Whole Nation

: Three thousand three hundred and ninety-six arrows have left the string (4)

"It's really eye-catching. I didn't expect the Lisbon Office to be so strong."

"It's no wonder that with the first princess standing on her back, even military ministers such as Brant Bonnie have fallen dead, and they have been transferred back to the Imperial Ministry of Military Affairs to reflect!" The streets and alleys of Lisbon, various There was a lot of discussion, just a day ago, the first princess of the Empire visited Lisbon in person, and personally affirmed the merits of the Lisbon House of Government in the previous days, and personally rated it as "excellent"

This is definitely the first achievement of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs in the past two years. It seems that this achievement is not as satisfactory as the excellent one. However, the word "Fine" represents the recovery of all things, prosperity, and the spectacle after the rain. Zhenghui represents exactly the highest affirmation of an administrative officer for the development achievements of the territory

Looking at the last person who got this evaluation, you know how extraordinary this comment is. The last one was rated by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs as having great achievements. It was the former imperial minister Doze, who was assassinated by the Feishan people.

Because of Doze’s moderate policy in central Gaul, central Gaul quickly recovered from the war and became a miracle of the governance of the entire empire’s conquered region at that time. That’s why Doze received a remarkable score from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ze was attacked and killed by the Fissan people, and it became the fuse of the Empire’s war on Fissan. 300,000 Fissan elite was destroyed by the raging Empire Emperor in the year-round cold Bavarian highland mountain area, which was once considered a powerful country. Fei Shan, who was among them, collapsed, and was not only annexed by the empire, but also left no attention for two years. The economy almost collapsed and the people were displaced.

This shows that the empire values ​​Doze! And now, another "remarkable achievement" for the entire businessman in Lisbon, such a comment, the imperial merchants' heart is the first flash in their heads is the Bavarian cold wind up to more than 20 meters He was trembling and his body was trembling. Fortunately, the life of this Tirnarant was great. Otherwise, if the last time he was assassinated, will Lisbonto become the second Bavarian, I am afraid that only God knows!

The first princess of the empire, Mao Monaqing, left Lisbonto early the next morning and boarded the ship north from the port, but the shock left was enough for the merchants of Lisbonto to start to look at those who were not concerned before with fearful eyes. The Lisboa government administration, I didn’t expect this big Tiernerante to be so big

The first is the first appointment of the emperor after the annual meeting, shaking the emperor Jing, carrying the imperial military, and the back is the first princess of the empire, regardless of the strong protests of the military, personally praised and given support, although the front has been repeatedly I was shocked. This time I was still shocked by the backstage of the Lisbon Government Office. In the minds of businessmen in Lisbon, the name of Tirnarant is infinitely high, and he can carry the military administrative officer, and the first princess can be the administrative officer in the background. Maybe there will be His Majesty behind me. Day! This is not a big deal, but a behemoth!

But Tirnarant, who was the party concerned, was also looking for His Majesty the Emperor who was taking a rest at Sunrise Castle at the moment, and placed the assessment document signed by Mao Monaqing, the head of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the emperor's desk. , Ning Sheng said, "Although the subordinates are very happy with such comments, they do not think they are as good as those of Lord Dozawa. Moreover, the subordinates are not in Lisbon in the last six months. Such comments are really I am ashamed!"

"Since it is for you, it means that you have such an achievement. Although you have only been in Lisbon for half a year, the tax in Lisbon has increased by one-third in one year, and the last financial volatility not only did not allow Lisbon to I was hit by it, but it also brought the amount of trade in Lisbon to a higher level. To be honest, I did not expect Mao Mona Qing to give you such a high rating!"

The fat man carried a cup of black tea in his hand and glanced at the assessment document on the table. "At first, you were transferred back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Because of my reasons, Mao Monaqing did not dare to ask you too much, which caused you to suffer. Bullying, this time it's a patrolling assessment along the road, and by the way, be a favored one along the way, don't worry too much about it."

"But the last financial volatility was actually His Majesty..." "Tirnarant also wanted to say

"You are the Administrative Officer of Lisbon. Since you are in your tenure, that is yours, and this matter, so far, do you understand!" The fat man suddenly waved his hand coldly and interrupted Tirnarant’s words

"Yes, the subordinate obeyed." Tirnarant's face was stunned for a while. The fat man used to be a hippie smiley face to him. When there is little seriousness, after all, he used to be the lord of the kingdom of Wikya. After all, he was a rival who lived and died. People in the same generation, so there are a lot of barriers, and fat people will rarely put the emperor's shelf in front of him. This time, Tirnarant felt the pressure of the face, proving that the emperor's eyes flashed by. The chill is not a decoration

"Some things, you don’t know better, you just need to know that the Lisbon’s financial fluctuations are handled by you in the emperor's hands. Don't say anything else. "The fat man's face returned to calm, took a deep breath, and looked. Looking deep out of the window, the scorching sun shines from the cleaned glass window at the end of April. The golden sunlight gives a kind of peace and quiet, but with the words of the fat man, the temperature in the room seems to be a few degrees lower

Lisbon’s financial volatility, the assassination of Tirnarant, even if it was just a few high-spirited merchants, but the truth of the volatility was not known to the top empire, not to mention the fact that it was involved. It was a powerful battle between the Empire and Southern Europe Barlow.

The real battlefield is in fact the northern part of the vast land of Eero, the snow-capped thousands of miles away from the Holy Land Plain of the Order, the corpses of winter snow falling down, the Kingdom’s mourning for the broken kingdom of the King’s death, and the strange and cunning soldiers. Dangerously, in order to compete with the empire for the Order of the Order, the army of the three southern countries even infiltrated the Holy City of the Order, ambushing Pudamia in the Holy City, the battle between the old and the new Pope, Pudamia bathed in blood, if not fat Pudamia almost collapsed on the outskirts of the Holy City. The 200,000 troops of the two sides were called miraculously violent fights. Once the outside world was aware of the incident, it was the emperor of the empire, even the southern ones. Even if the country is stupid, it will also think of the Eero Empire. The emperor Eero who died from prosperity and died, and the battle of nearly 300,000 Eero kingdoms was wiped out.

How can these things be said!

This is an absolutely secret empire that must never be known to the outside world!

Even if there is only a hint of wind, it will blow up the entire South Baro

Those southern countries that are still neutral and adopt a wait-and-see attitude towards the confrontation between the empire and the four countries in the south will inevitably join the Southern Alliance under the circumstance of cold teeth. , Even the crown prince Martin Liya who just reached a secret agreement with the empire will immediately turn his face, because this is really terrible, and is known as the top three Eero emperor Farouk I among the Eero kings. Being played dead, what is his crown prince!

Put down the black tea in his hand, and the fat man calmly took a document from the drawer and handed it to Tirnarant. "You send someone to the business alliance to do this in the afternoon."

"this is?"

Tirnarant took the document curiously, glanced at the content above, slightly surprised, and turned out to be an application report for the registration of the chamber of commerce. The name of the chamber of commerce is "Sunrise Chamber of Commerce". . . . . The name of the tacky chamber of commerce is indeed his majesty. Tirnarant looked at the ugly font on the application report and couldn’t help but underestimate it.

"Do you think there is a problem with the name of the chamber of commerce?" The emperor's voice was strongly dissatisfied

"No, my subordinates felt that just seeing this name, they already felt the extraordinary and greatness of this chamber of commerce. The name of sunrise really belongs to the domineering and kingly style of His Majesty! "Tirnarant's skinny face was solemn. Surprised, I have just touched a place I shouldn’t have touched, and it is still so casual. I quickly closed the file. I still couldn’t help but flashed a familiar family surname, the crimson family, the former Nord Wuchen name. ?

"Although I know that you are insincere, I will not pursue it! "The fat man is extremely thick-skinned and his eyes narrowed." There is one more thing, that is, the ban on the entry of the military by the Lisbonto will be lifted after today. I hope you do Ready"

"Your Majesty, if you do this, Lisbonto is just in a good situation, I am afraid that there will be fluctuations!" Tirnarant gave the emperor a strange look, and said eagerly that Lisbonto could trade soaring in this year To some extent, it is precisely because of the emperor’s ban on the military, because the military cannot intervene in Lisbonto, so the investment quota of merchants in Lisbonto can develop rapidly

"Sheng Ji is going to die. You should know this. You just let the military lose face, and then praised by the first princess of the empire. If you continue to keep this ban, I will be able to cover you, but you can say that other military Fang Chongchen will not secretly give you a trip!" The fat man smiled coldly

"And now that the Southern War is imminent, the entire Gangfei South will serve as the headquarters of the army. Material transportation and troop movements will pass through here. It is impossible to continue to maintain this ban, but you don’t have to worry too much about the military. Old fritters, you all know that you are mine, as long as you don’t deliberately provoke them, they will not embarrass you. I have issued orders to the defenders in the entire southern area of ​​Gangfei. , Belonged to the establishment of the Gansu Non-Southern Defense Forces established by the Lisbon Administrative Office, and the candidates for the commander of the Defense Army have been determined. These days, they should arrive at the Lisbon Administrative Office to report.

"Gangfei Southern Defense Army? Can I ask, who is this person?"

Tirnarant’s face was slightly relaxed, and the emperor’s intentions were somewhat clear. Listo’s prohibition of military entry was problematic in itself. Although it was conducive to the business environment of Listo, it was bound to rebound after a long time. It is better to let go of the initiative rather than give it a face,

However, although the ban was lifted, it is still up to the Lisbon Tor Government to establish the South African Defense Army. It should be that the jurisdiction of the Defense Army should be attributed to the Lisbon Tor Government. This is the core.

That is to say, the garrison is not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Military Affairs, but as the ownership of the Lisboa Government Office. In this case, it is equivalent to cutting off the possibility of the military gangsters intervening too much in the south!

"It’s okay to tell you, because you will be his immediate superior, he is the head of the 11th Banner Regiment of the former Imperial Guard, Crimson!" The fat man took out an appointment document from the drawer again

"Is that the Crimson family?" Tirnarant received the appointment document, his eyes were a bit dull, although he was holding the order with the seal of the Imperial Military Department, but all he saw in his mind was the one he just saw. That document, the brothers and sisters of the Crimson family gathered. What kind of medicine was sold in the emperor's gourd? Although it was only the tip of the iceberg, Tirnarant was very sure that the emperor must be digging a pit for someone! And this pit I'm afraid it's not as simple as killing a few people

Crimson Rui's daughter, Crimson Rui, had a scandal with the Imperial Emperor in the time of the Continental United War. After the demise of the Nord Kingdom, the Crimson Family was not only affected, but was also appointed by the Imperial Emperor as the manager of the Southern Nord. It is the only kind of noble Wumen that remains the fruit of the Nord Kingdom.

Later, the crimson parent and child crimson Erdo who was hailed as the Nord's super diehard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly changed his attitude and suddenly became an officer of the Imperial Guard. Last year he was even promoted to the head of the banner, while the second female Crimson Rui, more It is terrible. After a sudden change, he became the captain of the first princess of the empire, Mao Monaqing. Although the reputation of the two brothers and sisters is not obvious to Opel, but one is the heart of the princess, the other is the heart of the emperor. At the time of the empire's high profile, the Crimson family's evaluation was also among the strong families that should not be easily provoked.

And now, these hot potatoes are airborne to their own Lisbon!

Reminiscent of the first princess of the empire that had just left, Tirnarant couldn't help but feel tight. The first princess's personal evaluation of the score was very impressive. This comment is indeed problematic, which makes it clear that you have to take care of the blush. Rui!

It is worthy of being the first princess of the empire who is in charge of the empire's internal affairs department, known as the Wanjiasheng Buddha

This near-invisible shot, compared to several others, I don’t know how many times it is smart. It was killed in the Sri Lankan faction, the military retreated, the Ministry of the Interior was expelled, and all forces regarded Lisbon as a high empire. Lei Chi's forbidden land finally left the piece of Crimson Rui in Lisbon, without looking quiet, and it seemed that the emperor was helpless!

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