Whole Nation

: 3,418 accidental damage

The representatives of the Central European Barories who were expelled from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire did not have the arrogance when they first came, but instead looked like a drowning dog who was beaten, and their faces were like earth. Some things were only lost when they really knew their value. How important it is to want to threaten the empire and force the empire to make concessions on debt. This is not the first time in this year. The empire is always in need of face and stability. It will always choose to tolerate, but who I did not expect that this time, the empire suddenly turned over, and the heads of the representatives of the various countries were still in a state of unresponsiveness.

"Did the empire just accept our application to leave the empire?" a representative asked with a cry in his tone. It was a joke! They were only ordered to negotiate, just wanted to blackmail the empire, everything was quite smooth yesterday, and the Empire's Ministry of Foreign Affairs was quite tolerant of their aggressive performance, how could it have changed today!

"Everyone must not be discouraged. As long as we in Central Europe and the Baro unite, and the aspirations will come together, how can the Empire take us?"

The representative of the Kingdom of Liri shouted unwillingly. From the coastline of Central Europe Barrow, Anthia was behind Lockeburg, and Anta was the Baita Port of the Kingdom of Liri, so the joint protest was the most fierce. It is the Kingdom of Liri, and Liri Kingdom also borrowed 1.3 million imperial gold from the Imperial Bank in order to redeem the port.

The Kingdom of Liri naturally has no plans to return, and is planning to take advantage of the opportunity of this joint protest. It is best to be able to drag this debt through. Even if it cannot be delayed, it can be postponed for seven or eighty years. The empire was able to Why don't you extend the debt of the Kingdom of Liri for 80 years after lending a hundred years to the Rila people!

"I'm sorry, I still have some important things to deal with, so I will not be here with you." A representative waved his hand to others as if he had not heard the representative of the Kingdom of Liri, and turned away

"Oh, I just remembered that there are still some important things to be solved"

The delegates said that immediately the birds and beasts were scattered, and each hurried back to report to their own country, leaving the representative of the Kingdom of Liri standing alone, standing there, all burning their eyebrows, who still cares about the Kingdom of Liri, the empire accepted The application for the departure of the Central European Baro countries is what a huge earthquake is about to trigger, even if you use the buttocks,

The nations dared to challenge the empire because of the amulet of the vassal of the empire. Once the nations lost their vassal status, they were a dish in the face of a powerful empire. At the time of the strongest period of the Opel countries The United Army led by the Kingdom of Rila waged war on the empire. Hundreds of thousands of troops were swept away by the empire. Now, the Central Europe Baro, after the rebellion of the Hungarian tooth, is basically exhausted. The former leader, the Kingdom of Rila, also It has fallen, the national power has been greatly damaged, and then suppressed by the terms of the empire, it may not be possible to rise again for decades,

The remaining second largest kingdom is the Kingdom of Eberus. Because it has not been affected by the rebellion of the Hungarian tooth, the Kingdom of Eberus has gradually become the head of Central Europe and Baro in the past two years, and is also actively uniting the countries against the empire. The joint protests of the various countries at the beginning also wanted to lead the launch of the Kingdom of Albertos. After all, the cause of this incident was that the Princess of the Kingdom of Albertos broke out during the annual meeting of the Empire, and the countries with ports are also The princess of the princess pierced the needle and brought in money to bring everyone together. Without the princess of the Kingdom of Eberros to dominate the matter, the following events would never happen, and the nations would not even redeem the port. And in debt

However, the reply of the Kingdom of Eberros has chilled the hearts of the countries. The Kingdom of Eberros said that it has no right to protest to the empire on behalf of the countries. The reason is that the Kingdom of Eberros has no ports, and this reason almost let the countries Exploded, this is a typical irresponsible. At first, the incident you brought up, now you want to withdraw from your account, leaving a mess of the **** to make it impossible for everyone to clean up. Finally, the representatives of the countries directly came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to propose protest,

The sun is shining right now, and the weather at the end of May is as hot as steam, but it is very cold on the representatives of the countries, it is cold! An urgent document flew towards the Central European Baro countries, watching the black spots that gradually disappeared in the sky as they went farther and farther away. The representatives of these countries are regretful that the intestines are green! Things are big! The vassal status of the empire is too important to them, and the amulet is only one of them. Because the identity of the vassal of the empire, the benefits and benefits they receive are also one of the reasons why they can quickly recover. With the identity of the vassal of the empire, their merchants can get The imperial merchants have the same trading power. They go anywhere, and all forces dare not easily offend them, because they are behind the empire, and there are all kinds of capital investment and industrial investment from the outside world. Give them favorable policies of these vassal states

It’s gone now, everything is gone,

Now the representatives of the nations have discovered what it means to them once they have truly lost the aura of vassal vassals

From the economic point of view, in order to break away from the empire, it broke away from the empire's business system. Now all the discounts from the empire are gone, and they are beaten back to the original state of domestic commerce. If their goods want to take the empire's sea route, You also need to pay an impeccable toll to the Imperial Navy, and even if you arrive at your destination, because you don’t have the identity of an imperial merchant, the tax collection from all levels is enough to cut profits by more than three-quarters. Countries have commercial agreements. These countries do not levy imperial merchants, or only a small part of the toll tax, and now, this benefit also flew. If their merchants reported the name of the kingdom, the other’s expression Basically what the **** is that!

And because of the separation from the empire, the funds originally invested in the country will be withdrawn at the first time. Who dares to invest in countries that have not been integrated into the empire's business system? It is hard to say whether the empire will launch a war or not. The withdrawal of these funds is not an exaggeration for these kingdoms that already have heavy debts. In the past two years, it has become so popular that even the coast of southern Europe has been won by the empire. Once the empire turns its face and does not recognize people, it will use force against them. The other countries in Central Europe will not help or even come out. It's already a face to share a slice of soup!

Bright sunlight shined through the windows and dragged out a long shadow in the emperor’s office,

"Your Majesty, the declaration that these countries are separated from the empire..." "The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Angelia, appeared neatly in front of the emperor and presented a handful of documents in his hand, with a little excitement in his face. It was really popular, especially when I saw the representatives of the Central European countries being dragged out by the guards. For the Empire Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who was "suppressed", it was like drinking a glass of ice honey on June. It’s refreshing, I’m afraid that the representatives of the Central European countries have begun to sit up and jump! Now just wait for the bomb of sufficient weight to be signed by the emperor, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire can raise his eyebrows and breathe out!

"Let’s put it here. Are you going to attend the seventh ceremonial priest’s graduation ceremony held at the Sky Temple branch in the southern suburb of Tonno in Lisbon?" The emperor is closing a document in his hand and looking up at him. Asked

"Yes, Your Majesty, because part of this year’s graduates will go to Southern Obaro, the Sky Temple has found the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I hope that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can take care of it. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally decided that I should participate in this ceremony on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Angelia, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, replied quickly and respectfully,

"How many people will be selected by the Sky Temple this time to go to South Obaro?" the fat man asked.

The sky temple has become an important part of the empire's educational institutions since it became the national church of the empire. With the popularity of the sky temple's ceremonial schools in the major cities and towns of the empire, the sky temple's priestly priests have assumed it The work of basic education in the Empire is said to be a priesthood priest. In fact, it is equal to the elementary and middle school teachers of the empire. These priesthoods not only have the identity of the priest of the sky temple, but also enjoy the remuneration given by the empire every month. The graduation ceremony of the priest was still presided over by the high priest of the Sky Temple, that is, by Palsina

This time, it was also the last time Palschenna presided over the graduation ceremony as a high priest, and then he would step down from the position of high priest. The fat man learned from the sky temple that this empire was present at the ceremony. Angelia Foreign Minister

"The Temple of the Sky selected 67 people from the graduates, mainly placed in the Hérault region, the Fazer region and the northern part of the Orthodox Church"

Angelia took a deep breath and said, "These areas are all imperial control areas, and the Sky Temple has also established branches, but the Sky Temple has also expressed that it wants to go to the Kalisu area to set up a branch. , The Temple of the Sky believes that the Kingdom of Kalisu has just been overthrown, and a large number of refugees gather in the Northern Empire Control Area, it is time to appease the people. If the Empire can let the Temple of the Sky into Kalisu, I believe that the Kalisu people can quickly fight The empire agreed, but the subordinates believed that the situation in the Kalisu area was unstable and could become a war zone at any time, so they refused this request. However, judging from the attitude of the Sky Temple, they may still quietly send someone to Kalisu! "

"You are right, the Karisu area is only stable for the time being, not to mention that the refugees entering the north will be in chaos, that is, the Ansers and Martins in the south may attack the north at any time! The temple still waited until the situation stabilized and said, "The fat man frowned slightly and stood up from his seat. He came to the window and looked out at the blue sky outside the window. He vaguely guessed that this proposal must have been put forward by the mentor of Palschena. Turned around in front of the window and asked with a condensed voice

"When is the ceremony time?"

"Ten o'clock tomorrow morning!

"I will go tomorrow"

"Your Majesty also go? Then I'll go and get them ready!" Angelia's face was a bit stunned.

"Don't be so troublesome. I just went in private. After all, I am also a disciple of Palsina's mentor, not an emperor. Just ride your carriage, you should not mind it." The fat man tapped his finger on the table.

"Of course, this is the honor of the subordinates!" Angelia bowed her head to salute, turned back and left the office, he didn't notice, the emperor's face was a bit irony

"What the **** does Pudamia want to do!"

When Angelia left the office, the fat man pressed his hands heavily on the table, and his face grunted angrily. The Kalisu region was far away from Lisbon, across the entire inland sea and a territory of the Kingdom of Fezer, Pal Sichena has no military intelligence system. How can she know the situation of Karisu? If anyone really cares about the situation in Karisu, I am afraid that the female teacher who has been staying in Lisbon Zong Cai is right! Since she had escaped from Lisbon, the female pope could hardly find herself, and urged Palsina to go to Karisu to force herself to appear. This kind of thing, this female rogue can definitely do it!

Others can't avoid the war zone. Only the mentor's sister regards the war zone as an opportunity for missionary. Now Karisu seems calm, but it is actually a precursor to the war, and she must not let the mentor's sister run to the mission. What teach

But this matter, except for a trip in person, I am afraid that no one else can pull it

The fat man found that the so-called religious leader may be too energetic or too self-confident, always thinking that he was led by the so-called oracle, or he was a self-centered severe schizophrenic patient, such as Madam Pdamia A woman, or an impulsive person who may be nervous at any time, such as a mentor

"I can't let this woman stay in Lisbon anymore. It's a disaster!" The fat man was thinking. The door of the office was pushed open. An imperial guard captain came in with a battle report. "Your Majesty, just received Southern Report

"Southern Battle Report? Did the Dark Sedan enter the north?"

The fat man's gaze froze for a second, and when he said that Karisu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't expect to come immediately, he took the red report from the captain of the guard, opened the report and scanned the content inside, could not help Throwing your hand on the ground, "Reposti, when I am a fool, what happened when the Harvey Kingdom Army attacked, and had to take a counterattack to annihilate! The Harvey Kingdom Army now most hopes to run back to the country, and the Imperial Army is thankful and fed for not chasing Only after the bracing did he take the initiative to attack the Imperial Army, and the whole army pressed on!"

"Send an order to the South immediately, and from now on, remove Riposti's post," the fat man ordered angrily. Although Ripostite had a decisive victory, this kind of violation of the order must not be taken lightly. If the empire wants to annihilate these Harvey troops, it will not be dragged to the present. The longer the Harvey army stays abroad, the stronger the dissatisfaction in Harvey will be. After all, Martin has robbed and ran away. The style does not necessarily guarantee that the Harvey Kingdom has been in chaos, so I have to bury this hidden danger for the Harvey Kingdom, so that the Harvey people do not trust the soldiers of their own country, which is more in line with what the empire needs.

It's a pity that now, they are all destroyed by the aggressive battle of Reposti!

When the guard was about to leave the office, the fat man shouted again, "Forget it, don't order it, temporarily tell Reposti, since it has been hit, clean it up for me, otherwise, I would like to dismiss him!" "

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