order,

Varisian was straight, like a sharp blade about to be sheathed, and said very respectfully, "My subordinates are about to leave. Is there anything else your majesty needs to ask?"

"Tell Pudamia, before becoming a pope, think about how to explain to the empire, otherwise, I would even have her and the elders!" The fat man closed his smile and snorted coldly. "Pu Damia’s suddenly swaying sword not only drenched the light of our empire, but also used this temple tragedy to the extreme, allowing the Presbyterian Church of the Order to turn from an advantage to a disadvantage overnight. Although the empire knew that the pressure on the Presbyterian Church would only help Pudamia, it had to mobilize the imperial navy to the sea of ​​the sect of the Order, because of the situation. Big cheap, can't just just show it!"

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