Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and eighty five

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At night, in the breeze of the end of summer, there was obviously a scorched smell, a heat wave was rolling, the sky was completely stained with red, just like a huge red curtain over the top of the head, from the emperor It was already one or two o'clock in the evening when the battalion left until it arrived outside Ellensburg,

"Adult, it has been confirmed that noble troops are fighting inside and outside of Ellensburg, because the road is not clear, and the internal situation in Ellensburg is not known." An empire scolded the war horse in front of Lettle and burned in the distance. The light of the fire shone on the scout, and it looked like it was stained with blood. This is the periphery of Ellensburg,

"Okay, I know!" Lightl took a deep breath and glanced at the scene. Even if the scene before him was not scolded for confirmation, he could be sure that what Geng Di Ruina said was true, because there was enough in front of him The stars and lights in the range of twenty or thirty miles almost completely covered the area in front. These are burning houses, towns, and such a huge area that spreads. Even the light pupils can’t help but shrink.

Red Maple City!

When Lightl was a passionate young man, he heard people talk about Ellensburg, but what really let Lightl get to Ellensburg is not exactly the strong wall of Ellensburg that has never been captured. It is a red maple city that extends to the surrounding area centered on the lake where Ellensburg is located. Ellensburg has been a neutral area for centuries of calm. Even if there is a battle between the nobles of Hokuriku, Rarely affects Ellensburg. Under the peace policy of the Randolph family, Ellensburg not only has high barriers, beautiful scenery, but also this huge peripheral town in the range of twenty or thirty miles. Area, this huge urban area with a population of more than 300,000, is the economic and cultural center of the entire Northland

This is the credit of the Randolph family, the controller of Ellensburg. The ancestors of the Randolph family were ordered to **** the Hokuriku Princess back to Ellensburg, and later they were ordered to stay as the tomb watcher, limited to the original decree of Fezer. Without more than three thousand armaments, the successor of the Randolph family devotes all their wealth and energy to the development of towns

In particular, in order to commemorate his deceased daughter, the third-generation family Randolph Paul Latam ordered all the lakes to be planted with her favorite daughter's favorite Hokuriku maple. This kind of Hokuriku maple is similar to other red maples on the mainland, but Because of the special geographical climate of Hokuriku, Hokuriku Red Maple is much shorter than the normal red maple tree, only more than three meters. If the nearby house is high enough, you can easily touch the red flame maple leaves when you open the glass and reach out. And in autumn, when the wind from the lake blows through these large areas of red maple forest, the kind of red sea waves are heavy, and there are towns in the huge red maple forest that are more than twenty miles away. Any traveler who comes to Ellensburg is a shocking experience

When he was young, Lightl had also imagined that one day he would be able to go to Allensburg in the northern part of Fieser to take a look at the beautiful lake and red maple. Lightl did not expect that at the time, he only thought that the night was fancy. The possibility is realized at this moment, but the scene in front of me is really not linked to beauty, the town is burning, and the people who are running around are everywhere. The destructive power of war is reflected here.

"Molina's family surrendered to the empire and was executed!"

"Everyone who surrenders to the empire will kill!"

"Any resident dared to harbor imperialists, commit the same crime as rebellion, kill!"

"Any resident who dares to assist Xiali’s family, who refuses to open the door to be searched, is guilty of treason and kills!" Soldiers from both factions rushed into the street. Although Allensburg serves as a war center for both sides, the total area of ​​Allensburg It’s that big, plus the nobles are not just staying in Ellensburg alone, some are also accompanied by a large number of followers

Therefore, only seven or eight thousand people can truly be in Ellensburg. The other noble troops of more than 10,000 are all stationed in urban areas. When the unrest broke out, the commanders of both sides passed from Ellensburg almost simultaneously. The order came, and the soldiers on both sides directly used the Red Maple City as the battlefield, but this war soon became a chaotic battle.

The local politician who had quietly ran out of Ellensburg and said that he would not intervene in the fighting on both sides was dragged out of his home by the rioting soldiers, and killed 35 relatives of his parents, wife and son in front of him. The hammer smashed the waist and back, and the soldiers were impatient. They stepped him alive with horseshoes into meat. 51 people from the Hongfeng City Sheriff's family were locked into their own homes and then released by the chaotic army. The fire, the noble army soldiers who had lost their restraints had already killed their red eyes. The nobles were all in Ellensburg, and the external contact was cut off as early as the outbreak, so the two soldiers in the town were completely out of control. They saw To any family with money and beautiful women, they shouted, "This is the secret base of the emperor! He broke into the door immediately, and then came the screams of men and the screams of women...,

Because things happened so suddenly, many family soldiers didn't know why they wanted to fight, and with whom? Didn’t you say that you were fighting against the imperial team? How did you fight each other? Many dazed noblemen rushed into the surrounding shops and ran into the luxuriously decorated iron fence gates. Without the military power to protect the Red Maple City, suddenly In front of the turmoil, it was like a girl with the shameless cloth ripped off. The whole city was burning. The headless corpses were lying on the long street where the emperor was red by the fire. There were burning and killing everywhere. It’s a burning house, and the huge maple of red maple is also scorched by the hot roast, and it is set against the red maple tree planted on the side of the street. The sight like **** in front of him, let Lettler’s brow tightly screwed together.

"God! How could this be!" Geng Diruina, who was the guide of the army, made a bleak voice, and she looked at the scene in front of her with a pale face. She couldn't believe it was the most prosperous red maple in Northland. City, the hot heat blowing her linen hair, burning red light on her body, as if stained with a layer of blood, Red Maple City, the most prosperous urban area of ​​Hokuriku, just a few Hours, it turned into what it looked like, no matter how outstanding Geng Di Rena is, after all, it is a girl who does not have too much experience, even the battlefield has not experienced, how can you face the cruelty of war

But for the emperor, the scene in front of him is still acceptable. Isn’t it a dead person? Haven’t I seen it? Outside the city of Roston, everyone cut off more than 40,000 heads in one fell swoop. Much more tragic, the black imperial army is like a black line in the dark,

The Noble Army of Hokuriku, which is looting in the town, does not know at all. It is tens of thousands of **** eyes that are looking at them at this moment.

"Master, what are we going to do now? In such a chaotic situation, we can't tell who is the enemy and who is the surrendering Hokuriku family." An imperial general drove the war horse over and asked Leitre with a grim look

"Differentiate? Why do we need to distinguish? It’s all the same, do we still need to take care of it! Tell's voice snorted coldly, and he ordered to the imperial generals behind him that he was able to wield a butcher's knife on everyone, whether it was or not. The surrendered Hokuriku families do not need to stay! Go through the order and find any resistance, the looters kill on the spot"

"Yes, understand." The generals of the Empire nodded solemnly,

, The black tide is surging, the claws are clanging, and the black armor is like a black ghost emerging from the periphery of the burning town

"Everyone moves forward, any resistance, kill in place"

As the command was passed away, in the shadowy night, the imperial team wearing black armor drove into the city, the light cavalry had the fastest speed, the sword was out of the sheath, and the hot wind was coming, diving with the cold night, A Northland Noble Army soldier who was snatching something heard the rumble of shaking from behind, and turned his head curiously, as if the flash of light and electricity flew over the mountain, and the sharp imperial war knife had already been ruthlessly driven by horsepower. The noble soldier's shoulder was cut off and chuckled. The noble soldier who had not yet had time to respond was eviscerated on the spot, blood gushed out of the incision with internal organs,

"The Sixth Banner Regiment goes west, and the Eighth Banner Regiment goes east. The fastest update is ┏XX④③⑨⑨┛..."

Tens of thousands of empire troops rushed into the flame-burning battlefield in front of them. The steel armor of black armor moved forward unstoppable. The enemies who had not stood behind them. The Northland Noble Army did not expect that the imperial team would kill. They Looting property in the city, looting in groups of three or five, and the entire command system completely paralyzed. When the emperor team in front of them was found in large numbers, the noble army of the Hokuriku in the urban area was completely scattered. , I saw the imperial team coming like the Kuroshio, some panickedly fetched weapons, some were in awkward crawling, and many more people just turned around and ran,

In this chaos, an imperial cavalry galloped directly towards the stone bridge connecting Ellensburg, and in the direction of the stone bridge, hundreds of soldiers wearing the armor of the Siali family were waiting for it. The bayonet blocked the bridge deck, and a middle-aged general wearing heavy armor stood in front, squinting and staring at the burning town in the distance

From the beginning of the turmoil, the Ciali family quickly cut off the only stone bridge to the road, and at the cost of the entire Red Maple City, they dragged the strength of other families. Now those families in Ellensburg are afraid that they will not be killed. I thought that the Xiali family would sacrifice their entire Red Maple City to hold down their troops, and while they were desperately looking forward to rescue, their army was raging in Red Maple City.

"Adult, such a red maple city, that's it... Isn't it a pity?" Some people expressed regret to the general who led the team. The wealth of the red maple city is famous throughout the Hokuriku, otherwise it will not Will cause chaos and robbing of other noble troops, and they just look at it with their eyes, their hearts are itchy

"Tell everyone to cheer up, don't be tempted by a small profit in front of you, as long as you can take control of Ellensburg, only the centuries-old wealth of the Randolph family is enough to be worth a red maple city, not to mention these The head of the family is in hand. It is not up to us to say how much ransom we want. They eat it in Hongfeng City, and it is not all ours in the end. When the reward is given by the head of the house, your benefits will be indispensable!"

Just as the voice of the general was just falling, a row of black shadows penetrated the town area in front of him, and the faint rumbling sound, like the waves rolling, grew louder and louder, and the sound expanded to roll against the ground like a stuffy thunder. Come, for a time it seems to give people a feeling of standing up and down

"Ride... cavalry!"

Some soldiers yelled in horror, before they could see the true colors of the shadows. Rows of cold black armor, dark red illuminated by the flames on both sides of the street, like the same row of steel slamming against the coast. Then came the strong imperial cavalry, and the noble soldiers of the Ciali family were squeezed and squeezed. On the narrow bridge, the bright red blood sputtered from the Mercedes-Benz and passed the war horses, many of which had not yet been noticed. The soldiers only felt the flower in front of them. The Imperial War Saber had sharply crossed their infantry armor. A tearing sound was mixed in the collision of metal and flesh and blood. Almost directly, they rushed to the bridge, flesh and blood Flying across, the sound of horseshoes covered up all the sounds in the world

The blood wave rolled over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one expected that the other party would sturdyly use the war horse to directly hit the narrow bridge entrance, and the short linen hair of the general of the Xiali family stood up like a stubble. Although he was stunned, he quickly reacted. The heavy sword in his hand was slashed with his vigorous force. An imperial warhorse was hit by a sword in the front. The imperial cavalry above was thrown heavily into the lake next to him. He was Ci Yali A famous general, a big knight who is famous for his stubbornness and arrogance, after a short stop, shouted, "Everyone is not allowed to retreat, even if they die, they will die on the bridge."

"The bridge was attacked and signaled that we need reinforcements!" At the same time, he also shouted to a messenger shooter behind him. The shooter immediately pulled out a cluster of arrows and wrapped the front end with tarpaulin. The tall one lifted diagonally upward towards the distance, the bowstring was loosened, and a little red line flew out. The scene 100 meters away in the distance quickly pulled away with the red line. I saw a team of armored knights swarming like an ant colony Come, can't see the number, just like a cold light projected down, I don't know how many armored knights keep up, the fire is fierce, and the murderous air is flying. The goals of both sides are focused on this stone bridge at this moment.

"Dismount, the whole march forward!" Because the Shiqiaokou was too narrow, although the cavalry who rushed in front tore open the mouth, but no progress could be made, the emperor officer who led the team simply ordered the whole team to dismount and copy the battle immediately The cavalry shields and war knives rushed up like a bloodthirsty beast, crushing all living creatures in front

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