Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and sixteen Dead door (18)

Martin Force decided to build a pontoon bridge to cross the river, and more than 100,000 people started all. The tall and long trunks were dragged directly to the river bank with the branches, and the trunks of seven or eight thighs were tied together tightly. The prototype of the temporary pontoon, the river in front of it is said to be narrow, but it is definitely not the size of the big river, that is, the width of 20-30 meters. If it is not the season of the winter, it is not necessary for this pontoon. The sturdy Martin Lica Cavalry can cross the horse directly, so Spike has planned the raid route for so long, but he has never looked at this absolutely unremarkable river on the map.

Spike and Martin Lloyd Lords, never thought that this river has become a dead line for more than one hundred thousand troops

"Accelerate the speed, don't worry about what is stable and stable, as long as it can reach the opposite bank"

"Don't lie on the ground and pretend to die, as long as you cross the river, just lie for as long as you want!"

"Sir, let's eat hot first, otherwise I can't bear it"

"No kidding, now in this case, how could there be time to engage in food"

The officers of Martin Liya crimson eyes, riding the war horse to stimulate the soldiers, the provocative actions of the imperial team greatly inspired the morale of Martin Liya, which had already begun to sink, but the fatigue of the human body was Unable to disguise, many Martin Liya soldiers have begun to pant, more people are hungry, trembling, cold, trembling, and the road is broken from the back, the army has turned from the Holy Capital to the southern line to the present, and it has passed. After ten hours of continuous running and continuous combat, coupled with the winter cold, Martin Force was wearing relatively thin, many cavalry hung everything that could be wrapped around the body, still cold teeth pressure Unable to click, the winter has already consumed the human body quickly, and now it is cold and hungry, and hungry and hungry, of course, these are basically for Martin Liya's commander who is red-eyed because of the fiasco in front. Is ignoring

"His Royal Highness, the pontoon is basically ready. I believe that an attack can be launched soon. Let's eat some food first!"

A Martin Liya lord came to Spike and placed a roasted golden tempting horse leg meat on the plate, respectfully placed behind Spike. The other lords were already eating big They are not soldiers. Although they are fighting in a large army, there are no more than a hundred guards around them, and there are attendants who are responsible for daily meals on weekdays. It's hard for them to endure hardship in the wind and dinner

"You are starting to slaughter the warhorse?" Spike sighed helplessly, his eyes fell on the piece of horse meat, his face slightly changed, Martin Liya people attached great importance to the war horse, and Martin Liya always thought Wild horses are the best gift given by the prairie. It is strictly forbidden to slaughter wild horses in the country, not to mention war horses.

"Your Highness, don't get me wrong!" the lord of the Yi people quickly shouted. "The dried meat that he carried was hung on the battlefield by the wind for more than two days. It had been cold and could collapse people's teeth. Now the war is coming, You don’t have a little hot food to eat, and your Highness doesn’t have to care too much. This horse is no longer able to work because of its off-force. Instead of wasting food for the wild wolf, it is better to give it the honor to worship His Highness."

"I hope so. It’s not Martin Leah’s homeland after all. It’s not a rare thing to kill a warhorse because of a war. It’s just that everyone knows that they haven’t said it. Why should they be too entangled if they go tonight? If it’s not this river, that’s the big problem.” Hearing what the lord said, Spike smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth. He sat down to take a piece of horse meat and stuffed it into his mouth. The fragrance of the horse meat was hot in his mouth. It’s as if it’s going to change, Spike feels that this is definitely the best food of his generation, and he looks unconsciously across the river,

Under the blaze of countless torches covered with the North Shore, the black crushed imperial cavalry seemed to be line after line, piece by piece of metal reflection, dense swords, as far as the eye could see, waiting for the army to attack the paved pontoon, opposite The imperial team will certainly not look at this name, most of the opponents are bow cavalry, there will inevitably be a tragedy!

At four o'clock in the morning, the Martin Lee army began to gather. In the wet and cold midnight, rows of wooden pontoons appeared on the Martin Force. The large number of Martin Forces could not even calculate themselves. Spike was riding in Immediately on the battlefield, his eyes fell on the spreading army of the local side. The horses and horses formed a rough sea. The spears with colorful ornaments could not see the end and end for a time. The vast river beaches, major The army of the lord, heralding soldiers to travel, some time ago, the Sandu area encountered the rainy season into the winter, and there was a large amount of water flowing from the northern coast area, which caused the river to swell. Stepping on the foot is the sound of la la la, and on the south bank of the river, countless imperial black armored cavalrymen on the opposite side are as strong as iron armor, and their blades are frost cold. Unable to breathe out a long white gas

The army of the major lords was deployed across the board, without any reservation. Martin Cavalry Cavalry dismounted all the horses, and temporarily adjusted 20,000 infantry to be archers, crowded and crowded on the bank of the river, and the pontoon Mucha There are thousands of shooters. Spike was covered with a white cloak, wearing a black armor inside, and slowly raising his right hand under the eyes of everyone. The major lords were also silent, and their eyes shone strangely.

"Master Pei Sulie!"

"I'm here!"

"I also ask the adults to lead the Sixth Army as the main offensive and try to attract the attention of the Imperial Cavalry, Spike said

"Follow your orders, Your Highness!" The voice of Martin Martin's lord was almost solid and heavy

"You don't have to be too reluctant, as long as you are attracted. If the casualties are too heavy, you can decide to retreat." Spike nodded slightly at him, the Martin Martin's face froze for a moment, and said quickly with excitement, cold night cold wind , The swat on the face was like a knife cut, one by one Martin Liya team covered the front of the river beach, the military flag was rolling, each queue held an amazing length of wooden platoon, under the eyes, Spike pulled out high Sword, wave forward, the blade is glorious, "For Martin's strength, everyone moves forward!"

Martin Liya had a feeling of self-confidence for his absolute superiority in military strength. He believed that as long as he could cross the river at the fastest speed, all problems would be solved, but it was delayed here for an hour or two. There will be other unforeseen changes. It is actually that some of the emperor's tactics have been used in the end. The prelude to the war is thus opened.

"The whole team moves forward"

"Cross the river~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cross the river, cross the river"

In the hoarse shouts, the Martini teeth soldiers were boiling with blood, and a spirit of seeing death was permeating into their hearts. The beach was like a booming noise, like a huge rock rolling down from the high mountain. The pontoon forces formed by a team of phalanxes rolled forward, and the metal light of the armor shield and the spear flashed in the front. Countless people held the pontoon and rushed straight into the river. The speed was as fast as a tsunami, unstoppable like an avalanche, and a pair of feet Stepping into the icy, biting river, these Martin Cavalry Cavalry soldiers completely regarded themselves as infantry, with their shields at the front, and rushed forward to kill,


The sky suddenly darkened. From the opposite side, dense arrows of locusts, even iron shields, were penetrated by the clusters of arrows. They were shot by this rain of arrows, and the force of Martin Liya at the forefront was dense. In the queue, there was no time to scream, countless arrow clusters hit the front, but in the face of the falling arrow like rain, Martin Lijin still advanced, a large number of heavy shields stacked on the top, forming a nearly two The metal wall at the height of the meter, the people behind quickly throw the braided pontoon into the water, and the other end is pressed by seven or eight people to prevent the wooden row from being swept away by the torrent, but it is swaying. On the other side of the river

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