Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven The ladder of wild hope (4)

Large snowflakes fell, the earth covered by lead clouds, the cold seemed to solidify everything. On the occasion of the deep winter, over a large forest covered by the forest, on the land of Feishan, more than one hundred imperial black cavalry were guarding a black The carriage moved towards the east. A fat young man with black hair sat in the carriage. Through the curtain of the carriage, he could vaguely see the scattered villages in the distance.

The ground under heavy snow was white, and overwhelming sounds came from the tree trunks along the way. The withering atmosphere in the Feishan area was more obvious in winter. On both sides of the road, there were occasional exposed fragments of broken limbs in the snowy snow from the carriage window Withdrawing his gaze, the dark-haired youth looked coldly at the opposite imperial official, who was full of panic, and said coldly, "It was just a winter snow, which caused more than 3,000 people to be frozen to death, more than fifty. Thousands of people have migrated to the Istan region because of lack of food. For a whole year, is this your satisfactory answer to the empire?"

"Your Majesty is incompetent!"

The empire's internal official looked ugly. He was a middle-aged man with thick hair and a stubble chin that was slightly longer and looked rather mediocre, but there was an old wound like a centipede in the neck. , You can also see some scars on the palm of the hand where the cuffs are exposed, and then you can see some traces of the past.

Varisian is a great minister of the empire, a famous general on the mainland with whirlwind assault tactics, and middle-aged people who can be ordered by fat people are naturally not mediocre. Middle-aged people may not be famous in the new military, after all, the emperor Before launching the war against the Obaro region, during the united war on the mainland, the scene was a desperate counterattack against the main force of the Nord Kingdom. In order to block the attack of the Nord Guard, Lakoye’s Third Guard Regiment After fighting for four hours with the Nord Guard, the Nord Guard did not break the gap, which led to the defeat of King Nord in the final battle.

In that battle, the leader of the Third Banner, Lakoye, was also seriously injured. Although he saved a life after the operation, one leg was completely disabled, and then he was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the fat man. Afterwards, he was transferred to the Obaro area with outstanding achievements. He has held important positions in the Ocean City area and the southwest area. He can be said to be quite experienced in the internal affairs, and he is quite good at managing the newly conquered area. It is the former chief of the third flag of the Guards of the Falcon Grand Duke, Lakoye, who was once known as the "Tiger of the Grand Duke" by the emperor. Now he is also the chief of the internal affairs of the Feishan District. Only this time, even if it is La Coyer couldn't cover it

It is really the situation of Fei Shan is too bad, it is simply an impossible task! In the eyes of the emperor, Lakoye also lamented, with a bitter smile in his mouth. Fei Shan's situation is indeed quite poor. There is a huge gap in the labor force. There is a shortage of funds for the Ministry of the Interior. The commercial side is also heavily constrained. The remnants of the kingdom ignited the wind and fire inside, like a heavy yoke on the land of Feishan in front of me,

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