Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and eighty-four 3 days (6)

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When Eisante came to the Lightl account with the newly received order, Lightl was looking at the map of the northern land in front of him with a sad face. The three-day contract had passed half, although the Xiting army went south. , But one of the biggest problems is still unresolved, that is, the Hilland Fortress in Allensburg, which is known as never to be captured. Even if Leitel was born in the south, Karisu is very permeable to this fortress.

Ellensburg has the most beautiful scenery, but it is also the most difficult fortress to overcome in Hokuriku. It faces the lake on all sides and is only connected by a stone bridge with a width of five meters. Even if it has the absolute strength of 100,000 troops, it faces Ellensburg. There is no way, because the stone bridge is nearly 200 meters long, but the width is only less than 6 meters. The troops that can be sent at a time will not exceed 2,000 people, not to mention that the frontal attack may even have 100 people. Difficult, after more than 100 years of construction by the Randolph family, the thickness of the wall is only five meters wide, and the surrounding stone ledges control the surrounding. It is already a big problem to get close, not to mention the hard wall. In the face of such a Jedi, it is definitely a nightmare for any commander. In the face of this turtle shell, any attacker can do is to attack, use people to pile up,

And from the completion of Ellensburg to the present, there is no record of being captured once. Even the original Fezers have not captured Ellensburg! According to information, this time the nobles of Hokuriku are based in Ellensburg. The Xiting cavalry is no longer powerful, and it is impossible to steer horses from the lake. The advantage of the Xiting army lies in the long bow and fast horses. The enemy was unable to look after his head, and was finally dragged down alive. If the Xiting cavalry was dismounted, Estante, who came from the landlord of the Nord army, scorned the representative and said that a Nord elite infantry can fight two or even The three Xiting troops without war horses, that is to say, even if the Xiting army wiped out all the houses in the north, they would eventually stop under the city of Ellensburg.

Since the Xi Ting Army cannot be captured, it is only possible to rely on infantry

"Why, do you have a way to capture Ellensburg?" Lightl's gaze flickered to the incoming Estante, revealing joyful eyes.

"No, Ellensburg's defense can be said to be flawless, and it is no longer a target that can be achieved by only a large number of people." Estante shook his head, pretended to look ugly, and walked in. The command book in Yang’s hand was lifted, “The order to attack Ellensburg has been sent, or we will take Allensburg within two days, and we will be dealt with according to the misleading fighter”

"No, it's absolutely impossible to capture Ellensburg in two days!"

Lightl looked at the order book in Estanter's face with a stunned face, and jumped from the seat like a stunned butt. Seeing that Lightl was not terrified, Eastante suddenly smiled on his serious face. Pass the order book in your hand and open it. "Don't be so nervous, I was just joking with you. In fact, I rushed over as soon as I got the order book. I don't know what is inside."

Lightl breathed a sigh of relief and took the order book from Eisante. The red paint on it was indeed intact

"Although I don't think that the emperor will ask us to attack Ellensburg, the Northern Marine Warfare cannot be dragged on forever. The emperor must hope to be able to make a quick decision, so I still have some preparations in mind." Shrugging shoulders, his face became serious, and took a deep breath. Shen Sheng said, "Open it, in fact, I also want to know what the emperor wants us to do!"

Lightl used the paper knife on the table to open along the seal of the order book, and opened it cautiously and carefully, still thinking about what to do if the emperor really wanted to take Ellensburg within two days, even if he was really The strong force made hundreds of thousands of troops to attack day and night, and it was impossible to capture Ellensburg within two days. With the order book opened, Leiter’s eyes fell on the above content, and the speculative face was quickly stunned. Instead, the feeling is like seeing a flower blooming from the command book.

"What's the matter, what's the emperor's order?" Estanter looked at Lightl's quirky face, and felt faintly wrong. He couldn't help but leaned over and glanced at it. The whole body was solidified. The expression is exactly the same as that of Lettle. Of course, there are no flowers on the command book, only words. The content represented is almost made Estanter feel that the emperor is simply a blind commander. Even if you arrive on the west coast, this is Northland, not the west coast. Hunting The eagle emperor was completely in command of the battle on the map, and even issued such a ridiculous command.

"What does it mean to wait for an opportunity in the order book?" Lightl looked blank, as if he was awake.

"Waiting for an opportunity is to wait for an opportunity and then pounce on it." Eisante reached out and patted Lettle's shoulder, and sighed a long time. "Dajuntun is here, completely unaware of the movement of the nobles of the Northland, why? The opportunity came to say that although the Xiting Army had broken through the north, it only made the northern land nobles gathered in Ellensburg shrink even more. Do they dare to come out of Ellensburg, so I only Said that the emperor was simply blindly commanding,

Eistante's voice paused, his mouth sneered coldly, and his tone mocked and said, "Nothing strange, even if it's a warrior, it's the same as when it's miscalculated. You and I are well aware of the possibility of the Hokuriku nobles leaving Ellensburg Sex is almost zero, and the nobles of the Hokuriku are not fools. It is undoubtedly the safest to hide in the Ellensburg in the face of a group of cavalry that swept the north with a powerful battle within a day. Who will eat enough to leave Ai Leinsburg, "

Lightl looked weird and carefully closed the order book. He knew that Estanter was always unconvinced by the emperor and always more or less compared with the emperor. This former Nord general has always thought that he lost to the general trend. , Instead of losing to the emperor, always quite picky about the emperor’s layout,

"What if?"

Lightl's eyes flickered, and the emperor did not ask for an attack on Ellensburg. This was a temporary let-down of his heart, but the meaning in the order book was confusing.

"The battle depends on the mind, not on luck, just in case!"

Eistante's dissatisfied eyes flashed and mumbled, since the emperor didn't ask us to attack Ellensburg, wouldn't it be better for us to appreciate the scenery of the Hokuriku outside, and the command said it was opportunistic Move, but there is no chance, what do we move! Even if the emperor pursued it afterwards, we had no place to blame. In the face of Ellensburg, a fortress that inevitably needs human strangulation to overcome, we really don’t have to take the initiative to attack, or let the Xiting Army go toss Well, Xi Tingjun this time can be said to have made a lot of money. He can't eat meat or soup, but he can't bite his bones! "

Lightl opened his mouth, and found that this was the truth. The emperor did not issue an offensive order, and he did not need to attack Ellensburg. He was born in Carisu, and he was not an Empire himself, so he also made a decision about Estante. There is no dissatisfaction. The World War I in Roston was a surprise attack designated by Estante. The attack on the Albert army was also Eisante’s idea. I have to admit that Eisante’s military talent has been only seen in Leiter’s life. Outstanding, even if the Falcon Emperor, the mainland **** of war, is in the front, Leter also firmly believes that Estante is one of the top continents in the entire continent. If it is not its unruly character, it may be early. And became the leader of the empire’s army.

Just when the two were talking, an emperor’s expression came hurriedly and saw Lightl here, and quickly came over to salute. "Master, the woman of Geng Di's family who came a few days ago, now says there is an urgent matter outside the camp. You seem to be about Ellensburg!"

"Geng Di's woman. Collect this site ┏XX ④ ③ ⑨ ⑨ ┛... Ellensburg! "Letter's body shuddered a little, his eyes could not help but looked at Estante, who was stupefied next to him. In case, people from the Henglu Gengdi family immediately came to see if this was too evil! , Estante's face is green, and he definitely didn't wash his face today, or if he walked on something unclean, or how would he encounter such a face-slap

But Esante was known for being cheeky in the Nord army, but after a little embarrassment, he recovered his attitude and put a dry cough with his hand in his mouth, and put on a serious expression, "Lordle, It seems that Your Majesty is already fully committed to the Hokuriku situation, and the military order has been issued. We should resolutely implement the emperor’s order!"

"Bring that woman over"

Lightl was already accustomed to Eistante's cheeky face. He waved his hand to the officer. Soon, he saw a dusty woman brought to the front with a long ponytail and skin like crispy snow. The figure is weak, and the endless fresh and refined, although covered in embarrassment, it is indeed the girl owner of the Geng Di family who came to the Emperor Camp two days ago, and then they saw that this two days ago came with a hard face alone. The girl's head, kneeling in front of them, said hoarsely, "I asked the Gengdi family to surrender to the empire, and asked the adults to immediately send troops to Ellensburg, calm the turmoil, and save the entire northern land nobles."

What's happening here?

Lightl's face was dumb, and the change came too quickly, but it was Eistante next to him who seemed to see something. He grabbed Leitel and asked, "What happened to Ellensburg? If you don't Make it clear, how can we save Ellensburg!"

Geng Di Ruina embarrassed her face with embarrassment, she was indeed distraught, and she quickly told about the chaos that broke out in Ellensburg. Coming to the Emperor for help is the only thing she can think of to save the North The nobleman’s approach now allows Emperor North to enter Ellensburg, and he may be able to rescue some people from this sudden outbreak of the Northland Civil War

I only heard her voice say crisply, "The Randolph family of guards in Ellensburg has been unable to control the runaway situation. The families of Hokuriku are fighting in Ellensburg. Ellensburg is only fifty miles away. If you don’t believe it, you can directly Send someone to view "

"So, Ellensburg is now the battlefield?"

Lightl touched his chin and deliberately made a suspicious expression, but his mind was full of the words "waiting for opportunity" in the emperor's order book, and his body was cold, it seems that this is what the emperor's order called Opportunity, who could have thought that the strongest fortress, Ellensburg, which caused him a headache and had nothing to do with it, actually fought inside himself

How did the emperor make them fight? Alan Stein's face next to him was even more ugly, like an eggplant beaten by frost. He believed that the entire Hokuriku battle was under his control, but now he found that he was most proud of his strategy. However, there was a very serious flaw. As the biggest problem, the Allensburg civil war broke out, and it seemed that the emperor caused it by some means. However, as one of the emperors responsible for the Battle of Hokuriku, he was almost Looking at the Hokuriku in front of my eyes, it’s unclear why the Allensburg civil war broke out.

This is no longer a mistake, but really crushed intellectually,

For a person who thinks that he is self-conscious, it is like a slap in the face!

On the contrary, although his intelligence is not as good as him, Lightl, who has a better understanding of human nature, has changed his face, revealing a look of enlightenment, a good move to kill people without blood, the emperor is the emperor, how can the nobles of the Hokuriku be iron, how to fight the enemy, After all, it is a person, and there will be a psychological imbalance. The Xiting cavalry robbed and attacked all the way. It seemed like a raging wind and a raging wind. In fact, it was completely different in details. To the north, beheaded the Hokuriku nobility and its affiliates with more than three thousand people, completely killed the Hokurik nobility, but the next day, they selectively accepted the surrender of some families.

So deliberately destroy a batch, put a batch, and then scare a batch

It was only two days, and the enemies within the nobles of Hokuriku became a joke.

The nobles killed by the Xiting Army in the north must definitely die with the empire, and some families who were held by the empire, and it was obviously impossible to join in the Hokuriku Alliance. Others who have not yet been attacked. Seeing that the general trend has gone, naturally There is no possibility of dying together with the north, and the Hokuriku Alliance is completely broken!

The emperor used the sword of the western court army, which pointed to the ugliness of human nature, learned that his loved ones were slaughtered, and the territory was raged, while others turned their backs to betrayal and ran to the executioner. In fact, this kind of thing was replaced by the heart of anyone. Will be out of balance! Will erupt! The emperor's hands are playing with people's hearts! The families in the north are determined to fight against the empire, and they even pull the jade of other families to burn them, and the other families are naturally unwilling to be implicated in the north. Even if the emperor does not advance north, the nobles of the Hokuriku are already over! Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, Leiter could guess what was happening in Ellensburg.

It seems that the emperor hated the Hokuriku nobles for a sudden southward fire and robbery ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This made it clear that the Hokuriku nobles were completely uprooted!

Lightl took a deep breath and looked at Geng Di Reina who was kneeling in front of her. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the Geng Di family. This family, once the head of Hokuriku, was destined to be spurned by the entire Hokuriku. The families of Hokuriku will no longer have the slightest resistance in front of the empire

"I also ask the empire to send troops immediately, I am willing to act as a guide! Geng Di Reina knelt on the ground, saw no response for a long time, but looked up and saw Lightl full face, thought that Lightl did not trust himself, and quickly expressed his vows, now The deadline of the three-day agreement has not yet passed. Since Hokuriku surrendered, it is also the responsibility of the empire to grant acceptance and protection. I also ask adults to comply with the promise and quickly send troops to Allensburg to calm this rebellion!"

"Well, since Hokuriku promised to surrender, our empire will naturally guarantee your safety." Lighter took a deep breath and snorted heavily on the nose. "Submit the order, the whole army will finish the trimming and be ready to go."

Woo, the sound of the horn representing the departure hovered over the imperial camp, and the soldiers and horses standing like a forest came out of the open gate of the camp like a torrent, like Lin’s spear, black armor, hunting and dancing in the wild wind. Eagle Flag, the strong wind from the Northland wilderness swayed the cloak on Letle, up and down, like a red battle flag

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