Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and sixty-nine (7)

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West Coast, Roston City

The light should be on the faces of the people in the hall, everyone looks nervous or serious. ┏Χ④④⑨⑨┛ Almost no one was talking, but there was no silence, and there was a sketch of a topographic map spread on the conference table in the middle of the hall. The raindrops were like a sudden burst of drums, and the sound of thunder rolled in the sky. Hundreds of noble Fezers wearing light armor are waiting, the footsteps of the passage outside the hall are far and near

"Wow" As the door was yanked out from the outside, everyone stood up with a swipe.

In the eyes of everyone, a young noble Fei Ze walked out from the door, wearing a short leather armor and tying the armor jacket firmly. The first thing to enter the hall was to smile to everyone. He held up a reply letter in his hand, "The most formidable army of the North Army is not fifty miles away from us, but only twenty miles away. Although the people we sent had spared detours, they only found them. This is Northland Gengdi. The reply of the Grand Duke has already dispatched 10,000 troops outside the city. As long as we open the city gate, we can rush in and kill the humble slaves, so that this world can be returned to our nobles again."


"Haha, God has eyes!"

"What are you waiting for, let's do it, and let the whole continent know that I am still alive, and that His Highness Prince Albert has recovered the capital of King Fitzer, it is the moment when my generation correspondingly revived." Exciting sounds flickered one after another, and the electric light flashed outside, illuminating the cold light of the sword below, rows of weapons placed on both sides of the hall, the sharp knight's sword, the Fezer heavy gun, and the curved bow spread across the table The sign of the two-headed eagle shaking hands, the excited noble Fizers began to clamor, their goal was the city gate, the guard force in the city was actually only about two thousand people, if they could gather a full force of one hundred people, they suddenly fell Capture the city gate is not a problem

"Then according to our scheduled plan, let's start to act. Fei Ze will always remember today and you will be remembered!"

A nobleman of Fezer, who was clearly the head, stood up. His slightly dark face had a knife mark cut from the bridge of his nose to his chin, which made his appearance look more dire. He wore a former Fezer General The military uniform is not that kind of reserve, but a real-class figure of the General of the Imperial Guard,

Seeing him stand up, all the other noble Fezers stood together

If anyone who knew him would make a startling voice, because this was a general who had informed the dead former Fitzgerald Guards, that the emperor team launched a great decisive battle against the 200,000 kings of Nord’s famous Gankefo, This person was a general in the Wang Jun Imperial Guard. He did not find the body after the war, so he was determined to be dead by inertia, but there were too many people who did not find the complete body at that time. Under the indiscriminate bombing, the army of 200,000 Fei Ze was beaten down, more than 80,000 people were killed and injured, surrendered and captured 100,000, and the remaining nearly 20,000 people reported the disappearance.

The reason is that no corpse can be confirmed

This General Fezer guard had his face cut by shrapnel during the explosion, and most of his body was scarred. He was picked from the dead by his loyal attendant, because the situation at that time was really It was too chaotic. Two hundred thousand troops were broken down, and there were scattered soldiers everywhere. The servants could only cram him into the dead man’s heap and waited until dark to rescue them. This General of the Guards was naturally also identified For death,

Twenty miles outside the city of Roston, on a dilapidated village, the flag of the Hokuriku noble army was flying above it. After breaking the barrier of New Lantia, the Hokuriku noble army flooded into the west coast area. When you look at it, you can see the west coast line near the King Fei Ze area, between countless ravines, but where there are villages, the pillars of smoke rise up and will not disperse for a long time. On the road, from time to time, the servants and cavalry of the nobles of the Hokuriku intersect. Behind each horse, there are a large number of staggered slaves, in a field of golden wheat waves, there are headless bodies, there are stray dogs that bite the body, the black spots in the air can not hover, it is the black peck that is pecking group

The Battle of New Lantia has exhausted the final military strength of the Reclamation Regiment. In addition to the tens of thousands of war deaths, it also affected the larger critical area to be looted and slaughtered by the nobles of Northland, just a short three days. More than 40,000 Fezers have been looted into slaves. In the case of the collapse of the entire line, even the urban area is a closed door to death. Let the noble army of Northland call the robbery outside the city. Xinlan The fiasco of Teya gave the biggest shock to the entire west coast defense. The west coast where the gate opened, the noble army of the Hokuriku rolled in, the endless army, the bladed armor shone coldly in the rain

Under the noble army of the Hokuriku Noble Army, which was more and more wet by the wind and rain, Duke Geng Di held the reins of the war horse with the armor of the armor. The old face showed a little pride for the first time. Most of the discarded items have been recovered. Especially with the smooth progress of the war, other areas of Fizer have begun to move. Although they have not stood blatantly on the Hokuriku side, they have been contacted in secret several times.

As a large amount of material funds from various regions were secretly sent from various channels, the morale of the Noble Army of the Northland Army was even higher. It is rumored that the oil-rich West Coast is near, but these peripheral cities and towns have already Far more than the so-called big camps of the reclamation groups in the Wangdu area, the entire west coast is now like shelled eggs, the most white and tender placed in front of the Noble Army of Northland

The empire in the West Coast area is already scorched. Not only is the heart floating, the previous nobles of Fizer kept telling themselves about the reality of the empire. Just an hour ago, the representative of the nobleman of Fizer in the city of Roston in front found the noble army and said that they could Assisting the army to open the city gate, the situation is already the same, what else does the empire use to contend with itself, and even more than one hundred thousand empire reclamation groups have been defeated by themselves, and more than 10,000 empire defenders in the face of the general trend of Fei Ze’s revival Blocking the car, overwhelming joke.

"Forward, speed up if you want to get rich"

The nobles of the Hokuriku nobles laughed a bit tiredly, but they were even more energetic, moving forward, forward, and west! On the winding road, the noble army of the Northland noble sight is moving westward, the flag is flying like the sea, the sword is like snow, and the spear is like a cloud,

The army went all the way south from the area of ​​King Fezer and defeated more than 100,000 Imperial Reclamation Groups. Although they have always been victories, the soldiers are also humans. Continuous combat, coupled with the continuous season of the rainy season, the exhaustion of the Noble Army of the North Land has been quite obvious, but With this, even if Grand Duke Geng Di ordered the army to repair, who would stop? Whoever stops means that we can only watch other people’s huge dividends dividing this war, with tens of millions of wealth in the front, which is a stimulant for anyone

The main force of the emperor was trapped in Kalisu's inability to return to the army. The so-called reclamation army had tens of thousands of main forces. It was defeated by his own war in New Lantia, and the most affluent coastal area on the west coast was in front. It is said that only daily trading quotas There are as many as six ports above the half-million imperial gold, not to mention the large amount of goods transported from the north by the empire. Because of the outbreak of this war, they are now stagnant at the port, conservatively estimated, at least there are near Thousands of imperial gold goods are trapped on the west coast. Such a large amount of wealth has never been thought of before, but now it is a distance that can be felt by just reaching out.

How will the hearts of the people not be hot? As long as you continue to move forward, the fastest three or four days, at the latest five or six days, these wealth will become your own, some Northland nobles on horseback wantonly telling jokes about the empire, that is The voice of the herald cavalry was also deliberately slamming the fields, and from time to time aroused cheers from the noble army.

Such an inspiring situation, in the history of Fizer’s centuries of the kingdom, that is, when the Fizer army rushed into the Hokuriku Plateau, with lightning speed, it once destroyed the Kingdom of Anstey in one fell swoop. Many years later, such a scene appeared again on the ground of Fizer, which turned out to be a satire of the Hokuriku noble army heading south from the Hokuriku Plateau in the opposite direction.

"Wow wow wow"

The sound of the rain hitting the armor was like the summer wind blowing through the dense leaves. The hills in front of Roston City, a team of Fei Ze Northland Noble Army emerged from the rain screen, and they began to stop moving. In the rain water, the rows of towering spears suddenly appeared like a large forest in the rain, and the outline of the city of Roston in the heavy rain was completely exposed in front of the tens of thousands of Noble Army of Fezer Northland

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!" The city also found the approaching Northland Noble Army, and the dense sound of the alarm ringing from the rain came from a distance,

"Esta, I really can't figure it out. Why should we control the help of these former kings and nobles? We are the forward troops. We should be the sharpest spears of the army. Why should we manage these things? These former kings Whether the nobles are dead or alive has anything to do with us. Do we still want to occupy the West Coast for a long time!"

A young Fei Ze aristocrat wearing a snow-white carved armor and holding a golden gun flag in his hand on a majestic battle horse, looked at the front, and the slightly mean corner of his mouth was very depressed. Another companion said that he was full of resentment when he was temporarily ordered to change his direction. This young nobleman was the commander of the Northland Noble Army forward, Viscount Bai Feng. He was complaining about a flax-colored hair beside him. Young nobility

"It's not that your performance in New Lantia is too eye-catching, killing more than 6,000 prisoners in one breath, reducing the income of the major families on slaves, and now the revenge is coming, but why should I be implicated? !" The young noble named Esta leaned over his face and said disdainfully. He was Viscount Esta and served as deputy to Viscount Bai Feng

The two were quite well-known among the Hokuriku nobles, and they both had the training to serve in the Fezze Border Guards. Under their command, the White Maple Army's combat power was able to rank among the top three in the Hokuriku nobles. It is precisely because of such capital that the two of them are united and the offensive is also overwhelming. The two people think that they should be the first Northland nobleman who rushed into the front line of the West Coast. Naturally, they can also grab the flow of fat before others. The coastline of oil has been scrapped, but it is a pity that many of you have this idea in the Noble Army of Northland. How can you sit and watch them get the most benefit?

"Considering that we still need these Fez nobles from the west coast to provide us with information, we should cooperate both inside and out. Although this small town can't be delayed for a long time, we can get the trust of the Fez nobility from the entire west coast. Let’s go!" At the short meeting, the Hokuriku nobles passed the decision to let the two rescue the Roston City by an absolute majority of votes,

"Send a signal, don't you say that it will open the gate for us, but it's a small town with less than two thousand troops stationed, solve it soon!" Esta said to Viscount Bai Feng, and soon an arrow sounded from The direction of the Hokuriku noble army shot into the distance. This whistle was the signal agreed by the two parties. Near the gate of the city, more than a hundred Fei Ze nobles with long white cloths on their heads took advantage of the city guards to panic. In case of confusion, raid the city gate

The city guard soldiers near the city gate only had less than twenty people. The other troops were transferred to the city wall. Watching the black pressure on the Fezze aristocracy, the city guard officer responsible for the position of the city gate desperately resisted and shouted. While guarding the city gate, the soldiers under the guard of the city were scared away

The guard troops in the city had already been transferred. They were recruited only temporarily, and they had no combat capability at all. The officers fighting alone were hacked to death. The nobles of Fezer rushed to the gate and put together the big log behind the gate. Come down, click, click, the heavy city gate opens like this, and the sight of the gate army is like a forest

"The city gate opened? The city gate opened!"

The nobles of Fizer made cheers and excitement, and even some of the nobles of Fizer, who were still rushing towards here, stopped. This was too easy. Originally, they thought there would be a fierce fight, more than a hundred people. In the end, being able to survive two or thirty people is the top of the sky, and even made several plans for death. Even if necessary, the door should be stuck even with the corpse. Don’t let the city door close, but I didn’t expect the defense to be so loose.

"Very well, it seems that the noble Fezer in the city is not all waste. We can save some energy. "Looking at the city gate that was completely open in the distance, the corner of the mouth of Viscount Bai Feng slightly tilted, and he raised his right hand high, Then pointed sharply forward and shouted out "The whole army pressed on, and within an hour, took me out of the city"

"Go forward!" The noble army of the Northland Army outside the city made a sound like a row of mountains and seas. The queue of infantry pressed like a wave, and tens of thousands of feet stepped into the mud on the ground.

"An Kaiya, the cleanup work will be given to you."

"Master, for the untouchables in the city..." the subordinate asked

"If there is resistance, kill it on the spot, and let the nobles deal with the rest." Viscount Bai Feng didn’t take it for granted. The battle process without any skills, just won by winning the army, and the city also mentioned Not interested in any of his interest, he directly handed it over to one of his subordinates. The so-called clean-up work is naturally to scrape the city in front of him, and also not to tap some welfare from these West Coast nobles, otherwise How can I stand up to the hardship of running in the rain

"Yes, my subordinates understood." The subordinate nodded and prepared to go away.

It was at this time that a Ranger nobleman from the distance flew towards the side from a distance, ran and pointed at his back, shouting something in his mouth

"What's going on?" Viscount Bai Feng frowned slightly.

"It should be found that someone is running away. You also know that in such a city breaking situation, it is quite normal for the city to run away." Esta, the deputy, said indifferently. After a while, the Ranger’s The voice began to pass clearly "West, a large number of enemies are approaching!"

"There are enemies to the west?" Just as both Viscount Bai Feng and Esta froze for a moment, a large black cloud began to appear in the hilly area to the west, and densely surging towards this side,

"What's that!" The sight of the west stopped everyone's footsteps, stunned one by one, and there was the voice of the Ranger who shouted hard in his ear, "enemy, a large number of enemies"

"Afraid of anything, haven't you fought, haven't all of our hundreds of thousands of reclamation troops been crushed by us!" Bai Feng, Viscount shouted loudly, "but no matter how many people there are, we are no longer our opponents! We are waiting for them!" His calmness and majesty suppressed the commotion, and all the troops moving towards the city were withdrawn.

Half an hour later

The black cloud moving to the west also stopped. It was an uncountable number of black armored infantry, with spears standing upright, a cold flash of steel, but the queues of these infantry appeared to be very scattered, and it was not a regular army at first glance, but to say It’s the Reclamation Army, it doesn’t seem like it, but the number is indeed a lot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is estimated that there are at least fifty thousand or sixty thousand people. This still ignores the people who are blocked behind.

"What the **** is this!" Viscount Bai Feng and Esta swallowed hard, and their 10,000 troops were in front of this big army, like an island that might be flooded at any time. may! After a commotion, the black infantry cluster suddenly began to roll over like an avalanche, and the shouting sound of the earth shaking changed the appearance of Viscount Bai Feng. "The nobleman must die! The nobleman must die!"


The heralding soldiers ran and shouted back and forth, rows of spear tips pointed forward and bent over to meet the enemy. The officers yelled and yelled at the ears of the soldiers. "Don't be afraid of them. A group of rioters will collapse as soon as you kill a batch." The obedient Northland noble soldiers nailed their feet firmly to the ground and held them tightly. With a spear, everyone's heart is pounding wildly. The teeth of the soldiers in the front row uncontrollably made a gurgling clash, their faces pale, and there were many people on the opposite side like the tide, and there was no end in sight at all, what is killing a batch, you try it,

"It's cheap, everything is a pariah!" With the increasing clarity, the slave tattoos on the face of these black armored infantrymen reflected in the eyes of the Noble Army of Northland, and the black armor soldiers on the opposite side were incredibly high speed Press closer! Every blink, get closer! As you can see, the dense knives and guns, and the gritty face, come densely and turbulently!

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