Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and nineteen

Until many years later, the rise of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce was still a hot topic for historians. The first appearance of this Chamber of Commerce was such a domineering, although the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce at that time showed only to help the Empire The role of bank debt collectors, but the shock caused directly caused the chaos in the back of China and Europe

The Central European Baro countries that had already belonged to the empire, why would they suddenly attack the empire during the annual general meeting of the empire, and the emerging sunrise chamber of commerce, why would they later liquidate debts to these troubled Central European Baro countries. Why did the Romanian nation collectively announce their withdrawal from the empire, and why did they cry one by one and throw themselves into the arms of the empire

The mathematicians have published a long and exhausting study on this topic. They have published a horrendous number of papers and carried out various discussions on the so-called mystery. Some scholars even regard this event as an extremely successful national game. Empire Only by commercial means, the entire Obaro people turned their backs, and some scholars regarded the incident as a true manifestation of the imperial conquest area bound to the imperial chariot

Although it is believed that the reasons for the unrest in the Central European Baro countries are different, it is generally recognized that the behind-the-scenes triggering this Central European Baro chaos is none other than the imperial empire known as the mainland military **** at that time. One emperor, Falcon Dustin, the imperial emperor used incredible strategies to direct the Central European Baro rebellion. With a sunrise chamber of commerce, he plucked the iron plate of Central European Baro and changed the original It was just that the Central European Baro region, which nominally belonged to the empire, spontaneously demanded to become the actual control area of ​​the empire. In the following three hundred years, it was destined to the empire from the end of the collapse of the empire. The firm supporters are the strong barriers against the Feishan rebels in the Empire Central!

The early morning sunlight in Lisbon was still a little cool, and a tall team of imperial guard cavalry guarded a black carriage on the road leading to the western suburbs of the city.

"Your Majesty, Reposti changed the combat plan without authorization. If this behavior is not severely punished, I am afraid it will cause more problems."

Inside the carriage, there was one more man next to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire, Angelia, who was only hurriedly arrived yesterday evening, the Minister of Imperial Military Affairs Hu Keqili. At this moment, the emperor's military minister was expressing a sad expression to the opposite emperor. In his opinion, he also received the report from the South. He was very dissatisfied with Reposti’s arbitrariness, but the emperor did not ask for punishment, which really made him imperial minister of military affairs. Off

"Severe punishment? What is the opinion of the military department?"

The emperor looked calmly at the scene outside the carriage,

This is the second extended street in Lisbon, a wide water channel was introduced. As the streets extend forward, the large cities of the empire have water channels around the city. It has long been a city model. Using water channels can be To solve the problem of drinking water, merchant ships can also be driven directly into the docks inside the city. The houses around them all look relatively new. There are not many people on the streets of Lisbon in the morning, but the caravans between the caravans have never been broken.

Of course, what really caught the emperor’s attention was the many private carriages that were also moving in one direction, most of them were merchants, and there were carriages with the family coat of arms of the old era. There were many young men and women on these carriages. They all wore a wide-red robe with a blue bottom and a black hat like a square top on their head. This is the priest's suit of the primary priest in the sky temple.

Although the Sky Temple does not have too many restrictions on the recruitment of priests, it adheres to the standards that must have certain knowledge and upbringing, and naturally it is possible to enter the family children with a certain economic foundation

Among them, the children of the rising business class are undoubtedly the main body. After all, there is only one person who can inherit the family business, and other children enter the Sky Temple to become a respected priest is also a good choice, and can enter the Sky Temple There are many benefits, not only to get the opportunity to continue studying in the sky temple, but also to be sent to various areas of the empire for education after becoming a sky temple priest.

If you are lucky and perform well, you may even become an administrative officer in a region after a few years. After all, a priest who is familiar with the region and has considerable knowledge is fully qualified to become an administrative officer in the region. Demand has always been huge. Whether it is a conquered area or a newly expanded area, someone needs to manage it.

Therefore, every year, one-third of the students of the Imperial Administrative College are selected from the priests in the sky temple area. This is also a disguised encouragement of the sky priests who are willing to engage in basic education. For the priests, once they become regional administrators, even if they have stepped into the management of the empire, they will undoubtedly help their families! This is also an important motivation for the imperial merchants and old nobles to eagerly send their children to the sky temple

The fat man's eyes fell on a carriage that had just stopped on the side of the road. Two beautiful girls wearing apprentice priests in the sky temple were looking curiously from the carriage. Of course, these ignorant girls mainly looked at the carriage Outside, the imperial cavalry, who were eager to watch, looked at each other one by one, and even some people shouted.

Where the imperial cavalry passes, all vehicles along the way will unconsciously choose to give way, slow down or stop, showing a more oppressive atmosphere

The head of the Empire’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the imperial princess Turit Colleen, a wealthy and wealthy girl from a millennium family, who is naturally very particular about appearance and appearance, and has always claimed that the Empire’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs represents the dignity and image of the empire. Casually sloppy, the cavalry of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs is carefully selected, not only requires height and fitness, but also the armor is tailor-made, not only close to the body, but also looks majestic enough , The imperial arcade swords with silver-edged scabbards must be gorgeous on each foot, wearing beautiful and gorgeous armor, and the big red cloak trembling slightly as they move forward

During the war horses marching

The red cherry on the top of the helmet is striking like a flame and flipping backwards in the wind. To be honest, the fat man also thinks that he is really handsome, hegemonic, the empire is different from the simple and unreliable era of the mainland, and the empire needs to be reversed. The image in the heart of the Obaro people really needs to be so modified on the facade. Even if there is not an honor guard in later generations, it is a coincidence that Tulit Colleen wants such a guard.

"The Ministry of Military Affairs requested His Majesty's permission to bring Reposti back, otherwise the military chiefs in other regions would follow suit, and the empire might become the enemy of the entire Obaro overnight!"

Hu Keqili said solemnly, "The subordinates are not alarmist, but the fact that once the major corps of the empire, like Reposti, began to fight everywhere for the purpose of obtaining military power, the situation that the empire finally stabilized was completely over. Even if it’s an empire, it’s impossible to withstand several fronts at the same time!

For more than a year, this empire general presided over the Imperial Military Department. It can be said that it was exhausting. The two temples had some white spots, which not only ensured the need of the emperor to enter the Central Asian war, but also maintained the empire in Obaro. The stability of the region is precisely because of this. This was the empire general who was slashing his sword and then he knew more about the seriousness of the incident by Reposti.

"Whatever the battle is, the stability of the empire is of course important, but don’t forget how the empire reached its current scale."The fat man smiled calmly." Actually, I thought that too at first, but it changed later. Idea!"

"Why, Your Majesty?" Hu Keqili's face was confused. He used to know that although his prince was good at talking on weekdays, it was another matter involving the military aspects of the country.

"Because I saw something from Reposti who was disappearing from the generals of the empire." The emperor's eyes were terrifying, and he said slowly. "At the beginning, we started from Vickia and then swept through Iqadiwa. Landing in the northwest, slamming Gaul in the north, merging the south with Gangfei, unifying Central Obaro, and reaching the power of Istan until the North and South Wars completely defeated South Obaro. The empire was so arrogant that the entire Obaro was surprised. Fear, no one dares to fight!"

The fat man's voice paused before continuing to say, "But in the past two years, there have been almost no large-scale military use of the empire, and the empire's eastward movement has only been mobilized in the two prairie courts. The empire was determined to have Zhang Yang's generals. With such a heart of thorns and thorns, it took the empire's territory like this. The five commanders of the empire, from top to bottom, have already become accustomed to enjoyment. Why do we need to uphold the heart of war in the peaceful years? But this one who wants to grab the heart of the war, even at the risk of a war, is exactly what our empire generals currently need. If this time is transferred back to Reposti, who will fight for military power as before!" The emperor favored I went over and said in a decisive tone, "So Reposti can be punished, but it can never be transferred back! Even this southern war, you need to fight even more violently! You are the Minister of Empire, this fire is up to you Plus, in addition to the troops stationed in the locals of Ikadivar, the five major legions of the Empire, within a month, you will draw 300,000 troops from the inside to the south!"

"Isn't it too urgent in one month? The 300,000 troops transferred, such as the troops in the Gaul and Istan regions, will take more than half a month for the light journey." Hu Keqili's eyes flashed and his face was ugly For what the emperor said just now, he also really agrees that the empire’s military achievements are the first. I thought that the empire’s army would be invincible, defeating the enemy many times with inferior forces, and creating miracles of war. To put it plainly, everyone wants to fight for military achievements. In the past two years, the North-South War has completely destroyed the South. Afterwards, although some fighting broke out, it was basically only the mobilization of the troops involved in the area. There were very few cases of mobilization of the whole army. Avoid slack

"One month is already the maximum period, because I suspect that Reposti can't stick to it for a month!" The fat man sighed

"No, Reposti has just won a big victory, and the morale of the army is at its peak. Even if it is counterattacked by 100,000 enemies, I am afraid that it can withstand "Hu Keqili's face was shocked."

"It’s useless. I didn’t let Reposti attack. It was because of this. Once we beheaded the tens of thousands of troops of the Harvey, this news came back to the Kingdom of Harvey. It was originally desperate to resist the Martins. The Kingdom of Harvey will inevitably choose to compromise with the Martini people, even if they cut the ground to pay compensation, cut the meat and bleed the blood, they must stabilize the Martini people. Although the Martini people have a close contract with us, if the Martini people can rely on them , The Kingdom of Carisu will not perish, nor will the Kingdom of Harvey be like this, and as far as I know, the Martins have mobilized 80% of the country in order to expand the results in the Kingdom of Harvey The lord, together with the strength of the three tribes, has a total strength of more than half a million. The first thing Martin Martins who have benefited from must do is to run to another big fat, south of the Order, half a million Martins Liga, how long do you think Reposti can last?"

"Hundreds of thousands of Martini teeth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is enough power to destroy the Harvey Kingdom. Martini teeth will really stop?" Hu Keqili heard a breath of air.

"Oh, if it's just a brain commander, of course not, but don't forget, Martin Lee is a three-man rotation management. I believe that the next manager will not sit and watch the current manager destroy the Harvey people. Just like eating, it is natural to keep the fattest and best food in your own bowl. As long as two of the three groups agree, the remaining one will only have to compromise! Come, there is one thing he did not say, that is, once the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce began to operate on the six major chambers of commerce in Central Biya, the Crown Prince Martin Liya, the backstage of the Blue Chamber of Commerce, will inevitably flip his face for the first time. The Hundred Thousand Martins will definitely rush directly to Reposti in the south of the Order

"Do you need to tell Reposti?" Hu Keqili had previously strongly demanded severe punishment of Reposti, but now he began to worry that Reposti would suffer a big loss.

"You don’t need to tell him, I believe he will understand the situation by then." The fat man shook his head, his mouth condensed and said: Since the war has been actively initiated, and I want to grab this hot military power, then the task of this bait is natural It's also impossible to run away. If you want to become the commander of the Imperial Southern Army, don't take out an impressive record that can serve the crowd!

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