Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and sixty-eight Counterattack (6)

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In the seven years of the empire, the fire broke out in July, the heat waves rolled, and the steaming hot air rose. A large rainstorm swept the entire earth along the coastline of the empire from south to north, and from east to west. The rain was pouring down and thundering. A thunderbolt broke the empire flag on the west coast of the empire. After three days and three nights of heavy rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the east. Even the Feathers on the west coast have never seen such a heavy rain, and they are well informed. The old people recalled that the same winter thunder and heavy rain continued in the summer more than ten years ago. The royal family of Fezer, with the west coast as the base camp, ushered in a king of Fezer who was supported by the nobles of Hokuriku.

The situation at this time is similar to that of a dozen years ago

At the time, Albert Ben, who was strongly supported by the Fezer army, had already won the support of the royal capital and nobles, and only waiting for the old king to die could he ascend to the Fezer crown. However, the Hokuriku nobles first came out and expressed their opposition to Albert. Involved in the rebellion of the entire Wangdu aristocracy, the former Crown Prince Fei Ze, who was supported by the nobles, finally became King Fei Ze after being the crown prince for 42 years, and then a **** rain came with the rain, supported by the military. Albert was arrested in exile, his supporters were arrested and hanged by the Guards, the entire faction was cleansed, the military alone had more than 500 enthusiastic officers, and six Guards squadrons belonging to Albert were collectively erase

Speaking of which, the old people still regret it. If Albert was on the throne, the civil war between the royal family and the military will not erupt, and the kingdom of Fezer, the overlord of the West Coast, will not be exhausted because of the civil war. Hundreds of thousands of troops, the empire was freely picked up, and the most likely joint opportunity between the Fezer royal family and the Fezer military was broken, and it was also the source of the scourge that destroyed the Fezer royal family more than ten years later.

But this time, there were more people who were dead than a dozen years. The noble army of the Northern Land went south with a murderous siege, all the way to the wall, and went crazy like a crazy massacre in the area of ​​King Fezer. The heavy rain is soaring, the same person is rolling, the water on the river is floating in red, and the dead are so many layers that they are filled with soaring river water, and the wild dogs have red eyes.

Known as the gate of the West Coast, New Lantia, the Imperial Reclamation Group and the Hokuriku noble army launched a fierce battle, and tens of thousands of lives were filled in, and they still did not block the army of the Hokuriku noble army, not even the Empire. Living the powerful southward nobility of the nobles of the Northland, what this shows, shows that the Noble Army of the Northland is desperate to go south this time, and the people on the west coast are panicked. Immediately, many former Fez nobles came out of the anger and condemnation. City rumors

"The empire went backwards, turning the good noble masters into ordinary people and turning the humble slaves into masters. This is the result. The Hokuriku nobles are here to retaliate."

"The slaves ruled by the nobles are a system determined by God. Anyone who opposes the nobility is a sinner who violates God’s will and will be punished by God!" The old gray-haired former noble Fei Ze waved with pride

"The nobles of Hokuriku represent heaven. Anyone who tries to resist is destined to be destroyed! Anger will come to the earth and wipe out all sins. You sinners, your sins are heavy. Now you can save yourself, as long as we overthrow the brutal empire Rule and open the gates of the city to the army of nobility, you can be redeemed in this battle of condemnation.” The hands of a preacher wearing an unknown religious costume draw a simple double-headed eagle on the chest.

"Take your weapons and let the empire roll out. This is Fitzer, not the empire!" The excited young noble stood on the high platform and shouted his arms. At the far street, a man wearing clothes didn't know if there was mildew People in the uniform of the former King Fezer’s uniform waved the leaflet in their hands and shouted, “Join the Earl of Bilaku’s team and you will be redeemed!”

Opposite the former Fitzer Officer, another person wearing Fitzer’s noble military uniform scolded in the street, “Don’t believe them, only the team of Baron Alaxiu can save you”

"Traitor who betrays the royal family"

"Sinner who caused Fazer to perish!"

The officers and nobles who were scolding clearly belonged to two factions, so after a long time of scolding, the excited two directly wrestled on the street, and a large group of people surrounded them to watch the "royal war with the military". At this moment, one An inconspicuous black carriage is slowly moving from the chaotic street,

"Master, doesn't Lord Lighter care about this kind of chaos? Before the war, it was quite dangerous for people's hearts to float like this!" Inside the carriage, the adjutant sitting opposite said hesitantly.

"Is the heart floating? I didn't see it, but I thought everything was calm in front of me." The young empire officers with linen hair in the carriage looked at the various monsters outside the car, and there was a weird look in the corner of the mouth. Smiling, the silver badge on the cuff of his military uniform shows that he is actually a genuine flag leader,


The adjutant was stunned. If he wasn't blind, he must have been a madman. But when he thinks of his sergeant's past, the adjutant doesn't take it seriously. Even the former Nord army, his own Although this sergeant has a great reputation, it is more of a derogation for this. Estante, the leader of the 5th Cavalry Banner Regiment of the Second Army of the Southern Empire, the battle of Kalisu, attacked the card with a fierce and strange attack. The main force of King Lisu defeated and caused the surrender of tens of thousands of border guards. With the details of the Battle of Carisu spreading across the entire Obaro continent, the command of the Second Army of the Southern Empire has been noticed by all countries.

After the lighter was transferred back to the west coast, another person came back inside the head of the second army banner in the south of the empire

"Don't forget, we just came back on vacation." Estante pressed down with the military cap on his head, prepared to take a break, and rushed back from the Karisu area for several days in a row, but it was quite tiring, but it was just At this time, a noble Fizer with a big beard did not know from which corner he suddenly burst out and stopped in front of the carriage.

"Don't care about him" Eistante's voice under the hat is a little heavy. Although this car is unremarkable, because of the imperial emperor's hobby of black carriages, in the territory of the empire, whether it is a rich or a business association, they will routinely empire The carriages are painted black, and the black is the unlucky color in the Fitzer adoration of the two-headed eagle, so seeing a black carriage on the streets of Fitzer is basically that the Empire will not be wrong, and the black carriage in front of you There is no prominent sign on it. The most likely thing is a carriage of the chamber of commerce. Seeing that the carriage did not stop at all, under the eyes of all eyes, the embarrassed Fei Ze noble felt that he was ignored and chased again in anger. Come up

"You demons of the empire, on the day when I regained my country, when you were cursed into hell!"

He stopped in front of the carriage, yelling loudly, splashing, and suddenly saw the carriage door open, and a strong emperor walked down, pushing the noble Fei Ze down to the roadside wall with just one hand On the ground, he said coldly, "Do you know what will happen if you say this to an emperor officer, even if I kill you, will someone stand up and say a word for you?" This emperor officer is Estante himself , Thin lips twisted with a light smile, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. He had just returned from the Karisu theater. The murderousness on his body was even more intense. It was hard to breathe like a razor.

"Big. The fastest update ┏XX④③⑨⑨┛Master. This is definitely a misunderstanding"

Noble Fei Ze did not expect to come down with an emperor officer, and the murderous intention of the persecution told him unabashedly that this person would really kill someone in front of him! And as the emperor, if the other party really killed himself, whoever dared to stand up, he would be incontinent on the spot.

"A waste that can't afford even a joke, it's ridiculous to say that Fei Ze's restoration is really ridiculous."

Eistante's face was slightly lonely, and his mouth was slightly disdainful. After the surrender, the one who insisted on staying in the south of Nord for three months after the surrender of the Nord family was not so ridiculous! He walked into the carriage, lowered his hat, and continued to sleep. The adjutant sitting opposite him had a pale complexion and thoughts. Was it really a joke?

In the lighter's office, lighter's face looked slightly amazed, looking at Estante who entered his office

"Estante, why are you back?"

"Estante, head of the Fifth Banner of the Second Army of the Imperial Southern Army, came to report"

Eistante had a straight emperor's uniform and bowed his head to salute Leitel. After Carisu, although Leitel was still the commander of the Imperial Banner, the military position was the deputy commander of the Second Army of the Imperial Southern Army This is the empire’s reward for Leitelle’s outstanding role in the Battle of Kalisu. Without Lettle’s lead in the jungle, the empire could not complete the task of launching raids against King Kalisu.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect Lord Salton's meeting..." Lightl's face turned slightly red and the two had cooperated in the Battle of Kalisu. Although Lightl asked Salton to dispatch an assistant, he also Unexpectedly, Thornton would bring the Estante violently back from the tense situation.

"Admiral Letter does not need to blame himself. Compared with Kalisu, it is the greatest achievement for the adults to stabilize the West Coast. As for Kalisu, everything is still calm, and Adult Latter does not have to worry too much!"

The Kharsu people in the south of Kalisu have occupied the south of Kharisu for more than two months. Under the negotiation between the empire and the Krishna, the Karisu people in the south have all moved northward into the northern area controlled by the empire. The Seren’s position in the southern part of Karisu gradually stabilized, and more people and materials were filled in from the southern region. The Dark Sesel’s movements became more and more frequent. Hearing this, Leiter’s face showed a little worry. He is also a Kalisu man. He can cut off the head of King Kalisu. It does not mean that he can sit and watch the Kalisu people be annihilated by the Ansers. Otherwise, they will not violate the order and take the Kalisu border guard to resist Pursuit of Carlisle by the Dark Army

It was precisely because the Kalisu border guards desperately strangled the road to the north, that it was only after the Anselites finally decided to negotiate with the empire that they saved millions of Karisu southerners

But this is not known to many people. The Kalisu people only knew that the former famous Kalisu general led the emperor to capture the king capital and beheaded the Kalisu king. Barrow’s laughing stock, so even though the northern part of Karisu has been incorporated into the empire, the Karisu people still hate the name of Lightl very much

In only one month, Lightl was subjected to 46 spontaneous assassination attacks by the Kalisu people. Even if the number of guards provided by Salton to Lightl reached 200, it could not stop the Calisu moths from arson. In a general attack, there was even a little girl who suddenly rushed out of the dark. It was too late for Lettle to stop it. The little girl was shot directly into a hedgehog by the guarding imperial soldiers, and the fallen body filled with arrows The blood was stained red, and a stone rolled between the loose fingers. The ashamed Letter was unable to stay in Kalisu. Please transfer back to the west coast.

"In the last half a month, the scout outposts of the occult men have become more and more frequent in the investigation of the empire area, and there have even been many frictions with my whistle, and there are some casualties. According to some sources, this occult The people have united with the Martins, and they want to recapture the northern part of Kalisu from the empire in one fell swoop."

"But according to his subordinates, whether or not the Dark Sedents dare to attack the north of King Kalisu, mainly depends on the performance of adults on the West Coast." Estanter smiled, he could understand the situation of Lettle, he asked Leter talked about the current situation of Carisu,

"Please advise?" Lightl hesitated, raising his hand to him.

"It's actually very simple," Eszent said confidently. When he came to the window, his hands opened the window in front of him, and took a deep breath of the cool breeze from the surface of the port. From the joint defeat of the Darks and Martins It can be seen from the situation of the main force of the Kalishu army that the Ansers did not actually believe in the Martins. If the Martins were not attacked by the Kalisu army, the Ansers would not be fully pressed up, so the dark The celestials are just watching and watching in the south of Karisu. If they are profitable, they will go north. If we defeat the Hokuriku noble army, they will naturally not move. When dividing the spoils, it is absolutely impossible to let the dark survivors overwhelm all to fight the empire at this time. Even if the Martin Lisie promised, with the Kalisu people in front, how could the dark survivors be fooled, So the West Coast is the key to the whole battle."

Esante's voice paused, withdrawing his gaze from the azure sea of ​​the distant port, turning around and saying, "On the way, I saw the former nobles of Fitzer are very active, I believe this is the handwriting of the adult, and obviously has the defeat The strength of the noble army, but swallowed for so long, Lord Salton told me to convey, fortunately "

"Even if you want to make fun of me, just tens of thousands of noble troops can drive straight into our defense zone, shake the entire west coast, become the mainland's laughingstock at such a rapid rate, and look at the entire imperial world, maybe it is me." With an expression of crying and laughing, what is meant by the strength to defeat the noble army is obviously to make fun of yourself and can only sit and watch the Northland noble army go south, there are more than 10,000 people, but the noble army opposite is 60,000 troops, and well equipped, Both Lien Chan and Lian Jie have reached their climax in terms of morale and military spirit. On the other hand, there are more than 10,000 mixed troops on their side. The disparity is so great that there is no possibility of confrontation.

"Adults do not need to be so arrogant and decide that everything is the result, and the entire continent depends on the result. If it is not for the adults to pretend to be weak, how can the Northland Noble Army be so unscrupulous"

Estante said to Laiteer indifferently, "Don't look at the 60,000 southwards of the noble army of the Hokuriku. More than a dozen large camps in the regiment, after half a month of fighting, even if the loss was limited, it was already exhausted, and then attacked New Lantia, just like a strong arrow cluster hindered by layers, all the way south, hundreds of miles, defeated There are more enemies than you, even if you pass through New Lantia, how much power can be left, but it really needs to pay attention to it, it is the rise of the former Fezer force!

At the time, the national strength of Fezer was strong, and its power was only one line away from the empire. The civil war broke out in the back. The troops invested by both sides were also hundreds of thousands. Such a great kingdom that has mastered the West Coast for more than two hundred years is just a short It collapsed in half a year, and it was unbearable for anyone to put it on, not to mention the arrogant Fei Ze nobles who were known for their unruly nature. The strong suppression of the empire can certainly make these Fei Ze nobles temporarily bow their heads, but The core area of ​​the empire’s control is still the West Coast area, and most of the province of Fezze is actually in a semi-independent state, fearing the empire is greater than awe,

The entire Fitzer was waiting for an opportunity to erupt, and the empire knew this well, and mobilized Salton's 100,000 troops to the south, which had already begun the prelude of this secret battle. The nobles of Fezer thought that the West Coast was already at hand. The pre-Fezer forces lurking because of the empire's suppression appeared one after another, and the unscrupulous rampant popularization really believed that Fezze's restoration was in sight!


In fact, they didn’t even know that the whole situation was deliberately done by the empire. People, the emperor’s hand, really grasped the psychology of the former Fezer aristocracy. “Estante sighed with great emotion.” The army attacked the increasingly powerful Empire Reclamation Group, and then made the former Fezer nobles mistakenly believe that the opportunity for reunification was in sight. Naturally, they jumped out one by one impatiently. When the empire issued the slavery, the Fezer nobility All the slaves in our manor were wiped out, and they had already prepared a gift for the outbreak of the Noble Fezer. If the Noble Feather dare to jump out, there will be no place to die."


Lightl's face was slightly discolored, and he felt a chill in his back unconsciously. Although he was also the executor of the plan, he was later included in the empire after all. Naturally, he did not know that the empire had already done something in this regard. Prepare, not to mention that the empire was already in the layout after it captured the west coast.

"Adults, don’t forget, there are more than three million slaves on the west coast of Fitzerberg. The empire gave them fields and tools to make them able to feed their families and no longer need to make cattle for nobles. As a horse, the Noble Army of the Northland Army is heading south, fighting to restore the banner of the Noble Fezer, now you let them change back, and then go to make the noble horse of the Noble Fezer, who will do it! As long as the Empire is willing to give them weapons, I'm afraid that 200,000 people can pull it up!"

"Eastante haha ​​smile" Moreover, for two years, Lord Salton has taken the West Coast, not only the death of the former Fez nobles, but also the dissolution of hundreds of thousands of promises that I disbanded after the defeat of My Nord. The German soldiers moved to the west coast one after another. Although the reclamation team digested most of them, the remaining more than 10,000 talents are the true essence."

"Do you mean that those miscellaneous brands are elite?"

Lightl was about to jump, and his brows were jumping. Estante satirized that he had enough power to defeat the Noble Army of the North Land. Even if it was even more powerful, more than 10,000 emperors could never face North Land at the same time. Noble Army and hundreds of thousands of Imperial Reclamation Corps

"Isn't Lord Salton telling the adults that these more than 10,000 people are actually..." "Let Leiter's expression does not look like a fake. Estanter blinked and suddenly laughed." Well, I said, why did Salton suddenly order me to be transferred back, it turned out to be like this!"

Looking at Eistante's cheerful expression, Lightl wanted to cry depressed, what is this, Yunshan is covered by fog, he is the main person in charge of sitting on the west coast, and he is the only one among all the generals who are kept inside.

Eistante tried to hold back the smile on his face under the light of Leiter trying to kill, and gasped and said, "In fact, this can't blame Lord Salton, the emperor's battle order to the south was too urgent, so it is estimated ... How to say, this is not a secret in the Second Army of the South, Master Salton may think you know it, so, I forgot to specifically explain it, I will guess it later. I don’t know, but it’s not easy to admit my negligence, so I’m sent here”

"What the **** is going on" Lettler gritted his teeth and wanted to bite this guy

"Okay, okay, to put it simply, these more than 10,000 people are not ordinary soldiers."

"Not an ordinary soldier, what are they?" Lightl stunned for a moment, what was this?

Eistante coughed a bit in his mouth, seeming to be thinking about how to explain the problem. After more than ten seconds, he continued to say, "Well, let’s just say that these are the most powerful parts of the Nord army. The remnants of the guard and the personal guards of the Nords who have belonged to the Second Army of the South. These people are all capable of fighting against the strongest Samorian guards under the emperor, even if they were still Satsuma. The emperor of the Duke of Seoul did not dare to be sloppy in the face of these Nord heavy armors, otherwise how would Lord Salton so forcelessly push the army into Carisu, because of the ten thousand left behind Many people, mixed numbers, but it's just confusing, but it's a real elite battle.'

'Among them are fully equipped with empire heavy infantry, there are a total of eight thousand people, and there are also a thousand heavy armored cavalry. Even if you are the emperor's close guard, there will be no more than 10,000 heavy armored infantry in the flag regiment. Of the four thousand, because the Imperial Guard is famous for its invincible long-range combat power, the 10,000-man Empire Banner, the crossbow shooter accounts for three thousand, the infantry is four thousand, and the cavalry is two thousand. The melee ability mainly depends on The infantry of the infantry is different from that of the Nord army. The infantry stands at three quarters. The close combat is the best attack tactic. For more than two hundred years, the Nord armored infantry is the entire Ikadiva On the mainland, the only unit that can contend with Rui Erdian’s heavy armoured cavalry was the root of my Nords’ sweeping the mainland."

"Adults hold elite battles for ten thousand battles, and they can always pull out the auxiliary army composed of 100,000 civilians of Fazer. In the face of the exhausted 60,000 aristocracy, this victory has actually held the hands of adults!"

Eistante walked to the wine cabinet on the left side of the lighter desk, poured two glasses of red wine, and handed one of them to the hot eyed lighter. Fierce, the faster you get away from your end, I have a hunch that it will not exceed two days."

As if to verify the ominous signs, on July 8th, a bloodshed broke out in the west coast city of Biya. The cause of the incident was very simple. Several drunken noble Fei Ze riots in the street, killing one An old man in his fifties, because some of the nobles recognized that the old man was a slave of a great noble family of Fize, and after the enactment of the abolition of slaves, the crime of slaughtering slaves by the original master was revealed to the empire. Caused this great noble to be arrested and executed by the emperor

"What do you want to do, we are nobles, the Northland Noble Army is coming, who dares to move us is a dead end"

After the old man was killed, several noble Fezers looked around with a pair of flashing eyes, and unconsciously pulled out the saber, and the coat of arms of the saber in the hand of one of the nobles made the surroundings frightened. The pupils of the Fezers squeezed involuntarily. It was a coat of arms of a prominent family. In the past three generations, they were the heads of departments in charge of arresting fugitive slaves in Fezers. Zhang, it is a kind of branding coat of arms that was specially branded on the cheeks of slaves by noble families. The nobles who found that the situation was wrong wanted to recapture the sword, but it was too late.

"That's the skin of a slave, it's the skinning coat of arms of Axes." Someone murmured

"I heard about this family, I heard that they have the habit of peeling disobedient slaves into pillars of meat." The people around them also began to commotion. The nobles of Fei Ze thought that there was a Northland noble army but they forgot the most basic. The point is that the Fez nobles on the west coast ran away most of the time. Ninety-nine percent of the Fizers on the west coast are slaves who were freed by the imperial decree, watching several nobles panicked and want to take back The worn saber looked at the tragic situation of the old man's corpse. The eyes of the Fei Ze people around them have already turned red. I don't know who yelled inside, "Kill these nobles, kill them!"

The surrounding Fei Ze people beat several aristocrats to cry and howl. One of the nobles ran to the street and yelled, “Come on, the untouchables killed the nobility.” The nobles who were preaching loudly on the street heard a rush of swarms, and the obviously noble side began to use weapons. Soon, several Fezer civilians were stabbed to death, and more than a dozen people were injured. The raging Fezer civilians took out a variety of "weapons" to participate in the war. The battle group expanded further, from a section of the road to the entire street, with stones flying across the sky, and the furious civilians of Fezer were punching and kicking while cursing. One side shouted "Kill the noble!"

Dozens of shops were ignited, the fire was soaring, and the sky was red

According to the statistics, more than 30 Fei Ze nobles and hundreds of servants were killed and injured, while 11 civilians were killed, more than 200 were injured, 43 shops were damaged, and more than 60 houses were burned. After receiving the report, Lightl immediately found Eistante, who was preparing troops, and took a deep breath and asked, "What you said has already happened, what do we need to do later?"

Eisante took the report and glanced at it. His eyebrows shook slightly and shook his head. “It’s just not enough, but it’s not completely impossible. I believe it will spread throughout the West Coast soon. , Please also ask an adult to arrange someone to change this matter immediately

"What kind of change?" Lightl asked, brightening his eyes. No wonder Thornton would let Eistante back. Sure enough, he was prepared.

"Of course, the more tragic the better, it is said that there was a bloodshed in Biya, the fierce and noble Fizer nobility launched a massacre in Biya, resulting in the killing of at least 1,000 civilians, and these nobles claimed that they would start Restore the order of **** on the West Coast!" Estante pointed his hand at some position on the report. "There is also an increase here, because there is a suspected noble escape, the empire will carry out an investigation of the Fez nobles on the entire west coast. I believe that as long as the empire shows With a completely partial attitude towards civilians, the Fezers who are full of hatred towards the former Fez nobles will themselves make trouble, and I believe that the Fez nobles will ask the Northland for assistance. In this case, the Northland Noble Army will even think If you want to take a break or something, I'm afraid it's only a matter of desperation."

Lightl hesitated for a while, he knew what he meant by this stroke, but finally signed the name on the order

As the order was sent from the headquarters of the Second Army of the Southern Empire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Fezer nobles who had already felt bright were jumping on their feet. Angry civilians beat them everywhere and attacked their mansions. The empire required daily You must report to the local government office. The nobles who shouted on the streets to rejuvenate Fei Ze were killed by groups of civilians. The entire west coast city was expelling nobles. The day before, they felt that the world was already in their hands. Second God has experienced what it means to be a rattle in a street mouse,

The crackling sound of rain on the roof and eaves made the lights in the hall like a white awn

The conference hall where more than three hundred people gathered was silent, everyone's face was pale, and their eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and no one had closed their eyes.

"Go ahead, sir, we can't wait any longer, as long as we open the gate and welcome the Hokuriku noble army into the city, we can get everything and get revenge." The hundreds of Fez nobles with white cloth on their heads are heavy. When they touched the ground, they heard the screams of their noble colleagues before they were beaten alive, the crying, pleading of the insulted women, the collapse of the burning magnificent mansion, the miserable cry for help, The voices of the lowly civilians scolded. As a centuries-old famer of Fizer, the distinguished person could only listen and watch pale and helpless, and the Northland Noble Army was only fifty miles away from them.

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