Whole Nation

: Three thousand three hundred and ninety-five arrows have left the string (3)

Sunrise fort

The light mist in the morning enveloped the sunrise castle, and it stayed for a long time. The morning light emerged from the light mist of the cloud in the distance, with a hazy meaning, making the sunrise castle look like a fairyland. As the general manager of the Imperial Bank Sokotus Stellan’s fixed residence in Lisbon, white marble walls, and deep round arched doors, the climate in the high mountains is significantly lower than the cities below

The city below has begun to bloom summer red flowers, but the mountains are still exceptionally green, and the vibrant cliffs are covered by lush trees

The rich emerald green is occasionally dotted with a little pink, which is the scarlet flower that has not yet faded.

Only occasionally one or two carriages drove quietly over, stopped at the gate of Sunrise Castle, then the people on the carriage hurried down, handed their documents to the gate guard for inspection, and then quickly disappeared in the deep circle Inside the arch, a short time later, he hurried out and left in a carriage.

"This is the China-Africa Commercial Road trade permit signed by the Gang-African North Army. With this, you can unimpeded within the scope of the Gang-African North Army. That is to say, in addition to the original six monopoly chambers of commerce, this one, It is also the only one to be issued in the next two months!" The fat man took a cold look and took out two identical license documents from the file bag just sent, and placed them in front of Sokotus Stellar in a purple skirt. This is a copy The front column of the name is a blank trade license, which makes it easier to fill in any name by yourself,

The lower right position is covered with the seal of the head of the Gangfei Non-Northern Army Corps, Brant Bonnie, and then Brant Bonnie, a few uniquely shaped Icadian scripts, which are even more powerful. The feeling of the sword, I can't see the slightest weakness of a woman, but it is a terrible rush. Since childhood, he was trained by his father as a soldier. He held a heavy and sharp knight sword in his hand, and what pen was held there. The entire empire knows that the signatures of the emperor and Brant Bonnie are exactly the same. They deserve to be mentors and apprentices who share the same smell. For this, the fat man’s face is thick and does not matter. After all, Brant Bonnie is a woman. After being the head of the non-Northern Army Corps, it took a lot of time to practice for a period of time before it was considered to have the handwriting in front of it, but there was no consciousness of the first beauty in the Imperial Army, but it was like a killing on the battlefield. Reckless swordsman, people have to shake their heads and regret!

"Give this Chamber a name!"

The fat man looked at the mountain flowers outside the window and felt the last coolness of the spring breeze in April. In the future, it was the sultry heat of the hot summer day. It was better in the mountains. The temperature can be basically constant. Even if it is hot, there are mountain winds. It’s cool, but it’s hard to say that Lisbon’s Tortoise, which is next to the coastline, belongs to a typical monsoon climate. Over the past few years, Lisbon’s Tortoise has expanded more than ten times. A super-commercial city with a population of one million comparable to Teijin, in this era of just beginning to lay the sewers, the urban population exploding in a short time, the fleet of merchants coming and going, the city waterways of Lisbon have been overwhelmed,

Even the Lisbon government office in Tirnarant often suffers from the cross-flow of sewage

Not to mention, the monsoon in May swept over Lisbon, and the overwhelming downpour was pouring down. The poor irrigation and drainage system in Lisbon would probably make most of the cities become muddy, like a huge muddy beach. Public health in this era It has always been the place where fat people are most dissatisfied, but there is no way. There are no urban planning institutes in this era, and there are no urban construction professionals. Basically, they still maintain the previous system of building artisans.

In view of the current development scale of cities within the empire, the Fatty asked the Ministry of the Interior to build an Empire Architecture University two years ago to cope with the empire’s expanding city size. The location of this Empire Architecture University is known as the Lisbon The worst-stricken area in the muddy beach, Lisbon’s Tonan district, where the sewers have been out of repair and almost completely lost its drainage function. As long as the weather is slightly humid, there will be a stench throughout the block. If you want to control it, you must first experience it. Fat is to let the students of these Imperial University of Architecture feel for themselves what it is like to have a bad urban system. Two years later, the students of the first school of architecture also approached the graduation time, and the fat man as the emperor's graduation task , How to govern Lisbon Tonan

"What about the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce? It gives people a vigorous vibe"

Sokotus Delan heard this chamber of commerce, and in one hand he picked up a permit that was enough to make the entire Lisbon businessmen crazy. Gao Ting's alluring chest was trembling. The name was really not good, Sokotus. Dylan is also the thirteenth deacon in charge of the business alliance. What name of the chamber of commerce has never been heard, but she still took such a vulgar name, just because she hoped that the emperor would think of the sunrise at the mention of this chamber of commerce. Think of yourself living in Sunrise Castle!

"Sunrise Chamber of Commerce..." When the fat man heard the name, his face was green and speechless. He didn't think too much. He just thought that Sokotus Delane was clever and intelligent, but after all, it was only small. The aristocratic family background, plus the time spent in the past few years in the business, it is difficult for some strongmen to make Sokotus Stellar named.

"This name is really"

The fat man opened his mouth, but when he saw the blue eyes of Sokotosdalen who was looking forward to it, the fat man swallowed again when he reached his mouth, and nodded awkwardly. "Okay, this name is good, it is called the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce." "

"The emperor gazed at the golden light projected from the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and the name of the excited new chamber of commerce was named "Sunrise", a super chamber of commerce known as the Imperial Sun in the late empire. Where there is the sun, there is the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. "If a fat historian knows that this will be written in future records by future historians, I'm afraid I will jump.

The historians of later generations do not even know that when the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce was born, it was actually quite unknown, even entrusting a woman’s grievances.

In the mainland business capital Lisbon, there is almost no reputation, because this is basically a fake chamber of commerce. There is only a term of the chamber of commerce registered in the business alliance. The chairman of the registered chamber of commerce is a woman named Filisi. The entire chamber of commerce has only a few members. People, Filisi, Filisi's sister, Filisi's husband, at first glance is a kind of small workshop-style self-produced and self-selling, but even if the historians of the later generations have gone through the archives of the business alliance of that era, In the archives of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, I didn't find any specific information about this Filici, it seems that this is the name written on the registration

"Okay, this one stays here, and the other one is sent back to the Gang Fei North Army." The fat man put the pen in his hand and blew the handwriting on it. The ugly font was just approved by Brant Bonnie If it is other handwriting, Gangfei Beifang will not recognize the existence of this permission.

"This woman named Felicity is a new acquaintance of Her Majesty. Why haven't I heard of it?" Sokotus Delan looked at the name of the representative of the Chamber of Commerce and asked with a charming smile.

"It’s just a name, it doesn’t matter. Of course, if you have to put it on a specific person, you can say it is Yelv Qiyeguang." The fat man didn’t want to put down the file.

"Yellow Seven Nights, the queen of the Yelu Dynasty!" Sokotus Delane showed a shock in her pretty face, and almost thought she had heard it wrong. Isn't this the Chamber of Commerce in the business line of Biya, the queen of the Yelu family personally Join in, what is this, sitting on your own? "

You heard it right, it was Yelv Qiyeguang! "The fat man nodded." If the Yelu home was fully open this time, the major chambers of commerce in the empire flocked to **** it. I was afraid that these chambers of commerce would never even dream of it. The landlord Yelu's home would also step in and have never seen anything in the mall. But I have never thought about such a weird thing, but when I look at the current situation, it is so amazing, it can be said that it is a stroke of the gods.

"Don’t look at me like this, such a shameless thing is not my style, I’m just trusted by others, everything is designed by the old fox of Yelu Hongtai, let go of the Yelu family, and destroy the monopoly of several chambers of commerce, Then the Yelu family touched the fish in the muddy water, which not only allowed the Yelu family to release the middle water to raise the ship, but also took advantage of the imperial merchants to let the Yelu family also take a slice of the soup. Of course, there is also a part of the empire inside. Husband, it's me, and this Felice's sister..." The fat man stopped, but his eyes were on Sokotus Delan

"Wouldn't that sister be me?" Sokotus Delan was startled.

"Yes, Felicity's sister is you. Yelu Hongtai needs the Empire to give a guarantee to the Yelu family. As the head of the Imperial Bank, you are undoubtedly the most suitable! That is to say, this Chamber of Commerce represents the Empire The bank, the royal family, and the Yelu family "the fat man sighed. When the old fox said it, he was shocked even by himself. It was really shocking.

"However, I have to admit that Yelu Hongtai's approach is not wrong. The Yelu family has let the whole world be true, but it is not stupid enough to let the other party plunder at will. The most important thing is still in the hands of the Yelu family."

"I went to the Business Alliance this afternoon to register this Chamber of Commerce." Sokotus Delane recovered a little,

"Don't go in person, I have arranged for someone. Before the news that the entire chamber of commerce gets the permit, I don't want other people to know the existence of this chamber of commerce!" The fat man glanced out the window. Sokotos Dylan said, for example, this chamber of commerce not only represents the alliance of three companies, but also a black horse competing for the trade line of China and Syria. There is no price increase without competition. The six monopoly chambers take advantage of other chambers of commerce. In the two months of inaccessibility, there will be a crazy buyout in the Yelu area of ​​Central Bibia. How can this thing make it easy, and wait for the six chambers of commerce to carry large sums of money and think that they can buy most of the Yelv homes At that time, the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce will be born, and join the ranks of competition, and the other six chambers of business must not have imagined. Behind this little-known small chamber of commerce, what kind of behemoth is standing, the imperial royal family, the imperial bank, and the Yelv family Yourself!

The banker sits on his own, opens the market, and clicks, it is really a deadly game that may not even win at all!

At the end of April, the events that caused Lisbon to shake one after another. With the previous Lisbon Administrative Office carrying the Imperial Bank, just after the non-Northern Army Corps leader Brant Bonnie, it seemed that it was to support the Lisbon Administrative Office. The first princess of the empire, Mao Monaqing, actually visited Lisbon. The prestige of the first prince of the empire was already a queen in the empire, and after Mao Monaqing took charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the empire, there was no prejudice to conquer the nations and the conquered nation He is treated equally, and has been jointly recognized by all forces. As the outside world said, if the emperor is a sword that breaks the world, then the first princess is a gentle hand to heal the wounds of war,

The arrival of this first princess caused the entire Lisbonto people to run to the streets one by one. The long street, which was thirty miles long, was crowded and crowded at once. Everyone stretched their necks, thinking To see this peerless style of the first princess of the empire,

The two majestic imperial black knights opened the road in the front, followed by eight super-white carriages pulled by pure white horses, representing the prosperity of the empire, and under the royal coat of arms of the white thorn flowers that lasted for martial arts, it represented Mao. The silver long golden tail of the Mo family, this is the privilege that the emperor personally granted to the first princess of the empire, Mao Monaqing, to allow him to add the coat of arms of the Mao Mo family under the royal coat of arms. Going south~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition to the symbolic government inspections along the road, it is more about understanding the situation in various places and convening the leaders of all parties to discuss the future of the empire.

A female guard captain with a pretty face, long pony tail and red mail armor followed the carriage and looked across the street. As the convoy entered the gate, children rushed to send flowers. Someone on the street offered the most precious gift of his ancestry, making the scene even more lively. But in front of such a warm cheer, the female guard's gaze still subconsciously looked at the crowd on the left, and immediately saw a figure of a dark-haired young man, who smiled at the female guard captain. The captain of the female **** deliberately flattened her face, flicked a black-haired young man’s head, and followed the carriage by herself.

The dark-haired young man smiled bitterly, turned and walked into a house by the road, and walked into the living room on the second floor

"Your Majesty handed the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce to the Crimson House, isn't it wrong?" Sokotus Delane said with some taste. "Knowing that Crimson Rui is the first princess guard captain, there are still many in the empire."

"Haha, that's the case, it was only given to the Crimson House, because once the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce shot, it would inevitably shake the entire empire, and then even if they wanted to check the heels of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, they would not be able to find it in Mao Monaqing. Check it again. "The fat man sat down slowly in front of Sokotus Stellar and took a sip of water from the table.

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